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“Gay…big brother Galen!!!”

Helen was so shocked that his beautiful eyes widened, his small mouth opened into an O shape, and a cucumber could be inserted.

Felen, Old Jack, and his son and daughter-in-law also have an incredible expression of Galen rising up in the air.

“Old Jack, isn’t he the new boatman you hired? How could… fly?”

Old Buss stared at Galen as he flew farther and farther, his eyes almost staring out.

“I… I don’t know either!”

Old Jack set off a stormy sea in his heart. Old Buss was right. Galen was indeed his newly recruited boatman. During the time he got along, he only thought that Galen was punctual, and the others were nothing like an ordinary person!

But now, Galen is flying!


The powerful 9-level powerhouse can’t do it either!

“Sacred Territory! Big brother Galen is Sacred Territory!”

Felen’s excited little face flushed. As a resident of Golden Archipelago, Sacred Territory is not a legend, because they often see the Sacred Territory powerhouse of the Golden Dragon Lion Race patrolling the islands.

That was the time Felen admired the most. He wished that one day, he could step on the void like these Sacred Ruins, soaring through the Nine Heavens!

“Big brother Galen is Sacred Territory!”

Helen’s mind was blank.

“Sacred Territory! Galen who has been with us for so long is Saint…Sacred Territory!” Old Jack and his son and daughter-in-law were also stunned in shock.

At this time, Galen has already arrived in front of the tsunami. The tsunami of hundreds zhang high is like a giant mountain from the top. In front of it, Galen is almost like an ant. It seems that the tsunami will be photographed into meat sauce and powder at any time!

“Can big brother Galen stop the tsunami?”

Helen’s small hands were clenched tightly, completely locked together.

Felen, Old Jack and their son, Old Bath, and all the fishermen on the boat and the island all mentioned their throats.

Galen…Can you stop it?

In full view, Galen only slowly spit out 3 words: “Absolute Zero!”

in a flash, a golden cold current gushes out and shoots towards the wave wall of hundreds zhang high.

Next moment, the rolling tsunami instantly froze in place and turned into an iceberg!

The iceberg is braving an astonishing cold, and even after several hundred meters, everyone can feel the bone-chill from the iceberg, and the whole body is cold.


Galen patted it with a light palm.

“ka-cha -“

The icebergs of hundreds zhang high collapsed instantly, turning into countless ice dregs and crashing down, like a crashing skyscraper, smashing into the sea below.

After a while, the iceberg disappeared, and the tsunami disappeared. Only the ice slag all over the sea silently told the 10000-point dangerous scene just now!

“The sea… the tsunami is gone?”

People were dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and completely stunned. Only Felen exclaimed in surprise: “Yeah! Big brother Galen succeeded!”

“It succeeded! Big brother Galen succeeded!” Helen panted heavily, his pretty face flushed red, and his excitement was overwhelming, as if he had stopped the tsunami!

“Too…too amazing!”

“Galen is amazing!”

“This is Sacred Territory?”

People came back to his senses and cheered loudly with excitement, but Galen, who stood proudly above the sea, turned around, because the low roar not at all disappeared completely.

“what sound?”

“All pipe down! Pipe down!”

“Listen, what sound is this?”

The cheering people quieted down one after another, and a deep and deep thunderous sound came from nowhere. Then, the Bixia Island under his feet trembled slightly.

“Old Jack, why are you shaking?”

“I… I didn’t tremble! Say me, aren’t you trembling too!”

“Earthquake! An earthquake!”

The two old men looked at each other, and suddenly yelled in panic, the expression panic to the extreme!


When people heard the words, they found that the entire Bixia Island was shaking slightly, and even the nearby sea was shaking violently.

“hong long long -“

Bixia Island was shaking more and more violently, the rocks began to roll down, the trees shook violently, and the people on the island were staggering and they were about to lose their feet.


Suddenly, like a nuclear bomb exploded, with a loud bang, the mountain peak in the center of Bixia Island was instantly bombed into the sky!

Next moment, a thick and strong black smoke rose into the sky, and instantly rushed into the sky, which was mixed with a lot of dust and falling rocks!

“This is this…”

“This is a volcanic eruption!”

Old Jack cried out in surprise, even shouted loudly: “Quick! Get on the boat! The volcano is about to erupt! It will be too late if you don’t leave!”

Hearing this, people woke up like a dream and flew towards their fishing boats. Old Jack and his son and daughter-in-law also rushed towards the fishing boat behind the crowd.

“Booming -“

At this moment, there was another thunderous explosion, and a stream of lava that seemed to be made of boiling hot soup rose into the sky, straight up to ten thousand li.

When it reaches its highest point, the lava flow is like a goddess scattered flowers, spreading instantly!

“Pa pa pa ——”

A large amount of hot lava mixed with hot rocks smashed everywhere on the island, hitting the trees, the trees instantly burned, hit the ground, and smashed a big hole.

