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Not far from the Beast God Mountain Pass, there are dozens of silhouettes suspended, including Behemoth, Foxman, Tiger Man, Lion Man, Ox Head Man…

These dozens of people are all aura surging, divine might be mighty, just like other existences at Demi-God Level!

That’s right!

They are the Demi-God of Beast God Empire. They came to the Beast God Mountain Pass, hoping to help the empire to eliminate the evil!

However, at this moment, looking at the number of 100 Demon Lords that suddenly came out, these Demi-Gods hesitated!

With so many Demi-God Level Demon Lords, wouldn’t they rush to death for nothing?

“what should we do?”

A tiger man Demi-God asked quietly, and everyone else was silent, not knowing how to answer.

Tiger Man Demi-God could not help but looked towards a 9-tail Foxman: “Fox, you are the smartest and wisest of us, you have to come up with an idea!”

Other Demi-Gods also looked towards 9-tail Foxman, with hopes and expectations in their eyes.

“The Demonic Army is aggressive, and there are more than 100 Demi-Gods among them. Even if we rush to it, it is no different from striking a stone with an egg!”

9-tail Foxman sighed faintly: “Besides, I can feel an aura from the Demonic Army that makes my heart palpitations. In other words, there is something comparable to True God in the Demonic Army!!!”

Everyone is lowly cried!

The 9-tail Foxman is Peak Demi-God. It only takes to open up the kingdom of God to become the existence of True God, and only True God feels her heart palpitations!

“Yes, True God!”

9-tail Foxman looked towards Demonic Army: “This demonic disaster is definitely more terrifying than we thought, and we can’t stop it!”

“Then what to do? Don’t you just watch the empire fall?” All Demi-God’s faces were ugly.

“As of now, there is only one way!” Nine-tail Foxman closed his eyes in pain.

“any solution?”

The Demi-God asked quickly.

“Acknowledge allegiance Monray Empire!”

The 9-tail Foxman slowly said: “Monray Empire has two True God Levels, Monray and Barbus. After the acknowledgement allegiance, they will shelter us Beastman and will not be completely extinct!”

“in contrast!”

“If you don’t acknowledge allegiance Monray Empire and allow the Demonic Army to wreak havoc, the final outcome is that we Beastman will permanently disappear in Firmament Continent!”

“A word!”

“Either acknowledge allegiance!”

“Or perish!”

“What do you mean?”

9 tail Foxman looked towards everyone!

“Fox is right. After the acknowledge allegiance, our Beast God Empire may perish, but we Beastman can still live forever!”

“No acknowledge allegiance, only dead end!”

“I also agree! 2 The harm of power is less important, and it is better to acknowledge allegiance than to perish!”

After listening to Demi-God, they almost did not hesitate, and all agreed to Fox’s suggestion.

Then turn around and prepare to fly to Monray Empire to find Monray for help.

However, at this moment, dozens of silhouettes suddenly appeared in the sky above the Beast God Mountain Pass, all of them divine might be mighty and aura terrifying!

“this is……”

The Demi-Gods of Beast God Empire turned their heads.

Beast Sovereign and the ministers raised their heads in confusion.

Then, everyone’s faces suddenly showed shock and confusion.

“Your Majesty, it’s Monray them!”

Some ministers exclaimed in a low voice!

Beast Sovereign brows tightly knit: “What are they doing here? Watch the fires burning across the river, sit and watch our Beast God Empire perish? Or are they here to help us?”

At this moment, Beast Sovereign and the ministers are worried. As opponents, they are really uncertain about the intention of Monray and the others.

Looking hilarious?

Still help?

Or is it that they made the Demonic Army?

It is Monray and his party!

At the moment when the 100 Demon Lord appeared on the Beast God Mountain Pass, Monray knew it was time to show up and couldn’t wait for them to wreak havoc!

Otherwise, the 1 billion army entrenched in the Beast God Mountain Pass will definitely be wiped out, dead and wounded!

“I have seen Your Excellency Monray!”

The dozen Demi-God of Beast God Empire flew over, moved towards Monray and bowed to salute. They knew that Monray and the others had discovered them long ago!

“Are you Demi-God of Beast God Empire?”

Monray glanced at the Demi-God, he had indeed spotted these people long ago.

“Yes, Your Excellency Monray!”

The 9th tail Foxman Demi-God bowed and said: “We are willing to lead all the subjects of Beast God Empire to acknowledge allegiance Your Excellency Monray, and hope Your Excellency Monray will take care of it!”

“I only acknowledge allegiance now, why did you go?”

Barbus coldly snorted: “Master’s Oracle has already notified the entire Continent, Elf Empire and Titan Empire have successively acknowledged allegiance!”

“Only you, Beast God Empire, have been silent for several months. I thought you were going to resist desperately and would not follow it!”

“Your Excellency, forgive me!”

The Demi-God repeatedly begged for mercy: “All of this is our confusion, and it has nothing to do with the people of Beast God Empire 100000000 10000. If Your Excellency wants to convict, we are willing to bear it, and only ask Your Majesty to save my 100000000 of Beast God Empire. 10000 people, they are innocent!”

“If it is not saved, this Sovereign will not appear here today!”

Monray indifferently said: “Whether you acknowledge allegiance or not, Beast God Empire is in the bag of this Sovereign, and no one can change it!”

“Follow Your Excellency Oracle!”

The Demi-Gods bowed.

