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“However, isn’t Dragon God unable to come to Firmament Continent? How can Divine Power projection be so strong?”

“This is not Divine Power projection, but the arrival of the body. Didn’t you feel such a terrifying Dragon Might? It is definitely the real body of Giant Dragon!”

“The real body is here, how did Dragon God do it?”

“Who knows?”

“Anyway, Monray is going to be unlucky…”

powerhouses are puzzled by the true arrival of Dragon God, but more are taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. They are looking forward to the next shocking drama.

“Stupid and humble mortal!”

The Golden Dragon slowly descended, and the divine might on his body became more mighty, and the sound spread like thunder: “Can you convict?”

“I know guilty?”

Facing Dragon God’s question, Monray shook his head and chuckled, “His Excellency Dragon God, I have done a lot of things, I don’t know which one you are referring to?”

“Will you kill the Emperor Dragon God Empire, or slaughter your dragon son and grandson, or smash your Divine Power projection with a hammer?”

“Bold !!!!”

Dragon God roared: “You were originally a citizen of my Dragon God Empire. You were blessed by my Dragon God Empire, but you killed the emperor, committed chaos, retaliated with grievances, provokes this God, and committed crimes, completely crazy and ridiculous. Big Devil!”

“Today, this God will put you to death, cramping, and letting all foolish mortals know how terrible God’s anger is!”

“Trifling a big lizard with wings, dare you call God in vain?” Monray sneered: “Where is Barbus?”

“At, Master!”

Barbus said.

“The rise of my Human Race is bound to be accompanied by endless blood, and today is the starting point of my Human Race’s rise. How can I do without blood?”

Monray indifferently said: “Go! Take down this big lizard, draw its dragon tendons, break its wings, and dig out its heart and lungs!”

“I want to use its liver for cooking, its blood for wine, its dragon horn for cups, and its scales for banquets, and entertain all the people and guests!”

“Master’s ambition… is my life!”

Barbus shouted out loudly, turned into a stream of light and shot towards Dragon God.


Seeing this scene, people looked dazed.


Is this going to dry up?

Let a subordinate face Dragon God, Monray’s head was caught by Feng’s anal door, right?

“Rebel, you’re scared, you let your subordinate go to death! But it doesn’t matter, once this stupid Titan dies, it will be your turn next!”

Storm Dragon sees killing intents.

Elf Empress, Beast Sovereign, Titan Sovereign also frowned. How much Dragon God exists? What’s the matter if you send a subordinate?

Do you think that by sending a subordinate, you can see the details of Dragon God and increase your winning rate?

Childish operation!

“Big lizard, if you don’t come early, don’t come late, I just came here at this time, and it was really sent for me to hammer. In that case, grandfather is welcome!”

Barbus squeezed his hands with a click, and he looked very excited. Just merging with Divine Spark, you have not tried your skills yet, you are here!

If I don’t eat, am I a fool?

“Damn insect, die!”

Dragon God is furious!

He is a dignified Dragon God. Although the body possessed by the body possesses only the strength of True God, how can Monray let a subordinate deal with him?

It was a great humiliation to him!

“Get lost!”

The Dragon God roared, and reached out the dragon claw, which is bigger than the mountain peak, and grabbed Barbus directly, wanting to smash Barbus with one claw!

“haha, come well!”

Barbus did not retreat but advanced, and even rushed up to the dragon claw that was slapped down. This scene surprised the audience!

“courting death !”

“Is this guy a brain disabled?”

“That’s Dragon God…”

However, what happened next made everyone stunned:

Instead of breaking Barbus into pieces, the huge dragon claw was punched into a hole by Barbus, blood ran!


With a cry of pain, Dragon God instantly retracted dragon claw, staring at Barbus with a pair of huge dragon eyes: “You… could you hurt this God?”

“Hurt you? Hehe! I want to kill you!”

Barbus laughed, his body swelled like an inflated balloon, in a flash, it inflated into a ten thousand zhang high giant!

The huge size is no less inferior to the ten thousand zhang Golden Dragon of Dragon God!

The divine might is as strong as the divine might of Dragon God mixed with Dragon Might!


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!

Whether it is a Demi-God powerhouse like Storm Dragon, or the three Sovereigns of Beast Sovereign, Titan Sovereign, Elf Empress, or other civilians, believers, and Sacred Territory, they are all shocked!


“Such a tall Titan!”

“This is also Demi-God?”

“Heavens! He is True God Level Titan!”

“How did he become a True God?”

“Big bug, come here, father play with you!”

Barbus gave a grinning grin, stretched out a palm larger than a mountain and grabbed it to Dragon God.

With a roar of anger, Dragon God raised the sharp and hideous dragon claw to greet him!

“ka-cha -“

The claws collided, like a comet hitting the moon. Amidst the explosion of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the void shattered every inch and turned into a huge black hole!


With a whine, everyone saw with amazement that the imposing Dragon God was beaten and staggered back, and its dragon claw bleeds down the sky!

“How can it be?”

