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“Dear clansman!”

“From the time I came to this World, I had a dream. This dream has always inspired me and made me fearless, press forward!”

“I dream that one day, our Human Race can stand up straight, not be oppressed by all races, and be able to truly Ruler this Continent!”

“I dream that one day, our Human Race can pedal Giant Dragon, tear up Titan, reject Beastman and Desert, and ban Elf from Lake of the Goddess!”

“I dream that one day the Titan Plateau will become our ranch, the Dragon God Empire will become our fertile land, the extreme north wasteland will become our mine, and the Elf Forest will become our hunting ground!”

“I dream that one day, our Human Race children can also accept training opportunities, just and honorable to enter the palace of battle energy and magic, and become a powerhouse!”

“I dream that one day Beastman and Titan will become our slaves, Giant Dragon will be on our wine table, and Elf will dance lightly and gracefully for us!”

“I dream of one day…”

Step on Giant Dragon!

Hand tear Titan!

Far north wasteland becomes pasture!

Elf forest becomes a hunting ground!

Giant Dragon on the table!

Elf dances for us!

Shocking words echoed in the hearts of every Human Race in the audience. People fantasized about this picture, and their blood began to boil!

“Continent has rumors that I am the reincarnation of Evil God, so I can have such terrifying power at this age, but what about the facts?”

Monray sneered: “I only have two words: absurd!”

“I am a pure Human Race, neither God was born nor Demon reincarnated. I can have the strength I am today and I have come through my own training!”

“Someone must be wondering, the fragile Human Race also has such a terrifying talent?”

“Of course! I said before that Human Race has never lacked talented strategists!”

“The historical number one genius of Dragon God Empire-Timon Barton, started training at 9 years old, became Level 11 powerhouse at 8 years old, and broke through Sacred Territory at 14 years old!”

“Amazing talent and gorgeous, top Continent!”

“Is Timon Barton Dragon Race?”

“No! He is a pure Human Race!”

“Dragon God Empire historical number two genius-Augustine, started training at the age of 10, became a level 16 Warrior at the age of 9, and achieved Sacred Territory at the age of 26!”

“Shaking the old illuminating the new, second in history!”

“Augustine is Dragon Race?”

“No! He is also Human Race!”

“See, my fellow citizens!”

“Under the harsh environment of Dragon God Empire, our Human Race genius can still stabilize Dragon Race. Is our Human Race really weak?”

“No no no!”

“We are very strong, we are very strong, we are far better than we imagined, we can burst out beyond imagination and talent!”

“So, I promise!”

“In the territory ruled by our Human Race, all Human Races under the age of 20 can receive the magic test for free and get the battle energy manual for free!”

“I promise!”

“In the territory ruled by our Human Race, build battle energy schools and magic academies. Children under the age of 16 can enroll free of charge and receive 6-year compulsory education opportunities!”

“I promise!”

“In the territory ruled by our Human Race, no taxes of any kind will be levied, no food payments of any kind, and no soldiers of any kind will be recruited for 10 years!”

“I promise!”

“In the territory under the rule of our Human Race, all registered human races can get at least 3 acres of land, and everyone has their own land!”

“I promise!”

“In the territory ruled by our Human Race, Human Race can never become a slave. Everyone must be equal. There is no slave, no Noble!”

“I promise!”


The impassioned words, like twilight drums and morning bells fiercely beat on everyone’s hearts, completely igniting the blood of Human Race within the body!

Other races faded instantly, especially the 3 Sovereigns such as Elf Empress and the complexity greatly changed!

Under the age of 20, accept the magic test for free and get the battle energy manual for free!

Under 16 years old, enroll free of charge and receive a 6-year compulsory education opportunity!

Within the scope of Human Race, there will be no taxes, no food, no conscription for 10 years!

Everyone gets 3 acres of land, everyone is equal, Human Race will never be a slave!

No one understands the meaning of this political move better than the three Sovereigns!

Once Monray does this, Human Race will have countless powerhouses, countless geniuses, and countless sources of troops!

Even the whole people are soldiers!

Even more frightening is that once Monray does this, will the other 3 Great Empire Human Race slaves, who are suffering from enslavement and oppression, agree?

They will resist!

They will run away!

They will yearn for Dragon God Empire!

They will rush to Dragon God Empire!

Until then, 3 Great Empire will definitely be messy!

“This guy… is a lunatic!”

The three Sovereigns stared at Monray, and a stormy sea was stirred up in their hearts.

They thought that Monray was only enthroned, and even if it became the emperor, it was just a continuation of the Dragon God Empire.

At most…abolish the four ranks system!

But absolutely didn’t expect…

Monray’s ambitions go far beyond this. He not only wants to be an emperor, but also leads the rise of Human Race, and even destroys the foundation of the 3 Great Empire!

“kill him!”

“This guy must be killed!”

“He is not dead, I, Beast God Empire, don’t talk about going south, even in danger of destruction!”

Beast Sovereign complexion ashen, Murderous intention 4 overflows in his eyes.

