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The wind is raging above the clouds, cracks appear frequently, a Hell scene of heaven falls and earth rends, and the onlookers have a stormy sea.

Ten 5 to one!

Obviously bullying less!

Obviously unfair!

Obviously a win!

However, it turned out to be completely unprepared. Monray used an enemy to force Titan Demi-God to fight, and the more fights the more brave is, the more violent the Vietnam War!

“Is this a fucking human?”

“How can a Human Race be so strong?”

“Monster! He is a Monster!”

The Lightning Titan is full of coldness. I thought that when the Old Ancestors appeared, Monray was bound to die. Unexpectedly, it was such a situation!

“Old dogs, do you only have this strength?” Monray laughs facing the sky: “If this is the case, you must fall today!”


“Kill him!”

“Use Divine Spell!”

After a collision, the Titan Demi-Gods clearly felt the gap between the Divine Body, and they quickly quit the battle circle and launched the Divine Spell!

“Divine Spell: Annihilation Divine Wind!”

“Divine Spell: Life Punishment!”

“Divine Spell: Meteorfall!”

“Divine Spell: Absolute Zero!”

“Divine Spell: Ultimate Alchemy!”


A dozen Divine Spells flocked to Monray in an instant, the divine wind that shattered everything, the wood vines that swallowed life force, the meteorite that destroyed heaven extinguishing earth…

All the strikes on Monray seem to be torn into pieces, smashed into meat sauce, frozen into ice sculpture, refined into gold…

“Booming -“

At the same time, the Divine Power shock wave of destroying heaven extinguishing earth shook away and swept across the mountain in an instant, and the onlookers were lifted off again!

When the aftermath dissipated, Titan Demi-God and the onlookers looked quickly, but did not see Monray. He disappeared, as if he had never appeared before!

“Dead… dead?”

An onlooker stared eyes wide!

“Should… die? Under the Divine Spell that destroys everything, who can survive?”

Someone said uncertainly.

The Titan Demi-Gods did not relax at all, because they knew very well that Monray was not dead, and even the attack just didn’t hit Monray at all!

With the strength of the Divine Body displayed by Monray, even if it hits it, it is impossible to blast into dust, not even a single piece is left!

“Everyone be careful !!!”

An elderly Titan Demi-God reminded loudly!

“Careful? Does it work?”

Monray appeared abruptly in front of the elderly Titan Demi-God, and 100 fists banged down like a cannon, with a small punch!

“Ahhh ~~~”

Suddenly, mournful scream resounded through the sky, like a ghost from Hell wailing, everyone’s scalp was tingling and their backs were chilling!

What does it feel like to be bombarded by so many fists? Will it hurt?


The elderly Titan, who is being beaten by small punches, feels the most clearly. Every punch of Monray carries the mighty force that destroys everything, and he is dizzy with every punch!

With 100 small punches coming like a rainstorm, the elderly Titan Demi-God only felt that there was no pain anymore in his body, his face, neck, arms, chest, bones…




It’s more painful than being broken or giving birth!

Finally, when all the pain stopped, the elderly Titan flew out upside down, and everyone only saw a pile of minced meat…

The old Titan also ended up in the same fate as Old Priest Heiman, and was smashed!

“Dead… dead?”

“Another Old Ancestor is dead?”

The onlookers are trembling in fear, what could be more shocking than seeing a Demi-God being beaten into meat sauce with your own eyes?


There is nothing more shocking than this!


“Why would he be so strong?”

The Lightning Titan emperor muttered to himself. At this moment, he had already seen that Monray was not fighting at all, but… playing!


Just play!

As long as Monray is willing, he can kill any Old Ancestor anytime, anywhere!

But he didn’t do it, but cat plays with mice, he is playing with Old Ancestors!

Titan Demi-Gods also felt this point. While their anger was rising, they also felt deep powerlessness!

This thief is so strong, how can he fight?

“Not even dead!”

Kill the old Titan, without receiving the system hint as expected, Monray knows that this old product also has the Divine Avatar!

Monray couldn’t help but looked towards the remaining 14 Demi-God, and he found a Demi-God who looked exactly like the old Titan!

“You… you actually killed my Wind Element Divine Avatar!”

The elderly Titan Demi-God’s eyes were red: “Do you know how much effort and effort I took to make this Avatar?”

“No! All gone!”

The elderly Titan Demi-God is completely crazy: “Thief, you have cut off my path to Godhood, and let me count 10000 years of hard work into nothing. I want you to die! Die!”

This Titan Demi-God rushed to Monray, his body surged with blood, and suddenly exploded!

“Booming -“

Just like the explosion of a 10100000000-ton hydrogen bomb, the elderly Titan Demi-God instantly exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the incomparable destructive power spread out, instantly flooding Monray and continuing to flood all around!

“Elder Frank!!!”

There are 13 Titan Demi-God turn pale with fright left, sprinting towards the distance!

