You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Lieyang Zhan hurriedly returned. Just as he boarded the Ardent Sun Island, the high-level Ardent Sun family greeted him with hope and anxiety in his eyes.

Lieyang Zhan sighed for a long time, shook his head and said: “My Ardent Sun family will not be destroyed, but the plan to rise up is a complete failure!”

Right now, Lieyang Zhan talked about what happened on the Golden Dragon Lion Island, and heard the high-levels sweating coldly, they were terrified!


And 4 in total!

And the mysterious Great God Monray!

They killed Tackray!

Destroyed the Golden Dragon Lion Race!

“Four Demi-God!”

“It’s ridiculous that we still want to take advantage of the situation to rise, replace Golden Dragon Lion Race and become the new Master of Golden Archipelago. It is really an overestimate one’s capabilities!”

“Yes! I’m afraid that before our Ardent Sun family rises, we will follow in the footsteps of the Golden Dragon Lion Race and be destroyed by them…”

“Okay! Don’t say anything now!”

Lieyang Zhan’s face was ugly: “The top priority now is to get through the immediate crisis! Otherwise, the family is also in danger of destruction!”

“Yes! Old Ancestor said so!”

Everyone was nodded again and again, but Old Ancestor said, after January, the 4 Demi-Gods will have to patrol. If they are not satisfied, they will die!

“Old Ancestor, where does the family go next?”

Some senior officials asked worriedly.

“On the way back, I have discussed with other families Old Ancestor and others!”

Lieyang Zhan said solemnly: “For Demi-God, ordinary treasures are simply insignificant. What they really value is… faith!”


“Yes! Faith!”

Lieyang Zhan heavily nodded: “Golden Dragon Lion Race occupies the Golden Archipelago, isn’t it for faith? So, we can start with faith!”

“Old Ancestor, just say what to do, we’ll listen to you!”

“Yes! For the survival of the family, we use Old Ancestor as the head of the horse!”

“Since Great God Monray values ​​faith, then we will help spread the faith, which can be summed up in 8 words: repairing temple statues!”

Lieyang Zhan said solemnly: “If the order is passed on, immediately collect wood, stone, gold, etc., and build temple statues on each island!”

“Let all Mage in the family help, and strive to build a temple on each island within half a month, no, 10 days, and build a God Statue!”

“On the day the temple was completed, we, Ardent Sun Clan, took the lead to worship the Great God Monray, set an example and do everything possible to help spread the faith!”

“As you bid!”


In this way, the vigorous temple repair movement began. Not only the sphere of influence controlled by the Ardent Sun family, but other islands are also repairing temples!

The surnames of Xiaolao 100 were shocked to discover that the rich and powerful families stopped fighting, did not levy food, grass and equipment, and did not recruit warships, but built temples!

“Sazi situation?”

“I don’t know…”

In the doubtful eyes of Xiao Lao 100, in less than 10 days, the temple of Great God Monray sprung up like mushrooms after a rain!

There is a big temple on the big island.

There is a small temple on the island.

There is a God Statue in the temple.

I have to say that Mage of this World is the best expert in building houses in the world. In less than 10 days, the temples are all over the Golden Archipelago!

This efficiency is jaw-dropping!

After the temple was built, Great Influence such as Ardent Sun Clan took the lead in worshipping. Some families are even more exaggerated. One small worship for 3 days and one large worship for 7 days are more enthusiastic than worshiping his father and ancestor!

Although some of the enthusiasm was overdone, they set a good example.

Many island residents also tried to worship under their suspicion, and then something incredible happened.

The disabled…recover completely!

The sick…I’m better!


Sea Beast, which often attacked the islands and caused people’s headaches… also disappeared!

The life of the islanders is extremely poor, so the effects of these efficacious events are shocking!

More and more residents walked into the temple and began to worship the Great God Monray, praying all kinds of!

For a time, Monray’s beliefs took root on the islands, and gradually developed and grown!

One month later, 20% of the islanders believed in Monray. Two months later, it rose to 2%.

One year later, this figure reached 70% of the horror. What is the concept of 70%?

100 100000000 million island residents, 70100000000 million believe in Monray, more than the total population of Earth!

For this result, the four Demi-Gods are very satisfied. After working hard for half a year, they finally bear fruit, and their energy is not wasted!

The only problem is that Monray still hasn’t regained consciousness, which disappointed the 4 Demi-God.

They are like children who have done good things, eager to get Monray’s affirmation!

Of course, if Monray is happy and can reward something and so on, it will be even more beautiful!


Golden Dragon Lion Race, that palace.

One year later, the ice that had sealed the entire sea of ​​consciousness gradually melted, and finally only a tuft surrounding the Fire of Divine Soul remained.

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“


A crisp sound came, and densely packed small cracks appeared on the surface of the large ice tuft that had frozen Fire of Divine Soul. As the cracks grew…


The ice lump exploded fiercely, the Fire of Divine Soul burned again, and the melted Soul Ice Essence merged into the golden Fire of Divine Soul.


