You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Old Dean, I finally found you!”

Monray was so excited that he disappeared in place instantly under the package of Planar Power.

When he reappeared, he had come to the sky above a majestic mountain of New Continent.

The mountains are towering, and there are various strange buildings built on the mountains. The 1000 buildings are connected together to form a solemn building complex.

And the square of the complex was full of people, wearing strange costumes, looking nervously at a silhouette in the sky.

“Come on, Dean Amos!”

“Sir Dean, let Radiant Church, a group of gods, know how good our Crocker Academy is…”

At this moment, there are five silhouettes floating in the sky, all auras are extremely powerful, as if they have reached the Demi-God Realm of Firmament Continent.

There are 4 people on one side, all wearing the red bishop’s cloak, a special crown, golden gloves, holding a staff, and a gold badge with the image of Angel on their chest.

Radiant Church, red-clothed Archbishop!

There was only one person on the other side, wearing a white robe, with red hair and kind eyebrows.

If Monray is here, he must be able to recognize that this person is the Old Dean he is looking for, Amos Crocker!

“Archbishop Chikas!”

Old Dean glared at the four people on the opposite side: “My Crocker Academy has always been with you Radiant Church everyone minds their own business, why did you come here?”

“Dean Crocker is so bad!”

Archbishop Chikas is compassionate to others: “God has mercy on the world! My lord has mercy on the people of Crocker Kingdom. I am waiting to follow the Lord’s will and want the 100 surnames of Crocker Kingdom to be bathed in the light of my lord. Why should Dean Amos stop it?”

“Come on that one less!”

Old Dean coldly said: “Don’t you just want to spread the faith of Radiant God in Crocker Kingdom?”

“Don’t even think about it! My Crocker Kingdom is constantly striving, and I don’t need to believe in any God!”

“Dean Crocker, you can’t replace the people of Crocker Kingdom 100 100000000. They have the right to freedom of belief and you have no right to make decisions for them!”

Archbishop Chikas looked compassionate: “It can’t stop them from falling into the embrace of Radiant God!”

“Fake benevolence and righteousness!” Old Dean coldly snorted: “If you want to fight, you will fight, I will be with you anytime!”

“Since Dean Crocker, you persist in your own wrong doings, don’t blame us for being impolite!”

Archbishop Chikas sighed: “God of Supreme, your child is about to make a mistake again. I pray for your forgiveness and forgiveness!”

After praying, Archbishop Chikas swept away his compassion and became extremely indifferent: “Use Angelic Battle Array to quickly take him down!”


The other three red-clothed Archbishop loudly shouted, and the holy Light Element Divine Power rose up all over, forming three sacred Angel illusory shadows.

For a while, four terrifying auras hiding the sky and covering the earth swept out, pressing on Old Dean!


The void of all around was instantly sealed off, and Old Dean only felt a torrent of pressure on his body, making it difficult for his body to move.

“Angelic Battle Array just wants to suppress me? Go!”

Old Dean let out a roar, and suddenly an illusory shadow of the Kingdom of God appeared above his head, and the power of the Kingdom of God spewed out, against the Angelic Battle Array.

“The Kingdom of God!!!”

“You actually opened up the kingdom of God!”

“Lord Pope is right, you really are the Demi-God hidden deepest in all Continent!”

Looking at the illusory shadow of the kingdom of God that appeared in the sky, four red-clothed Archbishops were both shocked and angry.

Demi-God achieves True God 3 steps: Igniting Divine Fire, Condensing Divine Spark, and opening up the kingdom of God!

With every step completed, the strength of Demi-God will change with Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

When the development of the Kingdom of God is completed, Demi-God will officially enter the True God Realm and become a True God!

True God!

How many True Gods are Radiant Continent?

Which one is not a powerful existence that counts as a god for 10000 years? What is Amos Crocker? He has what skills and abilities to achieve True God?

“Becoming a god in private is for heretic!”

Archbishop Chikas roared: “Suppress him with all his strength, and kill him at all costs. Radiant Continent does not allow anyone to become a god in private!”

“Angel’s Blade!”

Archbishop Chikas shouted out loudly, Angel illusory shadow above his head suddenly appeared in the hands of a holy sword shining with endless holy light!

The blade is sharp and sharp, and the sharp aura that emanates even cuts out dark cracks in the void.

It is Radiant Church that can slaughter True God’s killing move-Angel’s Blade!

“Angel’s Blade, cut!”

Angel’s Blade was cut down instantly, the void was cut into a crack, Angel’s Blade passed through the crack, and Teleportation appeared above Old Dean’s head.

“Bastard, he even brought out the Holy Artifact-Angel’s Blade!”

Old Dean complexion greatly changed, and quickly urged the power of the Kingdom of God to support the suppression of Angelic Battle Array, and the body flashed moved towards one side!

Angel’s Blade is a legendary True God Artifact, slaughter gods and extinguish demons nothing difficult, and it is said that only the most devout believers can get it.

