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“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

An unprecedented God and Demon melee broke out over the Camor Plateau!

10 Gods and 45 Demons collided instantly (Chahman is not there).

The 10 Gods are all Lower Gods that have just merged with Divine Spark, and the 45 Demons are 9 Great Demon Kings and 36 Demon Kings!

Looking at the strength on paper alone, God is completely at an absolute disadvantage, and victory is worrying!

This is true.

On average, 1 Great Demon King + 3 Demon Kings besieged a God, and just merged with Divine Spark, 11 Gods were completely crushed by the Demon King!

Surrounded by perils, it’s in danger, it seems that it might be killed at any time!

However, Monray has no worries about this, and still looks at Dark Demonic Dragon Cyrus: “Your Excellency Cyrus, now only you and me are left!”

“Human God, you are so bold!”

Cyrus exudes a fierce killing intent: “Aside from killing this King’s army, I dare to chase here, bring about one’s own destruction!”

“Whether to bring about one’s own destruction, I’ll talk about it later!”

Monray smiled leisurely: “Your Excellency Cyrus, you sent the Demonic Army to invade my territory for no reason, should you give me an explanation?”

“If you defeat this King, you will have an explanation!”

Cyrus grumbled his teeth: “Otherwise, you and the group of Gods under your command will be buried in the mouth of this King and become the food of this King!”

“In that case, let’s fight over there!”

Monray twisted his neck and made a crackling sound: “Since you are a Senior, I allow you to act first!”

“Arrogant God, die!”

Cyrus got angry and punched out.

Although it was in a human form, with this fist terrifying matchless, the fragile void was instantly exploded, and the fist appeared in front of Monray like Teleportation.


incomparable is fast!


Not an ordinary rage!

The violent power burst out, and if this is smashed, even Peak Lower God will definitely be beaten into meat sauce.

Monray can fully feel the horror of this fist. The moment it strikes Dark Elementalization, it becomes a group of free Darkness elements!

“Dark Elementalization!”

Cyrus instantly judged Monray’s moves and couldn’t help but coldly snorted: “Demon Domain!”


A powerful force suddenly appeared, freezing the void around Monray. Monray only felt that his body was impossible to move, and he couldn’t even restore his body!

“Arrogant Human God!”

Cyrus coldly said: “Your realm is too low, this King doesn’t even need to use other means, Demon Domain alone can completely suppress you!”

“Demon Domain?”

Monray moved in his heart.

God has a Domain of God, and Demon God naturally has a Domain of Demon. The Domain of Demon is also called “Demon Domain” by Demon God, with different names.

“The Demon Domain, which is comparable to Intermediate God’s Demon God, is not as powerful as expected!”

Monray was secretly sighed in his heart, decisively resorted to Teleportation, and then quietly disappeared in the Demon Domain!


Cyrus was slightly astonished, looking towards Monray, who appeared not far away, in disbelief.

“There are no Divine Power fluctuations, and no airflow fluctuations. If this King guessed right, the ability you just used was Space Divine Ability, right?”

“You guessed it!” Monray slightly smiled: “To be precise, this is Teleportation!”


Cyrus squinted his eyes slightly and made a lot of waves in his heart. He has both Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline and Death God Scythe, as well as two powerful Divine Ability, Dark Elementalization and Teleportation!

Where does Monray exist, and why does it have so many powerful and terrifying methods?

“Cyrus, you are very strong, it’s a pity…”

Monray looked at Cyrus: “You are still not my opponent, I will give you a chance to survive, submit to me, I hope you can grasp it!”


Cyrus coldly snorted: “You are a God with secrets. This King is very interested in the secrets in you. As long as you hand over all the secrets, this King would like to leave you a way out!”

“So, let’s fight!”

Monray smiled indifferently: “Next, I will make my most powerful trump card!”

While talking, a thick black flame suddenly appeared on Monray’s body, and the whole person seemed to ignite spontaneously. The less the black flame, the more intense…

In the end, Monray completely turned into a big black Fireball burning.

And in the center of the black Fireball, there is a divine horse with a wingspan of more than 100 meters suspended!

chicken head, swallow chin, snake neck, turtle back, fish tail …… pitch-black as ink, black fire rises.


A breathtaking horror aura radiated from the gods and strange beasts, swept all directions, oppressing everyone’s hearts wantonly!

The 50 God and Demon who had been fighting together stopped their movements and looked at the alien beasts floating in the black flames with incredible expressions!

“Ok… so terrifying aura!”

“Netherworld Divine Phoenix! This is Divine Beast from Hell-Netherworld Divine Phoenix!”

“No wonder Master can control Netherworld Divine Fire, it turns out that he is really Netherworld Divine Phoenix!”

Whether it’s Barbus and the others or the Demon Kings, they are all shocked!

Leaving aside the terrifying identity of Netherworld Divine Phoenix, the aura emanating from Monray alone gives them no desire to fight!

Simply too terrifying!

“How long is this? He is so strong! How did this guy train?”

Spider Goddess Rose’s eyes are complicated, and he can’t help but think of the time he first met Monray.

At that time, Monray was just a small Demi-God. If it weren’t for the weird Divine Ability and Netherworld Divine Fire, it would not be her opponent at all!

However, in the past few years, Monray’s aura has far exceeded the Lower God level, reaching the realm that Spider Goddess can’t see. Spider Goddess has a feeling of living on a dog!

“Netherworld Divine Phoenix!”

Cyrus stared at Monray as well, with an imperceptible jealousy flashing in his eyes: “You really are the Netherworld Divine Phoenix, I looked down on you before!”

“Your Excellency Cyrus, do your best!” Monray vibrated his wings: “Otherwise, you won’t have any chance of defeating me!”

“Want to die? This King fulfills you!”

Cyrus does not support the big.

The aura distributed by Monray at this moment has reached the level of Demon God, not much weaker than it, even more how Monray is still Netherworld Divine Phoenix!

How dare it look down?


After a loud dragon roar, the Dark Demonic Dragon decisively transformed into a true body, with a length of ten thousand zhang and a pitch-black as ink Demonic Dragon appeared.

It is not big in size, similar to the True God Level Giant Dragon, but the aura it emits is outrageous, more than 10000 times stronger than the True God Level Giant Dragon?


Monray laughs facing the sky, and the pitch-black wings vibrated slightly, turning into a black lightning and rushing towards the Dark Demonic Dragon, and it was there in the blink of an eye.

“Want to fight against this King?”

Upon seeing the Dark Demonic Dragon, two tornados spurted out of the nostrils. The sturdy dragon tail turned into a steel whip and fiercely drew towards Monray.

“shua ——”

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