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Monray didn’t have the idea of ​​Pantheon at first, but got this idea after getting 48 planes!

For him, the main means of improving strength is the system, and faith is only an aid after all.

After all, the most terrible thing is that Monray has not ignited the Divine Fire so far, which is really embarrassing!

What is Divine Fire?

Divine Fire is a tool to convert Power of Faith to Divine Power. It is a Divine Power converter. If Divine Power is compared to electricity, Divine Fire is a power plant!

Without Divine Fire, even if Monray has massive Power of Faith, there is no way to convert these Power of Faith into Divine Power!

In other words, even if Monray has 1000 Planes as the domain of faith, the massive amount of Power of Faith generated will only accumulate and accumulate.

This… is waste.

Instead of this, it is better to entrust these Planes to Barbus and the others, let them spread their faith, accumulate Divine Power, and enhance their strength!

Their strength has improved, and Monray is not required to do many things, and there are many benefits.

Another point!

How can Monray have time to manage so many Planes? You know that he doesn’t even bother to manage a Dragon God Empire, let alone 48 planes!

The best way is to entrust them. Monray believes that Barbus and the others will manage these plans very hard for the sake of faith!

“You brat finally came out!”

Dodora praised Monray’s ideas: “The establishment of Pantheon will not only help spread the faith, but also strengthen the Subordinate Gods’ ambitions to forge ahead and expand outward. It will do two things with one stone!”

“Even you said so, then there is no problem!” Dodora’s words strengthened Monray’s desire to establish Pantheon.

Next, a group of people wandered around in the 48 planes. These planes are connected by Transmission Array, which is easy to reach.

Of course, Monray has not forgotten to refining the Plane Core of these Planes and completely control these Planes in his own hands.

48 planes, colorful, have nothing common with each other, some are ocean world, some are land world, and some are completely covered by forest…

Kudos are vast and rich in resources. They are very suitable for the survival of living beings. They are excellent places of faith. The only thing that makes everyone unhappy is…

They are all occupied by Demon!

Countless demons occupy all the Plane, and Plane is so smoggy, and the demons dance around, which is really unpleasant!

“Being inhabited by Demon is a waste!”

Everyone doesn’t like Demon, except God and Demon are naturally opposed and hostile.

There is another reason.

Demon is cunning, cruel, and bloodthirsty by nature, and will not easily believe in others, so it is much more difficult to train Demon believers than ordinary believers!

Therefore, everyone wants to kill this group of Demon, and then move a group of other creatures over.

Monray actually wants to kill this group of Demons, not because they hate Demon, but…poor!

Before Nirvana Rebirth consumed his 8.8100000000 Law Source Crystal, only a fraction of 8810000 remained. It can be said that he returned to the pre-liberation overnight and became a pauper again!

Monray panicked!

It’s uncomfortable to have no money!

Monray just wants to enrich his wealth, with an empty wallet, and lack of confidence!

“Kill all these demons, you should be able to make up for the lost wealth, no, you can definitely!”

Thinking of this, Monray said: “Everyone, I decided to establish Pantheon and entrust these plans to you. Do you have any suggestions?”

Everyone looked at each other, and Barbus scratched his head and asked, “Master, are you serious?”


Monray rolled the eyes.

“Since the Master’s heart is determined, I take the liberty to make a suggestion and hope that Master will forgive me!”

Barbus whispered, “Can you kill these Demons? They are so annoying. I don’t want to have a group of Demon followers!”

“Master, I think so too!”

Cesia also spoke: “Material Plane well, I was flabbergasted by this group of Demons, it’s a huge waste!”

“Yeah, Master, hurry up and kill this group of Demons. Keep them a waste of resources!”

“Master, I suggest destroying all Demon, and then migrating some Human Race, Giant Dragon, or Beastman from Firmament Continent…”

Other people started talking, and that was what they meant. They really had no other idea. It was a surprise that the Master was willing to distribute these Planes to them!

What more Bicycle?

“Since you all have this idea, let’s do it!” Monray pondered for a long time: “Eliminate Demon and move other races!”

“Master wise!”

“Great Master, your wisdom is like the stars in the sky, bright and dazzling, and like a lighthouse on the sea, shining on us…”

Everyone was overjoyed, flattery slapped wildly, all kinds of praises were endless like the surging river, and like the Yellow River overflowing out of control.

So, the next question is how to eliminate this group of Demons?

Originally, the number of demons of 48 planes was 100000000 absolutely. It is not easy to kill them. As Zhang Fei said, even 7010000 pigs would have to be killed in 3 days and 3 nights to kill them!

Not to mention so many Demons!

However, for Monray who has refined Plane Core, it is really not a difficult task. It only takes a few thoughts to kill all Demons.

This is the horror of the Plane Lord. In your own Plane, you can mobilize Planar Power to easily kill all Low Level creatures you want to kill!

