You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Divine Spark!!!”

Seeing Divine Spark, the four of them were shocked. Their eyes were full of passion and desire, as if the hungry wolf saw the plump lamb!

“I have always been rewarded for merits and punished for crimes. You have done very well this year. I am very satisfied and must be praised!”

With a wave of Monray, 4 Divine Sparks flew towards the 4 people, Darkness Divine Spark flew to Barbus, Lightning Element Divine Spark flew to Cesia, Wind Element Divine Spark flew to Nagya, Metal Element Divine Spark flew to Klaus .

“Now, they are yours!”

Monray said with a smile: “I have processed these 4 Divine Sparks, you can rest assured that you can merge them without worrying about being possessed by its original Master body!”

“Thank you Master !!!”

The four of them knelt directly on the ground, and they were extremely excited. Divine Spark, the Master gave them Divine Spark. This is simply a grace!

“Lower Divine Spark, nothing more!”

Monray lightly said with a smile: “As long as you do things for me, Intermediate Divine Spark will have it, and High Divine Spark will have it too!”

“We must be striving to the utmost, making an all-out effort!” 4 people swear quickly!

At this moment, they feel that acknowledge allegiance Monray is the wisest decision they have made in their lives!

Lower Divine Spark, as long as they merge, they can become the Lower God. This is something that I would never dream of before!

And now, it’s about to be achieved, it’s unimaginable, it’s true!

“Go! Let’s merge with Divine Spark!” Monray waved and drove them out of the palace.

Afterwards, Monray went directly to the 96th floor of Tower of Time. I haven’t seen Kele for more than a year. Monray is now a little worried.

The divine sense spread, covering the 96th floor in an instant, but little Kele was not found, Monray was a little dumbfounded, even Teleportation to the 100th floor.

“Dodora, where is Kele?”

Dodora was sleeping on hu hu, and was suddenly awakened by Monray, almost to death: “You have mental illness, why don’t you let people sleep?”

“Where is Kele?”

Monray can’t close that many!

“She? Back to Demon World early!”

Dodora rubbed his sleepy eyes, said ill-humoredly: “You have been dormant for more than a year, and she will have a ghost if she doesn’t leave!”

“Back to Demon World?”

Monray was shocked: “How could she return to Demon World, what is going on?”

“Of course I left by myself!”

Dodora rolled the eyes: “It’s been more than a year. If she doesn’t leave, she won’t have to starve to death? Don’t worry, she is Fallen Angel. It’s better to stay in Demon World!”

“When did she leave? Why didn’t you stop her?” Monray was a little dissatisfied.

“Stop? Do you want to starve her to death?”

Dodora twitched his lips: “Shortly after you fell asleep, Kele ate up all the Demon. I didn’t notice it for a while, she went back to Demon World by herself!”

Monray was silent, Fallen Angel was originally the Demon World race, and was born to sense Demon World!

Kele really wants to go, unless Dodora is watching behind her ass, otherwise, can’t help it!

Not to mention eating up the food, she has to be hungry every day, how does Dodora stop?

“No! I have to find her!”

Monray closed his eyes and Divine Soul once again descended into Demon World, hoping to find her through the blood bond with Kele!

one minute passed.

Two minutes have passed.

Half an hour passed.

Monray can’t sense Kele’s trace at all, she seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth, disappear without a trace!

“Can’t sense?”

Dodora asked.

Monray shook his head: “No!”

“It’s normal if it can’t be sensed!”

Dodora indifferently said: “The bloodline contract is the most primitive bloodline contract, not the Soul contract. It won’t be sensed if you are a little farther away!”

“And Demon World, almost boundless, little Kele may appear in any corner, you can feel that she is a ghost!”

Hearing this, Monray felt relieved and sighed: “I hope she can be safe!”

“Relax! It will be fine!”

Dodora shook his head: “Fallen Angel is High Demon, and the training speed is amazing. In addition, Demon World is filled with food and nutrients. Little Kele will definitely be able to break out of the world!”


Monray sighed, left Tower of Time, and then wandered around. He did not fly, so he walked slowly with his feet.

In a bad mood, let the sea breeze blow.

First is Golden Dragon Lion Island, then Dragon Spring Island…gradually, Monray is lost…


Bixia Island is named because of the abundant water resources on the island and the sunlight coming down.

The small island is small, only a few kilometers away. Because it is too small, there are no permanent residents on the island, but nearby fishing boats will come to Bixia Island for a short time to supplement fresh water resources.

On this day, a broken fishing boat covered with patches was docked on the shore. Three fishermen got off the boat and carried buckets to the island to replenish fresh water.

“Old Jack, here it is!”

The fishermen who had stopped on the island greeted the three new fishermen. They were all fishermen on the nearby island and had known each other for several decades.

“Yeah! Coming!”

Old Jack is an old man in his 60s. His dark and mottled face is marked by years. Following him are his son Jake and his daughter-in-law Klay!

“Old Jack, let my son and daughter-in-law go to fetch water, our brothers smoke a pot of smoke and chat!”

An old fisherman with a straw hat was sitting on the rock next to him, holding a dry tobacco pot in his hand, and said with a laugh with his big yellow teeth.


Old Jack handed the bucket to his son, walked to the stone in front of the old fisherman and sat down: “Old Bass, how have you caught the fish recently?”

