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On the other side, the battle between Barbus and Chahman and the others has come to an end.

Although the number of people is not dominant in 11VS17, Barbus and the others are Lower God after all. Even the weakest Lower God is not the Demon King of True God Level that can compete!

“Master, Perfection completes the task!”

Seventeen Demon Kings were escorted to Monray. Barbus and the others looked satisfied. The battle just now made them feel heartily.

Monray’s gaze swept across these Demon Kings one after another. These guys were bruised and bruised and embarrassed. They were obviously beaten up just now.

“Anthon, what do you think should be done with them?” Monray looked towards the Dark Snapping Turtle King Anthon that had just been subdued, and asked leisurely.

“Great Masters, like me, they were also forcibly sent here by Cyrus, not willing to attack Firmament Continent!”

Anthon crawled to the ground: “I hope Master leave a way out, and give them a way out!”

Monray slightly nodded: “Since you are pleading, then give them a way out!”

“Thanks for the great Your Excellency!”

“Thank you for not killing!”

The 17 Demon Kings repeatedly kowtow to thank you.

“Death is exempt, live crime is inescapable!”

Monray changed his words: “You lead the crowd to attack Firmament Continent. According to my previous temper, only execution can vent my hatred!”

“Your Excellency, please blame!”

“Your Excellency, convict!”

The 17 Demon Kings shivered with fright.

“How about this!”

Monray looked towards Barbus and the others: “Let them acknowledge allegiance to you and be your servants!”

“Master, is this… OK?”

The eyes of Barbus and other 11 people brightened, but some hesitation. These are all other Demon Kings at True God Level. They are so weaker than them. Isn’t it a bit too much to let them serve as their own slaves?

“I’ll do it!”

Monray said leisurely: “Listening to Anthon, Dark Demonic Dragon also has dozens Demon King under the command of Dark Demonic Dragon. I can reward them all!”

“Thanks to the great Master!”

“Your greatness is like an endless stream of surging rivers, and like the Yellow River overflowing out of control! Praise you, my great Master!”

Barbus and the others were overjoyed, and quickly bowed to thank you, grateful.


Monray waved his hand.

“Yes, Master!”

“The Flame Demon on the other side belongs to me. Don’t grab anyone from me, whoever grabs me and who is in a hurry!”

“I fell in love with that Wind Demon…”

Looking at Barbus and the others, picking 17 Demon Kings as if picking goods, Dark Snapping Turtle King Anthon was a little bit crying.

Once upon a time, these Demon Kings were all dozens of Planes such as the Demonic Dragon Continent, dominating one side, and the Peerless Great Demon heads with a reputation!

When did you end up in such a situation? When is it picked up like goods?

Really the tiger fell to Pingyang, and the dragon fell into the shallows!

But now, Anthon has no choice but to watch.

The division of work not at all lasted for as long as it was declared to be over. The 17 Demon Kings had their own belongings and became servants of Barbus and the others!

“Master, thank you Master for his gift!”

The 11 subordinates sincerely thank Monray.


Monray looked towards Demonic Army.

The Netherworld Divine Fire is getting more and more prosperous and has covered half of the demon sea. Countless Demons are struggling in the flames and howling miserably!

This frightened the remaining Demons, who fled towards Arctic Plains.

They are fast, and a large piece of Demon has even escaped the burning range of the Netherworld Divine Fire.

“Is it going to escape?”

If it is a normal God, the boundless Demonic Army can indeed escape quite a bit.

After all, there are too many Demonic Army, scattered to flee, there will always be escape!

But who is Monray?

He can Teleportation and is not afraid of being forced by the consumption of Divine Power. How can the Demonic Army escape?

The final outcome is self-evident:

100000000 absolutely Demon was buried in fire sea, burned to death by Netherworld Divine Fire, and burned to ashes!

Anthon and the 17 Demon Kings witnessed this scene all the way, almost scared to pee. They were also dissatisfied with the acknowledge allegiance Barbus and the others before!

But this moment!


Doesn’t exist anymore!

Not willing?

Doesn’t exist anymore!

Some have only avoided a catastrophe’s heart palpitations and the joy of escaping!

If there was no acknowledge allegiance just now, they would definitely be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke like the Demonic Army!

It makes people shudder to think about it!

“Master is so amazing!”

Barbus and the others were also very scared, 100000000 absolutely Demon was buried in the fire sea, the scene of tragic struggle is too tragic, too shocking!

They all see that have one’s hair stand on end!

“Master, what shall we do next?”

Barbus asked again.

“Take care of the Beast God Empire first, then head to the Demonic Dragon Continent when you are finished, and you will meet the Demonic Dragon!”

Monray glanced at the people of Beast God Empire and soon made a decision.

“Don’t follow the name of the Master!”

Barbus and the others have no objections.

A group of people came to the head of the Beast God Mountain Pass. Beast God Empire Demi-God, Beast Sovereign and ministers hurriedly rushed to see him, for fear that they would go too slowly and offend Monray.

“Where is Beast Sovereign?”

Barbus snapped.

“Yes! I am!”