“Ding! Kill 1 Longhorn Demon and get 12Law Source Crystal!”


As Monray started to act, the wealth points skyrocketed wildly. After killing a Plane’s Demon, he gained the wealth of 10100000000 Law Source Crystal!

At the price of 0.1Law Source Crystal per head of Demon, 100100000000 Demon have been killed!

Of course, the real number is definitely more!

1Law Source Crystal =100100000000 Gold Coin!

0.1Law Source Crystal is 10100000000 Gold Coin!

10100000000 Gold Coin is the price of a Sacred Territory Magic Beast, the Demon General in the equivalent to Demon!

A Plane is all Demon General? This is obviously impossible, no matter which world you are in, the highest number will always be Low Level creatures!

Therefore, with this Plane alone, more than 100100000000 million Demons will die!

Fortunately, Monray took humanitarian destruction. These demons were killed instantly, without pain, without fear, and died very peacefully.

“Next Plane!”

In this way, Monray moved through 48 planes and started a new withdrawal mode.

After ten or so plans, the consumed wealth not only made up for it, but broke through the 100 100000000 million mark.

At this time, the system’s cold voice suddenly sounded: “Ding! The host wealth breakthrough 100 100000000 Law Source Crystal is detected, which meets the system upgrade conditions! May I ask the host, whether to upgrade?”

Monray is stunned, want to upgrade again?

The last upgrade was because of the breakthrough Sacred Territory, which met the upgrade conditions, but this time the upgrade was actually because of the wealth breakthrough 100 100000000!

This dog system is too willful, right?

Tucao returned to Tucao, but Monray did not hesitate at all and decisively issued an upgrade order:


“Ding! System upgrade requires 100100000000 Law Source Crystal! May I ask the host, do you upgrade?”

“100100000000 ……Law Source Crystal!!!”

Monray couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air: “Fuck! It’s just a level up. As for the consumption of so many Law Source Crystal? Robbery!”

“Ding! System upgrade requires 100100000000 Law Source Crystal. May I ask the host, do you want to upgrade?” System seems to have not heard Monray’s complaints, and still coldly prompts.

Monray suppressed the pain in his heart and gave the upgrade order extremely unhappy!


The 100100000000 Law Source Crystal just earned was instantly cleared, and Monray became a pauper again.

“Ding! system starts to upgrade!”

“This upgrade time: 3 hours!”

“Friendly reminder: During the upgrade, system will close all functions, please be patient with the host!”

“Promote! Promote you to death, there is a kind of ascend to the sky, don’t come back, you will be awkward!”

Looking at the empty column of wealth, Monray wants to cry without tears, and just made 100100000000 with his ability. Good guy, it’s not hot yet, is it all?

Fuck or not?

Are you out of breath?

Although I feel upset, Monray is still very much looking forward to it. After the last system upgrade, there are two more functions:

Unlimited Pick Up and Ruthless Plunder!

Ruthless Plunder uses less, but it cannot deny the power of this function!

Not to mention Unlimited Pick Up, how much benefit does this feature bring to Monray?

Godeater Rat Bloodline, Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline, various Fusion Law fragments, and Divine Soul Crystal Essence and Soul Ice Essence that enhance Divine Soul…

these all are Unlimited Pick Up!

It is no exaggeration to say that without Unlimited Pick Up, there would be no Monray now!

It can be seen how huge benefits have been brought to Monray after the system upgrade!

This is why the system upgrade is obviously a sky-high price, but Monray did not hesitate to choose to upgrade the system, because the report after the upgrade is much more than the cost!

“After this upgrade, what features will be added?” Monray was full of expectations.

“Master, you are…”

Barbus and the others looked at Monray, who suddenly stopped, with a look of expectation on his face, and couldn’t help being confused.

Master, why is it fun to steal alone? Tell us and make us happy too!

It is better to be alone than Lele!


Monray waved his hand: “You should return to Firmament Continent first and discuss immigration matters with Chahman. I occasionally feel that I am going to retreat here!”

Occasionally feelings?

The subordinates don’t know what to say, how long will it take to break through, and this is another insight?

Compared with the Master, we almost lived as a dog. Everyone was ashamed and even took the Transmission Array towards Firmament Continent.

After 3 hours passed, the cold voice of system sounded again:

“Ding! Strongest Pick Up System upgrade complete!”

“Ding! Strongest Pick Up System for you!”

Although the voice is cold, Monray listens to the sound of nature: “Finally completed the upgrade! System, tell me, what more features do you have?”

“Host, after the upgrade of this system, on the basis of the basic pickup function, the function has undergone a little change!”

system coldly said: “Cancel the charging functions Unlimited Pick Up and Ruthless Plunder, and add charging functions: Super Pick Up, Super Plunder and Super Strengthening!”

“Super Pick Up?”

“Super Plunder?”

“Super Strengthening?”

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