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Overnight, light rain all over the world.

Yes, light rain is not only under the Dragon God Empire Imperial Capital, but also throughout the entire Dragon God Empire. Light rain is scattered in all slightly larger towns.

For a time, Dragon God Empire, which had just experienced several waves of turmoil, had not yet completely calmed down, plunged into a bigger wave again.

“Great God Monray is Demon World Demon?”

“Completely crazy and ridiculous? Heinous?”

“It’s light rain, God warns! This is an instruction from God, you can’t help but believe it!”

“Rumors! Pure rumors! Great God Monray fights Noble, divides the land, and lets our slave live a good life. How could he be Demon?”

Facing the information carried by light rain, some people snort disdainfully, but more people think it is God’s will and start to waver!

Suddenly, the entire Dragon God Empire people were alarmed, and the Dragon God Empire was once again shrouded in a terrifying atmosphere.

But at this time, another big news spread:

In January, Monray will ascend to the throne on Dragon God Mountain and become the new emperor of the empire, and sincerely invite 3 Great Empire to come and watch!

As soon as the news came out, people’s hearts became more turbulent!


The extremely northern wasteland has been the territory of the Beastman tribe since ancient times. In countless years, the Beastman Empire has thrived on this wasteland and passed on from generation to generation.

The large and small Beastman tribes are scattered all over the wasteland in the far north, making use of everything this wasteland has given them as much as possible to survive!

Beastman Palace is located in the Central Zone of the extreme north wasteland. It is not an endless wilderness, but a continuous mountain range and primitive forest.

ancient wood scallion, 100 grass is luxuriant.

The beast roars and the strange bird rushes.

The entire mountain range is connected into an encircling circle, enclosing the Beastman Palace, forming a natural defense barrier, protecting the Beastman Palace!

Therefore, Beastman calls this mountain range “Beast God Mountains” and compares it to the great Beast God, protecting them from the Beastman Empire from war!

Beastman Palace, Imperial Palace.

Compared with the luxurious and luxurious Imperial Palace great hall of the Dragon God Empire and the heroic atmosphere of the Titan Empire, the Imperial Palace of the Beast God Empire is very simple.

It is made of piled stones and round logs are used as beams. It is simple and unpretentious. Even the chairs where Beast Sovereign and ministers sit are all carved out of stone. They do not have the luxury of Dragon God Empire at all!

It’s not that Beast God Empire is so poor that they don’t even have money to build a few decent chairs, but this generation of Beast Sovereign deliberately did it.

This generation of Beast Sovereign, named Grom Rexxar, is a talented and roughly emperor who rises in the mountains and knows the empire’s suffering!

Therefore, from the day of ascending to the throne, Beast Sovereign vowed to lead Beast God Empire out of the extreme northern wasteland with scarce resources and poor materials, and toward a more fertile land.

Grom Rex did the same. For more than 100 years, Beast God Empire has destroyed Goblin Kingdom, Ogre Kingdom, Halfling Kingdom, Arctic Plains Kingdom, Dwarf Kingdom… and dozens of large and small surrounding kingdoms!

As a result, the territory of Beast God Empire has doubled, bordering the endless deep sea to the east, Sunset Mountains to the west, Magic Beast Mountains to the south, and Arctic Plains to the north!

As a result, Beastman Empire has become the largest empire in Firmament Continent!

In addition to expanding its territory, Grom Rexxar also made great achievements in domestic affairs.

He fights Noble, encourages production, restricts births, rewards military merit, and opposes extravagance…

After a series of reforms, the Beastman Empire has never experienced the tragic scene of starvation and corpses everywhere across the field during the winter snow disaster!

I have to say, this is a miracle!

You know, Beastman Empire has a huge population and shortage of food. Every winter is the most difficult season for Beastman Empire!

Often a snow disaster can starve and freeze a group of people to death, but Beast Sovereign Grom Rexxar successfully prevented this!

With this alone, his achievements have surpassed the previous Beast Sovereign, and it is no exaggeration to call it the greatest Beast Sovereign of Beast God Empire!

However, Beast Sovereign Grom Rexxar is not at all satisfied with this. His goal is to restore the glory of Beast God Empire and reproduce the Beast God Empire of 50,000 years ago pinnacle!

“Everyone, this is a secret letter from Dragon God Empire, let’s take a look!”

Beast Sovereign Grom Rexxar sat on the stone bench and threw down a secret letter.

A lion man took it and looked at it with a look of shock: “Your Majesty, what happened?”


Beast Sovereign slightly nodded.

“Didn’t expect such a big thing!”

The Lion’s face was solemn, and he passed the secret letter to the ministers around him to circulate. After seeing the above news, the ministers’ faces have nothing common with each other!

“Who is Heras Theodore?”

“do not know!”

“Have not heard!”

Seeing the expressions of the ministers, Beast Sovereign looked towards a Foxman old man on the right, with a slightly respectful look on his face: “Old priest, have you heard of this man?”

This Foxman old man looks very old, holding a cane, two white eyebrows are hanging down from the cheek 2 sides, almost hanging down to the chin!

Hearing this, he stood up tremblingly: “Replying to his Majesty, Heras is the unborn genius of the Titan Empire 30,000 years ago, and is known as the strongest Titan in history. It is based on the strength of oneself at the 57-year-old breakthrough Demi- God Realm, smashing void and gone!”


