You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Elf Empire is located in the southern borders of Firmament Continent, with the Magic Beast Mountains in the north and the endless deep sea in the south. It is the only country in the Four Great Empires that is completely covered by forests.

This huge forest that is not inferior to the Magic Beast Mountains is the famous Elf Forest, because it borders the Magic Beast Mountains and the Elf Forest is also rampant.

Countless Elf tribes live in the forest, and they are companyed with vegetation and with Magic Beast. It is logically very dangerous.

However, the fact is that Magic Beast will not attack the Elf tribe at all. Instead, it forms a protective barrier to protect the Elf tribe from intrusion.

In the very center of the Elf Forest, there is a giant tree of ten thousand zhang high, which is perpendicular to the world like a Heavenspan built wood!

Towering and lofty.

Quiet and lush.

This giant tree is Elf Empire’s Holy Tree and Mother Tree-Tree of Life.

At the foot of Tree of Life, stands a beautiful palace, which is entwined with vines and covered with beautiful flowers, exquisite and elegant.

It is the Elf Imperial Palace!

At this moment, the great hall of the Imperial Palace proceedings was filled with the high-levels of Elf Empire.

A beautiful and alluring Elf with a crown on his head sits above him, like a person from a fairy tale, beautiful, pure and stunning.

She is the first beauty of Firmament Continent and the ruler of Elf Empire-Elf Empress!

“All Elders, this is the invitation just sent by the Special Envoy of Dragon God Empire!”

Elf Empress Zhu Lips lightly said: “Invite this Sovereign to Dragon God Empire after January to participate in the enthronement ceremony of the new Emperor Monray!”

“Your Majesty, Dragon God Empire is unreasonably making trouble, you don’t need to pay attention at all!”

A woman with a long sword wearing Elf Coldly said: “The new emperor ascends the throne. It is enough to send a minister to Hexi, Your Majesty does not have to go!”

“Commander Azshara said that Your Majesty is my Elf Empire Empress. Give him a Human Race junior congratulation. Wouldn’t it mess up his seniority?”

A female Elf with a bow and arrow also spoke: “Besides, after one month, whether he can survive or not, it’s only 2 to say that he still wants to become the emperor!”

“Yeah! Heras Theodore became Demi-God more than 310000 years ago. After coming back from strength, what kind of strength should he reach?”

“Those who come are not good, those who are good will not come!”

“In 310000 years, with the talent of Heras, I am afraid that True God has already been achieved!”

“It makes sense! A True God is coming, and the heart is ascended to the throne. After all, it is still too young. I don’t know that it has just passed Yizha…”

“And I have another worry. Monray has occupied the Dragon God Empire and destroyed the only place of faith in Dragon God. How can Dragon God give up?”

“It’s reasonable, Dragon God will not sit idly by!”

Hearing the words of the ministers, Elf Empress slightly nodded: “The meaning of all the Aiqing, this Sovereign is saved, then send a messenger to…”


At this moment, a terrifying divine might dropping from the sky suddenly fell on Elf Empress. The aura on Elf Empress changed, becoming majestic, sacred and solemn…

“Goddess is here!”

Seeing this scene, the ministers in the temple stood up quickly and bowed and saluted Elf Empress together, with a more respectful expression than before.

Elf Empress did not respond.

After a while, the terrifying divine might disappeared, and Elf Empress was restored to its previous appearance!


“Your Excellency Goddess is gone!”

The Elf all relaxed, and even looked towards Elf Empress: “Your Majesty, is there any Oracle coming down from Your Excellency Goddess?”


Elf Empress smiled wryly: “Your Excellency Goddess ordered us to protect Monray’s safety and not let him be killed by Heras!”


All Elf looked at each other in blank dismay, one after another showing their doubts, protect Monray? Which one came out?

“Monray, who the hell, Your Excellency Goddess actually dropped Oracle and let us protect his safety? This is incredible!”

“Isn’t there a rumor that Monray is the reincarnation of Evil God? Is he actually the reincarnation of God, and is also a friend of Your Excellency Goddess?”

“Don’t tell me, it’s really possible…”

Women are always the most trivial animal, even if they are a group of Elf.

“Since Your Excellency Goddess has brought down Oracle, I have to obey it!” Elf Empress said: “This Sovereign means to send a minister to the Dragon God Empire to observe the ceremony. This Sovereign goes secretly, can all the loves have objections?”

“Follow Your Majesty!”

Elf all bowed in agreement.

“In this case, go and prepare!”

Elf Empress whispered: “This is not an ordinary viewing ceremony. I think everyone knows what to prepare. I won’t say more about this Sovereign!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Titan Giant City, Titan Sovereign Palace.

“Invite this Sovereign to watch the ceremony? Hehe, I’m afraid this Sovereign is ordered to go!”

The Lightning Titan stands on the throne, gnashing teeth: “Don’t worry! This Sovereign will go, not only will you go, this Sovereign will have to see how you die?”

The ministers in the temple also showed excitement. They had been uproarated by Monray before, Demi-God Old Ancestor was completely lost, and Titan Empire was completely disgraced.

