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With Elf Empire and Titan Empire announcing the acknowledge allegiance one after another, the 2 clan also took action.

Titan shrinks to Titan Mountains.

Elf returns to the Forest of Life.

At the same time, the army of Two Great Empires disbanded and went home, and the army of Monray Empire moved in.

In just 2 months, the Monray Empire won Two Great Empires without blood.

All of a sudden, various policies were launched one after another, hitting Noble, dividing land, and promoting faith…

Because of the huge number of Human Races, these policies quickly received enthusiastic responses from the people of the two countries.

With their support, Lesser Titan Noble and Elf Noble in Two Great Empires were not able to make much waves at all, and they were drowned in a wave of liberation.

For a time, the territory of Monray Empire reached an astonishing level, threatening Beast God Empire and making Beast God Empire feel a huge pressure!

“Everyone, Elf Empire and Titan Empire have successively acknowledged allegiance. Now we are left with Beast God Empire. What should we do?”

Beast Sovereign slumped on the stone chair, looking much older than before.

“It’s all determined by Your Majesty!”

The imperial minister choked in a low voice.

Looking at the current situation, there are no more than two choices, either acknowledge allegiance, drag out an ignoble existence like Elf Empire and Titan Empire, and struggling on whilst at death’s door;

Either fight to death, fight with Monray Empire, either the fish dies or the net splits.

Either way, they don’t want to accept it, let alone accept it!

Acknowledge allegiance ?

Monray Empire fights Noble and divides the land, but these ministers are all Noble of Beast God Empire, and they are all expensive.

Once acknowledged allegiance, they will completely become the civilians of the Monray Empire and live up to Noble again!


Can’t fight!

Monray even killed the Legendary Titan Heras, and he still had 11 Demi-God subordinates and 10 Demi-God Giant Dragons under his command. How did he work hard?

throwing an egg at a rock?

“This Sovereign is determined? How is this Sovereign determined?”

Beast Sovereign is very decadent: “No matter which option I choose, Beast God Empire will push me into the land of eternal damnation. This Sovereign will become the sinner of Beast God Empire!”

“Your Majesty, let’s acknowledge allegiance!”

A Pigman minister said with weeping: “Acknowledge allegiance can survive. If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, Monray Empire will completely raze me to the ground!”

“At that time, people will die and the country will be annihilated, and our Beastman will become history like Dragon Race!”

“Pigs are incompetent, how dare you instigate Your Majesty acknowledge allegiance?”

A werewolf with a wolf head showed cold glow and screamed at the pig head.

“Wolf 3 baby, in front of absolute power, roaring is useless!” Zhu Wuneng coldly said, “Roaring will only bring disaster to the top!”

“hmph ……”

“Report -“

At this time, a panic-stricken lion guard rushed into the great hall, and Putong knelt in front of Beast Sovereign: “Your Majesty, the major event is not good!”

When Beast Sovereign heard it, he stood up awkwardly, his face changed: “Why are you so panicked, has Monray hit the door?”

“No…it’s not Your Majesty, there has just been news from the Arctic Plains that a large-scale Demonic Army has suddenly appeared in Arctic Plains!”

The lion guard lose one’s head out of fear: “The number of them is astonishing, as if the tide moved towards the extreme north ice border!”


“Demonic Army?”

Beast Sovereign and ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, all with a bewildered look. Everyone knows that Arctic Plains is a barren, except for a few kinds of Ice Attribute Magic Beast, there are almost no biological traces.

Demonic Army?

Isn’t this a nonsense?

Just as everyone was puzzled and stunned, another Lion guard rushed in.

“Your Majesty, there is news from the Arctic Ice Territory. The number of Demonic Army is staggering, and the strength is terrifying. The Arctic Ice Territory will not last long at all. I hope Your Majesty will quickly send rescue troops to rescue!”

“Your Majesty, the major event is not good…”

In the next few hours, bad news one after another, like a remembering a heavy hammer, hit the hearts of Beast Sovereign and civil and military ministers!

The Demonic Army smashed the polar ice border, and then seemed to have broken the flood of the embankment.

All the way to the Beast God Empire, everything was crushed!

What made the top leaders of Beast Sovereign and Beast God Empire desperate the most was that the angry Demonic Army passed all the way without leaving a living!

All the creatures encountered will be destroyed!

one after another Xiongguan Pass is turned into dust!

each and everyone Beastman tribe scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

“Where did this Demonic Army come from? Why did it appear in my Beast God Empire?”

Beast Sovereign is about to collapse: “Who can tell this Sovereign where they came from, who instructed them, and how to resist?”

The ministers were speechless.

You ask me, who do I ask?

I’m so desperate!

“Your Majesty, at this point, you should immediately deploy troops and generals to meet the Demonic Army, their speed is so fast!”

A Foxman minister anxiously said: “If it is allowed to develop, it will not be long before it will spread to the entire empire. My Beast God Empire 100000000 10000 people will die. At that time, my Beast God Empire will It will perish the country!”

Upon hearing this, Beast Sovereign Grom Rexxar was shivered and nodded again and again: “Minister Aldos said it is extremely true that this Sovereign has neglected!”

