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Wealth: 8888810000 Law Source Crystal

“8.8100000000 Law Source Crystal!”

“It has increased by 3100000000 than before!”

“About 30100000000 million Demon died in my hands? Not bad, not bad, keep going!”

As Monray continues to slaughter, a large vacuum has appeared in the demon sea, and there are a lot of Demon violent deaths at all times!

However, this is still nothing compared to the boundless and endless demon sea.

“too slow!”

Monray is not satisfied with his hunting speed, body flashed, one is divided into ten, ten is 100, and 100 is divided into 10000!

In an instant, 10000 Monray appeared in the sky, all of which were Divine Power incarnation of Monray.

Each Divine Power incarnation needs to consume 1 drop of Divine Power, 10000 Divine Power incarnation is 10000 Divine Power, which is not a small amount!

However, for Monray of rich and imposing, it is nothing at all, it is completely affordable!

“Netherworld Divine Fire!”

110000 pieces of Netherworld Divine Fire shot out from the fingertips of 110000 Monray, flew towards the Demonic Army, and then landed on 110000 Demon.


The Netherworld Divine Fire rose up against the wind and spread in the demon sea as Spark Ignites Origin.

Suddenly, screams came and went one after another, and I heard people have one’s hair stand on end, scalp numb!

“What kind of fire is this, so terrifying?”

“do not know!”

“Simply unheard-of!”

Watching countless Demon screaming and struggling in the Netherworld Divine Fire, and then turning to ashes, everyone in the Beast God Empire looked cold.

Netherworld Divine Fire is too terrifying!

Every Demon that came into contact, whether it was a low-level Demon such as Lesser Fiend, or a High Level Demon such as Flame Demon, was burned to death without exception!

Such a scene is far more terrifying than when Absolute Zero was frozen into ice sculpture!

“Ding ding ding ~ ……”

At the same time, the system hint sound continued to sound, and the wealth points skyrocketed wildly. Monray was very excited:

“That’s it, turn it to ashes!”

“Damn it! This is Netherworld Divine Fire!”

“Isn’t the Netherworld Divine Fire the indestructible flame of Hell Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race? Where is the Netherworld Divine Fire from a Material Plane mortal?”

At the end of the Demonic Army, there are 2 Great Demon Kings of Lower God level hidden.

One of them is a Demon that is completely dark and covered with lumps all over, resembling a Tyrannosaurus rex.

On the other end is a Demon covered with spikes and carrying a turtle shell, resembling a snapping turtle!

The former is the head Dark Tyrannosaurus!

The latter is the head Dark Snapping Turtle King!

As the Great Demon King, Dark Tyrannosaurus and Dark Snapping Turtle King are the most powerful subordinates of Dark Demonic Dragon, so they were sent to attack Firmament Continent!

They originally thought that attacking a Material Plane is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain, where the Demonic Army passes, all creatures will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

However, the strength of Firmament Continent surpassed their expectations. First, there were more than a dozen True Gods!

Now there is another terrifying existence that can release the Netherworld Divine Fire, incredible!

As the Great Demon King of the Lower God level, they certainly know the Netherworld Divine Fire. This thing is the unique Divine Fire of the Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race. It is an indestructible fire that even High God can burn to death!

It is because of knowing that I am afraid!

“Why can this Human God use Netherworld Divine Fire? Is he the bloodline descendant of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race?”

“Only this is possible!”

“What should we do now?”

“His Excellency Demonic Dragon gave us the task to capture this Plane. Unless we violate Your Excellency’s orders, we must kill him!”

“The aura of this Human God is not strong, and the strength is also in the Lower God realm. It is combined with the strength of the two of us. It is no problem to kill him. I am worried about the Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race!

“Don’t worry! Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race is far in Hell, beyond reach!”

“It makes sense!”


After a brief discussion, Dark Tyrannosaurus and Dark Snapping Turtle King decisively killed Monray. They were so fast that they arrived in front of Monray in an instant.


Dark Tyrannosaurus angry roar, the sturdy dragon tail carrying the momentum of earth shattering volleyed down, seems to be to smoke Monray into meat sauce!

“shua ——”

Monray Teleportation disappeared, and the weird came to Dark Tyrannosaurus’s head!

The Dark Snapping Turtle King let out a low growl, and dozens of steel spurs on his back shot out.

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

In the stern sky-splitting sound, dozens of steel thorns shot towards Monray in a swarm, but at the moment they were about to hit Monray, Monray disappeared.

“Fast speed!!!”

The Dark Snapping Turtle King shook his whole body, and felt a slight sky-splitting sound above his head. Without even thinking about it, he retracted his head into the shell.

Monray failed with a single shot and couldn’t help but said with a smile: “It’s a tortoise-type Demon. This head reduction speed is no one. But, do you think I can’t help you?”

With that, a Teleportation of Monray appeared on the shell of the Dark Snapping Turtle King, Death God Scythe quietly appeared in his hand, and swiped down!

“Stabbing -“

Death God Scythe is so sharp that it instantly cut through the tortoise shell that the Dark Snapping Turtle King relies on for body protection, and cut a 2 meter deep hole in it.


The Dark Snapping Turtle King was in pain, and the demonic energy on his body rolled, turning into a heavy hammer fiercely and hitting Monray.

Dark Tyrannosaurus was not idle either. The sound was like muffled thunder and launched a sonic attack.