Everyone suffocated their stomachs!

And now, it’s finally time for their Titan Empire to take revenge!

“Let’s pass the order, order Ten 2 Legion to gather on the border between Earth Pillar Kingdom and Dragon God Empire. Only when the rebels die, my army will bring the power of Supreme to defeat Dragon God Empire!” Titan Sovereign gave the order!

“Follow Your Majesty!”


Following the order, the two huge monsters, Beast God Empire and Titan Empire, turned into war machines, and the army assembled and rushed to the border.

The changes in Two Great Empires were naturally seen by Dragon God Empire’s eyeliner!

For a time, letters came from Two Great Empires like snowflakes and sent to Monray’s desk.

The emperor Monray didn’t take it seriously, but he broke the civil and military ministers in a hurry.

“The Two Great Empires assembled a large army. This is obviously to take advantage of Your Majesty’s ascension of the throne. What can I do?”

“Beast God Empire’s top ten Legion, Titan Empire’s top ten Legion, combined forces, up to several 2 million, such a terrifying force, how to resist it?”

“The calamity of the country is imminent…”

The civil and military ministers were in chaos, and anxious like ants on a hot pot, but Monray didn’t see them, which made them anxious.

In fact, the ministers know it well!

The army of Beast God Empire and Titan Empire is not to be feared. What is really terrifying is Heras Theodore of Monray!

If Monray is defeated or even killed, then Beast God Empire and Titan Empire will be like hungry wolves, tearing the entire Dragon God Empire to pieces!

If Monray wins, it will be another situation. Perhaps Dragon God Empire will embark on a new path under Monray’s leadership.

Therefore, the key question is:

Can Monray win?

This is what the ministers are anxious about. They all want to visit Monray, test Monray’s tone, and see if Monray is sure to win!

But Monray didn’t see them at all. They couldn’t even enter the Imperial Palace, so they could only do it in a hurry!

Where is Monray?

At this moment, Monray is staying on the 91st floor of Tower of Time, quietly waiting for the birth of a small life. After nearly 2 years of gestation, Heart of Elementals has finally broken its shell.

The 91st floor, volcanic crater.

The Spirit Gathering Magic Array covering a small half of the Semi-Plane gathers massive amounts of fire elements into the volcanic crater, and then is absorbed by a fire cocoon.

“weng weng weng -“

The red and white fire cocoon exudes terrifying waves. The strength of aura is far beyond the Sacred Territory, reaching the Demi-God level!

Dodora was startled and appeared on the 91st floor, shocked from ear to ear: “Monray, where did you get the Fire Elemental Creature eggs?”


Monray faintly smiled.

Dodora rolled the eyes, but did not continue to entangle this issue, and said: “It is the life of Demi-God from birth. This Fire Elemental Creature seems to have an extraordinary origin!”

“Dodora, can’t you see what elemental life it is?” Monray is somewhat astonished, but Dodora is very experienced and knowledgeable.

“can not tell!”

Dodora shook his head: “That many elemental lives, how can I recognize them all?”

“Moreover, even if the same elemental life lives in different environments, great changes will occur after birth, which is difficult to identify!”

“It turned out to be like this!”

Monray knew it.

“However, it is the Demi-God level at birth. This Little Brat is definitely out of the ordinary!” Dodora envied: “You really walked the lucky dog ​​excrement!”

“Haha! My luck is always good!” Monray laughed heartily up.


The fire cocoon of the volcanic crater suddenly exploded, and an aura that was ten times more surging than before suddenly spread, and the shock wave swept all directions.

Next moment !

A group of white flames suddenly appeared, floating in the air, jumping up and down, like a group of flame spirit, it was fun to play.

“It was born!”

Dodora said with a smile: “However, this Little Brat does not seem to be someone who is easy to deal with. If you want to overcome it, it will take a lot of effort!”

“I gave birth to it, shouldn’t it acknowledge allegiance me?” Monray as it should be by rights said.

“Haha! Before it was born, the consciousness was asleep, how can you know that you gave birth to it?”

Dodora rolled the eyes: “Look, it’s here!”

“xiu – ”

The white flame did come, and it was beating motionlessly around Monray and Dodora, looking at the two people curiously.

“who are you?”

Suddenly, the white flame made a tender Divine Soul wave, and the milk sound was milky like a child.

“I am Monray, it is Dodora!”

Monray smiled kindly: “I gave birth to you, so don’t be nervous, we won’t hurt you?”

“You gave birth to me?”

The white flame was furious, like a baring fangs and brandishing claws little milk cat, roared in anger:

“You lied, we Fire Elemental Creature were born in flames, where do we need you to be nurtured? Dare to swindle me! You are a bad guy! I will burn you to death!”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

With that, the white flame suddenly soared and turned into a huge Fireball with a diameter of 100 meters, moving towards Monray and crashing frantically.

PS: Today, 10 chapters have been updated, with a total of 310000 words, but it needs to be revised when it is sent out. It will take time. Please wait patiently!

The first one is sent!

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