“Go! Kill these demons!”

Monray waved his hand, indifferently said.

“Yes, Master!”

Barbus and the others have long been impatients. As soon as Monray said this, the 11 True Gods, like tigers out of the cage, blatantly killed them!

“Hahaha! Laozi to die!”

Barbus punched out, a great force burst out, and the void exploded in an instant!

“ka-cha -“

The dozen or so Demon Lords were too late to react. They were all blasted into blood mist with a punch. The minced meat splashed and the blood was thrown, causing great turmoil.

“How can it be?”

The remaining Demon Lord complexion greatly changed, and the gaze looking at Barbus was full of jealousy and horror. He killed the dozen Demon Lord with one punch. This is definitely the strength of True God!

However, this is not over yet. Just as these Demon Lords were stunned, Chahman, Sanir, Nagya and the others started to do it!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Scarlet steel needles shot out, and again dozen Demon Lord was pierced to death!

Spider Goddess attacked first!

“wu wu wu ——”

A True God Level undead Bone Dragon appeared in the sky, and the huge dragon claw snapped it, directly slapped the dozen Demon Lord.

Bone Dragon is from Chahman summon!


Sanir sprayed a black dragon’s breath, drowning the dozen Demon Lord!

For a time, the 11 True God subordinates each showed Divine Ability, and various attacks directly engulfed 100 Demon Lords.

After a few breaths, the 100 Demon Lords who were aggressive before are all dead!

“This is this…”

Seeing this scene, Beast God Empire Demi-God, Beast Sovereign and ministers, and the 1 billion army were completely stunned. Each and everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded!

“Count 100 Demi-God… just die… die?”

“Beast God above! When was Demi-God so weak?”

“Horrible! They are too terrifying!”

Not to mention the shock of everyone in Beast God Empire, at this time, Monray also shot.

His goal is not the Demon Lord, nor the Demon King or the Great Demon King, but the endless Demonic Army, the demon sea hiding the sky and covering the earth!

“Absolute Zero!”

Monray a finger pointed, the golden cold current appeared quietly, and then it spread.

in a flash, it expanded to 10000 kilometers in a radius and enveloped this area!

“ka-cha -“

All the Demons in this area were instantly frozen and turned into a tuo of golden ice sculpture, standing on the spot, motionless!

“Ding! Kill 1 Longhorn Demon and get 12Law Source Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Flame Demon and get 23 Law Source Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Lesser Fiend and get 10010000 Gold Coin!”


The system hint tones sounded continuously.

Demonic Army’s strength is generally not strong, but the number of wins is endless.

At that moment, Monray brought the wealth of 130010000 Law Source Crystal to Monray!


This is a very huge asset!

According to the price of 1 Demon 0.1Law Source Crystal, Monray just killed 1.3100000000 Demon!

A full 1.3100000000!

What an exaggerated figure is this?

However, this 1.3100000000 Demon is just a tip of the iceberg, not worth mentioning compared to the entire Demon Sea composed of the Demonic Army!

“Absolute Zero!”

“Absolute Zero!”

“Absolute Zero!”

Even if it is unprofitable, Monray will not let this group of Demonic Army go, let alone they can bring a huge return of wealth to itself!

Will not let it go!

“Ding ding ding ~ ——”

Pieces of Demon were frozen into ice sculptures, and the wealth points on the property panel began to climb wildly, increasing by tens of 1000000.


The actions of Monray and a group of True God subordinates angered the Demon Kings in the Demonic Army, and they flew here one after another, aggressive!

Flame Demon King with bathing flames!

There is a Wind Demon King with green wind!

Ice Demon King made of ice cubes!

At a glance, there are as many as 17!

“The humble Stinking Insect, dare to kill my Demon Race army, damn it! You all damn it!”

The 17 Demon Kings roared up to the sky, and their killing intent eyes stared at Monray and his 11 subordinates. The killing intents all rose up and the demonic energy rolled.

“I finally got it!”

Barbus licked his lips, a flash of bloodthirsty flashed in his eyes: “Brothers, kill!”



Ten True Gods including Chahman and Sanir directly greeted the Demon Kings and killed them.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Without any extra words, 28 True Gods collided in an instant, and Barbus greeted the two ten thousand zhang high black flame foxes True God;

Chahman stepped on the undead Bone Dragon and wrapped a ten thousand zhang long Demonic Dragon!

Sanir incarnation ten thousand zhang dragon body, fight fiercely with a Hell 3 head!

Nagya, Cesia…

Either one-on-one or One World War 2!

What is destroying heaven extinguishing earth?

This is!

The collision of 28 True Gods is the real destroying heaven extinguishing earth, smashing void at will, and hit heaven falls and earth rends at will. The spilled aftermath can obliterate the Sacred Territory, and the raging Space Crack is enough to tear the Demi-God!

This is the real doomsday scene!


“Quickly retreat!”

“The battle at this level…”

The 9-tail Foxman and other Beast God Empire Demi-God, Beast Sovereign and ministers, and the 1 billion large military warehouse Empress retired, for fear that the retreat would be slow to bring disaster to innocent people!

Monray naturally did not retreat, he is still slaughtering the Demonic Army and accumulating his wealth!

“Absolute Zero!”

“Absolute Zero!”

“Absolute Zero!”

Blockbuster ice sculpture appeared!

A large number of Demon died!

Wealth skyrocketed wildly!

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