“Hey! Don’t mention it! Recently, the catch is getting less and less every day. It’s really evil!” The old fisherman shook his head straight: “By the way, how are you?”

“I’m okay……”

Two old men chatted with each other, and on the broken fishing boat of Old Jack sat a young man with bare feet, who was carefully wiping an ordinary harpoon.

“Big brother Galen!”

A pretty girl in a numb short skirt came over with a kettle in her hand, sweetly said with a smile: “big brother Galen, drink water!”

“Thank you, Helen!”

The young man called Galen thanked him, then unscrewed the kettle and took a sip. The sweet spring water entered the lungs and moisturized the throat, beautifully.

“Sister, you are too partial, why do you only get water for big brother Galen, mine?”

Behind Galen drilled a half-aged teenager with a tiger-headed brain, and yelled a little dissatisfied that he was Felen, Helen’s younger brother.

Helen beautiful eyes glared, and screamed: “Big brother Galen has been working so hard, what happened to me getting water for him? You know how to play!”

“I’m also working, OK!”

Felen puffed up his cheeks and hummed angrily: “You just have forgotten what you mean. Since the big brother Galen came, you only see him…”

Speculation ou are courting death 鍟婏紒鈥

Helen was said to have a pretty face that was flushed red, and he grabbed a salted fish that was basking in a pretentious attack. Felen was so scared that he yelled and ran to the other side of the boat!

“Little bastard, you’re gutted!”

Helen glared at the younger brother, and then secretly looked towards Galen: “Big brother Galen, Felen, he talks nonsense, don’t care!”

“will not!”

Galen smiled and shook his head slightly, a gentle smile on his handsome face.

Helen pretty face slightly red, a heart disappointing thumping and thumping: “Gay…big brother Galen, you can do it first, I’m going to cook!”

After that, he escaped into the cabin as if.

“this girl ……”

Galen shook his head and smiled and continued to wipe the harpoon. Felen came out again and leaned in front of Galen and whispered: “Big brother Galen, I tell you a secret, don’t tell my sister!”

“What is so mysterious and mysterious!”

Felen took a peek at the cabin and whispered, “Big brother Galen, let me tell you, my sister likes you, you know, she likes you!”

Galen slightly paused, dumbly said with a smile: “You little bastard, dare to take your sister to kick it, believing or not I tell her?”

“Don’t! 10000000 Don’t!”

Felen hurriedly begged for mercy: “If you tell my sister, she must take my skin off! But I’m serious, she really likes you!”

“She often watched you work secretly, giggling as she watched, as if she had lost souls! By the way, she still talked in sleep, dreaming of you…”

“You kid, it’s endless, right?” Galen glared, and said sternly: “Dare to talk nonsense, believing or not I smoke you?”

“Really! When I didn’t say it!”

Felen hurriedly changed the subject: “Speaking of big brother Galen, how did you insert the fish, why do you insert the fish accurately, can you teach me?”

“Right! This is what your little child should think about!”

Galen smiled: “There are two essentials for fish-cutting: first, mastering power; second, mastering certain skills! This power…”

“Big brother Galen…”

An alluring fragrance came, and the girl walked out carrying a pot of delicious fish soup.

“hong long long -“

At this moment, a deep and vast muffled sound came from a distance, as if 10000000 million tanks were crushed by, carrying a great momentum.

“what sound?”

Galen, Felen, and Helen were all startled. They all stood up and looked at them. Their complexions changed suddenly, and they saw a huge wave of hundreds zhang high on the sea level in the distance.

The huge wave is like a wall. Moved towards this side, the speed seems to be slow, but in fact it is extremely fast. A few breaths are not enough for several li!


“The tsunami is coming!!!”

Helen’s pretty face suddenly turned pale, and the fish soup in his hand fell directly to the ground, and Felen was trembling with fright. The fright was extreme!


“It was a tsunami!”


The fishermen on the boat and on the shore also found the hundred zhang waves that were moving, and suddenly lost one’s head out of fear, like a frightened deer.

The fishermen on the boat abandoned the boat and ran towards the small island, hoping to hide on the island and escape.

“It’s over! It’s useless to escape to the island. Bixia Island is too small to avoid such a big tsunami!” Old Jack muttered to himself.

“Gai… big brother Galen, the sea… the tsunami is coming!” Helen trembled and looked terrified.

“Yes, tsunami!”

Galen slightly frowned.

“It’s over! We’re dead!”

“Such a big tsunami will take us into meat sauce!”

“Wu wu wu! I don’t want to die! I haven’t gotten married yet, and I didn’t touch the girl’s hand. How can I die?”

“Great Great God Monray! I heard that you are very effective, must bless me…”

Looking at the huge tsunami like a huge mountain, some shiver coldly, some howling and crying, and some limp on the ground…

Frightened and desperate, in the face of the tsunami, the manpower is too small.

“Big brother Galen!”

At this time, pretty girl Helen suddenly grabbed Galen’s hand: “big brother Galen, I have held a sentence in my heart for a long time, I know I will never have a chance if I don’t say it…”

“Silly girl, who is not dead, say some nonsense, we will not die!”

Galen showed a genial smile, then rose into the air, moved towards the tsunami and flew away!

“Gay…big brother Galen!!!”

PS: Ask for a ticket?

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