At the same time, the volcanic ash that is hiding the sky and covering the earth erupted, spreading towards all directions at a speed of up to 400 kilometers per hour, wherever it was shrouded in darkness, never seen the daylight, just like Nine Hells.


“Flee away!”

“Can’t escape! We can’t escape at all!”

How can manpower compete with the power of the World?

Looking at the hot lava that fell wanton and the volcanic ash, people are completely desperate. Even if they board a fishing boat, how far can they run?

Can’t escape!

Can’t escape at all!

“Big brother Galen, save… save me!”

At this time, Felen suddenly yelled. The sharp voice was submerged in the rumbling sound, but it reminded people.

Yes, we still have Galen!



“Big brother Galen!”

Helen looked at Galen too!

“shua ——”

A breeze passed by, and there was already a person above his head, it was Galen.

“Relax! Everyone will not die!”

Galen smiled slightly at everyone, with a finger casually, a cold current shot from his fingertips, where the cold current spread, the volcanic ash was frozen one after another!

After a while, a huge “ice flower” appeared in the sky. What shape or color the volcanic ash was, it looked extremely magnificent and beautiful!

Galen let out a sigh of relief at random, the huge ice flower turned into icy debris dropping from the sky, like snow falling from the sky, it was very beautiful.

“What a nice view!”

Helen couldn’t help letting out an exclamation, and everyone else was attracted by the beautiful sight, and couldn’t help exclaiming.

Galen slightly smiled and body flashed at the erupting volcano!

For ordinary people, the hot lava and deadly volcanic ash, Galen sees nothing.

Then he jumped and jumped into the exploded volcanic crater, and disappeared.

“Big brother Galen!”

Helen was so scared that he almost jumped up, a heart suddenly came up to his throat.

Others are also nervous and inexplicable, jumping into the volcanic crater? This is simply moth flies into the flame!

But what everyone didn’t expect was that in just a few breaths, the earth no longer trembled, the lava no longer erupted, the volcanic ash no longer came out, and the muffled sound disappeared!

On the contrary, an astonishing cold air spread from the volcanic crater and spread to four sides.

“Is it successful?”

“Galen succeeded?”

People cried with joy.

“Where is the big brother Galen?”

Helen stared at the volcanic crater closely, his eyes filled with worry.

“Sister, don’t worry! Big brother Galen is so great, how could something be wrong?”

Felen hehe said with a smile: “Sister, what are you going to say to big brother Galen just now?”

Helen pretty face suddenly flushed red, fiercely glared at the younger brother, and screamed: “Lord, you brat don’t care!”

“Hehe, I know if you don’t tell me, sister!”

Felen winked, but Helen twisted his ears in exchange. Felen cried out in pain, begging for mercy.

At this time, one silhouette flew out of the volcanic crater, and it was Galen who had just entered the volcanic crater.

“Big brother Galen!”

Seeing this, Helen greeted him and asked nervously, “Are you okay?”

“How could something be wrong with me?”

Galen shook his head and chuckled, “It’s you all, didn’t you hurt just now?”


“Big brother Galen, you are amazing!”

Felen rushed up with stars in his small eyes: “Big brother Galen, teach me, I want you to be so good!”


Upon seeing this, Old Jack hurriedly scolded, then respectfully shouted to Monray: “Dear Sacred Territory Lord, Felen is offended, please forgive me…”

“Jack grandfather, I’ll see you out!” Galen waved his hand: “You forgot, I’m the boatman you hired!”

“I can’t do it! I can’t do it! Sacred Territory Lord!” Old Jack waved his hand again and again, the boatman?

You dignified Sacred Territory as a boatman for me?

If you didn’t know your identity before, that’s all, but now that I know it, it’s just to give me 100 guts, and dare not let you be a boatman!

“that’s all !that’s all !”

Galen couldn’t help sighed, knowing that this wandering journey was about to end.

Being recognized by everyone, his continued stay here will only make everyone uncomfortable!

“Felen, don’t you want to be a powerhouse?” Galen suddenly looked towards Felen.


Felen’s head tapped quickly.

“Then do you want to learn battle energy, or do you want to learn magic?” Galen asked with a smile: “The former becomes Warrior and the latter becomes Mage. Which one do you want to be?”

“This one……”

Felen became entangled at once, and said after a long while, “I want to be a powerhouse like your big brother Galen, with an ice-bound tsunami with a wave of my hand, and a volcano suppressed with my finger!”

“Mage? That’s great!”

Galen hehe smiled: “After returning home, come to my house to find me, I will wait for you there!”

After speaking, Galen rose into the sky, disappearing into the World like a meteor.

“Galen is gone!”

Everyone looked at the direction he was going, and they were overwhelmed with excitement.

“Sacred Territory!”

“It was rescued by a Sacred Territory!”

“Old Jack, your family is afraid that it will develop this time!”

“Envy, jealous, hate, Old Jack!”

“Big brother Galen!”

Helen beautiful eyes flashed, and suddenly a decision was made.

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