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Dragon God Empire how much Draconian Noble?

Monray doesn’t know this problem either!

However, according to the laws of Dragon God Empire, the descendants of Draconian Noble are all Nobles. Even though Draconian’s fertility rate is low, the number of Draconian Nobles has reached a terrible level after 410000 years!

How can they agree to deprive so many Draconian Noble of their status and wealth?

“This decision started in the 4th month after you left, Master, and it took 10 months to complete it!”

Chahman showed a shy smile: “Zero totals total, and it will kill more than 300 and 100000000 million less than it!”


300 more than 100000000 million … less than?

Monray was almost scared to pee, and there was a hint of terror in the eyes looking towards Chahman.

Good guy!

Killing so many Draconian without changing his face, what a butcher!

“Demon of killing people like scything flax!”

Barbus almost urinated, and there was a hint of panic in the eyes looking towards Chahman, and Nagya and Cesia also moved away from Chahman!

Although they are underground Evil Gods, how can they kill so many people? I can’t even think about it!

“There is no other way!”

Chahman 2 spread his hands and said, “Draconian has many people in his own hands. Instead of surrendering his wealth and land, he instigated the unidentified bottom 100 surnames to launch a rebellion. I have no choice but to raise the butcher knife and kill!”

“They are immortal, the empire is unstable, and there may be a cholera master at any time. In order to get it off once and for all, I can only quickly sword cuts through tangled hemp…”

“Your this blade is too cruel!”

Monray doesn’t know what to say.

According to his idea, the general situation is in his own hands, as long as he is given the same learning and training opportunities for 10000 100000000 Human Race.

In less than 100 years, there will be a large number of powerhouses in Human Race. By then, why are you afraid of Draconian?

Monray absolutely believes that under the same conditions, Draconian absolutely cannot compete with Human Race.

1000 100 years later, Draconian will disappear in the long river of time sooner or later, kill? is it necessary?

“Master, did I do something wrong?”

Chahman said grievously.

“That’s not wrong, maybe I’m too kind!” Monray waved his hand: “Go on!”

“Second, promote Human Race elites, control the empire’s political affairs, and control local governments!”

Chahman continued: “As of now, the imperial court, the local executive council, the army and other key institutions are controlled by my Human Race, and all the Draconians have been kicked out by me!”

“It is no exaggeration to say that after 2 years of hard work, I have completely controlled the Dragon God Empire by Human Race, and I am the only Master in this empire!”

“Not bad!”

Monray nodded thumbs up.

“Third, demolish the Dragon God Church, destroy the Dragon God Statue, and strike down the Dragon God faith!”

Chahman chuckled said: “This is very simple, I handed it to Anti-Dragon Guard to do it, they completed this mission very well!”

“Anti-Dragon Guard?”

Monray looked suspicious.

“Master, Anti-Dragon Guard is a Draconian regiment that I formed. They are composed of Draconian powerhouses with strengths of level 9 and even Sacred Territory!”

Chahman helplessly said: “There are too many Draconians in the Dragon God Empire. It is a pity that many Draconians who reach level 9 and even the Sacred Territory have been killed!”

“No way, I called them together and formed Anti-Dragon Guard to do something to offend the person!”

“You treat Draconian like that, these Draconian powerhouses are still willing to do things for you?” Barbus said in a urn: “You treat them as fools?”

“Fool? Of course not! These Draconians hate me to their bones, and they want to smash me into 10000 pieces. How can they serve me?”

Chahman said with a laugh: “No way, I can only use Undead Magic to refine them into puppets, so that they can be obedient!”


The Monray 4 people couldn’t help but shudder, don’t know how to describe this stuff!

“Master, don’t look at me like that. If I don’t do this, they will be killed too. I saved their lives!”

Chahman retorted.


Is this human talk?

You have refined them into puppets that are neither human nor ghost, and you have saved their lives. Can you be more shameless?

“and then?”

Monray asked again.

“Third, build a temple of the Master, shape the statue of the Master, and spread the belief of the Master!”

Chahman chuckled said: “Temples and God Statues are easy to build, but it is not easy to rebuild faith in people’s hearts!”

“For this, I racked my brains and killed countless brain cells. It took a year to see initial results!”

“What have you done?”

Monray really wants to know what this shameful guy has done to make the people of Dragon God Empire give up their belief in Dragon God in such a short period of time and convert to their own!

“Speaking of which is easy too!”

Chahman said with a smile: “When people are most desperate, fearful, and helpless, it is often the easiest time to build faith!”

“So, I artificially created some disasters, such as natural disasters for the undead, and also instructed Anti-Dragon Guard to create some chaos, which can both ruin the reputation of Dragon God and cause panic. One move, two gains!”

“I let the people of Dragon God Empire know that the Dragon God they believed in has abandoned them, and only if they believe in the Master can they gain eternal life!”

“Of course, the spread of faith requires a two-pronged approach. I also made several miracles in the name of Master, so that the world can see how powerful the Master is!”

“At present, the effect is pretty good!”

“The effect is really good!”

