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“Metal Source Divine Body!”

“This is the aura of Metal Source Divine Body!”

Dodora was stunned: “Great God of Time above! What did Monray do, and why did you have Metal Source Divine Body for no reason?”

If Monray first started integrating Metal Source Divine Body, Dodora didn’t recognize it.

But as it continues to merge, if Dodora is still unrecognizable, it will live in vain.

Metal Source Divine Body!

This is definitely Metal Source Divine Body!

And Monray!

Under its nose, mysteriously has Metal Source Divine Body, and Dodora feels that his cognition has been subverted!

Source Divine Body is born!

What is born?

It means that you will have it at birth, if not, no matter how hard you toss!

Dodora has never heard of it, and it can be transformed into Source Divine Body the day after tomorrow!

Dodora circled Monray vigorously, staring at Monray, as if to see through all of Monray’s secrets, and see him thoroughly.

At this time, Monray happened to have opened eyes, and 2 sharp edges passed by. With the whoosh sound, two cracks were drawn in the void.

“Monray, tell me the truth, what is going on with Metal Source Divine Body?” Dodora asked decisively!

“Mysteriously there is it!”

Monray blinked!


Dodora gnashing teeth, there is a kind of impulse to beat people: “Every time you ask a key question, you just make up, would you make it without friends?”

“No, you must tell me honestly today, or I will not sleep!”

It’s my business if you can’t sleep?

Monray murmured inwardly: “I have a magical ability that can plunder Bloodline, Divine Body, Divine Ability… and so on to blend with myself and make myself stronger!”

“what did you say?”

Dodora was shocked and shocked: “Is there such ability?”

“of course!”

Monray smiled triumphantly: “Godeater Rat, Netherworld Divine Phoenix, Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline, Teleportation, Teleportation and other Divine Ability all come from this way!”

“Of course! I will plunder more Bloodline, Divine Body, Divine Ability, etc. in the future!”


Dodora was stunned, and it took a long time for two words to pop out of her mouth: “Pervert!”

“thank you!”

Monray laughed and asked: “Do you think it is necessary to integrate Steel-Winged Angel’s Bloodline?”

“Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline?” Dodora was slightly surprised, and immediately reacted: “Do you want to integrate Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline?”

“If it’s useful, it’s fusion, if it’s useless, forget it!”

Monray shook his head and said: “I am a very realistic person, everything is for strength!”

“Of course useful!”

Dodora without the slightest hesitation said: “Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline is not inferior to Fallen Angel Bloodline, as well as Godeater Rat, Netherworld Divine Phoenix, Hundred Arms Giant and other Bloodlines. There are so many benefits to integrate it!”


Monray Mind trembles slightly!

“First of all, after fusing Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline, you will have the same speed as light. Angel God Race is famous for speed, not cracking a joke!”

“Secondly, you will have a super defense! Although your own defense is already strong!”

“But if you add the defense of Steel-Winged Angel, absolutely like a tiger that has grown wings, your defense will reach the point of horror!”

Dodora gushed: “Then, Steel-Winged Angel is full of weapons. If you integrate Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline, your attack power will also increase!”

“Have you never seen the scene where the Steel-Winged Angel slaughtered Demon during the battle between Demon and the gods, it was too terrifying!”

“Finally, and the most important point!”

Dodora’s eyes are burning: “Angel God Race is a very powerful Divine Race, especially in Heaven with terrifying power!”

“If you have Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline, you have the hope of getting the focus of Angel God Race training. Just like Titan Giant God, you can get many benefits for nothing!”

“The cultivation of Angel God Race…”

Monray’s eyes lit up. This temptation is a bit big. Will the Angels give them 100 Plane territories like Theodore Clan?

“Under the big tree is good to enjoy the cold, if you can join a powerful force, it will be too beneficial for your future development and growth!”

Dodora chuckled said: “Dragon God, Beast God, these native True Gods dream of joining a powerful force but can’t, why?”

“Because they are not qualified!”

“You have such a great opportunity, absolutely not to be missed, otherwise, it will be thundered!”

“It makes sense!”

Monray was nodded again and again, his eyes gleaming: “Take a step back, even if I don’t want to join Angel God Race, but integrate Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline, equivalent to appears a choice!”

“Yes, exactly!”

“I know what to do!”

Monray repeatedly nodded and decisively issued instructions: “system, plunder Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline!”

“Ding! Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline is the High Level Bloodline of Life. This pair of Steel-Winged Angel wings belong to the Eight-Winged Steel Angel wings!”

system coldly said: “Price estimate: 196010000 Law Source Crystal is needed to plunder the Bloodline!”



Monray couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air: “fuck, this is too expensive! Don’t plunder! I won’t plunder! I can’t afford to plunder!”

system suddenly disappeared.


Dodora asked excitedly!


Monray smiled bitterly: “This wing belongs to the wings of Eight-Winged Steel Angel, I can’t afford to loot it!”

“Eight-Winged Steel Angel?”

Dodora was disappointed: “Eight-Winged Steel Angel is comparable to High God, it is beyond your scope of plunder, and it is reasonable to not be able to plunder!”

“Yes! You can’t plunder, it’s mainly expensive!”


“That’s wrong, the level is too high! When I become stronger in the future, maybe I will be able to plunder!”

“Okay! But it’s weird to say, Eight-Winged Steel Angel, who also owns Metal Source Divine Body, how could his wings appear here?”


