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The white flame exudes an astonishing high temperature, which is more than much higher than that of the lava, and an astonishing heat can be felt from far away.

“Although Little Brat has just been born, it is comparable to Demi-God’s Demi-God Middle Stage. If you let it spread faith, collect Power of Faith…”

Dodora exclaimed: “Within 100 years, I hope to become a god! It’s a pity, Firmament Continent has no extra faith resources for it!”

“Monster indeed!”

Monray slightly nodded, looking at the big Fireball coming from the impact, slowly said: “Absolute Zero!”

“shua ——”

A ray of golden cold current burst out, and instantly greeted the 100-meter large Fireball coming from the impact.

An astonishing scene happened. As soon as the big Fireball touched the golden cold current, it was instantly frozen.

“Ka ka ka-“

In just a few breaths, the Fireball was frozen into a big Fireball, and the astonishing cold air radiated. The big Fireball quickly began to shrink, and then retracted back to the previous white flame!

The white flame ran wildly in 4 places, crashing into the Fireball frantically, trying to break the ball out.

But how can Monray make it happen?

The Fireball also shrank rapidly. In a flash, the Small Accomplishment reduced the size of ten meters, forming an ice prison that trapped the white flame.

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

“Bad guy! Let me out!”

“Scoundrel! You are scoundrel!”

The white flame hit and cursed, yelling angrily, but why not Fireball.

“Newborn calves do not fear tigers!”

Monray shook his head and chuckled, then narrowed the space of Fireball even more narrowly: “Whenever you are softened, I will let you out!”

“Come on, Dodora!”

Monray takes Dodora and prepares to leave.

“Scoundrel! Where are you going?”

The flame is a little anxious.

“leave here!”

Monray never looked back.

“Don’t… don’t go! It’s too cold here!” White Flame said anxiously: “You let me out, I won’t attack you at best!”

“Are you sure you won’t attack anymore?” Monray asked with a smile back and forth, how could it not cure you?

“No…no more!”

“What if you attack again?”

“Scoundrel! If I say no, I will definitely not, I mean what I say!” White Flame angered.

“Okay! This is what you said!”

Monray waved his hand and removed the ice cell. Unexpectedly, the white flame would attack as soon as he got out of the trap. It hated Monray very much.

“Why? You want to attack me again? How did you treat what you said just now as farting?” Monray raised his eyebrows, and a cold current emerged from his fingertips.

The white flame suddenly froze in the air, hesitated for a moment before humming: “scoundrel! I say what I say, if I don’t attack you, I won’t attack you!”

“That’s the truth, I like the child who talks and counts!” Monray hehe smiled, “Right! What’s your name?”

“first name?”

white Flame looked dumbfounded: “What’s the name?”

“The name is the code name, the address, everyone has a name, my name is Monray, and it is Dodora!” Monray said with a smile: “You don’t have a name, do you want me to help you?”


white flame said excitedly.

“You are milky white and look like milk!” Monray said solemnly, “How about the name Wahaha?”

“Wahaha? It sounds great!” White Flame was a little excited.

“That’s natural! Wahaha AD calcium milk is the treasure of strengthening Divine Body!”

Monray admired: “In my hometown, everyone likes to drink Wahaha, because Wahaha stands for being strong and is synonymous with being strong…”

“It turns out that Wahaha is so awesome! Okay, I’ll be Wahaha!”

The white flame was extremely excited: “hahaha, I have a name! Wahaha…tsk tsk, what a mighty name!”

Monray almost never laughed, but he kept the look of Serene: “Wahaha, meet again, my name is Monray!”


Wahaha was stunned and turned into a small red snake: “I am also glad to meet you, my name is Wahaha!”

“I’m going! This is the Master!”

Seeing Wahaha’s true body, Dodora startled: “No wonder she had Demi-God power since she was born, it turned out to be Master!”

“Dodora, what species is Master?” Monray asked again.

“Master, a very powerful Fire Elemental Creature, lives by devouring flames, and flames are their food!”

Dodora explained: “The higher the level of the flame devoured, the stronger the power, and the faster the Master’s strength will increase. There are really few Fire Elemental Creatures stronger than the Master!”

“Master is so awesome?”

Monray couldn’t help but startled, and a pinch of Netherworld Divine Fire appeared in his hand.

Netherworld Divine Fire is the unique indestructible flame of Netherworld Divine Phoenix. Nothing is inflammable. Ordinary life will avoid it when seeing Netherworld Divine Fire.

But after Wahaha saw the Netherworld Divine Fire, his eyes lighted up, as if the hungry wolf saw the fat and tender big white sheep, his eyes were red.

“Wahaha, now we are friends!” Monray slightly smiled: “This is a meeting gift for your friend!”

Speaking, flicks with the finger and bounced the Netherworld Divine Fire.


Wahaha opened his mouth and swallowed this pinch of Netherworld Divine Fire directly into his belly. Then he burped in black smoke and looked towards Monray with kindness in his eyes.

“Monray, you are such a good person. I blamed you just now, sorry!” Wahaha said in embarrassment, “Also, I didn’t have a meeting ceremony!”

“Haha, you are just born. It’s normal if you don’t have a meeting ceremony!” Monray smiled and waved his hand: “I’m leaving, I’ll talk later!”

