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Ox Head Man has become one of the most powerful races in the Beast God Empire because of its natural physical strength and good fertility!

But like all other Beastman races, Ox Head Man is also made up of 1000 tribes on large and small, scattered throughout the northern wasteland.

Ironhoof Tribe is one of them. It occupies over 10000000 million square kilometers of iron hoof wasteland. The number of ethnic groups is astonishing. Powerhouses have emerged in large numbers. The entire Ox Head Man clan and even the Beast God Empire have extremely large forces.

However, today, Ironhoof Tribe has encountered the most tragic crisis in the history of the race. Countless Demons swept to Ironhoof Tribe like a blood black tsunami.

“Ao ao ao-“

“Gu gu gu ——”

“Gā gā gā ——”

Whether it is the fragile infant Ox Head Man, the strong Ox Head Man Warrior, or the spatial flight Sacred Territory powerhouse, they are all overwhelmed.

Or be torn into pieces, divided and eaten by demons; or be swallowed by Demon, swallowed in one bite; or stepped on by Demon Lord into meat sauce!

Along the way, everything is in ruins!

“End … End!”

“Lord Beast God of Supreme, save your humble people!”

“Damn Demon, I did it with you!”

“Help me! Who will help me…”

Screams, screams, and calls for help resounded over the iron hoof wasteland, and then quickly fell silent and was swallowed by the billowing demon sea.

After 3 hours, the demon sea passed, but the Ironhoof Tribe completely disappeared, replaced by a Hell-like scene.

Ox Head Man disappeared.

All buildings collapsed.

The ethnic group was reduced to ruins.

Ironhoof Tribe!

Disappeared in Beast God Empire forever, disappeared in Firmament Continent, as if evaporated!


“Master, below is the most important level of Beast God Empire-Beast God Mountain Pass. This is the only way to the hinterland of Beast God Empire and the last line of defense to guard the hinterland of Beast God Empire!”

“If the Beast God Mountain Pass is breached, the Demonic Army will go straight into the hinterland of the Beast God Empire and approach the Beastman Palace. The Beast God Empire will be in danger of subjugation!”

“Beast God Mountain Pass, really majestic!”

Monray stepped on the void and looked at the male gate crawling on the ground, and couldn’t help feeling deeply.

The Beast God Mountain Pass is very majestic. It traverses the extreme north wasteland. It is towering, majestic and straight, straddling the mountains and ridges, stretching into hundreds of thousands.

“Because of its vital importance, Beast God Empire has summoned all the top ten Legions here, intending to defend the Beast God Mountain Pass and resist the Demonic Army!”


At this moment, the Beast God Empire entrenched in the Beast God Mountain Pass is more than 1 billion? There are simply too many!

There is a Behemoth Legion with a height of 100 meters; there is a lion-man Legion with blond hair; there is an imposing manner of a tiger-man Legion;

Of course there are Bull Legion, Komodo Legion, Elephantman Legion, Hippopotamus-Man Legion, Centaur Legion, Rhino Legion, Leopard Legion!

The average number of a Legion is over 100000000 million, and the total number of the top ten Legions is definitely more than 1 billion, which is at the top of the total population of India!

In addition, countless Sacred Territory powerhouses are also gathered in the Beast God Mountain Pass, and the number is also quite terrifying, reaching an astonishing number of 10000!

Go to 10000 Sacred Territory, this is definitely an exaggerated force, enough to destroy a country!

However, no one is optimistic about Beast God Empire!

“Futility! Everything is in vain!”

Looking at the Beast God Empire army that is waiting in battle, Chahman shook his head: “This Demonic Army is different from any disaster in history. It is an unprecedented and unprecedented monster wave. The power of Beast God Empire can’t stop it!”

Barbus, Sanir, Nagya and the others are nodded one after another. The military strength of Beast God Empire is truly terrifying!

But it’s just relative to ordinary creatures, it’s nothing to this demonic disaster!

“If this continues, the Beast God Empire is finalized and will be wiped out by the Demonic Army!”

Chahman shook his head and sighed, “Master, do we just watch them get killed, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits, or help them?”

Barbus, Sanir and the others also looked towards Monray, completely following Monray’s orders!

“Beast God Empire leaders should die, Beast God Empire civilians are not wrong, they shouldn’t die!”

Monray didn’t hesitate: “Besides, Beastman is also a creature of Firmament Continent, how can you sit and watch them be destroyed by Demon?”

“Don’t follow the name of the Master!”

“Ao ao ao-“

At this moment, there was a deep roar in the distance, and a black thread appeared on the ground in the distance.

As time goes by, the black line gets thicker and stronger, and when it gets closer, the black line becomes a black wave, and the black wave becomes a black sea…

That is the Demonic Army of grandiose!

“Master, the Demonic Army is here!”

Chahman, Barbus and the others Mind were shocked. There was no fear in their eyes. Instead, they were full of excitement. Be eager to have a try, gearing up.

Demonic Army!

There are many Great Demon Kings among them. These all are existences at the same level as them. They can’t ask for a battle with these Demon!

“Yeah, here it is!”

Monray slightly nodded, calm and composed.

“Demon is coming!!!”

“Demonic Army is here to kill!”

The Beast God Empire army also discovered the existence of the Demonic Army, and each and everyone shouted frantically.

With a command issued, the entire Beast God Empire instantly entered a state of preparation.

Bow and arrow wind!

Take the knife out of the sheath!

