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Demon and God belong to two different factions, and are two completely different High Level creatures!

In order to improve God’s strength, in addition to his own comprehend World’s Law, he also has to spread his faith. The more Power of Faith, the faster his strength will be improved!

Therefore, the number of faith domains is an important indicator of the strength and status of a God!

In contrast, Demon is different.

First of all, Demon does not need Power of Faith, just swallow each other, or swallow a higher level Demon or God, to increase its strength!

This is the easiest and most direct way for Demon to improve its strength, and it is also the way for most Demons!

In addition, Demon also has a way to increase its strength, that is-occupy Plane.

The more Planes Demon occupies, the larger the territory, the more rewards from Void World, and the faster the increase in strength.

This is also the main reason why there is no need for Power of Faith, but many Demon Gods are still keen to expand their territory and occupy Plane!

Based on this, Dark Demonic Dragon Cyrus will attack the Firmament Continent Plane!

As a Demon God, Cyrus only took a short time to grow to where it is now, which is absolutely stunning to outsiders!

You know, Cyrus was born in Low Level Demon Plane and his age is no more than 310000 years old!

What a talent?

But what about the facts?

The Void World where Cyrus’ hometown of Plane is located is quite special. Dozens of Planes around are entangled to form a dense…

Plane Group!

Yes, Plane Group!

More importantly, before the rise of Cyrus, there has never been a Demon God or real divine light here. This is a virgin land where no one has ever set foot!

After the rise of Cyrus, as easy as blowing off dust occupied these dozens of Planes, so it was promoted to the realm of Demon God in a short time!

Fate is so good that countless creatures are envious and hated; the speed of improvement is like having a golden finger next to you!

At this moment, Demonic Dragon Continent Demonic Dragon Mountain.

The most towering mountain range of this Demonic Dragon Continent is shrouded in blood clouds and black fog all the year round.

Birds do not cross, insect beast does not arrive.

deserted, life is extinct.

In the entire Demonic Dragon Continent, Demonic Dragon Mountain is sacred and inviolable. Any creature that dares to approach will be sentenced to death!

At this moment, in a cave on the top of Demonic Dragon Mountain, there was a thunderous grunt, and the exhaled air current surged out of the cave like a storm.

Dark Demonic Dragon is sleeping soundly in the cave!


Dark Demonic Dragon spends all year in sleep, even if it attacks Material Plane and occupies territory, it will be handed over to subordinate to do it.

The only thing it needs to do is to wait for the subordinates to take down a Plane, then come to this Plane, and then refining the Plane Core!

At other times, get a good night’s sleep.

“Old Ancestor !”

Just as the Dark Demonic Dragon was sleeping soundly and sweetly, a sound of lose one’s head out of fear came from a distance, and a Dark Demonic Dragon flew through the thick cloud of blood and black smoke to come to the cave.

“The major event is bad, Old Ancestor!”

Dark Demonic Dragon crawled to the ground and cried out sobbing.


The thunderous grunt was silent, and then an angry roar sounded:

“Damn Backer, I dare to disturb this King and sleep soundly. If you don’t give this King a satisfactory explanation today, this King will take your skin off!”

“Old Ancestor! It’s a major event!”

Dark Demonic Dragon was actually the Backer killed by Monray. It cried loudly and said:

“The Demonic Army who attacked Firmament Continent was wiped out, and even my Demon Avatar is dead! Dead! All dead Old Ancestor!”


A black dragon head came out of the cave, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at the crawling Backer, and shouted, “What is going on, tell this King!”

“Yes, Old Ancestor!”

Backer did not dare to neglect, and even said what happened in Firmament Continent, and finally said: “The Human God is very powerful, not only can release the Netherworld Divine Fire, but also hold the Death God Scythe that can only be possessed by Death God Race, and I and Anthon 2 teaming up is not his opponent either!”

“Human God!”

Dark Demonic Dragon Cyrus squinted his eyes, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes: “Whoever you are, Netherworld Divine Phoenix or Death God Race, dare to provoke this King, you deserve to die!”

As a Demon God of the Intermediate God level, Dark Demonic Dragon is not scary. It knows the power of Netherworld Divine Phoenix and Death God Race.

But it is clearer that these two races impossible appear in a remote Plane like Firmament Continent!

Now that it has appeared, there is only one answer: Monray is likely to be a descendant of Netherworld Divine Phoenix and Death God Race!

Dark Demonic Dragon is not afraid of this, but it also thinks of some other things!

“Since the Bloodline of Netherworld Divine Phoenix and Death God Race has been handed down, this Firmament Continent is not simple. Maybe God and Demon battle broke out before!”

“Battle of God and Demon!!!”

A strange color flashed in Dark Demonic Dragon’s eyes.

The battle of God and Demon is not uncommon!

As a hostile existence, as long as Demon and God meet, they usually fight.

Even every once in a while, a God and Demon war will erupt between Void Gods and Void Demons that will sweep the entire Void World!

