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Blood Demon Barry was scared away!

Also returning to Demon World with it is the Divine Soul Mark that Monray put on it.

“It is!”

Through Divine Soul Mark, Monray easily sensed the existence of Demon World.

Then construct the Demon channel, summon Demon World Demon, according to the idea of ​​Undead Magic.

Level 5 Little Evil Spirit.

Level 7 Yellow Springs Ghost.

Sacred Territory Grand Fiend.

Demon heads out by summon.

Evil Spirit, Yellow Springs Ghost, Lesser Fiend, Grand Fiend, Ice Demon, Horned Demon, Flame Demon…

There is only one end of these Demons, and that is to enter Tower of Time.

As Dodora said, Demon is the best food for Fallen Angel.

Little Kele saw Demon as if the cat saw a mouse and started devouring it frantically!

Head to head Lesser Fiend!

Head to head Yellow Springs Ghost!

In less than half a day, little Kele had eaten 100 Demon and Evil Spirit, and the aura on her body continued to swell.

“Too edible!”

Monray watched little Kele eat, only deeply shocked. Demon is Demon. How can ordinary Human children compare to her?

Even so, Monray didn’t want to starve little Kele. Divine Soul hovered over Hell, catching all the Demons he could catch.

After half a day, Monray forced summon to produce hundreds of Demons.

At this time, Monray stopped summon.

“Master, can I also study Demon magic?” Chahman rubbed his hands and looked at Monray hopefully, self-evident.

Monray happily agreed, and then constructed the Demon channel. Chahman even put his Divine Soul Mark into the Demon World, and then expressed his heartfelt thanks to Monray for his generosity.

“If you have time, I can play with more summon demons, I’m useful!” Monray said with a smile.

“Master, I understand!”

Chahman Link!

“Well, you can go back!”

“Yes, Master!”

After sending Chahman back to Imperial Capital, Monray greeted several Demi-Gods.

“Barbus, Klaus, Cesia and Nagya leave with me!”

Monray gave instructions: “Mervin, Assassin, and Spider Goddess, stay underground and spread my faith!”

“Observe, Master!”

Six Demi-God bowed.

Although Spider Goddess was uncomfortable with Monray’s orders, after just a shot, she really saw how powerful Monray was. She didn’t dare to provoke Monray again, neither uttering a word nor rejecting it, which was considered a tacit consent.

“I hope that in one year, my faith will spread throughout the underground world!”

Monray glanced at Mervin, Assassin and Spider Goddess: “Don’t let me down!”

“Must live up to the Master’s trust!”

Mervin and Assassin quickly promised.


Subsequently, Monray left the underground world with 4 Demi-God subordinates.

Before leaving, Monray left Little Gold with 5 sacred tree fruits. With these 5 fruits, Little Gold can enter the Sacred Territory in a short time.

“Master, shall we go to Sunset Mountains next?” Barbus asked for instructions.

Monray slightly nodded, said: “Klaus, you are the fastest, take us a ride!”

“Yes, Master!”

Klaus became a true body mutated Fire Dragon, and then flew with everyone.

Monray leaned on Klaus’s back, bored, and communicated with the system.

“System, come 1000 Unlimited Pick Up!”

“Ding! The fusion is successful and I get a pair of Elf Lucy crystal shoes!”


“Ding! The integration is successful and I get a Divine Spark. Is it integrated?”


Monray flipped over, and a silver Divine Spark appeared in the palm of his hand. Among them, there was a thunderbolt shining and thunder running away. It was actually a Lightning Element Divine Spark!

“this is?”

Sensing Divine Spark aura, Barbus, Nagya, Cesia, and even Klaus who sat down all looked over, their faces all showing incredible colors!

“God… Divine Spark!”

“It’s Divine Spark!”

The breathing of the 4 people became hurried, and their eyes were stark, especially Lightning Queen Cesia, with greed and desire in their eyes.

She is Lightning Naga, majoring in Law of Lightning, Lightning Element Divine Spark and her attributes are the best match, if she is integrated, she will definitely become a True God!

“Don’t watch it, I can’t give it to you for now!”

Monray glanced at them: “Before I became a True God, please don’t worry about these Divine Sparks. If you think about me, you won’t give it!”

“Master, what do you mean…”

4 people were shocked!

“Do things for me well, there will be everything that should be, and don’t think about it!”

Monray faintly smiled and took out the other two Divine Sparks and showed them casually.

“Divine Spark !”

“3 Divine Sparks!”

The eyes of the 4 Demi-Gods were red, and the Master actually had 3 Divine Sparks on his body, and he heard what the Master said…

“Master, please put it down, we must swear allegiance to Master, bow to the essence, and die!” The four people quickly expressed their opinions!

“hope so!”

Monray continues to pay attention to the system hint.

“Ding! The fusion is successful and I get 1 finger from Viscount Io!”


“Ding! The integration is successful, and you get a Divine Soul Crystal Essence!”

“Divine Soul Crystal Essence!!!”

Monray was overjoyed: “Haha, actually got another Divine Soul Crystal Essence, luck is very good, with this 1 Divine Soul Crystal Essence, this 1 Law Source Crystal is worth it!”

“Don’t say anything, merge first!”


After a long while, Monray glanced at the attribute panel and couldn’t help but smile!

