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48-seater Material Plane!

This is a very exaggerated wealth!

Think of Firmament Continent’s 4 True Gods, let alone the oldest Elf Goddess.

Beast God, as Peak Intermediate God, there are only 7 places of faith in Plane!

Titan Giant God, before receiving the reward of Lightning God World Theodore Titan God Race, also only had 5 faith domains!

Look at Dragon God again. Although it is the weakest Intermediate God, it is also Intermediate God anyway, but only Dragon God Empire is a territory of faith!

Don’t stubborn?

From this, you can imagine what a fortune the 48-seat Material Plane is!

It is conceivable that if these 48 Material Planes all become Monray’s faith territory, what huge Power of Faith will be produced?

“Cyrus just walked the lucky dog ​​excrement!”

Monray admired in his heart that when Cyrus just emerged, he encountered an ownerless Plane Group. What is this not walking the lucky dog ​​excrement?

Compared with Cyrus, Dragon God must cry. Why is the gap between dragon and dragon so big?

Subsequently, Monray continued to read Cyrus’ memory. According to Monray’s idea, Cyrus, as a powerful Demon God, has a life span of several 10,000 years, and the memory bank must be very large.

However, the fact is quite the opposite!

Cyrus has very few memories, and the memory of the overwhelming majority is spent in sleep.

In other words, Cyrus overwhelming majority sleeps all the time and rarely wakes up.

“What a lazy dragon!”

However, Monray also got useful information from the few memories.

For example, the specific information of 48 planes, such as the specific location of 48 Plane Cores…

“After refining Plane Core, you will completely control the entire Plane, every plant and tree, mountain and river, brick and tile, and all will be mastered!”

Monray already impatient wants to give it a try. Following Cyrus’ memory, he found the Plane Core of the Demonic Dragon Continent Plane.

Then, came to a splendid and colorful world, chain-like World’s Law terraces crisscrossing the entire world.

Law of Lightning of silver.

Law of Fire in red.

Law of Water in blue.

The Golden Law of Metal.


10 kinds of basic laws form a densely packed spider web, which fills the entire colorful world, and in the center of this colorful web is a colorful rhombus crystal suspended.

Colorful light, dazzling.

10 kinds of World’s Law, as if spread out from this colored crystal.

The crystal is like the center of the colorful world!

“This is Plane Core!”

Monray looked up and down the colored crystals. This was the first time he saw Plane Core, so he was very curious.

After looking at it, Monray released divine sense to wrap Plane Core!

For a moment!

Monray felt that his divine sense instantly penetrated into the entire Demonic Dragon Continent, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, the forest…

Everything about Demonic Dragon Continent appeared in Monray’s mind, every delicate hair was completely shown!

The growth of every plant, the neighing of every bird and beast, the sound sleep of every Lesser Fiend…

All the feedback in my mind!

This is a very amazing experience, just like Monray refining Tower of Time, the same feeling as when you got Tower of Time!

After checking it, Monray found a surprising place, Demonic Dragon Continent Plane and Firmament Continent Plane are a little different.

Firmament Continent Plane!

All around is the boundless endless deep sea, the endless deep sea occupies most of the area of ​​Plane, and Firmament Continent only occupies a small part!

Demonic Dragon Continent Plane.

There is no ocean, but Continent. In the center of Continent, there are countless rivers and lakes, and there are not many water resources at all!

If Firmament Continent is compared to Earth, Demonic Dragon Continent Plane is equivalent to spark, one is ocean-based and the other is land-based!

2 …… completely different!

“Because the entire Plane is a Continent, the Demonic Dragon Continent has a larger land and more intelligent creatures!”

“It’s a pity that they were all killed by Cyrus, and then occupied by the Demonic Army under Cyrus. The Demonic Dragon Continent has become a paradise for Demons and a paradise for Demons!”

Monray learned from Cyrus’ memory that the Demonic Dragon Continent Plane and the other 47 Material Planes gave birth to their own unique creatures.

Sadly, after the rise of Cyrus, all the creatures in these 48 planes were slaughtered by Demon, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain!

Then, Demon occupied these 48 planes and became the only creature in these Planes!

“Really cruel!”