Therefore, the God and Demon war is nothing unusual. What Dark Demonic Dragon cares about is what is left over from the God and Demon war:

Such as the corpse of God and Demon, the weapon of God and Demon, the Divine Spark of God and Demon, the wealth of God and Demon…

these all are coveted things!

“It is necessary to go to Firmament Continent!”

Dark Demonic Dragon’s eyes are shining, go on an errand for nothing, there is nothing at worst, and it’s just a waste of sleep.

But if you really find something amazing in Firmament Continent, you will make a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Dark Demonic Dragon transformed into a Human appearance, and then left the cave.

“Backer, mobilize the remaining Demon King and Great Demon King, follow this King to Firmament Continent, destroy the damn Human God, and level down the Low Level Material Plane!” Cyrus shouted sharply.

“Follow Old Ancestor’s orders!”

Backer was overjoyed and even summoned the group demon.

Not long after, Dark Demonic Dragon’s other Demon Kings and Great Demon Kings were all gathered, and then under the leadership of Dark Demonic Dragon, they went to Camor Plateau!

The Camor Plateau is where the magic array leading to Firmament Continent is arranged!

The speed of a group of Demons was very fast, and they came to the Camor Plateau not long after they arrived. Unexpectedly, just before they arrived at the Transmission Array, the transmission of magic was shaking, and Monray and the others appeared in the magic array.


4 When facing each other, both sides were slightly taken aback, obviously they didn’t expect to meet each other.

Later, the Backer in the Demon group was the first to react, glaring at Monray, “Damn Human God, how dare you come here?”

“who are you?”

Monray looked at Backer in surprise, he swore he had never seen this one.

“Damn Human God, you killed one of my Demon Avatars. Did you forget?” Backer gnashing teeth, with hatred in his eyes.

“Can not remember!”

Monray waved his hand slightly, his eyes swept across Demon one after another, and finally fell on Dark Demonic Dragon Cyrus.

Looking at the dozens Demon in the audience, the demonic might on Cyrus is the strongest, just like the scorching sun in the sky, it is not too obvious.

Compared with it, although other Demon King and Great Demon King are many people, they are like stars in the sky. How can they compete with the scorching sun?

Cyrus also looked at Monray and the others, with an unbelievable color in his eyes: “No wonder Backer and Anthon are not your opponents, you are indeed not bad!”

“You are Demon God Cyrus?”

Monray asked with a leisurely smile.

“Little Lower God, how dare you call Lord Demon God by name!”

The Great Demon King, with a blood-red head, goat horns, and blood armor all over his body, stared at him, and his whole body rolled over: “Don’t kneel down!”

While speaking, the blood energy on its body is as solid as it is, as if Mount Tai is pressing towards Monray, as if to press Monray down!

“Dare to offend Master, damn it!”

Barbus roared, fiercely punched the Great Demon King.

The distance between the two parties was not far, and Barbus suddenly shot, this Great Demon King couldn’t react and was hit directly in the head with a punch.

“ka-cha -“

With a crisp sound, the head of Great Demon King was instantly blown up, exploding into a ball of blood mist.

Strangely, after being blown into blood mist, Great Demon King’s head was strangely restored.

“Is this all right?”

Barbus looked surprised.

Monray and other True God subordinates also looked at this Great Demon King with surprise.

After taking a full punch from Barbus, there was no fart, which is too tough!

“Damn God!”

This Great Demon King glared at Barbus, his eyes raging: “You dare to hurt me, you damn! You damn!”


The Great Demon King swelled instantly, and incarnation a blood Demon of a hundred zhang high, madly slew Barbus.

“It turned out to be the head of Blood Demon, no wonder he wasn’t dead!” Barbus greeted him brazenly.


The two sides collided together instantly.

Blood Demon, Demon Body is composed of blood. There is no specific entity. It belongs to fluid life, so it is immune to most physical attacks.

This alone makes Barbus very restrained. Even though Barbus has terrifying power, he can’t help but Blood Demon!

Not to mention, Barbus has just merged with Divine Spark after all, and belongs to the weakest Lower God. Is it the opponent of the angry Blood Demon?

After some entanglement, and gradually at a disadvantage, surrounded by perils, completely at a disadvantage.

“Master, let me help Barbus!”

Upon seeing this, Zacas hurriedly asked for orders.


Monray waved his hand slightly and Zacas immediately killed him. Seeing this scene, Cyrus also flew out of a demon, Winged Demon with black wings on the back of his head and goat horns.

“Want a pair of 2? Your Human God is really mean!” Winged Demon Ludwig stopped in front of Zacas, sneered again and again.

“Give me away!”

Zacas gave a low growl and stood directly with Winged Demon Ludwig.

“Go, you guys also do it!”

Monray waved his hand and gave the order.

“Yes, Master!”

Nagya, Spider Goddess, Flying Snow Sword Sage and the others also blatantly killed them when they saw this.

“Go! Have fun with them!”

Dark Demonic Dragon Cyrus indifferently said.

“Yes, Lord Demon God!”


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