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Faced with Monray’s question, the Flame Demon Lord named Gabriel knew everything and could not say anything, and started talking like a bamboo tube.

Demon World is huge!

It’s beyond imagination!

The Flame Demon Lord didn’t know exactly how big it was. It only knew that the place where it lived was called Campos wasteland, which was 1000 ten thousand li north and south, and 3000 ten thousand li east and west.

The nearest city to it is called Demonic Wing City. The City Lord is a True God Level Demon King. It controls an area of ​​1010000 kilometers and is the most powerful Demon nearby!

Speaking of this, we have to mention Hell’s division of strength.

Demon World is a High Level Plane that is different from Firmament Continent. Sacred Territory is not as good as a dog. God walks all over the floor. Below Sacred Territory are cannon fodder. Demon World also calls these cannon fodder as demonic weapon!

Above demonic weapon, there are Demon General, Lord, Demon King, Great Demon King, Demon God, Great Demon God, and…Demon Ancestor!

Demon General equivalent to Sacred Territory.

Lord equivalent to Demi-God.

Demon King equivalent to True God.

Great Demon King is comparable to Lower God.

Demon God equivalent to Intermediate God.

Great Demon God is comparable to High God.

And Demon Ancestor…comparable to Overgod!

“How many demons are there in Demonic Wing City?”

Monray asked the most concerned question.

The vastness of Demon World is beyond his imagination. Just a Campos wasteland is so big, how big should Demon World be?

According to Flame Demon Lord’s description, Campos wasteland is just a corner of Ziyun Island, and Ziyi is just an island in Demon World!

How big is Demon World?

Monray can’t imagine!

With such a vast Demon World, a large area is deserted, and even an evil Demonic Capital cannot be found. Monray can only find a way around Demonic Wing City!

“No less than 10000 100000000!”

Flame Demon Lord said honestly.

“10000 100000000?”

Monray took a breath: “In other words, a weak True God actually rules 10000 100000000 Demon?”

“Yes, Lord!”

Flame Demon Lord is slanderous, the weak True God? The Lord of Demonic Wing City is True God, the piece of land in Demonic Wing City is definitely the most powerful!

“Tell me the map to Demonic Wing City, and the surrounding Demon occupancy situation!”

Monray shouted, he is already impatient about to rob Demonic Wing City!

“Yes, Lord!”

Flame Demon Lord didn’t dare to neglect, and even told Monray about the details of Demonic Wing City and surroundings in his memory. It’s not as fun!

“The last question, you want to die or want to live!”

Flame Demon Lord shivered with fright, and quickly begged for mercy: “Lord, forgive me!”

“If you don’t want to die, then release Divine Soul Source and be my servant!” Monray said indifferently.

Flame Demon Lord is nothing in Demon World, but it is also Demon World native Demi-God anyway. With it leading the way, it won’t be blacked out!

“Yes, Lord!”

Flame Demon Lord looked bitter, but still released Divine Soul Source happily.

Demon World weak are prey to the strong, the weak acknowledge allegiance powerhouse is commonplace, not a shame!

After refining the Divine Soul Source of Flame Demon Lord, Monray returned to Demon World with the Demon Lord, and then let it lead the way to Demonic Wing City.

It’s good to have an acquaintance

This is an unchanging truth for 1000!

Under the leadership of Flame Demon Lord, Monray no longer looks like a headless fly, but finds each and everyone Demon tribe with great precision!

Catch it all!

Grab it all!

Take it all!

All the Demon and Demon tribes encountered along the way, no matter how strong or weak, are all captured!

After only patronizing 3 or 4 Demon tribes, Monray caught up to 1000000 Demon, and the 96th floor of Tower of Time was a little too much to fit!

The distance to the destination, Demonic Wing City, is still 108,000 li. Monray has no choice but to end the arrest trip hastily.

Then, Monray gave Flame Demon Lord a task, asking him to summon nearby Demon as much as possible and gather them together.

Although Flame Demon Lord wanted to refuse, he was frightened by Monray’s lewdness and could only obediently agree.

“Work hard! One day in the future, I will give you a Divine Spark to make you a Demon King!”

After Monray encouraged Flame Demon Lord, consciousness withdrew from Demon World.

“Didn’t expect to patronize the Demon tribe this time, there is still this advantage, unexpected joy!”

Looking at the extra wealth, Monray couldn’t help but grinned. Just this time, he searched more than 300 fortunes of 10000 Law Source Crystal!

This transaction is much simpler than searching for Dragon Island, Sunset Mountains, and Titan Empire!

“Demon World is a huge gold mine, which contains more wealth than imagined. In the future, you can focus on making money on Demon World!”

Monray made the decision silently.

“Where are we?”

Monray eyes opened and found that it came to the endless sea.

“Master, just came out of Dragon God Empire and came to the East Sea Territory of Endless Deep Sea!”

Klaus respectfully said: “We are only 2 hours away from the Golden Archipelago!”

“2 hours? That’s almost time!”

Monray stretched and said separately, “Have you chosen your weapon?”

“Master, I’ve already picked it!”

Monray put away the remaining Demi-God Artifact.

Two hours passed in a flash, and the entire group finally arrived at Golden Archipelago.

Standing high above the sky, there are countless islands in the vast sea.

The stars are scattered, like green turtles floating on the sea, forming a huge chain of islands, the scenery is unique and spectacular!

