You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Compared to the bleak 3 Great Empire, Monray Empire Imperial Palace is another scene.

“Well … Your Majesty!”

Fatty and Hades and the others looked at Monray in awe, expressing a little restraint.

“What Your Majesty is not Your Majesty? There are only friends here, only Monray, no Your Majesty!”

Before ascending to the throne, Monray discovered fatty, Hades, Joseph, Jona, Andrew and the others among the crowd.

After the ceremony, they were called into the palace. I haven’t seen them for more than 2 years. To be honest, I really missed them.

“Your Majesty, you are the monarch, we are the people, and the courtesy cannot be abandoned!” The crowd was a little flattered, and said with a formal expression.

Monray is still the familiar Monray, but his identity has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

Especially witnessing him beheading True God with his own eyes has made everyone clearly realize the power of Monray. In front of him, who can be like before?

Can’t do it!

Can’t go back!

“You guys!”

Monray was a little helpless, he finally realized what it means to be alone.

When the gap between the two parties is large enough, even relatives and friends will become strangers.

Even if you have always regarded them as friends, but in the hearts of friends, this may not be the case.

No way, Monray can only ask everyone to sit down and try to ask some topics that ease the atmosphere: “Captain Hades, how is the village?”

“Good! All good!”

Hearing Monray’s question, Hades stood up with a sigh of relief: “In the past 2 years, the villagers have taken the fruits of the sacred tree you bestowed, coupled with Lord Chahman’s special care, and their lives are getting better and stronger every day. !”

“I’m so relieved!”

Monray asked him to sit down: “I think you are now a Level 9 Warrior, with solid blood and energy. I believe you will be able to break through the Sacred Territory soon!”

“This is all thanks to Your Majesty Hong Fu!”

Hades quickly thanked.

In fact, it is not just him, Joseph, Jona, Andrew and the others have all made amazing progress.

Joseph and Andrew have reached the level 8 Warrior level, Jona Level 8 Archmage, the strength is much stronger than 2 years ago!

But this is still nothing. The real exaggeration is fatty. It has not been seen in just 2 years. This product has broken through the Sacred Territory!

A Dragon Might is pure and mighty, obviously awakening the Golden Dragon Bloodline, and it is also a deep awakening, but the kind of incarnation Golden Dragon!

“It seems that you brat have not slack in these two years!” Monray smiled pats fatty.

“All thanks to Your Majesty…”

fatty stood up quickly.

Monray is not happy anymore, fiercely said: “Do you dare to call Your Majesty again, believing or not, I smoke you? How did you call it before, have you forgotten it?”

“Hi…Old…Old Brother!”

fatty crying face.

“This is right!”

Monray feels all at ease, said with a smile: “I said before that if you can break through the Sacred Territory, you will give you the new Dragon Island and make you the new Dragon Sovereign of the Giant Dragon Race. I speak with the count. Now, The new Dragon Island is yours!”

“Old…Old Brother, I can’t use it, I can’t use it!” Fatty waved his hand again and again, “How dare you take a joke back then…”

“What a joke, what I say counts!”

Monray glared, “Do you think the new Dragon Island has no dragons? Don’t worry, I have 10000 Giant Dragons in my hand. I will send you to the new Dragon Island later!”

“Is this … OK?”

Fatty blinked, and there was a hint of excitement in his narrowed eyes, 10000 Giant Dragons!

“Lost Continent is a waste to put there, it is better to use it, and a few 10000 Giant Dragon eating mine and drinking mine, it will eat me poorly!”

Monray patted the fatty on the shoulder: “You should do me a favor and manage them for me, how about?”

“Old Brother, you said so, then I’m disrespectful!” Fatty laughed, with a mean expression on his face again.

“This is just like a word, but with your current strength, I’m afraid that you can’t suppress those Giant Dragons. Those guys are very rebellious for each and everyone!”

Monray slightly smiled and took out a Metal Element Divine Spark: “Take it for refining. If you integrate it, it shouldn’t be a problem to conquer Giant Dragon!”

“Old Brother, what is this?”

Fatty looked at Divine Spark, he could feel the horrible divine might fluctuations uploaded by Divine Spark, and this fluctuation made him feel very palpitations!

“Divine Spark !”

Monray said with a smile: “Of course, it is the processed Divine Spark. The original Master’s thinking, will, memory, Divinity, etc. are all eliminated, leaving only the pure Divine Power and World Law Comprehension, you can rest assured to merge! “

“God…Divine Spark!!!”

Fatty was shivered all over and almost jumped up in surprise. He has never eaten pork. He has also seen pigs run. What is Divine Spark?

This thing is a symbol of God!

Once Divine Spark is integrated, he will become a God! God of aloof and remote!

What kind of Supreme Treasure is this?

“Old…Old Brother, this thing is too expensive, I dare not want it! I really dare not want it!”

Fatty’s head shook like a rattle: “Old Brother, you are good enough to me, and I’m too greedy to take your things!”

“There is too much nonsense!”

Monray lightly snorted, snapped his fingers lightly, and a drop of blood shot from Fatty’s body and landed on Divine Spark. Divine Spark instantly disappeared into Fatty’s brow.

“Old Brother, God… Where’s Divine Spark?”

fatty was shocked.

