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Heras is dead!

Under the burning of Netherworld Divine Fire, it was not accidentally burnt to ashes!

Come and go in a hurry!

And his death made many people feel like falling into an ice cellar, with cold hands and feet, feeling endless fear and despair, and the sky collapsed.

Titan Sovereign is one of the well-known figures!

At this moment, the Supereign ashen-faced of the Titan Empire, as if his body was hollowed out, directly limp to the ground.

“It’s over! Titan Empire is completely over!”


Beast Sovereign is equally desperate!

Even the deep and unmeasurable True God like Heras has been slammed by Monray, how should their Beast God Empire compete against Monray?

By Beast God?

Is it reliable?

Beast Sovereign doesn’t have any confidence, he is now confused, 6 god ownerless.

What kind of heroes!

What unified Continent!

What empire rises!

Forget everything!

Beast Sovereign just wants to leave here, calm down and think about how to resist Monray!


“He actually killed Heras!”

Elf Empress is also unbelievable. She knows that Monray is very strong, slaughter Dragon Island Demi-God, fights Titan Demi-God alone, and is a cultivation base deep and unmeasurable!

But Elf Empress absolutely did not expect that Monray is so powerful that even the True God powerhouse of Heras this level can kill!

How strong is Monray?

Elf Empress not only has this question in his mind!

In fact, this is also a question in many people’s minds, but no one can answer them, even Monray’s closest subordinates such as Barbus and Chahman cannot.

“Heras is dead!”

Faced with the horror, worship, or desperation in the audience, Monray spoke: “I believe in the so-called Titan Giant God, the so-called Dragon God, and even the so-called Beast God. It shouldn’t be easy to send people. The lower bound!”

“and so……”

Monray looked towards 3 Great Empire envoys: “You guys should be completely desperate, so what should I do without me saying more?”

“Within one month, I want to see 3 Great Empires bow their heads, if I don’t see it, I’m sorry, the Giant Dragon of yesterday is you tomorrow!”

After speaking, Monray flew back to Dragon Carriage again, and left with Barbus and other entire group. People looked at the back of Dragon Carriage and were speechless.

“Your Majesty, what do you do now?”

“You ask me, who am I to ask?”


Monray’s enthronement ceremony is over, but the shock has just begun!

Swear the rise of Human Race!

Order 3 Great Empire acknowledge allegiance!

Kill Dragon God, kill Heras!

One by one, one by one…

It spreads like a hurricane in Monray Empire and even the whole Continent, especially under the deliberate propaganda of Monray Empire, it spreads faster!

“Your Majesty said it!”

“In our Monray Empire, any Human Race under 20 years old can receive the magic test free of charge and get the battle energy manual free of charge!”

“Your Majesty said it!”

“In our Monray Empire, we are building battle energy and magic academies. Children under the age of 16 can enroll free of charge and receive 6-year compulsory education opportunities!”

“Your Majesty said it!”

“In Monray Empire, we will not levy taxes of any kind, pay any form of food payment, or recruit soldiers of any kind within 10 years!”

“Your Majesty said it!”

“In our Monray Empire, all Human Races can get at least 3 acres of land!”

“Your Majesty said it!”

“In our Monray Empire, everyone must be equal, no slave, no Noble!”

“Wu wu wu! Praise the great Your Majesty!”

“Your Majesty, praise you…”

“Your Majesty ……”

Monray’s vows were printed in a book, spread all over the streets and alleys, in the villages, in every corner of the empire…

The effect of this vow is incomparable. Everyone weeps with joy, everyone has tears in their eyes, and everyone is enlightened!

For a while, the believers who originally believed in Monray became more pious. When they did not believe in Monray, the believers of Monray grew at a terrifying rate!

And when these things spread to 3 Great Empire through various forms, the impact on Human Race in 3 Great Empire is incomparable!

No comparison without harm!

For a time, everyone yearned for Monray Empire, everyone wanted to be a part of Monray Empire, and some of them began to flee…

All in all, the whole Continent was messed up because of Monray’s actions!

An invisible storm swept Continent, and the foundation of 3 Great Empire began to shake!

Of course, this is nothing!

As far as 3 Great Empire is concerned, they are not afraid of the turbulent slave. The only thing they worry about is Monray. The slave has no strength, and no matter how hard it struggles, it is the bark of the weak!

Monray is different. He hangs over his head like a sharp sword, and will be cut down at any time!


Beast God Empire.

“Old priest, please!”

Beast Sovereign and Beast God Empire ministers all looked at the old Foxman with hope and expectation in their eyes. Now, they can only hope in…Beast God!

“Your Majesty, old minister, try your best!”

The old priest coughed twice, then slowly closed his eyes, and communicated with the Beast God who did not know where he was hiding.

As the most devout believer of Beast God in Firmament Continent, it is not difficult for the old Foxman to communicate with Divine Beast. Only Beast God usually responds.

But this time…

one minute passed!

two minutes passed!

Half an hour passed!

“Your Majesty, the old minister disappointed you!”

Old Foxman eyes opened with a look of guilt.

“Old priest, has Beast God really abandoned his pious people?”