Beast Sovereign Grom hurriedly saluted.

“If I remember correctly!”

Monray looked at Beast Sovereign Grom: “My imperial decree seems to have been transmitted to Beast God Empire 3 months ago. Why are you so late?”

Beast Sovereign naturally knew what the imperial decree was in Monray’s mouth, and was immediately terrified.

He knows that Monray is going to settle accounts after Autumn, what can I do? how to explain?

“Your Excellency, I …”

Beast Sovereign Heaving!

“Forget it, no need to explain!”

Monray waved his hand: “Since you choose to fight this Sovereign, you have to accept the result you deserve! For the sake of you being a Beast Sovereign, this Sovereign gives you a decent way to die. You can decide yourself!”


Beast Sovereign as if was struck by lightning, directly limp to the ground, he knew that he was finished!

Completely finished!

There is no way to survive!

A group of ministers are trembling with fear, like a bucket sifting the chaff, Beast Sovereign Your Majesty decides themselves, what about them? How will Monray punish itself and the others?

“As for you!”

Monray looked towards the ministers: “Relegated to the common people, disbanded the family, handed over the land and wealth, and be obediently and honestly be a flat 100 surname in the future!”

“Thanks Your Excellency for not killing!”

All the ministers were overjoyed and bowed and thanked them again and again. Just now they thought they were going to die. They didn’t expect to die. They got their lives in vain!

“Chahman, Beast God Empire is up to you, how to do it, you decide in one word!”

Monray looked towards Chahman.

“Thank you Master for your trust, I will definitely live up to the Master’s trust!” Chahman assured.

“Beast God Empire is all over, it’s time to go to Demonic Dragon Continent!” Monray looked towards Arctic Plains.

“Don’t follow the name of the Master!”


Arctic Plains is vast and vast, covered with snow and ice all year round, covered with snowy fields, majestic icebergs, completely Snow and Ice World, few outsiders set foot!

However, in a corner of Arctic Plains, there is a group of special creatures entrenched. Their demonic energy is tumbling, and they are all Demon Lords!

The number is as high as 100!

These Demon Lords form an encirclement, protecting a giant Transmission Array!

The Transmission Array is very large, with a diameter of ten kilometers, inlaid with countless Elemental Crystals!

It is conceivable that the teleportation ability of this teleportation magic array must be very powerful, and the Demon transmitted each time definitely exceeds 1000000!


The Demonic Army that ravaged the Beast God Empire came to Firmament Continent through this teleportation magic array. The importance of the Transmission Array is self-evident!

“It’s boring!”

“I’m going to be bored!”

“Why can Krastha lead the army to attack Firmament Continent, and we can only stay here to guard the Transmission Array?”

“Yes! Thinking about it makes the demons feel angry, why can they go, Laozi can’t?”

“The creatures of Mortal Plane must be delicious. I can’t help but drooling when I think of Klaus they are tasting the delicious flesh and blood!”

“This damn task!”

“No! Next time you must talk to Anthon Lord and Backer Lord, let us be responsible for attacking the mortal Plane!”

“Next time? I don’t know when it will be!”

“Yes! I have been 39872 years old since I was born, but I have only had this experience twice. What time does the ghost know next time?”

“Thinking about it makes people uncomfortable, but then again, how long do you think my Demonic Army can occupy Firmament Continent this time?”

“In less than 7 days! My Demonic Army can step on Firmament Continent, kill the creatures of this Plane, and turn this place into a Demon Paradise!”

“Indeed! With the strength of our Demonic Army, it only takes 7 days to completely occupy…”

The 100 Demon Lords are chatting and chatting every word to pass the time.

Assigned to guard the Transmission Array, they panic when they are idle, of course they feel very upset!

They also want to lead the Demonic Army!

They also want to attack Firmament Continent!

They also want to devour the flesh and blood of mortals!

But no way!

The Transmission Array is the gateway to the Firmament Continent. It must not be destroyed. Only by sending them these Demon Lords can they be safe!

Therefore, even if 10000 points are reluctant, they can only perform their duties faithfully.


At this moment, a breeze blew by, and a group of people appeared above their heads. The Demon Lords looked at it in doubt, their expressions suddenly changed!


“It’s Human God!”

“How can Human God Sutra appear here?”

The Demon Lords swept away the previous boredom and complaints, staring at the group of people who suddenly appeared, their eyes full of alert and vigilance!

It is Monray and the others who came here, because they did not deliberately constrict the aura on their bodies, the divine might that everyone exudes will naturally be felt!

“who are you?”

A Demon Lord whispered.

“You have guessed it, haven’t you?”

Monray flicked his fingers and said separately: “Kill! Don’t keep one!”

“Yes, Master!”

“Domain of God !”




After a while, the 100 Demon Lords guarding the Transmission Array were wiped out, not even one escaped. In the face of powerful strength, escape became a luxury!

“Each person assigns a Divine Power incarnation to guard the Transmission Array, lest it be destroyed by others!”

“Others follow me to the Demonic Dragon Continent, and they will meet the powerful Dark Demonic Dragon!”

“Yes, Master!”

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