The destructive power produced by a Self-destruction of a Demi-God powerhouse is very terrifying, even if they are involved, there is no life!

The violent shock wave submerged the giant Spirit Peak, submerged the Titan Temple, submerged the Giant God God Statue up to thousand zhang!

As for the spectators who fled to the distance, they were also not spared and were also drowned!


The breeze was blowing, and the smoke was gradually dissipated, the square was re-emerged, and the Titan Temple disappeared, completely razed to the ground!

The Giant God statue up to thousand zhang also fell to the ground, lying on his back on the ground.

“Elder Frank, why are you doing this?”

The 13 Titan Demi-God hovered in the distance, all a little bit distressed.

At the same time, the onlookers who survived by chance also looked here with horror.

They were obviously far away, but still most of them were killed!

Had fallen blood mold!

“Cough cough! Is the thief dead?”

The Emperor Lightning Titan was also one of the survivors. At this time, he looked very embarrassed, all in tatters, drenched with blood, and severely injured.

But he didn’t have the time to pay attention to this. He stared at that side, eager to know if Monray was dead. This is what he cares most!

“What about the thief?”

“do not know!”

“Elder Frank Self-destruction, the destructive power is terrifying, and the thief is in the center of Self-destruction. If this is not dead, there is no sense!”

“It makes sense!”

“It’s a pity Elder Frank…”

The hearts of Titan Demi-Gods were sad.

Elder Frank is the eldest and most senior Demi-God among them. Many of them have been advised by Elder Frank!

Now that they see Elder Frank end up like this, how can they not feel sad?

“Barbus, your accomplice is dead!”

Hazeus stared at Barbus coldly, showing a touch of cruelty: “Now, it’s your turn! But don’t worry, I won’t kill you easily!”


Barbus grinned, as if looking at an idiot: “You think too much, Hazeus!”

“What do you mean?”

Hazeus’s face sank.

“Master is so powerful that you can’t imagine it!” Barbus smiled proudly: “An attack of just that level can’t hurt Master!”

“Barbus, you look at him too highly!”

Hazeus coldly snorted and said: “Elder Frank is Peak Demi-God, how tyrannical is the Divine Body, he sacrificed himself for Self-destruction, Firmament Continent, no one can escape!”

“Firmament Continent?”

Barbus sneered, he was about to ridicule. He suddenly saw a person appearing in the distance and smiled suddenly: “Hazeus, open wide your dog eyes, take a good look, who is that?”

Hazeus turned his head in doubt, and suddenly as if was struck by lightning, he froze in place: “No… no death!”

“Damn you uncle!”

Barbus seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to smash it with a punch. Hazeus couldn’t dodge and was punched directly in the chin. He was dizzy and blood surged.

“die for me !”

Barbus succeeded in one blow and became even more frenzied. The attack swept like a violent storm, and he greeted Hazeus as much as possible!


Hazeus both shocked and angry, but it was Monray that frightened him even more. Monray was not dead yet, even unscathed, even his clothes and hair were neat and tidy!

“How is this possible? Isn’t he in the explosion center?” Hazeus couldn’t understand it!

Titan Demi-Gods also didn’t understand. They looked at the reappearing Monray, as if they had seen a ghost, that’s all if they didn’t die, what the hell was intact?

“Everyone, I’m afraid I will disappoint you!”

Monray teased his face. At this time, he had returned to the Human Race form with a bunch of fried meatballs in his hand.

“You … how did you do it?”

A Titan Demi-God clenched his fist, his face was unwilling and unbelievable!

“Because I know Teleportation!”

Monray faintly smiled: “Just then, I went to find a restaurant in the city and bought skewers of meatballs. Let alone, they taste good!”

With that said, Monray raised the meatballs in his hands and ate them with relish!


The Titan Demi-Gods were silent for an instant, and while desperate in their hearts, a single thought also rose:

Monster !

In their eyes, Monray is a monster. With such a perverted Divine Body, it can still Teleportation. How the hell is it playing?

Do not cheat like this!

“Okay! When the meatballs are finished, this battle should be over!”

Monray ate the last ball, threw away the bamboo stick, took out the scroll and wiped his hands: “I want to ask you a question, do you want to die or live?”

“what on earth do you want?”

13 Titan Demi-God whispered!

“It’s very simple!”

Monray’s voice is calm: “If you want to live, just hand over Divine Soul Source submit to me; if you want to die, just like the two old men just now… Get Hell!”

“Thief! How dare you humiliate us!”

A Storm Titan Demi-God was furious: “The noble Titan never acknowledges allegiance to anyone, and does not become anyone’s slave, even if he died in battle!”

“Let’s die!”

God Killing Spear appeared abruptly, penetrated Storm Titan Demi-God’s forehead instantly, shot out from the back of the head, and killed him!

PS: Ask for a ticket?

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