The four Archbishop’s cultivation bases are not weak, and they have Angel’s Blade in their hands. Together they can slaughter True God, but Old Dean dare not resist!

Old Dean’s speed was very fast and he successfully avoided the attack of Angel’s Blade. However, when he fled, the illusory shadow of the kingdom of God on his head disappeared instantly.

“Angelic Battle Array, suppress!”

How could the 4 Archbishop miss such a good opportunity, Angel illusory shadow bloomed with holy rays of light, pressed against Old Dean, and suppressed him in place.

“Angel’s Blade, cut!”

Angel’s Blade cut it down again.

“It’s over!

The body was unable to move, Old Dean watched Angel’s Blade slash at him with a look of despair in his eyes. He knew that he was over!

He is just Demi-God, and has not yet achieved True God. After being smashed by the Holy Artifact Angel’s Blade, the Divine Body will definitely be cut in half!

“I haven’t returned to Firmament Continent, am I going to fall on this Radiant Continent?”

Old Dean’s eyes were full of despair: “younger sister! And Monray, I will die before I can see you all, so unwilling…”

“Sir Dean, be careful!”

The student Teachers in the square yelled in horror and reminded them loudly, but their voices were completely submerged in the howling cold wind.

“Amos, go with peace of mind!”

Archbishop Chikas showed pride: “When you die, Crocker Kingdom will become a part of my Radiant Church, and 100 100000000 million people will be bathed in the holy light of my Lord!”

“Chikas! Radiant Church! I’m a ghost and I won’t let you go!”

Old Dean looked angry, and roared up to the sky: “I’m unwilling…”

“shua ——”

Angel’s Blade slashed down, submerging Old Dean instantly, and slashed on top of a mountain, directly splitting the mountain in half!

This terrifying power frightened the student teachers in the square. They looked to the sky!

The sky is empty!

Only four red-clothed Archbishops stood in the air, and their Sir Dean disappeared, as if disappeared from the face of the earth.

“Old Dean?”

“What about Old Dean?”

“Where is he?”

The student teachers are desperate and unable to accept this result. In the entire Crocker Academy, the dean is god, and the dean is heaven!

But now, the sky is falling!


“Is it gone?”

Compared with the desperate student Teacher, the four red-clothed Archbishops frowned!

Angel’s Blade is unparalleled, but it is absolutely impossible to cut people with scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

Amos is gone, there is only one possibility: he avoided the attack just now!

“Avoided it!”

The four Archbishops looked ugly, turned their heads to look for Old Dean’s traces, and then they saw Old Dean in the sky not far away…

Wait, who is the person next to him?

The four Archbishops saw that there was one more person beside Old Dean. He was dressed in a black robe and he was a youngster under 4 years old.

“Who do you know him?”

Archbishop Chikas looked towards 3 people around him.

“do not know!”

“never seen it!”

“I haven’t seen him either!”

The three red-clothed Archbishop shook their heads together.

“Strange! I can’t feel the slightest aura from him, who is this guy?”

Archbishop Chikas stared at Monray, frowning deeply, spatial flight, but could not sense the slightest aura, definitely not an ordinary person!

Is it an expert?

“You… are you Monray?”

Others don’t know Monray, but Old Dean does. He looked at Monray in disbelief, his eyes filled with incredible colors.

He and Old Dean of Firmament Continent are the same person, sharing memories, and of course knowing Monray. Because of this, Old Dean was shocked!

Firmament Continent is a few 10000000 million kilometers away, and there is a boundless endless deep sea in between, even True God can never cross!

In Firmament Continent Monray, he would actually appear here, how did he come here?

“Old Dean, long time no see!”

Monray eyes slightly red: “Last time I said goodbye, I thought I would never see you again! Didn’t expect you to be alive, thank goodness, thank goodness!”

“Monray, why are you here?”

Old Dean was also very excited.

“It’s a long story!”

Monray took a deep breath, and the cold glow flashed in his eyes: “Old Dean, wait a moment, we will talk more about it when we dispatch these 4 Stinking Insects!”

“Monray, what are you doing?”

Old Dean was taken aback: “They are the red-clothed Archbishop of Radiant Church, all of them are Peak Demi-God, and they carry Angel’s Blade, you are not their opponent…”

“Peak Demi-God?”

Monray body flashed in front of the four red-clothed Archbishops, with a cold voice, like ice that has not melted for 4 years: “How dare you dare to besiege Old Dean, you all damn it!”

“Your Mightiness!”

Because you can’t see the depth of Monray, Archbishop Chikas didn’t take it rashly, but warned in a deep voice: “I don’t know who are you, but this is our Radiant Church business. I hope you don’t interfere! Otherwise…”

“Radiant Church? hmph!”

Monray sneered: “What’s Radiant Church? Even if the radiant god girl comes here today, it won’t change your Fate!”

“How dare you blaspheme the great Lord!”

Archbishop Chikas complexion changed, sternly shouted: “You heretic, no matter who you are, if you dare to blaspheme my lord, you deserve to die!”

“Angel’s Blade, cut!”

“Monray, be careful!!!”

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