Monray was secretly speechless and started to refining the Plane Core of the Demonic Dragon Continent Plane. This thing is unconscious, and it is quite easy to refining!

In just a few minutes, Monray left his Divine Soul Mark in it, completely refining the Plane Core of the Demonic Dragon Continent Plane!

For a moment, Monray felt like he was Demonic Dragon Continent Plane, and Plane was him!

As long as he wants!

You can change everything in this Plane, you can let the mountains levitate, you can let the sea flow back, you can wither a forest, and you can kill all the Demons in the Plane!

Everything…just a single thought!

Of course, there is Planar Power!

“It turns out that this is how to mobilize Planar Power! Planar Power… is really an exaggeration!”

Monray enjoys everything about the Demonic Dragon Continent Plane. If you face Cyrus now, Monray is confident that Cyrus will be suppressed!

A Planar Power of a Material Plane is really too terrifying, and suppressing an Intermediate God level Demon God trifling is simply a small case!

At the same time, Monray is also fortunate to be able to Teleportation, because once it is suppressed by Planar Power, there is really no day to turn around.

“It’s a tragedy for Cyrus to meet me. If you change to someone else, who is his opponent?”

Monray smiled and shook his head, and walked out of the space where Plane Core was.

At this time, Barbus and the others have been divided, and the group of demons have their own belongings.

“See Master!”

All subordinates are excited about paid respect.

“It’s all divided up?”

Monray asked with a smile.

“Thank you Master for the reward, we have all divided it up!” Barbus and the others bowed to thank them, gratitude in their eyes.

As the Lower God, it is difficult for them to conquer the Demon King, let alone conquer the Great Demon King!

Don’t even think about it!

But now that they have done it, can they not thank Monray from the bottom of their hearts?

“Let’s talk about business now, Cyrus has 48 Material Planes in total!”

Monray said with a smile: “I am definitely not able to manage it alone. I plan to distribute these plans to you, and you will be responsible for the management!”

“Funded to us?”

Everyone was slightly surprised.

“Yes, I plan to distribute these 48 planes to you, manage them by yourself, spread your faith, um, spread your faith!”

Monray said with a smile: “Calculating, each person can be divided into 3 or 4 Planes. In this way, you should be able to accumulate a lot of Divine Power!”

Because it is the integration of Divine Spark to become a god, it has become very difficult for Barbus and the others to continue to advance. There is only one way to integrate High Level Divine Spark!

High Level Divine Spark, Monray not yet!

So, don’t even think about qualifying!

In this way, spreading faith seems to be of little use to them? the answer is negative!

Again, faith is of great use to all Gods, even if Divine Spark becomes a God!

Imagine it!

If there are 3 Planes as the domain of faith, everyone can collect massive amounts of Power of Faith, which can transform Divine Power and strengthen Divine Soul!

There are so many benefits!

After all, for any God, the Divine Power reserve and Divine Soul strength will always be a hard indicator of God’s strength!

Therefore, faith is very important!

The question is, is Monray really willing to entrust the 48 planes to them? 48 planes!

It sounds a little susceptible!

“You don’t have to doubt!”

Monray faintly smiled: “I plan to build Pantheon, by then, you will become my Subordinate God!”

“Build Pantheon!!!”

Everyone was in shock!

Pantheon is a close collection of Gods, just like a country or a family, they are very closely connected with each other!

Pantheon is composed of the Lord of Pantheon and a group of Subordinate Gods. The Lord of Pantheon not only Ruler and Pantheon as a whole, but also has the priority to enjoy faith.

Let’s say that.

Subordinate God spreads the faith, and the collected Power of Faith, the Lord of Pantheon can enjoy 50% of it, and the remaining 50% can be enjoyed by Subordinate God!

It can be seen that Pantheon has a strict distinction between superior and inferior, and is completely different from alliances such as the Alliance of Gods!

“It all depends on the Master!”

Barbus and the others have no objection.

They themselves are Monray’s servants, even if Monray dominates the faith of these 48 Material Planes, they dare not say anything.

even more how Monray entrusted them with 48 planes and made them a Subordinate God, and enjoyed 50% of the Power of Faith!

This is simply a great favor!

“Let’s go! Go with me to visit other Plane!” Monray said indifferently.

“Yes, Master!”

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