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Causeway Bay is a beautiful small bay, embedded in the sea like a crescent.

The sea is blue, the beach is white, the plants are lush and green, and the scenery is picturesque.

There is a hill not far from the shore, and there is a fishing village at the foot of the hill, it is Tongluo Village.

The Helen family are the villagers of this village. Monray flew to the foot of the hill and went straight to his home, a cave.

The cave is not big, but it has 3 rooms and one hall: bedroom, kitchen, warehouse, and living room. Monray has lived here for more than half a year.

“Golden nest and silver nest are not as comfortable as your own dog nest!”

Monray entered the cave, grabbed a scoop, took a scoop of water, poured it into his stomach, then jumped and flew onto the hammock.

“I’ve been out for half a year, so it’s time to go back!”

Monray thought silently. Over the past six months or so, he has traveled to the Golden Archipelago, visited many places, and has gained more experience.

Finally, come to Causeway Bay.

Monray lived in a small seaside town in his previous life, and he often followed his parents to fish after he was a little boy. His childhood was spent on the beach.

By chance half a year ago, when I met Old Jack recruiting boatmen, Monray became Old Jack’s boatman. He fished every day, blew the sea breeze, and ate fish…

Monray feels as if back to his childhood, simple, happy, carefree…

“What a pity! Such days are about to end!” Monray sighed, glanced at the property panel.

For more than half a year, the property panel has unexpectedly not changed. This is the first time that Monray has not changed the property panel for such a long time since it got the system.

It’s not that it can’t be changed, but Monray deliberately indulges, and has been ignoring system.

“It’s almost time, it’s time to go back!”

Monray thought silently, and then left a Divine Power projection and left.

“Big brother Galen, we are back!”


“Master, you are back!”

Barbus, Klaus, Nagya, and Cesia bowed to Monray.

Their aura is mighty, divine might surging, this is because of the integration of Divine Spark.

“It’s almost all merged?”

Monray faintly smiled: “So it’s a Lower God, not bad!”

“Thank you Master for the gift!”

4 people hurriedly thank you.

After merging with Divine Spark, their strength has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Although they have just merged, they can be said to be the weakest and weakest Lower God.

But after all, Lower God is Lower God, and the true True God is far from comparable to Demi-God.

Therefore, the gratitude of the four people to Monray is from the bottom of the heart, and it is real!

“We have stayed in the Golden Archipelago long enough, it’s almost time to go back!”

Monray sighed, “But the Golden Archipelago must be stationed. Who of you wants to stay!”


The 4 people looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were all a little tangled. In all fairness, they all wanted to follow Monray.

Monray is generous and rewards Divine Artifact and Divine Spark. Where can I find such a Master?

But staying is also good, since then oversee one side, real local tyrant!

“You Old Fox boys!”

Monray was speechless, and took out Abyssal Saber Demon’s accompanying scimitar: “Whoever wants to stay at the Golden Archipelago, this bloody scimitar will be rewarded to him!”

The four Mind shocked, all eyes fell on the Scarlet Scimitar, and the color of desire flashed in his eyes.

But Barbus, Nagya, and Cesia took a look and moved away. Compared to this scimitar, they are still willing to stay with Monray.

“Then this scimitar belongs to Klaus!”

Monray handed the Scarlet Scimitar over: “Remember! Take care of the foundation of Golden Archipelago, don’t mess it up for me, you know?”

“Master, rest assured, I must making an all-out effort!” Klaus promised again and again.

“Right! One more question!”

What Monray thought of: “Not only must we protect the Golden Archipelago, we must also greatly improve the living standards of the island residents and their own strength!”

“If possible, try to build a magic battle energy Academy and let those children go to school!”

“Follow the Master’s orders!”

Klaus was nodded heavily.

“Go ahead!”

Monray gave Klaus a meaningful look, and then left with the three of them.

“Master, walk slowly!”


“Master, are we going back to Dragon God Empire?”


“I have been away for more than a year. I don’t know what happened to Dragon God Empire. Is this fellow Chahman lazy? If you dare to be lazy, watch me not beat him!”

Monray is not quite clear about the development of Dragon God Empire, but he can feel the change in the number of believers over the past year or so.

In the past two years, the number of believers has exploded, reaching a terrifying number of 2 100 million!

Almost every day, 100 to 10000000 million believers are added. Some of these believers are from Dragon God Empire, some from Titan Empire, and some from the underground world.

70% of them are from Dragon God Empire!

This is just a few 100 100000000 million believers!

This shows that Chahman is not at all lazy, but rather takes care of Dragon God Empire well. At least the spread of faith is well done!

The 4 people went all the way through the endless deep sea East Sea Territory, came to Dragon God Empire, and then saw the changes of Dragon God Empire!

“Master, along the way, it seems that all the Dragon God Statues in the Dragon God Empire are gone?”

