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“Giant Dragon!”

“That is Giant Dragon!”

“Such a giant Dragon!”

“Great God Monray above! Where are there so many Giant Dragons? The evil Giant Dragon Race was not killed by the great Great God Monray?”

“Could it be that Dragon Race is resurrecting, come here to make trouble?”

Seeing the 10 Giant Dragons appearing in Skyrim, civilians and believers were in a commotion. They will never forget the pain of being ruled by Dragon Race!

“All Demi-God Level Giant Dragon!”

“Where did they come from?”

Elf Empire envoys, Beastman Empire envoys, and Titan Empire envoys were all puzzled. “Are the rumors false? Monray didn’t kill Dragon Island Demi-God at all?”

Just when people were puzzled, 10 Giant Dragons pulled the Dragon Carriage over to the Dragon God Mountain and stopped. Only then did people discover:

Not only are 10 Giant Dragons pulling the Dragon Carriage, there are more than a dozen silhouettes surrounding the Dragon Carriage, guarding the Dragon Carriage like a guard!

The ordinary person may not think much, but the many Sacred Territory, Demi-God, and envoys from various countries present are all disillusioned, and they have a stormy sea in their hearts.

“Demi-God !”

“These guards are all Demi-God!”

“Heavens! How come there are so many Demi-Gods? Where did they come from?”

“1, 2, 3…11! Full of 11 Demi-Gods! If you add the 10 Giant Dragon Demi-Gods that are pulled together, this is a total of 21 Demi-Gods!”

“21 people!!!”



Elf Empire envoys.

“Your Majesty, isn’t that Dark Elf Empress Naga Rose, why is this evil heretic put under Monray?”

“do not know!”

Elf Empress frowned slightly. Dark Elf Race originally belonged to Elf Race, but they were lost on the path of seeking power!

In the end, they completely degenerate, become an evil race, completely break away from Elf Race, and even become feuds with Elf Race, incompatible with each other!

Elf Empress came here to help Monray, but she didn’t expect Monray to collude with Dark Elf. She was very unhappy!

“Dark Elf has been hiding underneath while struggling on whilst at death’s door. Didn’t expect to be under Monray’s command. Now it’s a little difficult!”


Beastman Empire envoys.

“21 Demi-God…”

A Beastman mingled in the Beastman Empire envoys, looking at the 21 silhouette standing proudly in the sky, squinting his eyes, with divine light flashes under his eyes!

“How powerful is this guy, so much Demi-God?”

“It’s too terrifying, I just hope Heras can kill him, otherwise, it will be in trouble!”


Titan Empire envoys.

“Hmph! How about 21 Demi-God?”

The Lightning Titan’s eyes were cold, and his eyes were full of jealousy: “For His Excellency Heras, but clay chickens and pottery dogs that’s all, you can walk away with your backhand!”

“Thief, let you be proud of it for a while, and wait for you to look good!”


“Please Master!”

While people were discussing spiritedly, the 11 Demi-God of guarantee and protect bowed to the Dragon Carriage, their voices were uniform and imposing manner.


Barbus quickly opened the curtain and Monray walked out wearing a Golden Dragon robe and a crown on his head.

“It’s Great God Monray!”

“It’s the great Great God Monray!”

“Great God Monray!!!”

“Great God Monray!!!”

“Great God Monray!!!”

Seeing Monray, there was a burst of violent cheers among the crowd, and the civilians and believers suddenly boiled.

“He is Monray!”

Many Sacred Territory, Demi-God, and envoys from various countries have looked at Monray with inexplicable eyes!

In recent years, Monray is definitely Firmament Continent’s most prestigious existence!

16 years old!

breakthrough Demi-God!

Slay the Dragon God Empire emperor, slaughter the Dragon Island Demi-God, and finally occupy the Dragon God Empire!

Fight the Titan Empire 16-bit Demi-God alone, kill them all, and leave calmly!


shaking the old illuminating the new!

Shining record!


Seeing such a character, who can take it lightly?

Especially Beast Sovereign and Elf Empress, staring at Monray, seem to want him to see through!

“Go down!”

Monray scanned the audience, and then took the lead to fly to the top of Dragon God Mountain, Barbus and other 11 gods quickly followed.

The 11 Demi-Gods are: Chahman, Sanir, Barbus, Nagya, Cesia, Spider Goddess Rose, Dark Elf Empress Naga Rose, King Cuttlefish Mervin, Alchemy Creature Assassin, Flying Snow Sword Sage Garen Bonaparte.

Except for Klaus from the oversee Golden Archipelago, all the Demi-Gods that Monray conquered are all here, even the unruly Spider Goddess!

An altar is built in front of Monray’s ten thousand zhang statue, and on the altar is a Golden Dragon chair, which is exclusive to Monray’s throne!

Monray sat on the throne, looking down at the audience in the square!

At the same time, the audience also looked at Monray. Everyone wanted to know what Monray wanted to say at this sacred moment!

Under all eyes, Monray spoke:

“Millions of years ago, an ordinary race was born. They are weak and weak, devour raw meat and fowl, but strong and unyielding, pioneering and enterprising!”

“Fight against the beasts, overcome the cold and heat, fight against the sky, fight against the earth, breed, rise step by step, and eventually become the only Master of Firmament Continent!”

