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As Monray expected, the treasure trove of Titan Empire is also located in Semi-Plane.

And it is also the kind of deadly Semi-Plane without air and magic elements.

But unlike Dragon Race, Titan Empire’s treasures are richer and different in types.

Titan is not as keen on golden light as Giant Dragon, so there are almost no treasures such as Gold Coin, gems, and Demonic Crystal.

On the contrary, there are many more treasures such as Elemental Crystal and Law Source Crystal. After a crazy collection, the wealth has skyrocketed by 259010000!

“So many Law Source Crystal?”

“Much more than Dragon God Empire!”

Monray thought for a while and felt normal.

Firmament Continent has experienced a total of 5 eras, Elf Era, Titan era, Beastman era, Giant Dragon era, and the current era of coexistence of four races.

The Titan Giant Ruler Second Era has existed for a much longer time than Dragon God Empire, and its background is naturally deeper!

“Plus the previous 235110000!”

“Wealth has reached 494110000!”

“This wave of earning is a bit cruel!”

That beauty in Monray’s heart!

Keep charging!

Useful and useless, collect everything!

Finally, Monray came to the place where the special item was stored. The number of special items is staggering, and most of them are animal bones, remains, teeth…

Titan advocates violence. After conquering the prey, he collects the teeth and skulls of the prey as a souvenir. There are many animal bone items here, which is normal.

“What a rich Wind Element Divine Power fluctuation, another True God thing!”

“These teeth are so sharp, take it!”

“It’s a big skull. I’m afraid it has to be 1000 zhang high. How big is the true body?”

“Hey? This is…”

There was a 3-meter-long golden ant in front of him, exuding surging Metal Element Divine Power fluctuations, if it weren’t for its vitality, it was almost like a living thing!

“Golden God Slayer Ant!”

Monray recognized the identity of this golden ant at a glance, because it looked so much like Little Gold, it was almost an enlarged version of Little Gold!

Although this Golden God Slayer Ant is dead, the Divine Power fluctuations it emits are very powerful. It is definitely a Demi-God Level other Golden God Slayer Ant.

“It should be the Golden God Slayer Ant who fell in that disaster!”

After receiving this Golden God Slayer Ant corpse, Monray continued to observe, and then he saw several disabled Golden God Slayer Ants!

Either lack of arms and lame, or few tentacles and heads, experienced a tragic battle in his lifetime!

“what is this?”

Monray came to a pair of wings.

This wing looks made of silver alloy, with white light streamer on the surface, exuding a sharp and divine aura!

Monray touched it casually, and with a puchi sound, a slight pain came, and a finger was cut!

“I’m going! So sharp!!!”

Monray is unbelievable. His Divine Body is Peak Demi-God Body, which combines Godeater Rat Bloodline and Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline. The defense of Divine Body has reached an astonishing level!

Simply put, it’s patience!

The 15 Titan Demi-God bombarded him indiscriminately, but did not leave any blood marks on him. It shows how tough he is!

But now, I just touched a feather of this pair of wings lightly, and it was scratched. How sharp should this wings be?

At this moment, the system hint sounded abruptly: “Ding! A drop is detected, do you pick it up?”

“Falling objects?”

Monray was taken aback for a moment.


“Ding! The fusion is successful and you get [Metal Source Divine Body], is it fusion?”


Monray startled: “I’m going! Metal Source Divine Body? Is there a mistake?”

If it were placed a few days ago, Monray didn’t know what Metal Source Divine Body was, it might not be shocked, but now, he knows!

Therefore, I was even more shocked!

According to Dodora, the Source Divine Body is one of the most powerful Divine Body in the universe, because it fits the law source, not only the training speed is amazing, but also very powerful, but also comes with all kinds of incredible Divine Ability and abilities!

“And now!!!”

“I actually picked up Metal Source Divine Body? Let me go! What is the origin of this wing?”

Monray decisively asks Dodora for help!


Dodora looked towards the golden wings, and his eyes suddenly lit up: “You brat luckily, you got this treasure? Did you rob the Titan Empire?”

“Haha, I can’t hide it from you!”

Monray haha ​​smiled!

“You brat are also brave, even Titan Giant God dare to provoke, you are not afraid of his revenge?” Dodora looked at Monray jokingly.

“He wants to dare to come, I will hammer him to death!”

Monray didn’t take Titan Giant God seriously, anyway, he made up his mind. Before he became a True God, he would never come out Firmament Continent!

When he becomes True God, it must be Great Perfection. By then, are you afraid of Titan Giant God?

“Titan Giant God has nothing to do with you!”

Dodora astonished laughed: “But don’t forget, he is Peak Intermediate God, there are ways to deal with you, you should just relax!”

“Relax! I know it!”

Monray laughed and asked, “What the hell is this?”

“Good stuff! Rare good stuff!” Dodora said with a smile: “Have you heard of Steel-Winged Angel?”