“Look carefully, it’s not that it’s gone, but the God Statue of the Master!”


Monray is very pleased.

In the original Dragon God Empire, except for remote mountainous areas such as Magic Beast Village, slightly larger towns have Dragon God Church and Dragon God Statue for people to worship Dragon God and collect Power of Faith.

However, after returning this time, both the Dragon God Church and the Dragon God Statue were gone, replaced by his temple and his God Statue.

Believers continuously, all kinds of worship activities are endless, the incense is flourishing, along the way, almost the entire Dragon God Empire is like this!

“Chahman did a great job!”

Monray showed praise on his face and heard it in order. Everyone has their own field of specialisation. As expected, professional things should be done by professional people!

“Going back this time, I have to reward Chahman!”

More than 2 hours later, the four Monray members came to Dragon God Empire Imperial Capital. Compared to before they left, the current Imperial Capital is obviously more harmonious.

Enjoy shopping.

Practical work.

The meal was full of joy.

The panic that seemed like the end of the day a year ago disappeared, restored to the situation before Dragon Sovereign was killed, even better than before!

“Master, Imperial Capital has changed a lot!”

Barbus exclaimed.

“Go! Go to the Imperial Palace!”

The Imperial Palace also resumed its orders, and Court Eunuch, the court lady, was busy, guarding the imperial army look steadily forward…

Everyone performed their duties, in an orderly manner and guarded.

Monray found Chahman in a side hall of the Imperial Palace. This guy is not at all doing official duties, but hiding in the basement doing human experiments, seemingly refining Undead Knight.


Monray called.


Chahman was shocked, and he hurried out of the basement and came to Monray, bowing and saluting: “I have seen my great Master!”

“Get up!”

Monray fell to the ground: “Chahman, you have taken care of Dragon God Empire well! Tell me, what have you done!”

“It’s all thanks to Master!”

Chahman immediately started reporting: “reporting to Master, I have made several reforms to Dragon God Empire for more than a year!”

“Mainly include the following 4 points!”

Monray Mind vibrates slightly, listen carefully, and Barbus 3 people also prick their ears!

“First, abolish the four ranks human system, depose Draconian Noble, confiscate Draconian Noble’s wealth and land, and allocate all land to slaves and landless Human Race!”

Chahman smiled triumphantly: “There is no Draconian Noble in the Dragon God Empire now, and even Human Race Noble is pitiful, almost all slaves and civilians who have escaped slavery!”

“Of course, if the Master wishes, he can canonize a new batch of Human Race Noble at any time!”

“No need!”

Monray waved his hand: “Noble is a parasite that sucks the blood of the low-level civilians. Whether Noble will be canonized in the future remains to be discussed, but even if it is re-sealed, it will not seal a piece of land!”

“I understand what Master means!”

Chahman slightly nodded.

“You have done a very good job of distributing land. The people at the bottom are the foundation of the empire!”

“Allocate the land to them and let the cultivators have their land, so that the foundation of the empire will be firm!”

Monray praised: “But I think there is one thing you haven’t done thoroughly enough!”

“Master means…”

Chahman was puzzled.

“We have to issue laws to prohibit the sale of land, compulsory acquisition, and other forms of land mergers!”

Monray instructed: “Don’t forget, Draconian Noble is down. What about Human Race Noble? What about rich businessmen? Will they be greedy for the land that the people have just allocated?”

“Master is wise, I have neglected this!” Chahman woke up from a dream, with a look of shame on his face. Of course he understood Monray’s words!

In Firmament Continent, land is a symbol of status and status. Whoever has a large territory and who has more land will have more status!

Therefore, everyone will search for the land as much as possible, so that they have more land!

But at this time, a large group of slaves and peasants who have no power, no power, no background and no background have got a lot of land?

Who is not greedy? Who is not jealous?

What happened next is obvious, as the Master said, all forms of land mergers will definitely take place!

At that time, many slaves and civilians who have just been allocated land will lose their land again!

All he did before was just a wedding dress for Human Race Noble and wealthy businessmen!

“Master’s wisdom is like an endless starry sky, breathtaking, I’m ashamed of being inferior!”

Chahman looked ashamed, and at the same time developed a deep respect for Monray. He had never thought about the issue of land annexation before.

But Monray pointed it out at a glance, the gap between the two is obvious, he can’t help but admire it!

“You did a great job!”

Monray smiled and patted Chahman on the shoulder and changed the subject: “Dragon God Empire that many Draconian Noble, you deprive them of their status and rob them of their property. There must be a lot of resistance, right?”

“Big! Not so big!”

Chahman licked his lips and revealed a bloodthirsty smile: “However, there is a Master supporting me behind my back, and I am also a Demi-God, and all the resistance is destroyed by me!”

“Changes are often accompanied by foul wind and bloody rain. Tell me, how many people did you kill this time?”

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