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Super Pick Up!

Pick it up in the High Level Plane!

Super Plunder!

Even Overgod Spark can loot!

Super Strengthening!

Bloodline, constitution, Mind, Divine Spark, Divine Artifact, etc. can all be strengthened!

Looking at the three major functions, Monray was jealous.

Although the 100100000000 Law Source Crystal spent on the system upgrade made him very painful, the new features after the upgrade made him extremely excited.

Super Pick Up!

Super Plunder!

Super Strengthening!

Worthy of super 2 words!

Monray can imagine that with the help of these 3 new features, his strength will surely undergo a tremendous change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

The premise is… money!

Enough money!

“I want money! A lot of money!”

Monray in the heart shout, the new function is so powerful, but he is a pauper!

What a tragedy!

So Monray began a crazy massacre!

The 16th Plane earned 11100000000 Law Source Crystal.

The 17th Plane earned 13100000000 Law Source Crystal.

The 18th Plane earned 9100000000 Law Source Crystal.


Monray worked tirelessly, tossing around 33 Planes and killing all Demons, earning a total of 342100000000 Law Source Crystal wealth!

“34210000 Divine Crystal!”

Monray licked his lips: “system, don’t say anything, first strengthen my Divine Soul, I want to breakthrough Intermediate God Realm!”

“Host, your Mind is in the realm of Peak Lower God. After strengthening, it will reach the realm of Intermediate God. Strengthening price: 1010000 Divine Crystal!”

system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”

“Strengthening, Laozi is rich!”

Monray waved his big hand, ten thousand zhang with pride.


Wealth shrank instantly by 1010000 Divine Crystal.


At the same time, a burst of golden energy poured into the sea of ​​consciousness and poured into the Fire of Divine Soul, as if pouring a barrel of gasoline, the Fire of Divine Soul instantly soared!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

2 times, 3 times, 4 times…

After the golden energy is injected, the fire of Fire of Divine Soul will be 10 times more powerful than before!

If the previous Fire of Divine Soul was a small fire group, now it is a raging fire!

Simply incomparable!

“This is Intermediate God Realm?”

Monray felt the wonderful feeling of Divine Soul’s growth, and almost groaned comfortably. One word: damn cool!

Look at the properties panel again.

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <16%>, fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline [Young], Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline)

wealth points: 33210000 Divine Crystal

constitution: Metal Source Divine Body (1%)

Mind: Intermediate God (Early Stage)

Divine Power: 200Divine Crystal

“Intermediate God level body!”

“Intermediate God level Divine Soul!”

“Wow ka ka, I am also Intermediate God!”

Monray was excited and couldn’t help laughing heartily up, venting the excitement in his heart.

Of course, excitement goes to excitement. Monray has not forgotten a major event: Cyrus’ wealth!

Yes, the wealth of Dark Demonic Dragon!

Although it is Dark Demonic Dragon, it is Dragon Race after all. Cyrus is also very keen on collecting treasures, and it has 48 planes under its command!

Therefore, it is much richer than the average Intermediate God, and it is a huge rat.

How can its wealth be missed?

Returning to the Demonic Dragon Continent, Monray rushed to Cyrus’s lair without stopping, but came excitedly, but Monray was extremely angry!

Lao Lao… nothing!

treasure … no more! ! !

“Damn! Damn!”

Monray was furious: “Who is such a brave dare to steal my treasure?”

Monray is out of anger!

Demonic Dragon Continent all demons were killed by him, treasure impossible disappeared!

Someone must have stolen treasure!

“Dare to steal my treasure!”

Monray passed Plane Core, divine sense spread to the entire Demonic Dragon Continent, and began to search.

Not in the east!

Not in the north!

Not to the west!

South side …


Monray disappeared instantly.


The north of Firmament Continent is Arctic Plains, and the south is the lush Elf Forest. The north is cold and dead, and the south is full of vitality.

Demonic Dragon Continent is just the opposite!

The north of Demonic Dragon Continent is like spring for 4 seasons, and the south is covered by ice and snow. Except for Ice Attribute Demon such as Ice Demon, few Demon can survive.

However, with the Monray massacre, the Ice Demon in the South and the other Demons in the Demonic Dragon Continent were all dead. It stands to reason that it is impossible to have aura.

But when he first explored, Monray spotted an aura in the southern ice sheet.

Thief, haven’t gone far yet!


“Cyrus, this idiot, was actually killed! Terrible! Too terrifying!”

“I have to leave the Demonic Dragon Continent, leave Monray’s sphere of influence, and go to a safe place…”

A Storm Dragon with azure dragon scales oscillates its wings, moving towards high altitude and galloping away, it wants to leave the Demonic Dragon Continent and leave forever.

“As long as I leave the Demonic Dragon Continent, I will be safe. Maybe I can look for a remote and hidden Plane like Heras!”

“Spread the faith, collect Power of Faith, one day, I hope to achieve True God!”

“Yes! Leave! There is hope when you leave!”