“Own breakthrough Demi-God Realm?”


When the ministers heard this, they couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air and were shocked by this horrible record!

Everyone knows that every Divine Child of Titan Empire will make a breakthrough in Demi-God within 100 years.


No Divine Child can break through Demi-God at the age of 57, let alone break through Demi-God Realm!

Heras is simply a Monster!

“It’s really amazing. If it wasn’t for that Monster, Heras would definitely be the youngest Demi-God in Firmament Continent history!”

Beast Sovereign said with emotion.

Ministers are also nodded.

“Old priest, after Heras smashing void, where did he go?” The lion man on the left asked curiously, and the ministers also looked towards Old Foxman.

“I didn’t know what happened next!” Old Foxman slowly shook his head: “But recently Beast God asked me to dream about Heras!”

Beast God dream! ! !

The ministers were clever and stood up quickly. Even Beast Sovereign Grom Rexxar also got up from the chair and listened respectfully.

“After Heras smashing void, after 310000 years to go to Void World, I finally found a remote Plane to take root and spread the faith!”

The old Foxman was too old, and he was struggling to say two sentences and couldn’t stop coughing.

“With the nourishment of Power of Faith, Heras successfully broke through True God Realm 8000 years ago, becoming Firmament Continent after Dragon God, another True God!”

“True God !”

“This guy actually succeeded!”

Look of shock appeared on everyone’s faces!

Demi-God to True God may seem only one step away, but in reality it is like a moat!

Throughout the long history of Firmament Continent, Demi-God is numerous, but only 4 of them can become True God:

Elf Goddess, Titan Giant God, the great Beast God, and Dragon God!

Now, it’s time to add another Heras!

He succeeded!

He is the 5th True God in Firmament Continent!

“Later, Heras joined the Titan Giant God and became a Subordinate God of Giant God, and was rewarded with 6 Material Planes!”

Old Foxman sighed and sighed: “Six Material Planes, millions and millions of creatures, nourishment of endless Power of Faith. In 6 years, which step Heras has reached, His Excellency Beast God does not know!”

“Bonus of 6 Material Planes!”

Hearing this, everyone showed a look of shock. One shot was rewarded with 6 Material Planes. The Titan Giant God was too generous.

“In other words, this Heras is very powerful?” Beast Sovereign Grom Rexxar’s eyes flickered, and his eyes flashed!

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Old Foxman gasped: “Beast God ordered that Titan Giant God send Heras to Firmament Continent, which means sanctions Monray and maintains the rule of Titan Empire. At the same time, it is waiting for the opportunity to seize the Dragon God Empire. Your Majesty may be cheaper!”

Beast Sovereign was throbbing. Dragon God Empire is located in the east, the temperature is suitable, and the products are rich. It is ten times 100 times richer than the barren wasteland of the extreme north. He dreams of annexing the territory of Dragon God Empire!


“Your Majesty is afraid of Heras?”

Old Foxman is old but full of wisdom.

Beast Sovereign slightly nodded: “Since Heras has achieved True God, Monray is definitely not his opponent, but my Beast God Empire has no powerhouse that can compete with Heras!”

“Your Majesty don’t be impatient!”

Old Foxman grinned hoarsely: “Your Majesty just let go, the great His Excellency Beast God has its own way to deal with Heras!”

Beast Sovereign was shocked, and there was a burst of light in his eyes: “With the words of the old priest, this Sovereign is fearless, this Dragon God Empire this Sovereign is about to be finalized!”

“Pass this Sovereign command!”


Ministers all bowed and listened respectfully.

“Assemble the top ten Legion, immediately go south, Chen Bing the border of Dragon God Empire, prepare to capture Dragon God Empire, and wait for this Sovereign command!”

Beast Sovereign issued the highest combat instruction.

“Follow Your Majesty!”

The ministers loudly said yes.

“Everyone, 60,000 years ago, my ancestor of the Beast God Empire drank the horse on the banks of the Eastern Sea, hunted in the forest of Elf, competed on the Titan plateau, and was on the top of myriad races. How strong?”

Beast Sovereign has a passionate expression: “Since this Sovereign took the throne, I have worked hard, walking on thin ice, and dare not forget the ancestors’ aspirations for a moment!”

“When will Nye wait for me? My fate is bad, and I have not been able to reproduce the glory of my Beast God Empire. This Sovereign wakes up in the middle of the night and often blames himself!”

“Now, the great opportunity that I have been waiting for 610000 years for Beast God Empire finally appears. I cannot miss it absolutely!”

“Your Majesty Sanming!”

The ministers are full of enthusiasm.

“Everyone, whether you can regain the glory of Beast God Empire and restore the glory of the ancestors depends on the present time!” Beast Sovereign Tiger waved his hand: “Get ready to go now!”

“Follow Your Majesty!”

In an instant, the ministers all exited the great hall and went busy, leaving only Beast Sovereign and the old Foxman in the great hall.

“Old priest, do you have any more instructions?”

Beast Sovereign asked respectfully.

“Your Majesty, Heras has written the battle book. Not only does Monray don’t have the cowardice to fight, he will ascend to the throne after January and face the difficulties. I am worried that he will rely on it!”

Old Foxman tightly frowns.

“The old priest is worrying too much. Heras is a True God, and he has been training for 8000 years under the nourishment of endless Power of Faith. Is Monray his opponent?”

Beast Sovereign smiles confidently!

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