“Lord Heras, you must kill this rebel anyway. If he does not die, I will never have peace in Titan Empire, and even end up in the same way as Dragon God Empire!”

Titan Sovereign gnashing teeth, felt a huge crisis.

“What the hell did Your Excellency Goddess think that we should protect him?”

Elf Empress is a little dissatisfied with the Oracle of Elf Goddess. Don’t look at their Elf Race hobby peaceful and close to nature, but there are not many Human Race slaves in the Empire!

After a long time, Elf Empire, like Dragon God Empire and Titan Empire, has formed a huge and complicated race system.

Elf, Half-Elf…

In the territory of a Half-Elf Noble with the lowest level, dozens of 100 Human Race slaves are kept in captivity for plowing, planting, picking fruits, mining, making bows and arrows…

It can be said that the nobility, elegance, tranquility and beauty of Elf are all obtained from the hard work of Human Race slave. Without the labor of Human Race slave, how could Elf be elegant?

Elf is not a machine that does not eat or drink, they still have to eat 5 grains!

In a word, Elf Empire also has a huge number of Human Race slaves!

If it is true as Monray said, Elf Empire will face an unprecedented test!

“To save or not to save?”

Elf Empress fell into entanglement. For the first time, she was shaken by Elf Goddess’ Oracle.

Monray looked up at the sky, looked down on the mountains and the earth, and made a majestic declaration

“I declare that the first empire in Human Race history… is officially established!”

“Human Race rises! Empire established!”

“Human Race rises! Empire established!”

“Human Race rises! Empire established!”

The entire Human Race burst into shouts like mountain cry out and sea howl, all of them were excited, hoarse, and all eyes were red and blood was boiling…

“Human Race rises! Empire established!”

Flying Snow Sword Sage Garen Bonaparte with tears in his eyes, waving his right arm, and shouting hoarsely with the entire Human Race. This half a month former acknowledgement allegiance to Monray’s Human Race sword master was completely conquered by Monray’s personality charm. .

“Human Race has finally risen!”

Undead Demi-God Chahman’s face still has a gentlemanly elegant smile, ridiculously smiling, and the tears in his eyes remain disappointing.

He is Undead Demi-God!

But he is also Human Race!

Proud at this moment!

“The rise of Human Race is a foregone conclusion and is unstoppable. Any empire or race that dares to hinder the rise of Human Race will be completely overwhelmed by the rolling Human Race!”

Demi-God powerhouse sighed slightly. They could fully imagine that after today, everything that happened here would sweep through Dragon God Empire, Firmament Continent, and every corner of this Plane like a hurricane.

At that time, the bloodliness of Human Race will be awakened, and this huge race that has slept for millions of years will explode with unprecedented energy!

Swept Continent, suppress myriad races!

“of course!”

“The premise is that Monray must live! If he dies, everything will be empty!”

“The question is: can he successfully survive today’s catastrophe?”

Just as people’s minds were turbulent and thoughtful, a golden beam of light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth suddenly descended in the high sky!

As long as the sky!

On the same level as Star River!

About ten thousand meters thick!

Rutong pillar of heaven!

“this is……”

Everyone was attracted by this sudden natural phenomenon, and they all looked up.

I saw a hole suddenly appeared in the sky, a hideous head protruded from the hole, and then a long body…

This is a ten thousand zhang Giant Dragon with a length of ten thousand zhang and gold scales all over it, like a ten thousand zhang Giant Dragon made of gold!

Majesty and sacred!

Powerful horror!

Look at the world!


ten thousand zhang Giant Dragon roar towards the sky, the sound wave exploded like a nuclear bomb, and wherever the sound wave touched, the void was turned into fragments!


Although they are far away, the people in the square still feel a splitting headache, their brains are blank, and their ears are buzzing!

“This… this is…”

Some Demi-God exclaimed, “Dragon…Dragon God? Could it be that Dragon God came to the world?”

“Length ten thousand zhang! This is no longer the length that Demi-God Level Giant Dragon can reach, it is definitely True God Level other Giant Dragon!”

“Dragon God! Must be Dragon God!”

“Dragon God has dropped Divine Punishment! Dragon God has dropped Divine Punishment! It’s dead! We’re dead!”

Human Race powerhouses are frightened, even if they don’t know this ten thousand zhang Giant Dragon, but after thinking about it, they all know that the person is not good!

“Hahaha! His Excellency Dragon God! This is the aura of His Excellency Dragon God!”

The Storm Dragon in the crowd was madly surprised, trembling slightly with excitement.

“I knew that His Excellency Dragon God never abandoned us. He will come, he will come sooner or later! Haha, he finally came today!”

“Rebel, how did you die today?”

“Didn’t expect Heras didn’t wait, but Dragon God came first. Now there is a good show!”

Three Sovereigns were shocked. They thought the focus today was Heras killing Monray, but they didn’t expect that Dragon God would appear first.

“But that’s right. Dragon God Empire is the only place of faith for Dragon God. The faith is gone. If he doesn’t retaliate, he will call him Dragon God in vain!”

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