You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

In the distant kingdom of God, Titan Giant God sits on the throne, with a crystal ball suspended in front of him, showing the scene of the top of Dragon God Mountain.

“Humble mortal, you will pay a heavy price for your stupidity and ignorance!”

The murderous intention 4 in Titan Giant God’s eyes overflowed. It has been a long time since he was so angry. The last time he was angry was 50,000 years ago, when Dragon God was born.

At that time, Dragon God led the Giant Dragon Race to rise and expelled the Titan clan to the Titan Mountains, causing him to lose a large number of followers!

The Titan Giant God was extremely angry about this, but there was no other way but to watch the Dragon God unify Continent and gather a large amount of faith to become a god.

But this time, Titan Giant God is no longer silent, because since he was trained 20,000 years ago by Lightning God World Theodore Clan, he has become a local tyrant!

Under his command, he controls 108 Material Planes. There are countless believers and rich resources. True God alone has cultivated several!

So why should he bear it?

“Waiting to kill this mortal, Heras will take the opportunity to destroy Beastman and Elf Race and unify Firmament Continent. This Plane will again be the domain of faith for this God!”


In another remote and hidden kingdom of God, a robust man with two horns growing on the head and a majestic face is also staring at Firmament Continent!

His face was gloomy and his eyes breathed fire, as if someone owed him 100.

This robust man is exactly the God that Dragon God Empire believes in-Dragon God!

“Damn thief!”

“Good luck Heras!”

Dragon God was in a terrible mood. He looked at the two figures standing proudly on the top of Dragon God Mountain, and he didn’t even look good at all.

Monray VSHeras!

No matter who wins in the end, it has nothing to do with Dragon God, and he will lose the domain of faith in Dragon God Empire!

And this is his only territory of faith!

“Damn mortal! Damn! Damn!”

The anger in Dragon God’s heart!

If he can, he can’t wait to smash Monray’s corpse into 10000 segments, kill the Dragon Island Demi-God, destroy the Draconian Noble, and completely destroy his foundation!

The hope for him to regain the Dragon God Empire has become extremely slim, and it is impossible to regain the faith territory of Dragon God Empire again!

Especially just now, he was slaughtered by Monray in front of that many people. It was simply extraordinary shame and humiliation, and he was lost home!

“Kill him! You have to kill him anyway!” Dragon God gnashing teeth: “Both sides suffer, all die!”

Dragon God’s psychology at this time is a bit distorted, he hates Monray, because Monray has taken away his domain of faith and made him faceless!

He is jealous of the Titan Giant God. Why is that simple-minded, well-developed idiot able to get the cultivation of God World power in vain?

He hates!


But I can only watch!


Dragon God Mountain.

Whether it is the people, believers of the Monray Empire, or the 3 Great Empire envoys, and powerhouses of all races, they all stare at the two people in the sky.



Everyone knows!

This battle will determine the direction of this new empire, the future Fate of Human Race, and even the Fate of the entire Firmament Continent!

Monray wins!

Human Race will rise completely, and sweep the entire Continent with an uncontrollable force. Firmament Continent is likely to be unified again!

Monray lost!

The newly born Monray Empire will be divided up, torn to pieces, and Human Race will be beaten back to its original form and continue to return to the status of slave!

Therefore, this battle is crucial!

“Your Majesty, come on!”

“Great God Monray, you are invincible and will surely defeat the demons!”

“Dead! Monray must die! Only he is dead…”

Someone prayed silently.

Someone curses bitterly.

Someone take pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

When everyone’s minds were different, Monray took the lead.

“In that case, I will deference is no substitute for obedience!”

“shua ——”

Monray quietly disappeared in place.

Next moment !

Appeared strangely behind Heras. At the same time, there was a Hammer of Destruction in his hand, and fiercely slammed into Heras’ head.

“Little Brat, Teleportation is good, but it’s useless to me!”

Heras stretched out his hand weirdly and lightly grabbed it, and grabbed Hammer of Destruction in his hand!

Then he squeezed it hard, and only listened to ka-cha, Hammer of Destruction was caught to pieces.


Heras clenched his other hand into a fist and quietly appeared in Monray’s abdomen. Monray flew out like a cannonball out of its chamber!

“Master !!!”

Barbus and the others complexion greatly changed!

“Hahaha! Good! As expected of Legendary Titan Heras, want it! Just want it!”

When Titan Sovereign saw this, he couldn’t help falling into ecstasy, and all his previous worries and anxiety in this brief moment turned into excitement.

Catch Hammer of Destruction!

Monray flew with one punch!

Two moves were made in an instant to completely suppress Monray, showing overwhelming strength. The two people are not in the same class at all!


Monray is dead!

“Your Majesty, this arrogant guy is not an opponent of Hers, and is likely to die at the hands of Hers, what shall we do now?”

The Elf Leader of valiant and formidable looking, Azshara leaned in front of Elf Empress and asked in a low voice, “Should I try to save him?”

Elf Empress did not respond, because she was also struggling now.


According to what Monray just said, saving him is tantamount to saving a powerful enemy for Elf Empire. One day it is very possible to launch a war of annihilation against Elf Empire!

Not saved?

Your Excellency Elf Goddess How do you explain over there?

“Lets see!”

