You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

For several 10000 years, Golden Archipelago has been under the iron bloodline rule of Golden Dragon Lion Race, without the suppression of local tyrant, the result can be imagined.

Countless ambitious with strength, power and wealth have emerged one after another.

The shrinking Sacred Territory was born!

The powerful family shows its fangs!

The wealthy businessmen and wealthy have also begun to rampant!

For a time, the Golden Archipelago swarms of demons danced wildly, and the life of the islanders was even worse than when they were ruled by the Golden Dragon Lion Race before.

Suffering, the water is in deep water!

Cholera is rampant and disasters happen frequently!

How can it be a bitter word?

Ardent Sun Island.

Ardent Sun Island is named after a mineral called Ardent Sun Stone, and Ardent Sun Stone is the main material for making weapons!

In order to mine the Ardent Sun stone on the island, Golden Dragon Lion Race entrusted the Ardent Sun island to the vassal family-the guardian of the Ardent Sun Clan!

Backed by Ardent Sun Island, and responsible for mining ores to build weapons, Ardent Sun Clan has accumulated a solid strength over the years, and is one of the very best Great Family in the entire Golden Archipelago!

Ardent Sun’s house, Chamber.

Today’s Chamber is overcrowded. The top leaders of a Ardent Sun Clan, elites, and deacons from various islands gathered together to plot a major event!

“Reporting to Old Ancestor, these days, we have conquered 23 large and small islands, including Awake Island, Elephant Island, and Xiaoyu Island, and recruited 4 powerhouses above Level 79237 and 348 Mage!”

“Our Ardent Sun Clan’s site and strength are further strengthened. Now the only trouble is food, which is only enough for 10 days!”

“10 days!”

Sitting at the head of the Ardent Sun Clan Old Ancestor Lieyang Zhan brows tightly knit: “Food is a necessary material for our development and growth, absolutely no shortage!”

“Old Ancestor said it is extremely true! The current situation is very good. It can conquer 5 islands every day, several millions of people, into a powerhouse of 100 to 1000, absolutely can’t stop!”

“That’s right! Once you stop, these islands will fall into the hands of other forces, and it will be difficult to take them back in the future!”

“Our Ardent Sun family has people, we need weapons and weapons, and powerhouses and powerhouses. This is an extremely rare opportunity for us. How can we lose a great opportunity because of food?”

Ardent Sun Clan executives have spoken one after another, and Lieyang Zhan is also slightly nodded: “Golden Archipelago has no leader. It is our opportunity for Ardent Sun Clan to grow and develop. We must not miss this opportunity!”

“Old Ancestor said so!”

Everyone was nodded. The strength of their Ardent Sun family is one of the very best, and they are qualified to stabilize Supreme and become the second in the Golden Dragon Lion Race!

“If this is the case, then solve the food problem. In any case, the pace of expansion cannot be stopped!”

Lieyang Zhan 4 shots in his eyes: “The Southeast Liangbei family has more food and fewer people, so it is the place to get food!”

Speaking of this, Lieyang Zhan sternly shouted: “Listen to my order: gather the elite of the clan and levy ships. Three days later, he attacked the Liangbei Island in one fell swoop and took his Liangbei family foundation!”

“Old Ancestor wise!”

“Follow Old Ancestor’s instructions!”

“But with Old Ancestor’s decision!”

The high-level staff of the Ardent Sun family were excited and agreed. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a terrifying coercion suddenly dropped from the sky, like Mount Tai oppressing the hearts of all the high-level members of Ardent Sun Clan!


Everyone, including Lieyang Zhan, the Sacred Territory Old Ancestor, was directly lying on the ground without any accidents. There were two battles, panic!

“God … divine might!”

“This is divide might!”

Lieyang Zhan has seen Golden Dragon Lion Race Old Ancestor-Tackray more than once, and naturally felt the divine might. At this time, this divine might is more terrifying and vast than Tackray!

“Is Tackray not dead?”

Lieyang Zhan was shocked and surprised, almost half to death. If Tackray is really not dead, then what they did is tantamount to rebellion and rebellion. They will definitely be put to death by the Golden Dragon Lion Race. Extinct!

“Why is this so?”

“Isn’t Tackray dead?”

Lieyang Zhan was panicked.

“Listen to the people below!”

Just as Lieyang Zhan was so scared that his legs were limp, an endless majestic voice sounded:

“I order the most powerhouse of your clan to rush to Golden Dragon Lion Island to discuss important matters within 3 days. If you don’t come, the people will die, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain!”

The voice fell and disappeared, and the terrifying divine might also disappeared. Only then did Lieyang Zhan and Ardent Sun Clan stand up tremblingly, their faces full of horror.

“Old…Old Ancestor, was that Demi-God just now?”

An Ardent Sun executive shivered and said, “Is Tackray still alive?”

“No! That divine might be several times scarier than Tackray, it’s not Tackray?”

“It’s not Tackray, is it Demi-God who killed Tackray and slaughtered the Golden Dragon Lion Race?”

“Very possible! Of course, Demi-God passing by the Golden Archipelago is not excluded!”

“Heavens! Why did another Demi-God pop up? What about our Ardent Sun family’s rise plan?”

Everyone said a word to me, but you didn’t see Old Ancestor Lieyang Zhan speaking. I couldn’t help but look at it in a puzzled way, and I saw Lieyang Zhan’s face is very ugly!

