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“Death…Death God Scythe!!!”

“This is… Death God Scythe!!!”

In the kingdom of God, Titan Giant God looked at the sudden appearance of Death God Scythe, his face changed drastically: “Where did the thief come from Death God Scythe?”

Death God Scythe is not an ordinary Divine Artifact, but a Divine Artifact used by Death God to harvest creatures and sacrifice souls, evil, horror, bloodthirsty, powerful…

Every Death God Scythe is at least High God Artifact, High God Artifact, even Titan Giant God, the wealthy Peak Intermediate God, is also very greedy High Level Divine Artifact!

The key point is that Death God Scythe is the companion Divine Artifact of Death God. Where does Monray have Death God Scythe? Is he a member of Death God Race?


“Death God Scythe!!!”

“How can you have this kind of Evil Artifact?”

Heras’ face changed, and the gaze looking towards Death God Scythe was full of jealousy!

This is High God Artifact, killing him is like cutting melons and vegetables, his Divine Body simply can’t hold it!

“Death God Scythe, is the Divine Artifact of Death God!” Monray licked his lips, casually making up: “Where did you say that I came from Death God Scythe?”

“Don’t you be…”

Heras complexion greatly changed.

“Guessed right! I will reward you with a knife now!” Monray slammed a Teleportation closer.

“puchi -“

Death God Scythe slashed it, as if a kitchen knife slashed through tofu, across the Divine Body of Heras, and easily made a 2-meter deep…cut on it.

With severe pain afferent nerves, Heras looked at the bleeding abdomen and couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air: “As expected of Death God Scythe, it’s so sharp!”

“Of course sharp! I killed a True God Level Sheep-Lion Demon King with Death God Scythe forcibly 2 years ago!” Monray lightly said with a smile: “And you will be the first God hacked to death by me!”

“Want to hack me?” Heras’ eyelids twitched a few times, and her voice was cold: “It depends on whether you have this ability, the Kingdom of God suppresses it!”


Tone barely fell, a golden illusory shadow suddenly appeared on Monray’s head. The surging power of the kingdom of God descended from the huge illusory shadow, directly covering Monray in it.


At this moment, Monray felt as if he was in a quagmire. The pressure from everywhere squeezed his body crazily, causing him to move very slowly with a weight of 100000000 10000 Jun.

“Brat, True God why not the same as Demi-God? It’s because of the kingdom of God!”

Heras sneered: “The Kingdom of God is True God’s most powerful killing move. Among the Kingdom of God, True God’s battle strength is the strongest. Even outside the Kingdom of God, the power of the Kingdom of God can be used to suppress the enemy!”

“The power of the kingdom of God…”

Monray looked at the golden power of the kingdom appearing above his head, with inexplicable eyes.

“Brat, you are indeed amazing, and even have great opportunities, but you are not True God, how do you know the power and horror of True God?”

Heras coldly said: “Tell you, don’t underestimate any True God!”

After speaking, Heras hit Monray with a punch, and this time he used all his strength decisively!

Monray can threaten his life, he dare not release the water anymore!

Heras believes that with his Divine Body of the Lower God level, Monray will be able to blast Monray with a full punch, suppress and kill him on the spot!

However, at the moment when Monray was about to hit Monray, Monray suddenly exploded, turning into countless tiny electric currents all around.

Heras smashed into the air with a punch, and her body couldn’t help but stagger, and the 4 tiny currents rushing together instantly closed and turned into Monray again.

Monray waved Death God Scythe, puchi sounded, blood light flew over, Heras’ right arm rose into the sky and separated from the body!


Seeing this sudden change, all spectators were shocked!

A moment ago, Monray was suppressed by the power of the kingdom of God, and his body was unable to move. Heras clearly occupies a huge advantage!

But next moment, how did it become like this?

Not only did he fail to blow Monray, but was cut off by Monray’s right arm? Is this too fast?

“That was…Lightning Elementalization?”

Heras clutched his broken arm and looked towards Monray enduring incredulous pain.

“You guessed it! Unfortunately, no prize!”

Monray flicked Death God Scythe, and all the blood dropped.

“Didn’t expect you to have this ability!”

Heras’s face was a bit ugly: “However, you think you can defeat me in this way, you are so wrong!”

“No! I never thought of defeating you!”

Monray took a step forward and instantly reached Heras: “from start to finish, my goal is only one… kill you!”

“shua ——”

Monray suddenly exploded, turning into a sky of black smoke passing through Heras’ body, but regrouped behind him, and Death God Scythe passed.

“puchi -“

This time, the left arm is broken!

For a moment, her arms were chopped off, Heras turned into a stick, and her broken arms shot out golden divine blood, looking extremely miserable.

“Dark Elementalization!!!”

Heras turned pale and was finally a little frightened: “You have actually mastered two elemental abilities! What kind of freak are you?”

“Where is this?”