Exit Tower of Time, Monray habitually looks towards the property panel, and count the goods received this time.

Sure enough, it changed again!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <16%>, fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline, Hundred Arms Giant)

wealth points: 494110000 Law Source Crystal

constitution: Metal Source Divine Body (1%)

Mind: Demi-God Soul (Peak)

Other: some

“Constitution has become Metal Source Divine Body!”


“What does the last 1% mean?”

“Ding! Friendly reminder: Metal Source Divine Body is a condensation of Law of Metal origin, and the host is flesh and blood, and there is no perfect integration of the host!”

“There is no perfect fusion? In other words, this 1% represents the fusion of Metal Source Divine Body? It is somewhat similar to the fusion of Bloodline!”

Monray knows: “system, how much does it cost to spend gold Metal Source Divine Body fusion?”

“Ding! To increase the fusion of Metal Source Divine Body by 1%, 10010000 Divine Crystal is required!”

“10010000……Divine Crystal? Forget it!”

Monray suddenly smiled bitterly: “This is too expensive, even if you sell Laozi, it’s not worth so much money!”

Monray adjusted his mood and continued to check treasure. The treasure house of Titan Empire is very rich. He is looking forward to the next treasure.

Check all the way and charge all the way.

Finally, I came to a box that was 4 meters long, 2 meters wide, and one meter high. It was engraved with densely packed Law rune!

With Monray’s accomplishments in Law Comprehension, one can tell at a glance that these Law runes form a magic array with a sealing effect!

“What’s in the box is actually sealed?”

With doubts in his mind, Monray began to unlock the seal, which didn’t bother him.

After a while, the seal was lifted, and a strong breath of death and bloody aura spread from inside, and the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees out of thin air!

“What is it that exudes such a surging death and bloody aura?”

Opening the box, a bloody edge came out, making his face hurt, and Monray couldn’t help but back!

I saw a handle full of blood red, lying in the box like a giant scythe poured from blood.

The handle is one foot long, the blade is one meter long and 3 feet wide, with a scarlet chain attached to the end.

Cold glow throughput, unmatched sharpness!

Coquettish, evil!

Bloodthirsty, dead still!

Looking at the scarlet scythe, Monray seemed to be looking at a Big Devil, with a chill behind him.

“What a wicked scythe!”

Monray was shocked, but still held this bloody scythe!


scythe slightly trembled, a few cold glow flashes on the broad blade, buzzing!

“Stabbing -“

Monray waved scythe and listened to whoosh sound. The box made of metal was instantly split into two halves.

Scythe continued to traverse, unexpectedly cut out a tiny Space Crack from the void!

“The sharp scythe is sharper than the Scarlet Scimitar. What level of Divine Artifact is this?”

Monray felt unbelievable, but without the slightest hesitation dripped a drop of blood, dripping on the scythe, the blood digging into the scimitar like the sea!

“Haha! ownerless god artifact!”

Monray is overjoyed!


scythe trembled violently!

At the next moment, a strong blood light burst into the sky, and Monray only felt that the sky was spinning, and unexpectedly came to a bloody world!

Bloody sky, bloody ground!

Bloody mountains, bloody stones!

And on the scarlet earth, covering the mountains and plains are piled up with an unknown number of corpses!

There is a Titan God with a height of 100,000 zhang!

Eight-Winged Angel with 8 wings!

There is an Immemorial Dragon with a length of 100,000 zhang!

There are also various other dead bodies that exude a mighty divine might that Monray doesn’t recognize…

However, all corpses have one common feature: no head!


No head!

All headless bodies!

“Where is the head?”

Monray was puzzled, and then in the middle of the vast corpse mountain, he saw a Jingguan piled up with his head!

There are Titan heads, dragon heads, Angel heads, and other God heads…

Countless heads piled up to form a ten thousand zhang head mountain, and at the top of the head mountain stood a black silhouette wearing a black cloak and holding a scarlet scythe!

The howling blood wind is blowing in the black robe, hunting and hunting, bloody scythe ticking with blood, coquettish and evil!

“What kind of evil weapon is this?”

Monray couldn’t help swallowing his saliva!



Suddenly the voice of Dodora came from my ear!

“shua ——”

The blood-colored world shattered in an instant, and the blood-colored fragment Monray found himself back in the Semi-Plane, and Dodora was calling himself.

“This scythe…”

Monray looked at the bloody scythe in his hand, a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

“Monray, why don’t you reply?”

Dodora shouted again.

“Dodora, I am here!”

Monray responded: “Something?”

“Monray, what’s the matter with your brat, I haven’t responded for a long time?” Dodora was a little angry.

“What’s the matter?” Monray wondered.

“Monray, do you know that, I just checked it and made a big discovery!”

Dodora said excitedly: “Among all the Steel-Winged Angels of Angel God Race, there is only one Steel-Winged Angel with Metal Source Divine Body!”

“who is it?”

Monray asked again.

“It’s the Great Perfection!” Dodora chuckled said: “Do you know what this means?”

“It means that this pair of wings comes from the Great Perfection Steel-Winged Angel. If you integrate his Bloodline and have a relationship with him, you will be awesome!”

“I’ll talk about the integration of Steel-Winged Angel Bloodline later!” Monray shook his head: “I have a weapon here, I want you to see it!”

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