Everyone was horrified and horrified. It was only the first collision that the Dragon God was injured. How strong is a Demi-God in Barbus?

“Come here again!”

Barbus laughed loudly and flew in front of Dragon God. A fist larger than the mountain peaked like raindrops on Dragon God.

In the muffled sound of peng~ peng~ peng~, Dragon God was smashed back again and again, and after a few old punches, Dragon God could not organize an effective counterattack!



Completely crushed and beaten!


“This is this…”

People were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out. The scene before them was completely different from what they expected. Dragon God was actually crushed and beaten?

Why is this happening?

“Barbus, this rebel, when was it so strong?” Titan Sovereign was frightened.

He doesn’t know if Dragon God has exerted its full strength at this time, but he knows one thing clearly, Barbus is stronger than 2 years ago!

Barbus two years ago is slightly stronger than his father!

However, today, 2 years later, my height is ten thousand zhang, comparable to True God!

2 years, what has he experienced?

“Hahaha, big lizard, do you only have this strength?”

Barbus fought more and more bravely, every old fist contained terrifying power, every old fist fell on the body, and the Dragon God was dizzy and bloody!

Dragon God is almost crazy. In order to retaliate against Monray, he specially selected a True God Level Giant Dragon from the kingdom of God who had been a god for less than 10000 years.

Then destroy the Divine Soul, seize the Divine Body, dove occupy the magpie’s nest, and descend on Firmament Continent!

According to Dragon God, with his current strength, it is enough to sweep Firmament Continent, whether it is Monray or any other Demi-God, it is not his opponent!

Killing these rebels, even driving Elf, Titan, and Beastman back to the nest, and unifying Continent like 50000 in front of it is not difficult!

However, the cruel reality gave Dragon God a resounding slap. Monray didn’t even take a shot. He sent a subordinate to beat him hovered between life and death.

This is fucking unbearable! ! !

“Dare to challenge Master with this strength? Overestimate one’s capabilities!”

After a violent attack, Dragon God was knocked out without any accident. Barbus was bruised all over his body, and the dying Dragon God came to Monray.

“Master, I brought this stuff!”

Barbus said with a urn.

“His Excellency Dragon God!”

Monray raised his eyelids: “Your time is over, obediently and honestly is it not fragrant to hide in the kingdom of God? Why do you have to take a trip to this muddy water?”


Dragon God’s eyes are full of unwillingness: “Why did your subordinate become True God? He clearly has no believers, no Power of Faith to nourish…”

“Want to know? Why should I tell you?” Monray waved his hand. “Kill it, Barbus!”

“Yes, Master!”

Barbus became a butcher.

Reaching out, the dragon scales fell off.

With a flick, the dragon horn broke.

With a strong twitch, the dragon tendons were pulled out.


Dragon God suddenly uttered a heart-piercing scream, but couldn’t shake it anymore.

Barbus’s power is too terrifying, far beyond his imagination!

In this way, under the stunned gaze of everyone in the room, Barbus killed Dragon God like a pig in the New Year.

Strip off the dragon scales and tear off the dragon skin.

Catch dragon’s blood and take out the internal organs.

Wash the dragon liver and clean the internal organs.

Poor Dragon God dignified True God was slaughtered in a scream of unwillingness, malice, and anger. It can be described as the worst God who died in Firmament Continent’s history.

“Master, Perfection is complete!”


Monray slightly nodded, with a big wave of his hand, divided the dragon’s blood of Dragon God into 1000000 copies, and then sent them to everyone in the room.

“Thank you all for coming to today’s ceremony. This Sovereign is very grateful. Only dragon’s blood is the substitute for wine. Thank you all for coming!”

“Everyone can rest assured that the Divinity in dragon’s blood has been cleaned up and you can drink it with confidence!”

After speaking, Monray picked up a bowl of dragon’s blood and drank it with his head up. Eleven Demi-Gods including Barbus also drank it with their heads up.

People looked at the dragon’s blood that appeared in front of them, and they all hesitated, but Demi-God and Sacred Territory showed ecstasy and looked up and drank cleanly.

Dragon’s Blood!

What a Supreme Treasure?

I can’t even drink it in my dreams, now I’m in front of my eyes, if I don’t drink it, I’m a fool!

The civilians and believers hesitated a few times, then raised their heads and drank a drink!

Monray is not afraid that they will explode and die. Although Dragon’s Blood contains a huge amount of energy, it is too small for an ordinary person to bear after being divided into 1000000.

“Damn it! Even Dragon God was killed by him!”

Hidden in the crowd, Storm Dragon looked at the dragon’s blood in front of him, his heart trembling.

He thought that when the Dragon God came, he would be able to slaughter all sides and behead Monray, but the truth is…

“I announce: From today, Dragon God Empire officially changed its name to Monray Empire, this Sovereign officially became the founding emperor of Monray Empire!”

Monray’s voice thundered: “The first order of this Sovereign: liberate all Human Races that are still being exploited, enslaved, and squeezed!”

“Scope: Continent all Human Race!”

“Arrogant !!!”

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