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“I’m going! Where did you get this stuff?”

Seeing the scarlet scythe in Monray’s hands, Dodora was shocked, just like seeing a ghost.

“From the Titan Empire Treasury!”

Monray said honestly: “I tried it. This scythe is very sharp and amazingly powerful. It should be a powerful Divine Artifact!”

“It’s more than powerful!”

Dodora shook his head and said, “This thing is called Death God Scythe. It is the companion weapon of the Netherworld Death God. I don’t know how many God’s heads have been harvested!”

“Death God Scythe?” Monray took a breath: “What is Death God?”

“Death God, also called God of Death, means God of Ruling Death!”

“Of course, Death God is not a person, it represents a race-Death God Race!”

Dodora slowly explained: “Although Death God Race is very rare compared to the huge number of races such as Titan God Race and Angel God Race!”

“But every Death God is extremely terrifying existence, because Death God is High God!”

“They are all High Gods? Good deed, if there are more of them, would there be other races to survive?”

Monray couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air, a race is all High God, what concept?

“So, Death God Race is one of the most powerful forces in the Netherworld. Although there are few people, no one dares to look down upon Death God Race!”

Dodora added: “Especially Death King, the king of Death God Race, is one of the greatest beings in the universe!”

“So, this scythe is a High God weapon?” Monray couldn’t hide his excitement.

Dodora slowly nodded: “But I don’t recommend you to use this thing, Death God Scythe is very bloody and evil, it will affect your mind!”

“Weapons are dead, and people are alive!” Monray indifferent expression: “The living can still be manipulated by the dead? Don’t worry, I know it!”

“Not careless!”

Dodora scolded.

“I know, I know!”

Monray left Tower of Time.

I have to say that Death God Scythe’s appearance is really domineering. With a load on his shoulder, Monray feels a little handsome!

“I have a chance to try this treasure!”

Monray likes Death God Scythe very much, and after playing carefully for a while, he left Semi-Plane and returned to the top of the giant Spirit Peak!


Nagya, Cesia, and Barbus hurriedly greeted them, and Klaus, who had gone to Earth Pillar Kingdom, also returned.

“Master, this is Chimera Race’s wealth!” Klaus handed over a space ring.

“Working hard!”

Monray took over the space ring. The wealth of Chimera Race is indeed inferior to Titan Empire, but it should not be underestimated.

After some inventory, Monray brought 20010000 Law Source Crystal and rare treasures to Monray!

“Itinerary Perfection, you can leave now!”

Monray put away the remaining treasures, and then recruited the Lightning Titan Emperor: “Titan Sovereign, you are good, I won’t kill you!”

“Thank Lord for not killing!”

Titan Sovereign was so grateful that he almost cried.

“I’m leaving, please do me a favor at the end!” Monray indifferently said: “indifferent expression?”

“Lord just tell me, I will do my best!” Lightning Titan Emperor Li said, he just wants to send Monray away now, it’s best not to come back!

“Publish what happened here, advertise it, let the people of Titan Empire know what happened here!”

Monray faintly smiled: “Can it be done?”

“Yes! Definitely!”

The Lightning Titan is guaranteed again and again.


Monray slightly nodded: “Let’s go!”

“Yes, Master!”

Klaus became a true body, carrying Monray and a few people away!

Watching them walk far and far away, only a black spot remained, the Lightning Titan emperor was only so long and relaxed, weakly limp on the ground.

“Let’s go! This Demon has finally gone, and finally saved his life, thank God!”

“Your Majesty !”

Titan Empress and the other survivors walked over, with avoided a catastrophe on their faces.

The Lightning Titan looked at the crowd, but he wanted to cry without tears. The Demi-God Old Ancestors were dead, and there were few civil and military ministers, honorable honors, and Sacred Territory.

How is this still playing?

“Rebel! Traitor! Evil thief!”

Lightning Titan emperor gnashing teeth, I can’t wait to smash Monray into 10000 segments: “I am so angry!”

“It’s over! It’s over!”

“My empire…”


Klaus is like a red lightning, soaring rapidly in the sky, Monray, Barbus, and 4 people are sitting on his back, chatting casually!

“Master, are you Titan too?”

Barbus stared at Monray, eyes filled with excitement and curiosity.

“Don’t count! That’s Hundred Arms Giant!”

Monray smiled and shook his head.

“Hundred Arms Giant?”

Barbus is slightly frowned, he has never heard of Hundred Arms Giant.

“Hundred Arms Giant belongs to the legendary variant Titan, but was expelled by the Titan family, and finally became the guard of the Supreme Nether God!”

Lightning Queen Cesia explained, and the gaze looking towards Monray became more curious.

First Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline, now Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline, there are too many secrets in the Master, like a mystery!

“Variant Titan? That also belongs to Titan!”

Barbus’ eyes lit up, and the urn laughed loudly: “Master, the same Bloodline flows in our bodies, hahaha…”


Monray shook his head slightly, and then took out 100 Demi-God Artifacts exuding Divine Power fluctuations.