Monray smiled leisurely: “It’s rare to meet a good opponent. Next, I will use all the methods one after another on you!”

Tone barely fell, a ten thousand zhang high mountain suddenly appeared above Heras, and fell to Heras!

This time it is teleport!

“ka-cha -“

The mountain fiercely smashed on Heras, and it was smashed in an instant. Taking advantage of the moment Heras was submerged, Monray stretched out his hand!

The golden air flow spread out, and instantly submerged Heras and the shattered giant mountain!

This time it is Absolute Zero!

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

In a flash, Heras, the mountain peaks, and the gravel became a huge golden ice lump, and the astonishing cold air spread, even though they were far away, people felt chilly all over!

At this point, Monray still had no plans to let Hers go, and Netherworld Divine Fire emerged from the palm of his palm, gradually condensing into a black long spear!

This time it is Netherworld Divine Fire!

“1, 2, 3…”

Monray counted slowly.

“Booming -“

Angry roar came, the big ice tuo exploded, Heras reappeared!

At this time, the black long spear, which was already ready to go, burst out instantly!


After all, it is composed of Netherworld Divine Fire. Black long spear is far less sharp than God Killing Spear and Death God Scythe, and it fails to penetrate the Divine Body of Heras!

But after hitting Heras, it exploded and burned!

In a flash, Heras was overwhelmed by the Netherworld Divine Fire.

“Damn it! This is Netherworld Divine Fire!”

Heras both shocked and angry, almost collapsed!

Everyone watching the game cast pity and sympathy at Heras, cut by scythe, frozen, and now burned…

too difficult!

He is so difficult!



In the distant kingdom of God, Titan Giant God’s eyelids twitched, and some regretted sending Heras to Firmament Continent!

Even if you are hanged and beaten, the key is still being abused like this. This is a damn bullying!


“Lightning Elementalization!”

“Dark Elementalization!”

“Death God Scythe!”

“That long spear!”

“Now it’s Netherworld Divine Fire again!”

“Who is this mortal? Why do you have so many incredible Innate Divine Ability and high-grade Divine Artifact?”

Titan Giant God can’t understand!

Aside from Divine Artifact, there will be a background and a backstage, but Innate Divine Ability cannot be owned by a background and a backstage!

Elementalization is the exclusive Innate Divine Ability of Elemental Life. How could Monray have a flesh-and-blood Human?

Teleportation is a very rare Innate Divine Ability, Titan Giant God only heard about it, but never saw it!

Netherworld Divine Fire is the unique Divine Ability of Netherworld Divine Phoenix. Monray is obviously a Human. How can I use Netherworld Divine Fire?

Can’t figure it out!

Don’t understand!

Don’t get it!

“This Human is like a mystery, I can’t see his details at all!”

Titan Giant God He doesn’t like the feeling that this kind of thing is beyond his control, because it makes him feel that he is not strong enough!


“Netherworld Divine Fire!”

“This guy is Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race?”

Dragon God’s face is a little distorted. Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he has to say that he is jealous. What is the existence of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race?

It’s a powerful race that is no less than Titan God Race, and the Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race Bloodline is thin and there are few people, so it is extremely short-sighted!

Dragon God can imagine that as long as Netherworld Divine Phoenix discovers Monray, it will definitely bring Monray back to the clan for key training!

By then, Monray will certainly not enjoy less resources than Titan Giant God!

At that time, with the accumulation of massive Power of Faith and massive resources, Monray will surely develop rapidly, and will soon surpass his Dragon God, let him look up!


Thinking of these, Dragon God’s jealousy is about to separate. Their Giant Dragon God Race is not that powerful. On the contrary, Void World’s Giant Dragon God Race is very powerful!

But the Giant Dragon God Race is a selfish and hierarchical race, only cultivating pure bloodline descendants, like his Bloodline hybrid, born in the Wild Giant Dragon of the Low Level Material Plane, grandma doesn’t hurt, uncle doesn’t love it, who wants to cultivate he?

“I’m so jealous!”

Dragon God’s jealous eyes are red!


When encountering the Netherworld Divine Fire, even Heras has no choice but to suffer in pain and torture in the end.

“I said before, the result is the same!”

Monray step by step towards Heras: “Dragon Island Demi-God or Titan Demi-God, or you, is the same in my eyes!”

“Human, I underestimated you!”

Heras is also a man, despite the flames, he didn’t say a word, “Although I die without regret, Lord Giant God will avenge me!”

“Vengeance? Let him come!” Monray puchi said, “Anyway, our two beams are already over, I don’t care about this one!”

Heras didn’t say anything any more, slowly closed his eyes, and let the Netherworld Divine Fire burn, in a posture of generous death!

“Yes! You are very tough!”

Monray couldn’t help but praised: “Well, let’s give you a chance, as long as you submit to me, I can spare you a way to survive, how about?”

“I dignified Heras, how can you acknowledge allegiance you are a junior?” Heras sneered.

“Never mind! Then you go!”

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