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“What if there is a way to kill him?”

Dragon God suddenly asked.

“If there is a way to kill the thief, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will smash him at all costs for 10000 segments!”

The storm’s eyes are full of hatred!

“So great!”

Dragon God was a little relieved and took out a parchment: “Sign it, and you have a way to kill Monray and avenge our Dragon Race!”

“His Excellency Dragon God, what is this?”

Storm Dragon looked at the Demon Contract, and it was densely packed with unrecognized text, giving people a very evil feeling!

“The way to kill Monray!” Dragon God’s voice was low and heavy: “The only way!”

“His Excellency Dragon God, can you tell, what exactly is this?” Storm Dragon whispered.

“This is a Demon Contract. The Master of the contract is a Demon God. As long as you sign this contract, you can borrow the power of that Demon God!”

Dragon God coldly said: “Even if only 10% is borrowed, no, even 1% of the power is enough to kill the thief!”

“Demon Contract?”

Storm Dragon trembled and his head shook like a rattle: “His Excellency Dragon God, I heard that after signing the Demon Contract Equivalent to sell his soul to Demon!”

“From now on, life and death, freedom and dignity will all be controlled by Demon, completely reduced to Demon’s slave and puppet, life is better than death!”

“You can say that!”

Dragon God indifferently said.

“No! No!”

Storm Dragon shook his head repeatedly: “I can’t sign this kind of evil contract. I can’t completely ruin my life and freedom for revenge!”

“A selfish coward!”

Dragon God breathes fire in his eyes: “As my Dragon Race Demi-God, you bear the hatred of my Dragon Race and the responsibility of recreating the glory of Dragon Race. How can you ignore these for your own selfish interests?”

“His Excellency Dragon God, once this contract is signed, I will completely become a puppet!”

Storm Dragon shook his head repeatedly: “I can’t agree to this kind of thing, you should find someone else!”

Dragon Race is important, but compared with your own life, it is not worth mentioning!

Storm Dragon doesn’t want to sell his soul for revenge, this is impossible!

absolutely impossible!

Even an order from Dragon God!

“Arlo, are you going to go against my will?” Dragon God’s face became cold.

“His Excellency Dragon God, I naturally dare not go against your will, but as Demi-God, I also have my own dignity, Your Excellency, you cannot force me!”

Storm Dragon changed its previous timid and became extremely tough.

Although Demi-God differs from True God by 108,000 li, it still occupies a god word!

Can achieve the existence of Demi-God, which one is not proud and tenacious?

How could he give up his life and sell his soul to Demon because of a few words from Dragon God?

Simply delusional!

“You dare to go against my will!”

Dragon God was angry, and the terrifying divine might soared into the sky, and all his brains pressed towards Storm Dragon!

“Lord Dragon God, I just want to live, please don’t embarrass me, let’s not live here!”

Storm Dragon bowed slightly, then turned into a stream of light and fled away.

Although Dragon God is a Divine Power projection, it can also display the power of Demi-God. Storm Dragon dare not challenge him, let’s run away!

“Selfish idiot, do you think you can escape?”

Dragon God coldly snorted, thoughts move, only hearing a muffled sound, Storm Dragon suddenly screamed, like a meteorite, and planted straight toward the ground.

Dragon God coldly snorted and flew over.

“How… what happened?”

Storm Dragon convulsed all over, and painful pain came from all over his body, as if 10000 1000 ants were biting flesh and blood, making him miserable.

“what happened?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

The Storm Dragon was terrified.

“Selfish coward, you are the shame of my Giant Dragon Race!” Dragon God looked at the painful Storm Dragon: “You die without regret!”

“What did you do to me?”

Storm Dragon both shocked and angry.

“Remember how you broke through Demi-God?” Dragon God indifferently asked.

“Fuse the blood of Immemorial Dragon, hit the yoke of Broken Bloodline…” Storm Dragon’s eyes suddenly widened: “Did you make hands and feet in the blood of Immemorial Dragon?”

“Not too dumb!”

Dragon God indifferently said: “The so-called Immemorial Dragon blood is actually my divine blood! Of course, I also added something in it!”

“why did you do this?”

Storm Dragon’s face was distorted: “We are all Giant Dragon Race, even your followers, why are you harming us?”

“Why? Of course, to guard against you, it is enough for Dragon Race to have a Dragon God!”

Dragon God shook his head slightly: “There can be no more Dragon God to compete with me for faith!”

“Despicable! Selfish! Shameless!”

Storm Dragon’s face is grim: “Helbes, what a Dragon God are you, you are a Dragon God!”


Dragon God is coldly snorted and throws out the Demon Contract: “You can still live if you sign the Demon Contract! Otherwise, I will immediately let your blood explode and die!”

“You… bastard!”

The hatred in Storm Dragon’s heart, if he can, he really wants to have either the fish dies or the net splits, perish together with Dragon God!

But he didn’t dare and didn’t want to, he hadn’t lived enough yet, he didn’t want to die!

