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With the wealth of Dark Demonic Dragon, Monray’s wealth reached an astonishing 45010000 Divine Crystal!

But Monray is not satisfied!

45010000 Divine Crystal?

Enough for what?

Improve Immemorial Human Bloodline awakening?

not enough!

Strengthening Godeater Rat Bloodline, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline, Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline?

not enough!

Improve the fusion of Metal Source Divine Body?

not enough!

Continue to strengthen Divine Soul?

still not enough!

The only thing that can spend gold is the fusion degree of Fusion Law of Three Elements and the fusion degree of four elements fusion Law, but this is not a hurry to improve!

“So, I’m still very poor, I’m still a pauper, I still have to work hard!”

Monray set his sights on Storm Dragon again: “Let’s talk, who gave you the Demon Contract, say it, I can let you go!”

“Dragon God! The Demon Contract of Dark Demonic Dragon was given to me by Dragon God, and it forced me to sign it!”

Storm Dragon hissed: “It wants me to kill you with the power of Dark Demonic Dragon. Everything is a ghost of it. It has nothing to do with me!”

“It’s him? It doesn’t make sense!”

Monray eyes slightly narrowed: “You signed the Demon Contract, which attracted the Demonic Army. Firmament Continent was occupied by Cyrus. Doesn’t it seem to be good for Dragon God?”

“I don’t know this, but Dragon God really forced me to sign the Demon Contract!”

“I have no grievances with you, how can I sell my soul to Demon in order to avenge Dragon Race? I am not so selfless!”

Storm Dragon hissed: “Lord Monray, you have to believe me, I am innocent!”

“It makes sense!”

Monray slightly nodded: “In that case, I will ask Dragon God myself another day, I believe he can give me a satisfactory answer! As for you…”

Monray caught the void and grabbed the Divine Soul of Storm Dragon from the sea of ​​consciousness:

“I just said that if I don’t kill you, I won’t kill you. You can go now!”


The Storm Dragon in the Divine Soul state stared at Monray blankly, and then at the body burned under the Netherworld Divine Fire: “You…you really want to let me go?”

“Don’t want to go? Then don’t go!”

Monray indifferently said.

“Go! Let me go!”

Storm Dragon swept towards the vast void, because it was in the Divine Soul state, it was faster than before, and disappeared into Darkness in the blink of an eye.

“Monray, did you just let this guy go? I didn’t say you, cut the grass to get rid of the roots!”

Dodora’s voice rang in his ears, and it focused on things outside.

“Cut weeds and eliminate the roots? That’s easy!”

Monray smiled leisurely and snapped his fingers.


A mournful Divine Soul fluctuation came from the endless Darkness, and a pinch of Netherworld Divine Fire appeared in the Divine Soul of Storm Dragon, burning wantonly.

Netherworld Divine Fire, everything does not burn!

“I knew your brat was not so kind!” Dodora looked contemptuous.


Monray laughed and turned and flew towards the Demonic Dragon Continent. When he approached the Plane barrier, the Plane barrier voluntarily split a door to let Monray pass.

This is the power of the Plane Lord. Even after 10000 years of becoming a god, Monray can still return to Firmament Continent without being rejected!

Entering the Demonic Dragon Continent, Monray did not stay, and returned to Firmament Continent, then released the divine sense, looking for the Plane Core of Firmament Continent.

Firmament Continent’s Plane Core, he is bound to win, not only because he wants to control Firmament Continent, but more importantly…he is looking for someone!

The Firmament Continent Plane is very large, and the Plane Core is hidden and very difficult to find!

But Monray is very patient. After reading Cyrus’s memory, he has some experience in finding Plane Core. It is useless to know that it is urgent!

Constant Teleportation!

Keep looking!

Hard work pays off.

Three days later, Monray finally found Plane Core, but when he came to the space where Plane Core was located, he saw a scene that was not only expected but also unexpected.

Plane Core…refining!

Someone has rushed ahead of him, leaving Divine Soul Mark on Plane Core!

Monray slightly frowned, Plane Core was caught by the early bird the worm, which is not surprising.

After all, Firmament Continent has given birth to 4 True Gods. Any one of them may refining Plane Core. No surprises!

What Monray can’t understand is that since Firmament Continent already has a Plane Lord, why doesn’t Plane Lord stop his rise?

Even, don’t destroy yourself?

You know, expel Four Great Races yourself, disintegrate Four Great Empires, and unify Firmament Continent!

Plane Lord wanted to destroy himself, it was too simple, but he did not!

Hard to understand!


“What if the early bird catches the worm, I can still destroy the Divine Soul Mark and regain the Plane Core!”

Monray is coldly snorted, divine sense is turned into a sharp knife, fiercely slashes towards the Divine Soul Mark remaining on the Plane Core, as long as the Divine Soul Mark is eliminated, the Plane Core is still its own!

However, despite Monray’s attack, it would not damage Divine Soul Mark at all!

“Such a tenacious Divine Soul Mark, could it be that High God left it?”

Monray was a little surprised, and at this moment, Divine Soul Mark burst out with a green halo, converging into a beautiful silhouette.