Thinking of the bright future after leaving Demonic Dragon Continent, Storm Dragon’s body is full of energy, its wings are more powerful, and its flight speed is faster.

As it continues to rise, it is getting closer and closer to the Plane barrier of Demonic Dragon Continent.

As long as it passes through the barrier of Plane, it can leave the Demonic Dragon Continent and enter the void.

Until then, sky is high enough for a bird to fly through, Sea is broad enough for fish to leap about, Monray can no longer kill it!



As it continued to rise, the Plane barrier was finally close at hand, Storm Dragon destroyed the few Divine Power, fiercely attacked the Plane barrier!


Plane’s barrier was torn open, through which a dark void could be seen.

“Monray, wait for me, I will come back… Forget it, I still don’t come back!”

Storm Dragon vibrates its wings and is about to leave the Demonic Dragon Continent Plane through the opening.

However, just as it was about to pass through, the torn opening suddenly closed.


Storm Dragon fiercely hit the Plane barrier, hitting dizzy and eyes blurred, dazed.


Storm Dragon almost died of anger. The Divine Power it had accumulated was not much. It consumed almost the same amount just now, leaving only a little Divine Power.

“a chance!”

“Only one chance left!”

“Must take it!”

Storm Dragon urged the only remaining Divine Power to attack the Plane barrier again, whoosh sound, and Plane barrier was torn open again.

“good chance!”

The Storm Dragon vibrated its wings and turned into a bolt of lightning to shoot at the opening.

This time, it drove the speed to the extreme, and the front body passed through the opening smoothly…

“It is!”

Storm Dragon instantly relieved his mind, and successfully left Demonic Dragon Continent, it was safe.

However, at this time, a strong pulling force came from the tail, and Storm Dragon turned his head and saw that his tail was caught by someone.

Through the rapidly narrowing hole in the Plane barrier, Storm Dragon saw a face, a face that can no longer be familiar!


Storm Dragon frightened the soul flew away and scattered, frantically vibrating its wings and wanted to break free, but the tail was caught by Monray, and he couldn’t break free anyway.


In an emergency, Storm Dragon cut off his tail instantly, a strong man came and broke his wrist, the gecko broke his tail and escaped smoothly!


Storm Dragon watched his docking tail, completely wet with cold sweat, which was really dangerous.

“Monray, didn’t expect you to find me so soon, but it is a pity that you will never catch me! And, one day I will be back!”

Storm Dragon sneered, shaking its wings and flying into the darkness and vastness in the sky.

However, Storm Dragon hadn’t flew far, and the silhouette flashed before his eyes, and there was already one more person.


Storm Dragon shivered all over, and fell to the ground in fright, with a trembling voice: “You…how did you come out?”

“You said how did I get out?” Monray looked at Storm Dragon as if he was mentally retarded.

Storm Dragon suddenly woke up, yes, his own little Demi-God can break through the barriers of Plane, how can Monray dignified Intermediate God fail?

“It’s over! It’s over!” Storm Dragon trembled, terrified: “Mon…Monray, you…what are you going to do?”

“Relax! I won’t kill you!”

Monray indifferently said: “Aren’t you going to Void World? I will fulfill you! However, you have to hand over what you stole!”

As he said, Monray pointed it into a sword and swiped around in midair. Storm Dragon was a little unclear. So: “You…what are you going to do?”

“You’ll know right away!”

Monray faintly smiled with 5 fingers spread out.

“Crash-bang ——”

In an instant, Storm Dragon’s body shattered in an instant, like exploding fireworks, turning into pieces of meat suspended in the void.

Even its head split into 81 pieces, each of the same size and uniformity.


The piercing pain invaded the nerves, and Storm Dragon suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream.

“Don’t worry! There is time!”

Monray glared, and a pinch of Netherworld Divine Fire fell on the cracked meat and burned, spreading quickly, 1, 2, 3…

After a while, in the scream of Storm Dragon, all the minced meat was contaminated with Netherworld Divine Fire and burned.

“Monray, what are you going to do?”

Storm Dragon hissed.

“If you make a mistake, you must be punished, right? Even a child understands this truth!”

Monray grabbed it casually, took a space ring from Storm Dragon, divine sense leaned into it, and Monray smiled suddenly.

Countless Gold Coins!

Countless Law Source Crystal!

Countless Divine Crystal!

Countless Demonic Crystals!

The number is too large to count!

Variety of categories, dazzling!

“System, all that can be collected is collected!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

Wealth started to skyrocket again, and it took a long time to stop. At this time, Monray’s wealth reached 45010000 Divine Crystal and 12010000 Divine Crystal was added!

12010000 Divine Crystal!

equivalent to 120100000000 Law Source Crystal!

It is an astronomical number!

An Intermediate God-level Demon God can have so much wealth, it is simply unimaginable!

You know, a normal Intermediate God like Dragon God does not even have the wealth of 110000 Divine Crystal!


Cyrus is so abnormal!

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