And, what about either the fish dies or the net splits?

In front of you is the Divine Power projection of Dragon God, not Dragon God himself, so why not kill him?

“Lord Dragon God, you won!”

In the end, the smart Storm Dragon surrendered and Hate signed the Demon Contract.


At the moment the contract came into effect, a huge spatial vortex appeared in the sky, and a heart-pounding evil aura came from it.


Storm Dragon gobbled its saliva, eyes filled with horror. If it could, it would like to hide its face and flee immediately!

2 scarlet beams of light projected from the vortex, and a head that was darker and deeper than the night slowly emerged from the vortex.


The vast and evil aura spread out in an instant, the air was compressed and solidified, and Storm Dragon was shiver coldly all over, frightened to the extreme.

“this is……”

Dragon God’s eyes condensed, and he already recognized the identity of this Demon God comparable to Intermediate God.

Stout goat horns.

Scarlet demon eyes.

The scales are as hard as rigid.

The fangs exuding dense cold glow, the horrible and depressing evil aura…

“Dark Demonic Dragon!”

Dragon God whispered slowly, and a look of dreading flashed in his eyes. The strength of this Demon God is not inferior to his true body!

Indeed, the huge head that drilled out of the spatial vortex at this moment was indeed a dragon head.

But this dragon head is really too big!

The dragon horn alone has the length of ten thousand zhang, and a pair of eyes are bigger than a bus. Each dragon scales is like a basketball court, shining with black glow!

Looking at the leopard in the tube, we can see how big its body is!

“The humble servant far away, did you wake me up?”

Dark Demonic Dragon’s lips squirmed, making a deep and breathtaking sound.

“Yes…Yes! Great Master!”

Storm Dragon’s body trembles like sifting chaff. As Demi-God, his dragon body is also huge, about a thousand zhang!

However, there is not even 10% of the head of this Dark Demonic Dragon, let alone compare with the dragon body of Dark Demonic Dragon.

2 is not in the same order at all!

“Disgusting aura!”

Dark Demonic Dragon raised his eyelids, his gaze fell on Dragon God: “The humble and dirty Stinking Insect, stay away from me! Roar—”

With a terrifying dragon roar, the Divine Power projection of Dragon God exploded in an instant, and the surrounding void also exploded into a paste, just like a black hole.

Seeing this scene, Storm Dragon felt happy, but lowered his head!

You know, Dark Demonic Dragon, which has the same root and the same origin as Dragon Race, but has fallen into Demon, is the deadly opponent of Giant Dragon Race.

2 are simply incompatible as fire and water!

Storm Dragon was really afraid that this Dark Demonic Dragon would not be pleasing to him, so he swallowed him directly. That would be too wrong to die!

Killing the Dragon God projection, a pair of scarlet eyes of Dark Demonic Dragon fell on Storm Dragon: “The humble Stinking Insect, did you sign my contract?”

“It’s… a great Master!”

Storm Dragon’s voice trembled.

“The aura on you is very annoying!”

Dark Demonic Dragon groaned: “However, since you signed the Demon Contract, I will get a Low Level Plane for nothing, I will not kill you!”

“Thank you Master God!”

Storm Dragon kowtowed his head again and again, and couldn’t help being startled in a cold sweat. He was really worried that he would be swallowed by the dark Giant Dragon on the spot.

“However, since you have signed the contract and become my slave, you must obey my will! Otherwise, I can kill you at any time!”

Dark Demonic Dragon’s voice is indifferent.

“All Master’s orders are obedience!”

Storm Dragon quickly stated its position.

“good, very good!”

Diablo Giant Dragon is slightly satisfied: “The first order: build a magic array immediately, summon my servants, I want to completely occupy this Plane!”

“Occupy this Plane?” Storm Dragon was shocked: “Great Master, do you want to…”

“Any place I visit must be my territory!”

The dark demon’s voice was cold: “I want my magic light to spread throughout the void, so that all beings in the world will acknowledge allegiance under my demonic might!”

“Master, I follow your will!”

Storm Dragon quickly kowtows: “But if the Master wants to occupy this Plane, one must be eliminated, one who will obstruct the Master’s actions!”

“My army comes, and any creatures in this Plane will become food for the army!”

Dark Demonic Dragon took out a black scale at random: “Follow the above method to build the magic array. I hope that in half a month, the magic array will be completed!”

“Great Master, but that person…”

Storm Dragon wanted to continue talking, but Dark Demonic Dragon didn’t give him a chance at all, and his head retracted into the space whirlpool and disappeared.

For a time, that surging evil demonic might disappeared, and only the Storm Dragon was floating there alone over the huge Arctic Plains.

“Damn! Damn! Damn!”

“Damn Helbes! Damn Dark Demonic Dragon! Damn it all! Damn it all!”

Storm Dragon’s face is distorted, his teeth are breaking, he hates…

PS: Go home, update normally!

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