“This ordinary race is Human Race!”

“The Firmament Continent of millions of years ago is the home of Human Race and the habitat of Human Race’s independent living. Human Race is the Master of Firmament Continent!”

“But things are going to happen!”

“The Evil God is here!”

“They brought Elf, Titan, Beastman, Giant Dragon, and these Evil God minions came to Firmament Continent!”

“They occupied our land, enslaved our ancestors, restrained our clansman with shackles and discrimination, and demoted us to slaves with a hierarchy, leaving us exhausted, exhausted, exploited, and exploited! “

“They are like blood-sucking mosquitoes, sucking our blood for generations, enslaving our souls for generations, and our children and grandchildren exploiting our flesh!”

“Until today, millions of years later, our Human Race still lives on a poor island in a sea of ​​material abundance!”

“Until today, millions of years later, our Human Race is still shrinking in the corner of the vast Firmament Continent, struggling on whilst at death’s door!”

“Until today after millions of years, our Human Race is still enslaved, exploited, and crushed by Elf, Titan, Beastman, and Giant Dragon!”

“There is no equal legal treatment!”

“There is no equal training treatment!”

“There is no equal treatment of resources!”

“We, who obviously occupy 70% of Continent’s total population, enjoy less than 1% of social resources!”

“We who work hard and create wealth with our own hands, but we will never get our own wealth!”

“Obviously those aloof and remote Elf, Giant Dragon, Beastman, Titan do nothing, but they can deprive us of everything as it should be by rights!”


“Why can we only be enslaved at Human Race forever?”

“Why is our Human Race always at the bottom of Firmament Continent?”

“Why Titan, Giant Dragon, Beastman and Elf can bully our Human Race wantonly?”

The sound of rolling thunder blasted in the sky, resounded in the sky, and deep in one’s heart of everyone in the audience. Human Race’s eyes were red, and the 3 Great Empire envoys were stunned!

“What is the reason for all this unfair treatment?”

It was like talking to oneself, but also like asking and answering, only listening to Monray slowly said: “I think, you all persons have the answer in their hearts!”

“You must be thinking, weak! That’s because our Human Race is weak!”

“We don’t have the power of Titan!”

“We don’t have the terrifying breath of Giant Dragon!”

“We don’t have such an excellent magic talent as Elf!”

“We don’t have the battle strength of Beastman either!”

“That’s why we will be enslaved!”

“That’s why we will be exploited!”

“So, we will be squeezed!”

“But is that the truth?”

“No! Not so!”

Monray’s voice suddenly became high-pitched, like an eagle spreading its wings: “Our Human Race is no worse than Four Great Races, even stronger than them!”

“We have more delicate thoughts than Titan!”

“We have fertility far surpassing Giant Dragon!”

“We have hard work and hard work far surpassing Elf!”

“We have smart minds far surpassing Beastman!”

“In my opinion, the reason why our Human Race will be enslaved for a short time is because we have not realized our strength yet, because we have never really stood up!”

“Human Race is never weak!”

“We never lack amazing geniuses!”

“We never lack the heroes of Fight Heaven and Earth!”

“We never lack pioneers who are pioneering and enterprising!”

“So, as long as we can recognize our own strength, we must be able to stand up!”

“We must stand up!”

“We must be able to overthrow all mountains that want to enslave us!”

“I believe that as long as our Human Race really stands up and Giant Dragon Titan is not concerned, Beastman Elf will become the slave of our Human Race!”

“I believe that as long as we can stand up our spine, we will become the Masters of Firmament Continent again and regain our original homeland!”

“I believe that as long as our Human Race children can get the same educational opportunities, there will be countless Sacred Territory, countless Demi-God, countless powerhouses!”

“I believe……”

“stand up!!!”

“stand up!!!”

“stand up!!!”

The entire Human Race waved its arms, blood-red eyes, and roared hysterically!

The sounds of billowing thunder gathered together and rushed into the sky with great momentum. The faces of the envoys of 3 Great Empire changed wildly, and a deep chill rose behind them!

They know what Monray is going to do!

Not simply enthroned!

He wants to wake up the blood of Human Race and ignite the fighting spirit of Human Race!

Human Race !

If Human Race really rises, what will it be like? No one can imagine!

Monray raised his hand, and his roar stopped abruptly, as if he had rehearsed in advance!

“So, how to stand up is an urgent problem for our Human Race! I think that our Human Race must first set our mindset!”

“Our Human Race has never been a slave of any race!”

“Our Human Race is never inferior to any race!”

“Our Human Race has never served others!”


“Our Human Race has never been a slave!”

“Our Human Race is never inferior to others!”

“Why should we be enslaved by others?”

“We have to go forward and fight the mountains that oppress our Human Race!”

“We want to regain Ruler’s own lives and take back our own property!”

“We want to return to the Titan Plateau, return to the Elf Forest, return to the extreme north wasteland, return to the place where our ancestors once lived!”

“We want to return to the top of Firmament Continent, we want to return to the status of Continent Master, we want to regain everything that belongs to us!”

“Return to the top of Firmament Continent!!!”

“Return to the status of Continent Master!!!”

“Retake everything that belongs to us!!!”

Human Race people are excited, roaring frantically, hysterical, like crazy, thundering!

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