“These Demi-God Artifacts were searched out from the treasure vaults of Dragon God Empire and Titan Empire. Each of you can choose a few as weapons!”

“So many Demi-God Artifacts!!!”

The Barbus 4 almost stared out with surprise. They are Demi-God, and Demi-God Artifact is the most suitable weapon for them.

However, as an underground Demi-God…

They are very poor!

When have you seen so many Demi-God Artifacts?

“Master, can we really choose?”

Barbus had some lost self-control, looked at Monray eagerly, and asked excitedly.

“Of course! Just pick!”

Monray faintly smiled, then closed his eyes, sinking into Tower of Time!

The 96th floor is still the dim blood-colored world, moon-colored sky, and moon-colored earth.

But unlike the past, the entire Semi-Plane was completely silent, with no sound.

The Darkness Magic Beast is gone, and the 10000 Demon stocked here are gone!

All disappeared!

As for little Kele…

Monray found little Kele in a patch of grass. Little Brat wrapped herself tightly with her wings, sleeping very sweetly.

“Really eaten up? Is this too edible?”

Monray is a bit speechless, but the summon has to be summon, otherwise, Little Brat will have to go hungry.

At the moment, Monray sensed the distant Demon World and began to summon up Demon.

As a High Level Plane, Monray can feel the difference between Demon World and Firmament Continent.

The law is more obvious, the magic element is more rich, especially the Darkness element, it is even more rich to the extreme, it is simply the Holy Land of Darkness creatures.

Another point is that the spatial structure of Demon World is more stable, and Demi-God level attacks can’t shake the space of Demon World at all!

Tearing the Void?

Don’t even think about it!

Of course, Demon World is also more extensive than Firmament Continent, almost boundless.

Because of its vastness, many areas of Demon World are uninhabited!

No, Monray wandered over Demon World for a long time, and only caught a few 100 Demons, not small enough for Kele to stuff his teeth.

“I can’t go on like this, I have to find a Demon with similar strength to ask for directions…”

“En? The demonic energy there is so rich!”

Monray saw a big bare mountain with barren and black smoke rising.

Obviously, this is a volcano, and the demonic energy is emitted from the volcanic crater!

When I come to the volcanic crater, the boiling lava is constantly bubbling, emitting amazingly high temperatures, and a surging demonic energy emerges from the lava.

“It should be a Demon at the Demi-God level!”

Monray murmured, divine sense condensed into a human form and began to provoke!


There was a low roar, and a huge head with goat horns emerged from the lava, eyes scarlet as blood jade, extremely evil.

“The humble and lowly Human mage, dare to disturb the sleep of the great Lord Gabriel, I will eat you!”

“This aura… is this… Flame Demon?”

Monray has a surprised look on his face. When he just came over, he felt familiar with the demonic energy emitted from the volcano. It turned out that there was a Flame Demon sleeping in the volcano!

Flame Demon!

Of course Monray can’t forget, he had merged Flame Demon Bloodline before!


Flame Demon in Lava launched an attack, and two Fire Dragons combined by Lava flew out and rushed directly towards Monray!

Monray flicks with the finger, 2 Fire Dragons turned their directions, and moved towards Flame Demon and flew away.


Upon seeing this, Flame Demon slapped Lava Lake. A Lava waterfall rose up in the lake and blocked the two Fire Dragons.

“It’s a bit of strength, but this is my chassis, how can you be impudent here?”

Flame Demon coldly snorted, slowly emerged from the lava, it was actually a ten zhang tall adult Flame Demon bathed in flames.


Flame Demon roared and turned into a flash of lightning.

“Ultimate Alchemy!”

Monray slowly spit out 4 words.

In Demon World, he is in the Divine Soul state. Therefore, Divine Body, Divine Power, Divine Ability, and Divine Artifact cannot be used, and the battle strength is greatly reduced!

There are too few methods available for the Divine Soul state. Apart from Mind attacks, only Law is left!

But if you want to suppress this Demi-God Level Flame Demon in the shortest time, you can only use the most powerful means-the control of Law of Metal!

“shua ——”

A dazzling golden beam of light dropping from the sky instantly hit Flame Demon’s body, instantly turning Flame Demon into gold.

Monray opened the Demon channel, brought Flame Demon out, and then withdrew Ultimate Alchemy!


As soon as he got out of trouble, Flame Demon was about to be fierce, but after sensing the aura all around, he suddenly looked as if was struck by lightning with a look of horror.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

There are 5 Demi-Gods, and each Demi-God’s aura is much stronger than him!


Flame Demon looked horrified and bowed immediately!

“Lift the the head!”

Monray indifferently said.

“Yes, Lord!”

Flame Demon trembling and lifts the head, looking at Monray with a look of horror, it can see that it was captured by Monray.

“Tell me about Demon World!”

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