Incorporating this Divine Soul Crystal Essence, Divine Soul has reached the level of Peak Demi-God Soul as desired.

“Add the Peak Demi-God Body, and finally enter the Peak Demi-God Realm!”

Monray was very satisfied with the harvest of this 1000 Law Source Crystal, and decisively came again 1000 times, but this wave, his good luck seemed to run out!

After a full 1000 pickups, he failed to pick up a decent thing.

Monray is not angry. Gambling, it’s fun to lose or win. If you keep winning, what fun is there?

“Come again 1000 times!”

“Ding! The fusion is successful and you get 1 icefield cod!”


“Ding! The fusion is successful, and a Law fragment is obtained. Will it be fused?”


“Huh? This time it’s actually a fragment of Fusion Law of Metal, Darkness and Fire!”

“Yes, yes! No loss in this wave!”

Monray even looked towards the property panel, the Law Comprehension column really changed.

Law Comprehension: Earth and Wood (100%), Metal and Darkness (100%), Light and Water (100%), Lightning and Ice (100%), Metal, Darkness and Fire (0.1%)

“System, how much does it cost to upgrade Metal, Darkness and Fire Fusion Law of Three Elements?” Monray asked system.

“Ding! To increase the Fusion Law of Metal, Darkness and Fire degree by 1%, 1010000 Law Source Crystal is required!” system replied coldly!

“1% requires 1010000 Law Source Crystal, 100% is 100010000 Law Source Crystal!”

Monray silently counted: “It’s better to let it go first. After the Sunset Mountains and Golden Archipelago are looted, it will not be too late to improve!”


“Ding! The integration is successful and the Innate Divine Ability Absolute Zero is obtained, is it integrated?”

“Innate Divine Ability, Absolute Zero?”

Monray sighed: “Fusion!”

As the fusion was completed, Monray couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Divine Ability Absolute Zero is similar to Divine Spell Absolute Zero, but not exactly the same!

First of all, Divine Power is not consumed!

As Innate Divine Ability, Divine Ability Absolute Zero is just like instinct when used, and does not need to consume Divine Power at all.

Simpler, more convenient and more convenient!

Second, power is greater.

Divine Ability Absolute Zero can not only freeze 10000 objects, freeze space, and even freeze space!

Simply put, Divine Ability Absolute Zero is an enhanced and plus version of Divine Spell Absolute Zero!

“Nice ability!”

Monray likes this ability very much, he used Forbidden Spell Absolute Zero often before.

But obviously, as the strength increases and the opponent becomes stronger, Forbidden Spell Absolute Zero can no longer meet the demand.

And Divine Spell Absolute Zero consumes Divine Power, and the gain is not worth the loss, so Monray rarely uses Absolute Zero!

Well now, with Divine Ability Absolute Zero, you can continue to use this ability!


“Ding! The fusion is successful and the Unicorn Bloodline is obtained. Is it fusion?”

“No fusion!”

“Ding! The integration is successful, and you get a handle of Lesser Giant Wolf Tooth Club!”

“Come again 1000 times!”


“Come again 1000 times!”


“Ding! The integration is successful and I get a Divine Spark. Is it integrated?”

“Divine Spark again? This time it’s Wind Element Divine Spark. It’s not bad. I received it!”

“Ding! The integration is successful and the Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline is obtained. Is it a fusion?”

“Hundred Arms Giant?”

Monray slightly startled: “Hundred Arms Giant is also Titan? Wait a minute, consult Dorala later, and then consider whether to integrate!”


“Ding! The fusion is successful, and a Law fragment is obtained. Will it be fused?”


“This time it is Metal, Wood and Lightning, yes!”

In this way, Monray picked it up while rushing, leisurely.

Klaus was very fast, and it took only 2 hours to reach the Sunset Mountains.

Firmament Continent is high in the west and low in the east. The Magic Beast Mountains in the middle and the Dragon God Empire in the east are relatively flat. The Titan Empire in the west is full of plateaus.

This plateau is the Titan plateau!

The Titan Plateau has a high altitude, simple vegetation and relatively scarce resources. This is Monray’s first experience after entering the Titan Plateau!

The entire Sunset Mountains is like a wall, between the Titan Plateau and the extreme north wasteland, with different landforms on the two sides.

“Master, we are in the Sunset Mountains!”

“Here? Go to Chimera Race!”


Half an hour later, the entire group reached the territory of Chimera Race, but unexpectedly, the entire Chimera Race had been looted!

The whole clan disappeared cleanly, only the blood and fierce fighting marks all over the place silently told the experience of Chimera Race!

As for the wealth of Chimera Queen and Chimera Race, they are even more empty!

“Has the early bird caughtes the worm?”

Monray’s face is not very good, he came not far from ten thousand li, just for the wealth of Chimera Queen.

As Demi-God, Chimera Queen must have a lot of savings. Monray is still waiting to send a fortune, is that all?


Monray shouted: “I would like to know, who is so courageous and dare to hack my money!”

“Yes, Master!”

The 4 Demi-God subordinates felt Monray’s anger and quickly searched.

The 4 Demi-Gods searched with all their might. Since they were not cracking a joke, the results were available in a few minutes.

“Master, people from Titan Empire should have done watching the footprints, and there are a lot of people!”

“Titan Empire? What a brave!”

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