“Steel-Winged Angel? No!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “I have only heard of Angel and Fallen Angel!”

“Steel-Winged Angel, like Fallen Angel, is actually from Angel. The difference is that the former is the Angel group formed after the Fall!”

Dodora said with a smile: “And Steel-Winged Angel is a brand new life formed by Angel’s Bloodline mutation!”

“Bloodline mutation?”

Monray slightly startled.

“Yes! Bloodline mutates!”

“Just as Hundred Arms Giant is the bloodline mutation of Titan God Race, Steel-Winged Angel is Angel’s new life after the Bloodline mutation!”

Dodora explained: “Bloodline mutations are good and bad, some mutations make life strength soar, and some mutations make life strength drop!”

“What about Steel-Winged Angel?”

Monray asked curiously!

“Like Hundred Arms Giant, it’s a mutation that occurred towards a good direction!”

Dodora looked at the golden wings and said: “The Steel-Winged Angel formed after mutation has an extra metal attribute based on the light attribute!”


“Steel-Winged Angel has all the talents, abilities, and Divine Ability of ordinary Angels, and has more Metal Attribute talent, abilities, and Divine Ability!”

“On battle strength, Steel-Winged Angel is much stronger than ordinary Angel!”

“But unlike Hundred Arms Giant, Steel-Winged Angel not at all was expelled by Angel God Race, but instead got a focus on training!”

Dodora said with emotion: “Steel-Winged Angel is also very competitive. Although the number is not large, almost all of them can become High God, and a Great Perfection was born, which greatly enhanced the strength and foundation of Angel God Race, and became famous in the vast world. Very loud!”

“Steel-Winged Angel is so perverted?”

Monray clicking one’s tongue in wonder and asked: “Does Steel-Winged Angel all have Metal Source Divine Body?”

“How can it be?”

Dodora shook his head decisively: “How rare is the Source Divine Body? How can it appear as a clan?”

“Is it impossible?”

“Of course impossible!”

“Like Elf Goddess, although she has Wood Source Divine Body, it does not mean that other Elf also have Wood Source Divine Body!”

“In fact, countless Elf, and only Elf Goddess have Wood Source Divine Body!”

“The same goes for Steel-Winged Angel!”

“Occasionally a Steel-Winged Angel may have Metal Source Divine Body, but all Steel-Winged Angels have Metal Source Divine Body, then It’s definitely impossible!”

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray smiled: “That said, my luck is also good. I picked up a pair of Steel-Winged Angel wings and met Metal Source Divine Body!”

“Metal Source Divine Body?”

Dodora looked puzzled: “Are you saying that this winged Master has Metal Source Divine Body? What are you kidding, how is this possible?”

“Dodora, this is true!”

Monray smiled and said: “This winged Master does have Metal Source Divine Body!”

“Really?” Dodora wondered: “How did you know?”

“I just know it!”

Monray laughed, and then, without waiting for Dodora to ask further questions, he directly contacted system: “system, don’t say anything, integrate Metal Source Divine Body!”

“Ding! Fusion Metal Source Divine Body!”


A golden torrent suddenly spewed out of the brain, and instantly spread to Monray’s whole body, flowing through 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, blending into every corner!


The cells gradually became golden, and even the flesh, bones, organs, and skin turned to golden. Monray’s entire portrait seemed to have been hit by the Metal Element Forbidden Spell [Ultimate Alchemy], and gradually became golden!

“Shen horse situation?”

Dodora was startled by Monray’s sudden change, and hurriedly asked: “Monray, what’s wrong with you?”

Monray ignored it, but closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in his body.

He could feel that a surge of Metal Attribute energy was transforming his body!

Not Law of Metal!

Not Metal Element Divine Power!

Not Metal Element magic power!

Not Metal Element battle energy!

What exactly is it?

Monray can’t tell too much!

The only thing he can feel is that this is a very peculiar Metal Attribute energy!

There was no pain in the whole fusion process, and the fusion was fast, lasting less than one minute, and it was over!

However, in just one minute, Monray felt a great change in his body.

“What a peculiar feeling!”

Monray can feel that the Law of Metal pervading the world seems to have become his friend and servant, allowing him to mobilize, drive, and control!

This is a feeling of complete control of Law of Metal, completely different from the previous understanding!

Before, he comprehended Law of Metal, but it was like learning a subject, he just learned all the knowledge of this subject!

He can use this knowledge to do some things, such as releasing magic, releasing Forbidden Spell, releasing Divine Spell, this is based on bottle gourd, learn and use!

But now, he can directly order this knowledge to help him do things, release a magic for me, release a Forbidden Spell for me, release a Divine Spell for me, it is completely imperative and manipulative!

The difference between the 2 is huge!

To be more specific, the former consumes mental power, magic power and Divine Power!

For the latter, you only need to move your mouth and temper, consume a small amount of mental power, and don’t need to consume magic power or Divine Power at all!

This is obviously a fundamental difference!

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