“Already fuse together with you!”

Monray said with a smile: “With the strength of your first entry into the Sacred Territory, it takes much longer to fully integrate this Divine Spark than Demi-God, but it can be integrated anyway!”

“Don’t run around in the future, just stay in the Imperial Palace and have a successful integration, so as not to be discovered, murdering to seize the treasures, pick Divine Spark!”

“Thanks Old Brother!”

Fatty’s eye circles are red: “Old Brother, my fatty life is yours, even if climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, I don’t hesitate fatty!”

“Don’t worry, it’s not that serious!”

Monray sighed: “Actually, I also have selfishness. I will leave Firmament Continent sooner or later to go to the vast Void World. How lonely!”

“So, take a few friends and leave together, so that you won’t be alone!”

Speaking of this, Monray looked towards Hades and the others again: “You guys also train well, wait for the breakthrough Sacred Territory, let’s smashing void together!”

“Brother Monray, can I become a god too?” Joseph pointed to himself with a look of disbelief.

“of course!”

Monray slightly smiled: “So, you guys have to work hard and strive to achieve Sacred Territory soon!”

“Brother Monray, we must do our best!”

Eating vegetables and drinking wine, chatting about the past, childhood embarrassment, everyone slowly let go, no longer being so restrained, happy laughter and cheerful voices continued…

In the next few days, Monray did not train, and accompanied everyone to play in Imperial Capital. After almost all the games, they sent everyone away.

As soon as he returned to the Imperial Palace, Chahman brought a group of people to meet him.

“Chahman, didn’t you tell me that, you have the full authority to act as an agent for state affairs and government affairs, just watch everything, you don’t need to ask me!”

“Master! Thank you for your trust!”

Chahman gave a wry smile: “But today, you really need to decide on this matter!”

“What is it?”

Monray was a little surprised.

“The envoys of Elf Empire and Titan Empire are here, and they take the initiative to express acknowledge allegiance!”

Chahman said excitedly: “The Titan Empire is willing to dedicate all the land, and only hope that Your Majesty can give a piece of territory for the Titans to thrive!”

“Titan Sovereign is a smart man!” Monray slightly smiled: “Well, since he knows the current affairs so well, let him be fulfilled!”

“Chahman, draft edict!”

“Master, please order!”

“Choose Titan Sovereign as Titan Duke, lifelong knighthood, and give Titan Mountains its Fiefdom as the habitat of the Titan clan!” Monray said indifferently.

“Master Holy Light!”

Chahman bowed slightly.

“Thanks Your Majesty God!”

The Titan Empire envoys turned their heads down and thanked them, fulfilling their mission, and the purpose of the mission was achieved!

“Get up!”

Monray waved his hand slightly.

“Master, Elf Empire is also willing to dedicate the entire Elf Forest to actively acknowledge allegiance, only begging Your Majesty to give them the Forest of Life as a habitat for Elf Race!” Chahman said again.

“Elf Race even acknowledge allegiance?”

Monray was surprised at 10000 points and couldn’t help looking towards Elf Empire envoys.

Elf Race is not weak and belongs to the believers of Elf Goddess, and Elf Goddess is dignified High God. Will she willingly give up the vast territory of Elf Forest?


“Reporting to Your Majesty, this is the Oracle of Your Excellency Goddess!” The Elf Empire envoy bowed and said.

“What Elf Goddess means…”

Monray couldn’t help being more curious, but it was not the time to doubt this. He looked at Elf Empire envoys and said: “Since Elf Empire took the initiative to show his favor, this Sovereign is not a mean person, just follow Elf Empire’s meaning!”

“Thank You Majesty!”

The Elf Empire envoy bent down and thanked him.

“Take care of the rest, Chahman!” Monray waved his hand and started chasing people.

“Master, one more thing!”

Chahman hesitated.

“what’s up?”

Monray looked suspicious.

“The harem thing!”

Chahman reminded: “Now the Master is enthroned and proclaimed emperor, but the emptiness of the harem is not conducive to the stability and development of the entire empire!”

“Master, the harem should be enriched!”


Monray was a little speechless: “What is the emptiness of the harem to stabilize the empire? I dignified True God, Undying and Inextinguishable, is it necessary to inherit the throne?”

Chahman suddenly smiled bitterly: “Master, you are indeed immortal, but you have to leave Firmament Continent sooner or later. At that time, who will the throne inheritance give?”

“When the time comes!” Monray waved his hand: “It’s okay to get out quickly, I’m sleepy!”

“This…Yes, Master!”

Chahman was helpless and led people back.

“Choose a concubine…”

Monray shook the head decisively: “I have a wife and a child, how can I do such immoral things behind my wife? No! Never!”


“Seventy two concubines in 3 houses and 6 houses!”

“Just listen to it…”

PS1: The protagonist will not choose concubines or stallions, this is my promise!

But I have to affirm: what is written here is not objective and even more untrue, because men do not have a good thing. Hunting for beauty is the nature of men, and men like young and beautiful women!

In this case, any normal man would choose his concubine on a large scale, the wine pond and the fleshy forest, and he would not be ashamed or ashamed!

Don’t ask me why I know, because women think so too. . .

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