Elf Empress sighed, she has no better choice now.

“Master, how are you?”

Barbus and the others surrounded Monray and asked nervously.

“Not in the way!”

Monray waved his hand slightly, looking towards Heras: “I looked down on you a little, you are stronger than I thought!”

“And you are weaker than I thought. I am a little disappointed. It seems that the so-called Firmament Continent Number One Person is also only this!”

Heras shook his head slightly: “That’s right! After all, they are flowers that grow in a greenhouse. How can they mention on equal terms with those outside Heaven’s Chosen Monster?”

“I was underestimated by you!”

Monray threw away the hammer handle in his hand: “If you don’t show any strength, I’m probably going to be laughed at by your senior who has seen the world!”

As he said, Monray twisted his neck, and his body aura also changed during this brief moment, becoming cold, bloodthirsty, and sharp.


Heras was keenly aware of Monray’s changes, and she was slightly surprised.

“xiu – ”

An afterimage passed by, Monray reappears in front of Heras, his fist shot like lightning, and instantly hit Heras’s face.

“It’s useless!”

Heras shook his head slightly, and greeted him with a finger at random!

“Your reaction is slow this time, Heras!”

Monray suddenly appeared behind Heras, and his fist hit the back of Heras’ head!

Heras staggered forward and fell down, almost came to a dog to eat shit.

“How is it, Senior Heras, who has seen the world, how about my punch?” Monray’s mouth was slightly tilted, and a smile appeared.

“2 Teleportation, a little clever!”

Heras stabilized her figure and scanned Monray with squinted eyes: “However, your strength is too weak to hurt me!”

“is it?”

Monray chuckled, and suddenly 8 more arms appeared on his body, plus the previous 2 arms, for a total of 10 arms.

“One punch can’t hurt you, how about 10 punches?”


2 paragraph Teleportation!

3 paragraph Teleportation!

Heras’s reaction was absolutely incomparable, but in front of the 3-stage Teleportation, the reaction was half a beat slow after all, and this is Monray’s opportunity.


“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

At this moment, Monray brought the Wing Chun continuous Japanese punching boxing to the extreme!

In the endless collision sound, Monray’s 10 fists turned into phantoms, and a burst of brains poured on Heras!


Everyone was completely stunned, can this happen?


After having been hit by hundreds of thousands of punches, Heras reacted, and her figure exploded quickly!

At this time, his bloody nose and swollen face and nosebleeds were obviously not lightly beaten.

“It’s really patience, it’s okay after so many punches from me!” Monray couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air!

He just used all his strength in the human form, hitting 1010000 punches in one breath, but Heras only suffered a little superficial wound!

How durable is this?

“Cunning brat, you irritated me!”

Heras had a nosebleed and burst into flames in his eyes. He had been walking outside for many years, and the Senior who had experienced winds and waves was beaten like this by a junior. Where else would he leave his old face?

“I want you to smash 10000 segments!”

Heras roared, her body swelling suddenly.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Suddenly, his body quickly expanded like an inflated balloon, and in a flash, he expanded into a giant of 100 zhang high.


A grandiose divine might vent from the giant and spread!


The hundred zhang Divine Body is completely incomparable with the previous ten thousand zhang Dragon God and ten thousand zhang Barbus, but the surging divine might that radiates directly presses the civilians and believers on the square at the foot of the mountain to the ground, impossible to move.

Sacred Territory and Demi-God sweated on their foreheads, making it difficult to breathe.

“What a terrifying divine might, completely beyond the Demi-God level, much more powerful than the Dragon God just now!” There was Demi-God extremely frightened.

“Junior, go die for me!”

Heras lifted his huge foot and fiercely stepped on Monray. Logically speaking, his body has grown larger and his speed should be greatly reduced.

But the strange thing is that Heras’s speed is faster, completely stepping Monray under his feet, and then fiercely stepping to the top of Dragon God Mountain.

“Dare to step on me, then I’m welcome!”

Monray sneered, took out the God Killing Spear with his backhand, and poke up hard: “I’m the one!”

As of now, Monray still doesn’t know what level of Divine Artifact God Killing Spear is, but the sharpness of God Killing Spear is still beyond imagination.

“puchi -“

God Killing Spear easily pierced the sole of Heras, piercing a blood hole, Heras screamed, and even retracted the sole of her foot.

“Good treasure!”

Monray soars into the sky, looking at Heras: “Heras, what’s wrong with you?”

“Junior, what Divine Artifact is this?”

Heras stared at God Killing Spear.

“Aren’t you experienced and knowledgeable, you know it!” Monray shook the golden divine blood of God Killing Spear and smiled leisurely.

“Absurd! How many Divine Artifacts? How can I know everything?”

Heras is coldly snorted, looking at God Killing Spear with jealous and solemn eyes!

Although he is True God Perfection Realm, he has awakened Titan God Race Bloodline, and the Divine Body is comparable to Lower God!

But even so, it was still penetrated by God Killing Spear instantly!

Suffice it to say that this divine spear is at least Intermediate God Artifact, even higher!

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t know God Killing Spear, but there is a Divine Artifact you must know!”

Monray gave a weird smile, and a scarlet scythe appeared in his hand.

“Death…Death God Scythe!!!”

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