The mage whispered!

Cannon is gaining momentum!

“roar roar 吼 -“

“Gu gu gu ——”

“Your Majesty, the Demonic Army is here!”

Beast Sovereign and the ministers looked at the Demonic Army that was rolling over, and everyone’s eyes showed hatred, panic, and anxiety.

“Send this Sovereign command: Go up to this Sovereign, go down to every soldier, be sure to spare no effort, fight to the end, and swear to coexist and die with the Beast God Mountain Pass!”

Beast Sovereign coldly said.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The order was quickly conveyed, but Beast Sovereign was still not at ease. He personally came to the sky, and the sound was like rolling thunder, rising into the sky:

“My fellow citizens, it’s time to defend our homeland. Let’s destroy the damn Demonic Army with this Sovereign and protect the homeland and clansman behind us!”

“Oath to coexist and die with the Beast God Mountain Pass!!!”

“Oath to coexist and die with the Beast God Mountain Pass!!!”

“Oath to coexist and die with the Beast God Mountain Pass!!!”

All the Beastman army roared up to the sky, and the thunder slammed into a rolling sound wave, and even overwhelmed the Demonic Army hiding the sky and covering the earth in an imposing manner.

“Listen to this Sovereign order: kill!”

With an order, countless Magic Cannons spewed flames, rushed towards the demonic Army swept over, and then exploded.

“Booming -“

The countless Demon Soldiers were blown into pieces, and the flesh and blood was flying all over the sky. Several blanks were blown up in the demon sea hiding the sky and covering the earth. However, the remaining Demon turned a blind eye and continued to rush towards the Beast God Mountain Pass.

Flame Demon bathing in flames!

Ice Demon with white body!

Wind Demon in the dark wind!

Blood Demon made of blood!

There are countless Lesser Fiend, Grand Fiend, Longhorn Demon, Howl Horned Demon… step by step, continuously, crazy impact!


After Magic Cannon, there are densely packed arrows and magic. A round of attacks have killed countless Demons, but they still can’t stop the pace of Demon Sea, and can’t even delay it!

Within a few minutes of effort, the blood-black demon sea rushed under the Beast God Mountain Pass, and the Demon General of Sacred Territory level took the lead, soaring into the air, attacking the Beast God Empire at the head of the city!


Beast Sovereign waved his long sword!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

The attack was like a squally torrential rain, which smashed the Demon General that came up, but before Beast God Empire could breathe a sigh of relief, countless demonic weapons rushed to the head of the city…

that’s it!

A charge!

One fights back!

Under the stubborn resistance of the Beast God Empire, the Demonic Army was unable to defeat the Beast God Mountain Pass for a while.

When a Demi-God Level other Demon Lord saw it, he rose to the sky, angry roar!


The monstrous demonic might exploded, arbitrarily oppressing the Beast God Empire army. Feeling this terrifying power, the Beast God Empire army was frightened!


“This is the Demon of Demi-God Level!”

“Damn! How can I resist this?”

Beast God Empire ministers are about to collapse. Even if the number of ordinary demonic weapons and Demon Generals is large, they can still resist with the benefit of the Beast God Mountain Pass!

But how can Demi-God stop?

What makes the Beast God Empire collapse the most is that after the first Demon Lord, it is the second, third, fourth, fifth…

In a flash, the top 100 Demon Lords rose into the air and rushed towards the Beast God Mountain Pass.

The demonic might hiding the sky and covering the earth gather together and press the Beast God Mountain Pass to the top of Mount Tai!

“Beast God above!!!”

“So many Demi-Gods???”

“It’s over!”

“We are dead!”

“Can’t compete at all!”

The morale of the Beast God Empire 1 billion army collapsed instantly, and they couldn’t beat a Demi-God, even more how so many Demi-God!

How is this still playing?

“It’s over! Beast God Empire is completely over!”

Beast Sovereign face deathly pale, the body was directly limp as if hollowed out, the previous sonorous oath in this brief moment collapsed directly!

He knows deeply!

In the face of 100 Demi-Gods, their Beast God Empire has no hope of winning, let alone an endless Demonic Army!

In a word, Beast God Empire is over!


A few 100 Demon Lords rushed to the Beast God Mountain Pass, or spit red lava, or spray the white cold current, or spray the wind blade…

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ ——”

A wave of attacks passed by, and the top ten Legions of the Beast God Empire looked like fragile chickens, either burned to ashes or frozen into ice sculpture…

In an instant, even a small amount of casualties!

“too strong!”

“They are too strong!”

“We are not rivals at all!”

Seeing this scene, the remaining Beast God Empire army was instantly wrapped in endless despair, and there was no trace of luck and fighting intent at all!

Faced with such a terrifying Demon Lord, how can they overcome it? Even if the Beast God descends, I am afraid that I can’t defeat these Demon Lords, right?

“Blame this Sovereign! Blame this Sovereign!”

Beast Sovereign’s heart is like a knife: “If this Sovereign had made an acknowledgement allegiance Monray Empire earlier, maybe this would not be the situation now!”

“It is this Sovereign that killed Beast God Empire!”

“It’s this Sovereign that killed countless people!”

PS: Dear readers, on the occasion of the Spring Festival, I am here to give you New Year greetings!

Wish you in the new year:

The endless blessing of “rat”!

“Mouse” endless wealth!

“Mouse” endless luck!

The endless joy of “Mouse”!

I wish you and your family peace, safety, health, and success!

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