“The order of this Sovereign: immediately dispatch the 6 major Legions, including the Behemoth Legion, the Bull Corps, and the Elephantman Corps, to meet the invading enemy. Be sure to block the peak of their troops, intercept them, and finally eliminate them!”

“Follow the life of Your Majesty!”


Monray had no knowledge of what happened in Beast God Empire. After a few months, Fatty finally integrated the Divine Spark!

So he took the fatty to Lost Continent, and Many Arms Behemoth Zacas.

At this moment, the auras on both of them have the changes of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, their faces are majestic, and the divine might leak between their eyes!


Both of them have crossed the Demi-God level and become True God!

Although it is the weakest and least beatable True God, it is indeed True God!

True God against the same level is not an opponent, but it is more than enough against Sacred Territory and Demi-God!

“Old Brother, this is Lost Continent?”

Fatty steps into the void, looking at Lost Continent in lush and green, with curiosity, excitement and anticipation in his eyes…

If nothing else, from now on, this place will become the new Dragon Island, and he will become the new Master and the new Dragon Sovereign of this Continent!

“Yes, this is Lost Continent!”

Monray smiled nodded: “Next, I leave it to you. I hope you can manage the Giant Dragon Race well and don’t let me down!”

“Old Brother, don’t worry, I will definitely take the Giant Dragon Race’s clean up and obedience, let them all become your believers, and look forward to your head!”

Fatty patted his chest and solemnly vowed assures that he has enough confidence in his own strength. Isn’t it like playing with Giant Dragon Race?

“That’s good!”

Monray slightly nodded and waved his hand.

“Crash-bang ——”

There are countless Giant Dragons appear out of thin air, there are Darkness Giant Dragons with black body, Giant Dragons with holy light, Frost Dragons with cold glow, and Storm Dragons with green scales all over…

myriad, all kinds.

The number is as high as over 10000.


As soon as so many Giant Dragon appeared, a surging Dragon Might was immediately emitted.

each and everyone roared, venting the confusion and surprise in their hearts.



“Where is this?”

“We escaped from that damn place?”

“Fatty, it’s up to you next!”

Monray laughed looked towards fatty.

“Old Brother, take a look!”

The fatty chuckled made a sound, stepped out, came to the sky above the dragons, and transformed decisively.


A golden dragon with a length of ten thousand zhang and a shining golden light suddenly appeared, and the divine might of grandiose spread out and pressed towards the ten thousand li.

“Booming -“

“Booming -“

“Booming -“

Heads of Giant Dragon as if was struck by lightning smashed to the ground like dumplings.

Then he was crushed to the ground, shiver coldly, unable to raise the slightest resistance.

“Look at the Giant Dragon below. This is the new Dragon Island. You will be the first residents of the new Dragon Island, and I am the new Dragon Sovereign!”

“Do you have any objections to this?”

“New Dragon Island?”

“New Dragon Sovereign?”


Monray left Lost Continent with Zacas, and as soon as he returned to the Imperial Palace, Chahman found it: “Master, Beast God Empire has a major event!”

“Beast God Empire?” Monray eyebrow raised: “Are these guys having trouble again?”

In the past few months, Titan Empire and Elf Empire have successively acknowledged allegiance, but Beast God Empire has been silent for a long time, apparently not wanting to acknowledge allegiance!

Of course Monray is dissatisfied. He is about to send his troops to attack. What happened to Beast God Empire?

What do these Beastman want?

Do you die or die?

“Master, we lurked in the Anti-Dragon Guard of the Beast God Empire and reported that an astonishing number of Demonic Army was found in the Beast God Empire. They came fiercely, and in a short time they occupied nearly 10% of the Beast God Empire close to the Arctic Plains!”

Chahman’s face was solemn: “It is currently spreading across the Beast God Empire at an alarming speed. According to the speed of the Demonic Army’s new army, within half a month, Beast God Empire will be completely flattened!”

“Demonic Army?”

Monray looked wrong: “Where is the Demonic Army in the Beast God Empire? Is it a Demon Mage ghost, or someone accidentally signed the Demon Contract?”

“It’s all possible!”

Chahman whispered: “When I got the news in the morning, I asked Sanir to go to Beast God Empire. I believe I will be back soon!”


Monray is slightly nodded, Sanir also integrates Lower Divine Spark, and its strength reaches True God Realm, especially the speed is faster and faster than before. It is the most suitable for him to snoop intelligence.

Monray was not asked to wait long. After just over 2 hours, Sanir came back with amazing news:

“Master, the estimated number of Demonic Army attacking Beast God Empire is around 10100000000!”

“There are an astonishing number of Demon Lords mixed in, even the Demon King is no longer a minority!”

“The Great Demon King also has several!”

“The Demonic Army is extremely fast, and it won’t take long to completely occupy the Beast God Empire!”

Demon Lord, comparable to Demi-God!

Demon King, comparable to True God!

Great Demon King, comparable to Lower God!

“Master, this is not an ordinary Demon invasion, it is even more terrifying than any time in history, you can’t be careful!”

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