Beast Sovereign’s eyes are full of despair. The ministers are like prepare for there funeral, desperate, like eggplants hit by frost.

“Your Majesty, old minister, try again!”

Old Foxman gave a wry smile, and silently burned the strength of Divine Soul, which strengthened his feelings.

However, no matter how you tried, the great Beast God never responded, as if it had disappeared!

At the end of the day, the old Foxman couldn’t hold on anymore, spurt a mouthful of blood, and fell straight down and died.

“Old priest!!!”

“Old priest!!!”

“wu wu wu ……”

An atmosphere of sadness enveloped the great hall, the ministers knelt down, and Beast Sovereign was full of self-blame: “old priest, I killed you! It was I who killed you…”

Not to mention the sad and desperate Beast God Empire monarchs, after the old Foxman died, he descended a powerful force and took his Divine Soul away.

When he opened his eyes again, he came to a beautiful and picturesque golden kingdom, and a Divine Power dropping from the sky reunited his body!

After a while, a strong Foxman with black hair appeared. It was the old Foxman!

Old Foxman looked at his hands and felt his young and strong body, tears of excitement filled his eyes, and he bowed down.

“Great Beast God! Thank you for your generosity and gifts! I praise you!”

“Those who believe in us will have eternal life!”

A majestic thunder sound rang in his ears. Old Foxman knew that this was the voice of the Beast God, and immediately cried out: “Great Beast God, save your humble people, they are in dire straits… “

However, Beast God’s voice was completely silent and never appeared again.

“Beast God…”

Old Foxman slumped to the ground with a look of despair. He knew that Beast God had completely abandoned the Beastman of Firmament Continent!


Titan Empire.

“Your Majesty, what should I do now?”

“Your Majesty, you have an idea!”

Titan Empire ministers are as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but Titan Sovereign uses wine to dissolve their sorrows, and simply ignores the anxious ministers!

“Your Majesty !”

The ministers have no choice but to invite Titan Empress, hoping that she can persuade them.

“It’s Empress, come, have a few drinks with this Sovereign!”

“Your Majesty, the national crisis is at stake, how can I have the mind to drink?” Titan Empress said: “The ministers are all anxious to death, waiting for your decision!”

“Idea? What idea can this Sovereign have?”

Titan Sovereign was drunk: “The Temple Old Ancestor is dead, and even Heras, who was sent by Giant God to the Nether, is dead!”

“The huge Titan Empire doesn’t even have a Demi-God. It’s just fish on the chopping board. What are your ideas? Just wait for death!”

“Even so, Your Majesty, are you waiting for Monray Empire to hit the door?”

Titan Empress persuaded: “In this way, we have no way to survive!”

“Empress what does this mean?”

Titan Sovereign leaned towards Empress.

“Since you can’t resist, why not take the initiative to acknowledge allegiance?”

Titan Empress said solemnly: “If we take the initiative to acknowledge allegiance, at least we will have a good ending, and it will not be the same as Dragon Race, the country will be destroyed and the clan will be destroyed!”

“But if you wait for Monray Empire to hit the door, I’m afraid that people will die and the country will be destroyed!”

“Don’t die?”

Titan Sovereign trembled all over, and his spirits of alcohol instantly became sober: “Yes, yes! You can’t wait for them to hit the door! You can’t wait for them to hit the door!”

“Come on! Quick! Call the ministers, this Sovereign wants to acknowledge allegiance! This Sovereign don’t die!”


Elf Empire.

Elf Empress opened beautiful eyes and looked at the eyes full of expectation and hope, and gave a wry smile: “Everyone, this Sovereign has disappointed you!”

“Your Majesty !”

The ministers’ complexion changed drastically, and a heart fell to the bottom in an instant.

“Your Majesty, what does Your Excellency Goddess mean?”

Azshara asked with a trembling voice.

“Let us take the initiative to acknowledge allegiance, lead Elf Race to avoid the forest of life, and never take one step out of the forest of life!” Elf Empress looked bitter.

“Avoid the Forest of Life? How can this be?” Azshara couldn’t accept it at all.

The territory of Elf Empire encompasses the entire Elf Forest. The scope of the territory is not inferior to Dragon God Empire, which is also inferior to Beast God Empire.

And what about the Forest of Life?

The barrier of life emanating from the Tree of Life covers the forest of life, the center of the forest of Elf, but it is only 1000 miles away.

With such a little chassis, less than a corner of the Elf Forest, let them abandon the vast Elf Forest and avoid the 1000-mile Forest of Life. Who can accept this?

“This is the meaning of Your Excellency Goddess, and there is nothing this Sovereign can do!”

Elf Goddess sighed faintly: “Send envoys to Monray Empire immediately and take the initiative to express acknowledgement allegiance. I think His Majesty Monray will not be wiped out in the face of Your Excellency Goddess!”

“Your Majesty, absolutely not!”

Azshara hissed: “The Forest of Elf is our Elf Race home. If we give up the Forest of Elf, how many clansman should we give up?”

“Commander Azshara, I know this is a painful decision, but have you ever thought about it. If we don’t give up Elf Forest, Elf Race will completely disappear from Firmament Continent!”

Elf Empress showed pain on his face: “Compare the two, which one is more important?”

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