Monray is slightly nodded. Excluding Chahman’s cruel treatment of Draconian Noble, the other government affairs of the Empire are indeed well organized, which makes Monray very satisfied.

“anything else?”

Monray asked again.

“In the end, it’s wealth!”

Chahman took out a space ring: “Master, this is the wealth I have collected from those Draconian Nobles for more than a year!”

“You have a heart!”

Monray was relieved, and then stunned.

“so much?”

Monray couldn’t help taking a breath!

“Master, the true wealth of Dragon God Empire is not at all hidden in the Empire Treasury, but in these Nobles!”

Chahman smiled and said: “Each Noble is a huge rat. They are hoarding huge amounts of wealth, and all of them are wealthy! Of course, the point is that there are too many Nobles!”

“Is this the truth about hiding wealth in the people?”

Monray knew that even if a Noble only has 1 Gold Coin, multiply it by 1100000000, and that is 1100000000 Gold Coin!

Is it possible that Draconian Noble’s hoarded wealth is only 1 Gold Coin? Obviously impossible!

Therefore, I have the immense wealth in this space ring!

Monray has no 2 words. All the gold, Gold Coin, and Law Source Crystal in the ring are included in the system, and the wealth points have started to skyrocket!

The whole process lasted for one minute before it came to an end, and the wealth at this time made Monray stunned and deeply shocked!

Wealth: 6888210000 Law Source Crystal

“The wealth of 6100000000 888210000!”

“It’s 10 times as much as before!”

“Unbelievable! Unbelievable!”

“This wave of earning is a bit fierce!”

Monray suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked towards Chahman: “Chahman, you have done a great job this time, what reward do you want!”

“Reward? For Master striving to the utmost, where would you dare to reward?” Chahman waved his hand again and again.

Although he was unwilling to be taken over by Monray at first, he was saved after all!

Rather than hiding in the seabed dungeon of all black, no daylight, he would rather acknowledge allegiance Monray.

So, he doesn’t think Monray owes him!

After that, Monray entrusted him with a heavy responsibility to manage the entire Dragon God Empire, and he absolutely trusted, never pointing fingers, Chahman has a feeling of meeting Bole, only thankful!

So making an all-out effort when doing things, I really never thought about rewards.

“If you have done something, you will be rewarded, if you have a mistake, you will be punished. How can you do it without reward?”

Monray waved his hand and took out a Divine Spark, a pile of Demi-God Artifact, and True God wreckage: “You can pick these things, and take away whatever you see!”

“So many treasures?”

Chahman was a little dumbfounded. Each of these treasures exudes surging Divine Power fluctuations, and each wreck possesses terrifying power.

Especially the Divine Spark, which exudes terrifying divine might fluctuations, gave him an extremely palpitating feeling.

Chahman knew that this is definitely True God Divine Spark, and it’s not a normal True God Divine Spark!

“Master, this Divine Spark is also in the range of choice?” Chahman cautiously asked.

“of course!”

Monray said with a smile.

“I want this Divine Spark!”

Chahman’s gaze was fierce: “I have been stuck in Demi-God Realm for more than 510000 years, and it is impossible to achieve True God in this life! So…”

“Since you like it, take it away!”

Monray slightly smiled, and pointed to 100 Demi-Gods, real divine corpse bodies, and wreckage said with a smile: “Don’t you like to refine Undead Knight? These things should be useful to you, right? You are all rewarded!”

“This … is it okay?”

Chahman was shocked.

“of course!”

Monray waved his hand.

“Thanks Master! Thanks Master!”

Chahman 1000 Thanks 10000, so I almost knelt on the ground and licked Monray’s toes.

“Go! Hurry up and integrate this Divine Spark, you have to work hard for the empire!”

Monray indifferently said.

“Master, this is not in a hurry!”

Although Chahman wanted to integrate with Divine Spark immediately, he held it back for a long time, and instead took Monray to a magnificent palace!

Then, civil and military ministers were recruited and Monray was introduced to these people.

“Meet Your Majesty!”

Everyone didn’t hesitate, they turned their heads down and worshiped. They would doubt others’ words, but they would definitely not be half suspicious of Chahman’s words, he was a Big Devil!

“Listen, Master is the highest ruler of this Imperial Palace, and even the entire empire. His words are the imperial edict and the Oracle!”

Chahman’s voice is indifferent: “Everyone, including me, must obey unconditionally. Those who dare to violate, kill-no-forgiveness!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Everyone should be in a hurry.

Chahman looked towards Monray: “Master, do you have anything else to add?”


Monray waved his hand, stamping everyone on the bottom of his heart, and then said, “Go down! Barbus, Chahman, go down too!”

“Yes, Your Majesty (Master)!”

Repelling everyone, Monray walked to the luxurious Golden Dragon chair and sat down, then impatient aimed at the property panel.

How to splurge the wealth points of 6100000000 Law Source Crystal? This is a problem!

“There are currently 4 places where you can spend gold!”

“Immemorial Human Bloodline (16%)!”

“Metal Source Divine Body (1%)!”

“Divine Power (0.1Divine Crystal)!”

“Still Law Comprehension!”

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