She has pointed ears, waterfall-like golden long hair, beautiful face, and graceful figure, her eyes are flowing, holy and holy.

“this is……”

Monray stared at this person, and basically had a guess in his heart. Firmament Continent 4 True Gods, Dragon God, Beast God and Titan Giant God are all male.

Only Elf Goddess is a female God!

“Little Brat, nice to meet you!”

Her lips were lightly opened, and her voice was like spring water gurgling, and it was pleasant to the ear: “Presumably you have already guessed who I am, I am Elf Goddess!”

“I have seen Your Excellency Elf Goddess!”

Monray bowed slightly. The opponent was the ancient High God, and he had just been promoted to the Intermediate God, so he should maintain his due respect.

“I noticed you very early!”

Elf Goddess smiled: “I became an Intermediate God when I was less than 20 years old, and I can be called the Number One Person in the history of my Firmament Continent Plane!”

“Your Excellency Goddess won!”

Monray bowed slightly.

“No! You are indeed excellent!”

Elf Goddess sighed slightly: “Even if you look at the vast world and many High Level Planes, you are also the generation of 10,000 years rarely seen genius!”

“Your Excellency Goddess overpraised!”

Monray’s old face is slightly red.

“Little Brat, ask you a question, I hope you can answer me truthfully!” Elf Goddess said.

“Your Excellency Goddess but it doesn’t hurt to ask!”

Monray slightly nodded.

“When do you plan to leave Firmament Continent?” Elf Goddess looked at Monray seriously: “What forces do you plan to join?”

“I never thought about this!”

Monray shook his head: “As for the power…I don’t know anything about Void World, and it is impossible to talk about what power to join!”

Elf Goddess slightly nodded, expressing understanding: “It is a waste of time to stay in a Low Level Plane like Firmament Continent with your talent for a long time. I suggest you leave as soon as possible. The High Level Plane is your stage!”


Monray indifferent expression, before the system is upgraded, it is really not helpful to stay in Firmament Continent, but after the system is upgraded, there are 3 more functions, everything is completely different!

He can pick up items of High Level Plane!

He can plunder the creatures of High Level Plane!

It doesn’t make much sense to go to the High Level Plane or not!

Seeing Monray’s indifferent expression, Elf Goddess couldn’t help being a little confused.

She said that she deceived Monray. For Intermediate God, staying in the Low Level Plane does not make much sense. Why does Monray disagree?

Although puzzled, Elf Goddess not at all asked, but instead said: “Little Brat, if one day you are leaving Firmament Continent, you can come to Elf Race to find me, I think I can help you!”

“Many thanks Your Excellency Goddess for teaching!”

Monray bowed slightly.

Elf Goddess slightly smiled, like 100 in full bloom: “Come on, Little Brat, I believe you will be able to achieve greater glory in the future!”

After speaking, Elf Goddess’ body slowly dissipated, and even the Divine Soul Mark left on the Plane Core disappeared.

Monray looked at Plane Core and bowed and said, “many thanks Your Excellency Goddess!”

This gratitude comes from the heart, and Monray knows very well that if Elf Goddess is unwilling to give up Plane Core, he cannot defeat the Divine Soul Mark remaining on Plane Core with his current strength!

But now, Elf Goddess took the initiative to disperse the Divine Soul Mark, which is equivalent to giving him Plane Core for nothing. How can Monray not be grateful?

Afterwards, Monray refining Plane Core and completely controlled Firmament Continent Plane, and then impatient checked it out.

Dragon God Empire.

Titan Empire.

Beast God Empire.

Arctic Plains.

Elf Empire.

Endless deep sea.

Lost Continent.

Familiar scenes flashed across Monray’s mind quickly. Compared with Demonic Dragon Continent, Firmament Continent is no different from a small island.

The vision left Firmament Continent and came to the endless deep sea, and islands appeared, some big and some small, and the big ones were not much worse than Lost Continent, and the small ones were less than a few kilometers.

On many islands, you can still see the traces of Human and Beastman. They are far away from the chaos and civilization, and they live by fishing.

“Not found!”

“Still not found!”

“Hey? What is that?”

Suddenly, a huge piece of land appeared in Monray’s eyes. This piece of land was very far away from Firmament Continent, a full 10000000 million kilometers apart!

It occupies the endless deep sea, the area is actually several times the size of Firmament Continent, and it is densely populated with an alarming number, far exceeding Firmament Continent!

“I knew that Firmament Continent Plane is not that simple! How can there be only Firmament Continent in such a vast ocean?”

Monray was shocked, and quickly searched for the information of this Continent. After some investigation, Monray made an amazing discovery:

This Continent also has Human Race, Elf, Dragon Race, Titan, Beastman, and even Dwarf, Half Beastman and other races!

But unexpectedly!

Ruler, the Continent is neither Dragon Race nor Titan, nor is it Elf Beastman!

It’s Human Race!

Human Race occupies the most extensive and richest territory of Continent, while the Beastman, Dragon Race, Elf, Titan and other races walk around Continent.

“This Continent’s Human Race is very competitive!”

Monray admired in his heart and continued to explore.

Suddenly, a familiar aura appeared in the field of vision.

“That’s…Old Dean!!!”

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