“Master, this is Golden Archipelago!”

Barbus pointed to the island chain and said: “Golden Dragon Lion Race has lived here for generations. It is the local tyrant of this sea and controls the life and death of 100 100000000 million creatures!”

Monray slightly nodded: “Go down and take a look!”

“Yes, Master!”

There are many people living on the island, including Human Race and Beastman, but they seem to be out of touch with Firmament Continent. They are extremely primitive!

Living in a simple thatched hut, wrapped in a tattered straw skirt, and wearing a dark and damaged straw hat, it looked quite difficult!

And the most magnificent and luxurious building on the island turned out to be a tall and majestic temple!

Almost every island has a temple, where the incense is flourishing and believers come and go.

“The proportion of trainers is less than XNUMX%!”

Monray shook his head: “The reign of Golden Dragon Lion Race is really Darkness!”

“More than Darkness?”

Barbus sighed: “In Golden Archipelago, Golden Dragon Lion Race is Supreme’s local tyrant. These island residents are just their slaves, servants, and tools that provide Power of Faith, that’s all, they are not seen by people at all!”

“So, what is the use of such a family?” Monray shook his head: “Let’s go, go directly to the base camp of Golden Dragon Lion Race!”

“Yes, Master!”


Golden Dragon Lion Continent is the largest, most dazzling and magnificent island in Golden Archipelago!

Said to be an island, it is actually similar to the Continent. It is 7000 kilometers north and south, and stretches 9000 kilometers from east to west, covering an area of ​​more than 5000 and 10000 square kilometers. It can be called a Continent on the sea!

At the center of the Golden Dragon Lion island, a huge cluster of palaces stands there.

Scattered, splendorous and majestic.

And in the center of the cluster of palaces, stands a ten thousand zhang Golden Dragon Lion statue, which is made of gold and exudes endless majesty.

At this moment, in the square in front of the statue, there are countless people kneeling, including Humans with ragged clothes and Beastman with beast heads…

The number is as many as 1000000!

Without exception, these people are all tied up with the impossible to move, just like criminals whose heads have been beheaded, waiting for the execution of the executioner!

But in fact, they are not criminals, but sacrifices caught by the Golden Dragon Lion Race!

1000000 sacrifices! ! !

This is a terrible thing!

In front of these sacrifices, the people standing on the 10000 Golden Dragon Lion Race, they were holding weapons, their faces were stern, and they were surrounded by one person!

If you look closely, this person is exactly the same as the one killed by Monray. It is the Old Ancestor of Golden Dragon Lion Race-Tackray!


Suddenly a Xiong Jun’s sea eagle beast flew in the sky. A sturdy silhouette jumped off the sea eagle beast’s back and ran to Tackray!

“Reporting to Old Ancestor, I found the trail of a stranger, I can’t see the strength, but the speed is tame as lightning, far surpassing the Sacred Territory, and it is suspected of Demi-God powerhouse!”

This person reported loudly: “At their speed, it is expected to arrive at the family ancestral land in one hour!”

“Demi-God? The thief has come!”

Tackray shot coldly in his eyes: “Everyone, the moment for the survival of the family has arrived, listen to my orders, return to their respective positions, and start the summon ceremony!”

“Yes, Old Ancestor!”

With an order, the members of Golden Dragon Lion Race took action.

Among them, 1000 Sacred Territory powerhouses rushed all over the square and came to specific locations.

If you look down from a high altitude, their positions just form a giant magic array.

And Tackray was not idle, came to the center of the magic array and stood at the formation eye.

“Listen to my orders, start now!”

Tackray roared, and with a wave of his big sleeves, golden threads shot out and drew towards the sacrifices’ necks!

In an instant, all the sacrifices in several hundred meters around the radius were cut through the arteries, and the blood was so intense!

More than 1000 Sacred Territory did the same, and cut the necks of the sacrifices. For a time, screams came and went one after another, and there were endless begging for mercy!

“Summon begins!”

Tackray shouted loudly, and Divine Power surged around him, spreading to the surroundings.

Sacred Territory powerhouses also release their own battle energy and magic power to the people around them.


Everyone’s battle energy and magic power are connected together, forming a huge magic array, emitting dazzling rays of light.

At the moment when the magic array was formed, a terrifying swallowing power spread out, madly swallowing the blood of the sacrifices.

The blood of nearly 1000000 people in this brief moment is passing fast, and I can’t stop it no matter how!

Gradually, someone’s blood ran out and fell straight down, one, two, three…

In less than half a minute, all 1000000 people were killed. Their faces were deathly pale, and they were bleeding to death. Their deaths were extremely miserable!

After swallowing the blood of 1000000 people, the magic array became blood-red and mysterious, bloody to the extreme, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations!

“Listen to summon of descendants, please show up, my great Ancestor Sheep-Lion!” Tackray suddenly fell to his knees and prayed sincerely.

The 1000 Sacred Territory also knelt on the ground, praying loudly. As for the 1000000 dead, no one is taking seriously!


A huge Space Gate appeared above the magic array, and a low roar sounded!

Next moment, a huge head drilled out of Space Gate, and then a huge body!

It is too big, Space Gate seems to be unable to accommodate it, it squeezes Space Gate crazily, and drills out desperately!

It was actually a giant lion with ten thousand meters long, blood red, goat horns on its head, and bat wings on its back!


PS: Ask for a ticket!

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