“Old Ancestor, what’s wrong with you…”

“what happened?”

Lieyang Zhan’s face was gloomy: “Didn’t you hear what Demi-God said just now? In 3 days, let the family’s most powerhouse go to the Golden Dragon Lion Island to discuss the major event! What is the most important powerhouse of our Ardent Sun Clan?”

“You have to ask, of course Old Ancestor you! This…what can I do?”

“You ask me, who am I to ask?”

Lieyang Zhan smiled bitterly: “Unless we, Ardent Sun Clan, want to be destroyed, we must go! But the question is, what will we face after we go?”

The high-level group was silent for a moment.

“The best result, this Demi-God has nothing to do with the Golden Dragon Lion Race, but rather the faith of Golden Archipelago, and is determined to win!”

Lieyang Zhan gave a wry smile: “If so, Golden Archipelago will appear a Golden Dragon Lion Race again, and all the previous efforts of our Ardent Sun family will be destroyed!”

“The worst result?”

2 Sacred Territory asked again.

“This Demi-God is Tackray. As for the result, I don’t need to say more!”


What happened in Ardent Sun Clan is also happening on other islands in Golden Archipelago.

Almost overnight, the ambitious who were originally wild ambition died down and lost their sound.


Doesn’t exist anymore!


Doesn’t exist anymore?


Doesn’t exist anymore?

All the powerhouses, forces, and families are as obedient as rabbits, and they stay in the base camp!

Immediately afterwards, the most powerhouse and powerhouse of these forces went to the Golden Dragon Lion Island without stopping.

In less than 3 days, they gathered on the Golden Dragon Lion Island and gathered at the Golden Dragon Lion Race.

There are a lot of them, but not one family.

Facing a Demi-God’s order, no one dared to violate it, and no one dared to challenge it!

However, what frightened these people even more was that when they came to the Golden Dragon Lion Race, they saw not one Demi-God, but a full…1!

Four Demi-Gods stood proudly above the Golden Dragon Lion Race, unleashing the mighty divine might, wantonly destroying the hearts of these people, almost scaring them to death!


High ambition?

Replace it?


All gone!

There is just endless fear and anxiety!

“Today you are summoned, and the purpose is 3!”

Barbus scanned the audience, his voice was like thunder, blasting in his ears!

“First, I want to tell you who killed Tackray, who destroyed the Golden Dragon Lion Race, and who rescued you from Sea of ​​Bitterness!”

“It is our great Master, Supreme…Great God Monray!”


With a wave of Barbus’s big sleeves, a ten thousand zhang-high Monray statue appeared out of thin air, instantly standing on the square, making a roar!

Looking at the abrupt appearance of the God Statue, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then fell to their heads to worship, all kinds of gratitude, like the surging river, and the Yellow River overflowing out of control.

“Thanks to Great God Monray for life-saving grace!”

“Thanks to the great Great God Monray for saving us from the Sea of ​​Bitterness, so that we can be human again and no longer be oppressed by the evil Golden Dragon Lion Race slaves!”

“Thanks to the Great God Monray of Supreme, you are a lamp, helping me dispel loneliness and illuminating expectations; you are tea, helping me filter impulsiveness and store tranquility; you are water, helping me moisturize for a while and keep me fresh; you are sugar, Help me dilute the bitterness, and be full of sweetness…”

“Second, what you did recently made Great God Monray very angry, and he was very angry!”

Barbus couldn’t hide his anger: “The great Great God Monray is a benevolent, fraternal, humble, compassionate existence, and hate evil!”

“He destroyed Tackray and the Golden Dragon Lion Race in order to save you from the Sea of ​​Bitterness, what a compassionate and kind god!”

“What about you?”

“Ignore the lives and deaths of the toiling people, wantonly slaughter, create disasters, make Golden Archipelago misty, and disasters are rampant!”

Barbus glared, and divine might pouring out: “Wait, you can be guilty?”

“Convict! We convict!”

“The Great God forgives sins, we know that we are wrong, we must correct it!”

This group of people trembled with fright, repeatedly begging for mercy, and they were extremely frightened.

“Knowing your mistakes can make corrections, and you are not good at it. For the sake of your first offenders, he can forget the blame. The focus is on your next performance!”

Barbus shouted: “What should I do in the future, do I need to ask Great God Monray specifically?”

“No need, no need!”

“We know what to do!”

“That’s good!”

Barbus is satisfied with nodded: “No. 3 is not the meaning of Great God Monray, but our 4 opinions, you can refer to it freely!”

“Lord please tell me!”

“Great God Monray has done so many things for you Golden Archipelago, should you express it to repay Great God Monray for your great favor?”

Barbus indifferently said.

“Indicating that?”

“Understand and understand! We understand! We all understand!”

“Since you understand, get out!”

“After January, the four of us will inspect the Golden Archipelago again. If your actions do not satisfy us, the lighter will be killed and the more sinful, and the severer will be ransacked and destroyed. Remember!”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

A group of people left in a hurry.

Looking at their backs, Barbus lightly snorted: “These guys, don’t frighten them, they won’t be honest!”

“Then it depends on how they did it!”

“of course!”

“We can’t be idle, we have to create a few disasters, and then perform a few miracles in the name of the Master, both of which can build faith!”


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