“Where are you going?”

Wahaha face surprised the color.

“Go home!”

After leaving Tower of Time, Monray reappeared in the Imperial Palace and felt a terrifying divine might spread and enveloped the entire Imperial Capital.

“Chahman succeeded?”

Monray eyebrow raised, he heard Chahman’s excited laughter from the side hall:

“It’s been more than 510000 years! Hahaha, didn’t expect my Chahman to have today too! Thank you Master!”


When the silhouette flashed, Chahman walked out of the side hall, and went straight to Monray. He paid his respects and almost kissed Monray’s stinky leather shoes.

“Okay! As for?”

Monray rolled his eyes: “Since I’m out of the customs, hurry up and handle government affairs!”

“Yes, Master!”

Chahman didn’t ask too much, and went to the government affairs hall to handle government affairs, while Monray went back to his palace.


Seeing Monray, Barbus, Nagya and Cesia salute respectfully.

“Come on! Eat with me!”

Monray summoned three people into the palace, and then chose a Divine Beast carcass to try it out. The pork was tired and it was time to change the taste.

After a while, the soup pot boiled, emitting a seductive aroma.

“smell good!”

“Master, what kind of meat is this?”

“Divine Beast: Taiyuetian! This is a good dog meat hot pot, you are welcome, eat more!”

“Then we’re welcome!”


Time passed quickly like a white horse, unconsciously, a month passed.

After a month of rush and construction, Dragon God Mountain has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The lush trees are gone.

The flourishing weeds are gone.

The rugged mountain road is gone.

Instead, it was a white Jade Mountain paved entirely with white jade.

Yes, Jade Mountain, the entire Dragon God Mountain has been completely transformed into…Jade Mountain.

The surface is entirely paved with white crystal jade, forming a step one step, extending from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and on the top of the mountain stands a statue of ten thousand zhang tall, made of gold, which looks extremely magnificent and holy ,majesty……

It is the statue of Monray!

Within 100 miles of Dragon God Mountain, it has been transformed into a flat square.

At this moment, the square was already full of people. There were powerhouses from Dragon God Empire and powerhouses from other 3 Great Empires and Continents.

Today, not only is Monray’s enthronement, but also the famous battle of Continent, how can they miss it?

In addition, it is Noble’s wealthy businessmen, believers, nearby people, and envoys of various countries!

The number of people is more than 1000000?

Everyone is looking forward to it, with different thoughts, waiting for the ceremony to be held.



The sun gradually climbed into the sky, and when people became impatient, there was a loud roar of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering in the distance.

“Look there!”

People Mind shook, and even looked up, and saw that a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the distant void, like a warship, and like an aircraft carrier, carrying the sound of rolling thunder and rolling towards this side. Come.


Get close!

Gradually, people saw the true face of the black shadow, and suddenly they were shocked that their mouth opened wide!

The so-called black shadows turned out to be 10 Giant Dragons that cover the sky and the sun, yes, 10 Giant Dragons!

The headed Golden Dragon is 2 thousand zhang in length, with the same body as the yellow golden, and is extremely handsome!

The 9 giant dragons, including the earth dragon, blue dragon, Lightning Dragon, Black Dragon, Fire Dragon, Green Dragon, Storm Dragon, Guangming Giant Dragon, and Frost Dragon, which are slightly behind, are tall and zhang, and they are also extraordinary!

thousand zhang Giant Dragon!

Proper Demi-God Level Giant Dragon!

With so many Demi-God Level Giant Dragons appearing, the sensation caused is absolutely terrifying, but what makes people horrified is–

The necks of these 10 Demi-God Giant Dragons are each tied with a thick chain, and the other end of the chain is fixed on a huge floating Dragon Carriage!

Seeing this scene, people still don’t understand what’s going on. These 10 Demi-God Level Giant Dragons turned out to be pulling the animals hanging on the floating Dragon Carriage. The shock of this scene is really too great!

“Where are so many Demi-God Level Giant Dragons? Isn’t Dragon Island Demi-God slaughtered by His Majesty Monray?” Sacred Territory powerhouse was amazed.

“This… who knows?”

The person next to him shook his head.

“How dare you let Demi-God Level Giant Dragon pull the Dragon Carriage, it’s bully intolerably!”

Among the crowd, an old man gnashing teeth hidden in a black cloak, his eyes breathed fire, and his eyes were full of humiliation and anger.

He was the only Dragon Race Demi-God that escaped when Monray stepped on Dragon Island: Storm Dragon.

The reason for being here today is that Storm Dragon wants to see how Monray died. He wants to see Monray die in front of him with his own eyes! ! !

But sadly, Monray did not see his death, but saw such a shameful scene.

Storm Dragon, that hate, it’s like a surging river, and it’s like the Yellow River overflowing out of control!

“There are also these beasts who would rather lose the face of Dragon Race, and do such a shameful act. The face of Dragon Race has lost them!”

Others can’t recognize these Giant Dragons, Storm Dragon knows them, these evil obstacles that have lost the face of Dragon Race are clearly the Sacred Territory Giant Dragons on Dragon Island!

The only thing that Storm Dragon puzzles is, how did these evil barriers break through Demi-God Realm?

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