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This spear came too abruptly, and everyone who was abrupt did not react!

When it came back to his senses, Storm Titan Demi-God was already killed and moved towards the ground.

“Elder Enock!!!”

The rest of Titan Demi-God eye socket cracked, screaming anxiously, just now, Elder Enock just died, just like that?

“Noble? Ridiculous! In the face of death, no one is more noble than anyone!”

Monray is holding God Killing Spear, the tip of the gun is ticking with blood: “Impossible because whoever is noble can not die, or die out of the ordinary!”

“You are the devil!!!”

Titan Demi-Gods glared at Monray with hatred. If their eyes could kill people, they would have broken Monray into 10000 pieces, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!

“It’s up to you!”

Monray shook the blood on God Killing Spear, indifferently said: “This is the last chance. If you miss it, you will miss it forever!”

At this time, the remaining Titan Demi-Gods are all silent, no toughness before, only endless anger, humiliation and unwillingness!

“What? It’s dumb!”

Monray glanced over and shot out coldly!

“You killed me Titan Demi-God so much, aren’t you afraid that Titan Giant God will lower the Divine Punishment?” A Lightning Titan glared!

Upon hearing this, the rest of Titan Demi-God’s eyes lit up, and they roared as if they had grasped the straw.

In the face of Monray, who is more ruthless than the devil, they have no resistance, and the only thing they can rely on is Giant God!

I hope that the name of Giant God can scare Monray and let him refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases and stop killing!

“Titan Giant God? Sorry, I know Titan Giant God better than you guys!”

Monray smiled: “Admittedly, he is indeed very powerful, comparable to Peak Intermediate God!”

“But it’s a pity!”

“Here at Firmament Continent, he has no threat to me, do you know why?”

The Titan Demi-Gods are silent.

“Because Titan Giant God does not repair Law, only Divine Body, even if the Divine Power projection is lowered, it will not show much battle strength at all!”

Monray shook his head and chuckles.

The true body of True God can’t come to Firmament Continent, only Divine Power projection can be lowered, but Divine Power projection can only exert Demi-God battle strength!

How much can be played, it will test True God’s comprehended to Law!

The stronger the Law Comprehension, the more terrifying the battle strength exerted by the Divine Power projection!

The weaker the Law Comprehension, the weaker the battle strength exerted by the Divine Power projection!

In theory, only the Divine Power projection of Great Perfection can exert Demi-God Limit battle strength!

The Divine Power projection of ordinary High God and Intermediate God is even weaker. Therefore, Firmament Continent will experience 5 eras!

In the face of turmoil, various Demi-Gods have risen up and competed for faith!

Because they know that as long as they hide in Firmament Continent, True God has nothing to do with them!

This is how Beast God and Dragon God rose!

Hearing Monray’s words, the Titan Demi-Gods were shocked and anxious. They were shocked that Monray knew the Titan Giant God well. The anxious name of Giant God could not scare Monray. What can I do?

“Don’t point to the Titan Giant God coming to rescue you, you are destined to be disappointed!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Perhaps, he is watching here right now!”


Monray guessed right!

In a hidden space outside Firmament Continent, there is a vast kingdom of God hidden.

The divine might is mighty, the Divine Power is surging, and the sounds of singing and prayer are endless, just like Sanskrit.

In a tall and luxurious temple, sits a burly silhouette of ten thousand zhang!

His muscles are harder than rocks!

His head is bigger than a mountain!

His hair looks like a giant tree!

The gas he exhales is as fast as a thunderbolt!

He is the God of the people of Titan Empire 100000000 10000-Titan Giant God!

“Humble mortal!!!”

Titan Giant God was very angry, even so angry, he did not expect that a humble mortal would dare to provoke his rule!

“Come on!”

The Titan Giant God roared.

“Have seen the great Titan Giant God!”

Two burly silhouettes wearing golden armor and holding golden lance appeared in the hall.

“Summon Heras!”

Titan Giant God shouted.

“Yes, the great Giant God!”

Not long after, a thin silhouette shrouded in a black robe came to the temple and bowed and said, “I have seen the great Giant God!”

“Heras, I order you to come to Firmament Continent to obliterate a humble mortal!”

Titan Giant God coldly said: “You are a native creature of Firmament Continent, and you have been a god for less than 10000 years. Firmament Continent’s Plane will not repel you for the time being, but you really come!”

“Your will is my direction!”

Thin silhouette bowed to lead!

Looking at the back of Heras, the Titan Giant God said with a cold voice: “Humble mortal, you will pay a heavy price for your stupidity and ignorance!”


“Now, tell me your choice!”

Monray is getting a little impatient!

“Your Excellency, really want to kill them all?”

Ocean Titan Demi-God is unwilling to roar!

“One last time, death or acknowledge allegiance?”

Monray’s eyes are getting colder, coldly asked!

Titan Demi-God is silent again!

“Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin!”

Monray sees this, coldly snorted, too lazy to talk nonsense, killer!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

Teleportation starts, appear and disappear unpredictably!

divine spear is sharp, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

After a short while, Titan Demi-God is like falling stars, smashing to the ground one by one!

“Spare! I am willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

“Acknowledge allegiance! I acknowledge allegiance!”