Fire of Divine Soul instantly soared, like a few barrels of gasoline, burning more vigorously, more surgingly, more fiercely, more crazy!


At the same time, a terrifying Mind coercion spread from Monray and swept across the entire Golden Dragon Lion Race instantly!

“Master !!!”

The 4 Demi-God guarding outside was shivered and almost fell to the ground.

This prestige is too terrifying, making them like a majestic mountain, a little unbearable!

“Master’s strength has improved again!!!”

The four Demi-Gods looked at each other and felt a horror. Previously, Monray held the scarlet scythe and even True God Level other Demon Kings could slaughter!

It’s not bad now, and it has improved again. This speed of improvement is simply appalling!


Really improved!

As the person involved, Monray felt most clearly. He could clearly feel the changes in Divine Soul, which was more than 100 times stronger than before?

Divine Soul spread out and easily enveloped several thousands li in a radius. Everything in this range could not escape Divine Soul’s detection, and it was almost invisible.

“Divine Soul has gone from Peak Demi-God Realm to Lower God Middle Stage. This progress is really exaggerated!”

Looking at the property panel, Monray has a smile on his face. He is very satisfied with the progress.

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <16%>, fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline, Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline)

wealth points: 644110000 Law Source Crystal

constitution: Metal Source Divine Body (1%)

Mind: Lower God (Middle Stage)

Divine Power: 0.1Divine Crystal

Law Comprehension: Metal and Darkness (100%), Water and Fire (100%), Ground Wind (100%), Wood and Earth (100%); Fire Lightning and Ice (0.1%), Metal, Wood and Lightning (0.1%) , Metal, Darkness and Ice (0.1%)

“Divine Soul has improved so much, the price of spend gold Fusion Law should be lowered?”

Thinking of this in his heart, Monray decisively communicated with system, not beyond his expectations.

“Ding! To increase the Fusion Law of Three Elements degree by 1%, 1010000 Law Source Crystal is required!”

“Lowered so much? Not bad, not bad!”

Monray is delighted, the previous price to increase the degree of Fusion Law of Three Elements was 10010000!

But now it is only 1010000, the price is completely within the acceptable range, 1% requires 1010000 Law Source Crystal, 100% is 100010000!

100010000 only, not much!

“However, don’t rush to upgrade. After Divine Soul becomes more powerful, the price will definitely be lower!”

“At that time, it’s not too late to spend gold!”

Monray thought silently, looking away from the attribute panel, and came to the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Fire of Divine Soul is like a shining sun, burning more vigorously and turbulently than before. The ten thousand zhang golden light shines on the boundless sea of ​​consciousness!

And around Fire of Divine Soul, there are countless milk-white lines connected!

They are like antennas connected to the surface of Fire of Divine Soul, densely packed, countless.

“So many lines of faith?”

Monray was a little surprised.

These lines of beliefs have few 1 billion roots, which means that there are 1 billion believers, but how many 1 billion believers are they?

Suspicious in his heart, Monray communicated one of the lines of faith, and then heard an old hoarse, but extremely pious voice.

“Great God Monray of Supreme, I’m Constantine Macaric, I’m going to sea tomorrow, bless me to return safely!”

“The residents of Golden Archipelago!”

Monray instantly judged the origin of this believer, then chose one of the lines of faith, and pour it out.

“Great Lord, I am a guy from the Zebra Island Pig Farm. I am tired of my life now. Please bless me to find a battle energy manual…”

“Zebra Island? Or Golden Archipelago!”

Monray checked one by one and found that all the believers came from Golden Archipelago.

The divine sense spread, and I saw a lot of God Statues, groups of believers coming and going to worship.

Monray is incredible about this, he obviously just slept!


I just slept, after taking Soul Ice Essence, I slept comfortably!

“As soon as I woke up, the residents of Golden Archipelago became my believers? Isn’t this amazing?”

“No! The belief in impossible came into being for no reason. What must have happened?”

Monray decisively invited 4 Demi-God subordinates to inquire. He knew that 4 of them were outside.

“Congratulations to the Master!”

4 people saluted respectfully.

“What is the belief of Golden Archipelago?” Monray looked at the four people and asked.


Barbus respectfully said: “During your retreat for a year, we were all right, so we spread your faith, and the effect is reasonable!”

“One year? One year has passed?”

Monray was shocked all over, and just slept for a while. One year later, he is not a pig. When did he sleep like this?

“Yes Master!”

Barbus nodded, and then said with a smile: “Master, don’t have to wonder, it will take a long time to take a nap at our level, let alone retreat training!”

Monray slowly nodded, and then with a big wave, four Divine Sparks appeared in his hands, flashing black, silver, azure, and golden divine glow respectively, emitting terrifying divine might fluctuations.

“Divine Spark!!!”

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