The sonic attack is omni-directional. Monray did not evade, but was directly hit by the sonic wave. His head was shaken slightly, and his brain went blank for a short time!

“Good horror sound!”

Monray looked towards Dark Tyrannosaurus, a killing intent flashed in his eyes, then Teleportation appeared behind Dark Tyrannosaurus, and Death God Scythe cut it off.


“Stabbing -“

The scales of Dark Tyrannosaurus are very tenacious, but after all, they are not as good as the shell of the Dark Snapping Turtle King. Death God Scythe can cut through even the shell of the Dark Snapping Turtle King, let alone its neck!

“puchi -“

With the black blood spattering, Dark Tyrannosaurus’s head rose to the sky, and then fell towards the ground.

Dark Tyrannosaurus’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe this scene.

“I… I am going to die? Die… Die in the hands of a Low Level Plane God?”

Dark Tyrannosaurus is a bit unstoppable, and the divine might emitted by Monray is not strong at all, barely reaching the Lower God level!

He actually killed himself, and Dark Tyrannosaurus could not accept this cruel fact!


Dark Snapping Turtle King looked at Dark Tyrannosaurus whose corpse was separated, and looked at Death God Scythe in Monray’s hands, whispering wildly:

“Death God Scythe!!!”

“This is Death God Scythe!”

“His Excellency Demonic Dragon is here, where does this guy come from Death God Scythe?”

Monray shook the black blood on Death God Scythe: “Next, I will use Death God Scythe to harvest your head and send you to see Death God!”

“Think too much, Human God!”

Dark Snapping Turtle King was coldly snorted, and fled in the direction where he came.

No love for war!

“Are you ready to escape?”

Monray was slightly surprised, and immediately a Teleportation stopped behind the Dark Snapping Turtle King, flicks with the finger, and a black lance shot out.


The distance was so close that Dark Snapping Turtle King had no time to dodge, so he was stabbed by black lance. Its tortoise shell was amazingly defensive, and black lance couldn’t help him!

But after black lance hit the Dark Snapping Turtle King, it exploded and turned into a large group of Netherworld Divine Fire to burn the Dark Snapping Turtle King!


The demonic energy rises behind the Dark Snapping Turtle King, forming a layer of demonic energy shield to isolate the Netherworld Divine Fire from the body, and then Peeling from the body.

“Awesome my turtle!”

It is the first time that Monray has seen anyone able to Peeling Netherworld Divine Fire, and was very surprised!

Of course, surprise is amazing, but Monray’s hand movement did not stop. With a big wave, ten black lances shot towards the Dark Snapping Turtle King.


Dark Snapping Turtle King’s complexion changed drastically, his figure suddenly accelerated, and he sprinted away. However, no matter how fast it escapes, how can it match the speed of Teleportation?

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Monray blocked the way, and ten black lances made of Netherworld Divine Fire were thrown away.

For a time, there was lance before and lance after. Dark Snapping Turtle King couldn’t escape after all, and 20 black lances struck on it one after another!

Then it exploded!

“Booming -“

In a flash, the Dark Snapping Turtle King was wrapped by Netherworld Divine Fire, and despite its desperate urging of demonic energy, it was unable to peel the Netherworld Divine Fire anymore, and was burnt screaming.

Monray laughed and watched, letting the Dark Snapping Turtle King be burned by the flames, and only when he couldn’t stand it, he said:

“Squeak if you want to survive!”

When the Dark Snapping Turtle King heard it, he immediately begged for mercy: “Forgive… Forgive me! Lord, forgive me!”

“It’s easy to survive, hand over Divine Soul Source and submit to me!” Monray said, “As long as the acknowledge allegiance, I can let you go!”

“Chen…acknowledge allegiance! I am willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

Dark Snapping Turtle King barely hesitated, and handed over his Divine Soul Source. The acknowledge allegiance was under Monray’s lewdness!


Monray refining the Divine Soul Source of the Dark Snapping Turtle King and successfully subdued this Great Demon King-level Demon servant.

“What’s your name?”

“Back to the great Master, my name is Anthon!” Dark Snapping Turtle King replied respectfully.

“Tell me about your details!”

“Yes, great Master!”

Following the story of Dark Snapping Turtle King, Monray gradually understood why this Demonic Army appeared, where it came from, and who assigned it!

It turned out that this time the Demonic Army came from a Demon Plane called Demonic Dragon Continent.

Of course, Demonic Dragon Continent is neither Hell nor Demon World, let alone Netherworld!

Demonic Dragon Continent, like Firmament Continent, is just a low-level Material Plane.

The difference is that the creatures of Demonic Dragon Continent are not kind races like Human Race and Elf, but…


Yes, the entire Continent is completely occupied by Demon, and Demon is the only creature of Continent!

And the great existence that Demonic Dragon Continent believes in is not God, but a Dark Demonic Dragon!

This Dark Demonic Dragon is called Cyrus Frost. It is an Intermediate God-level Demon God with powerful strength and many territories!

There are dozens of Low Level Planes under his command alone, and the territory far exceeds Firmament Continent’s Dragon God and Beast God!

Demonic Dragon Continent is one of them!

This Demonic Army invasion is a masterpiece of Cyrus Frost, because it has a fancy to Firmament Continent and wants to own it!

Therefore, this invasion occurred!

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