The remaining Titan Demi-God turned pale with fright, repeatedly begging for mercy, but Monray did not give them any chance, God Killing Spear stabbed out one after another, ending their lives!




More than a dozen corpses dropped from the sky, falling on the top of the mountain, making a huge roar!

For a time, only Monray stood proudly in the void, holding a divine spear, like God and Demon!

“Dead? All dead?”

“Old Ancestors are all dead?”

The survivors stared at Monray blankly, chilling all over!

One person, one shot!

Kill all 16 Demi-Gods!

Is that human being?

Demon! ! !

He is Demon!

“It’s over! It’s over!”

The Lightning Titan emperor lost his soul, as if his body was hollowed out. He knew that the Titan Empire was over, the Demi-God Old Ancestor was completely dead, and the Titan Empire would never turn back!

“Master… is so strong!”

Nagya and Cesia looked at the silhouette in the sky, and the beautiful eyes were full of shock and admiration!

At this moment, they suddenly felt that the acknowledge allegiance is not a bad thing in Monray!

Following such a powerhouse, can they be compared to hiding in the underground world?

“Hazeus, have you seen it? Those old people are all dead, who else can save you today?”

Barbus laughed heartily, hold Hazeus for a crazy beating!

He already had the upper hand, and Hazeus had witnessed the tragic death of Titan Demi-God, he was shocked long ago, 6 God ownerless!

Which is Barbus’s opponent?

After several collisions, Barbus the more fights the more brave is, and Hazeus was seriously injured and was completely rubbed by Barbus on the ground!

“Hazeus, go die for me!”

Barbus looked like a madman, smashing like crazy, Hazeus’s injuries became more and more serious, and eventually fell to the ground, but Barbus still did not let him go…

The end result is another puddle of mud on the ground!

“Hu 哧~~~”

“Hu 哧~~~”

Barbus rides on the mud Hazeus, gasping for breath, years of humiliation and hatred are released at this brief moment, this big guy with a height of more than 500 meters, actually howled like a child!

“Yasli, my love!”

“It’s 18459!”

“I finally avenge you!”

“wu wu wu ~~~~”

The hu hu cold wind blows on the hills, and there are low and low whistles. The top of the giant Spirit Peak is quiet and scary, only the cry of Barbus resounds through the hill.

Monray did not disturb Barbus, let him vent his anger and pain, and flew to the God Statue of Titan Giant God!

“Such a rich Power of Faith, if it is absorbed…” Monray licked his lips, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes!

Power of Faith is a good thing, strengthening Divine Soul and refining Divine Power, it can be called the perfect supplement pill!

The only trouble is that Monray has not yet ignited Divine Fire and lacks tools to convert Power of Faith into Divine Power. The efficiency of refining Power of Faith must be very low!

“Without Divine Fire, these Power of Faith can only be used to strengthen Divine Soul!”

Monray released the divine sense, wrapped the God Statue, and began to absorb Power of Faith.

For a while, Monray felt a very comfortable feeling coming from the depths of Divine Soul, and even taking the whole person was extraordinarily comfortable, like a hot spring!

“Brat, is it comfortable?”

Dodora’s voice came to mind.

“Well, it’s cool!”

“It’s cool! This is the wonder of Power of Faith!”

Dodora said with a laugh: “So, come on and grab your faith, the more believers, the more you can feel the benefits of Power of Faith!”

“I know!”

Monray indifferently said.

“By the way! After absorbing Power of Faith, come to Tower of Time. Your treasure daughter has no food again. Come in and get her some food!”

Dodora reminded.

“That many Demon ate it all?”

Monray is a little confused, but he summon counted 10000 Demons on the 96th floor, and counted 10000. This is by no means a small number. He has eaten them all?


Dodora rolled his eyes: “She is Fallen Angel of Demi-God Level. She can eat. Your evil Demonic Capital is a low-level product, not full!”

“Not full…”

Monray was speechless.

“Hurry up! Don’t make her wait anxious!”

Dodora urged!

“Got it!”

Monray complied, and then continued to absorb Power of Faith, Nagya and Cesia looked envious, but no one dared to disturb Monray!

Power of Faith is good, but they don’t have the guts to compete with Master!

After half an hour, Monray only collected all the Power of Faith in the God Statue into the sea of ​​consciousness, and let it slowly nourish the Divine Soul, strengthening Divine Soul!

“Divine Soul feels so good to be wrapped in Power of Faith!”

Monray was a little intoxicated, “No wonder some people say that Power of Faith is like drugs. Once you get it, you can’t live without it. The ancients don’t deceive me!”

Monray smiled and shook his head, and grabbed the Lightning Titan emperor: “Titan Sovereign, continue our previous topic!”

“Big…Lord despite the orders, Ben…I will be satisfied with all my strength!”

The Emperor Lightning Titan was scared to pee, and the majesty of Sovereign disappeared!

“I heard that your Titan Empire’s treasure house is full of treasures in the world. I want to go in and stroll around. I wonder if Your Majesty can satisfy me?” Monray said.

“Satisfied! Must be satisfied!”

The Lightning Titan was nodded in a hurry, for fear that the promise was slow, and was slapped to death by Monray: “Lord can watch it anytime you want!”


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