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The holy Angel’s Blade cuts through the void, appears on top of Monray’s head like Teleportation, then cuts down and takes Monray’s head straight!

“Die, heretic!”

Archbishop Chikas gave a grin, as if he had seen Monray being split into two and a half and splashing 2 feet of blood. He had confidence in Angel’s Blade!

“Monray, be careful!”

Old Dean reminded loudly, but Monray suddenly turned his head and slightly smiled at Old Dean: “Old Dean, don’t worry!”


Seeing this scene, Old Dean was so scared that he was so scared, don’t worry? Am I at ease?

Then, he saw the scene of unforgettable, and saw Monray stretch out two fingers to gently clamp it, Angel’s Blade was clamped by Monray in his hand, motionless!

And Monray’s 2 fingers were intact, neither cut off nor blood flowed out, as if it was not Angel’s Blade, but chopsticks!

“This is this…”

Old Dean suck in a breath of cold air, a pair of eyeballs almost popped out of the eye sockets. Others don’t understand Monray, he still doesn’t?

He stayed with Monray all the way, until his Avatar died before breaking the news.

It’s just as if it’s been less than 3 years in between. What is enough for 3 years?

Take a nap time that’s all!

How far can Monray grow in such a short period of time? Breakthrough Demi-God will be the sky.

But what about the facts?

It was completely different from what he had imagined, taking Angel’s Blade empty-handed. What kind of strength is this?

“No… impossible! This impossible!”

The Archbishop Chikas 4 were equally horrified. Angel’s Blade is the True God Artifact that can slaughter True God. How could it be caught?

“Illusion! This must be an illusion!”

4 red-clothed Archbishop can’t accept it!

“Angel’s Blade? Just this!”

Monray’s two fingers pressed slightly, only to hear a ka-cha, Angel’s Blade exuding holy rays of light was cut in half, breaking into two pieces!

“Angel’s Blade…broken?”

The eyes of the four red-clothed Archbishops were dull, their brains were blank, and they were completely short-circuited.

Old Dean came back to his senses a little bit: “Too terrifying! What has happened in the past 3 years of brat, and has grown to this realm?”

“Neither Radiant Church nor Radiant God, dare to hurt Old Dean, damn it all!”

Monray shook his wrist, half of Angel’s Blade flashed out of thin air, turning into a stream of light and shooting at one of the red-clothed Archbishops.

“puchi -“

Without any accident, half of Angel’s Blade instantly penetrated the red-clothed Archbishop’s head, shot out from the back of his head, and then continued to fly forward under the influence of inertia!

The Archbishop was stiff, his eyes were round, and he was a little bit starving.

He did not expect that his dignified Radiant Church’s red-clothed Archbishop, under one person above ten thousand people, would actually die here!

Not reconciled!

He is not reconciled!


Archbishop Chikas 3 people eye socket cracked, glaring at Monray: “Damn heretic, you dare to kill our red-clothed Archbishop of Radiant Church!”

“You are dead! No matter who you are, no matter what your background, even if you go up to heaven or down to Hades, my Radiant Church will definitely get rid of you!”

“is it?”

Monray faintly smiled: “I look forward to that day, but the three of you may not see it!”

“Not good !!!”

How can the three red-clothed Archbishops not hear the killing intent in Monray’s words and run away!

Facing the existence of a Kurt who could hard-wire Angel’s Blade and instant kill, they couldn’t even afford the courage to contend with it!



The farther away, the farther the better!

“Escape? Can you escape?”

Monray slowly uttered a word: “Set!”


A huge force was instantly crushed, and the Archbishop Chikas 3 who were about to escape seemed to have been tapped, and they froze in place instantly!


Monray uttered another word.

“oh la la ——”

The Archbishop Chikas 3 people suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist and scattered with the wind. They were actually broken to pieces, not even a whole bone was left.

“Dead? Four red-clothed Archbishop… just died like that? God, how is this possible?”

There was a stormy sea in Old Dean’s heart. He couldn’t imagine that Monray would give him such a surprise!

Suppress and kill the 4 Peak Demi-God red-clothed Archbishop at your fingertips. What terrifying power is this?

If Old Dean was shocked, then the countless student Teachers on the square were shocked!

That’s the red-clothed Archbishop of Radiant Church, second only to the existence of Pope Saintess!

So dead?

The teachers and students were horrified!

As the spokesperson of Radiant God in Radiant Continent, Radiant Church is the supreme ruler of the whole Continent. The red-clothed Archbishop of Radiant Church is the existence of under one person, above ten thousand people!

However, just now, they saw with their own eyes that four red-clothed Archbishops of Radiant Church were killed by an unknown youngster!





“Who the hell is that youngster?”

“Why do you have such strength?”

“Sir Dean seems to know him? It should be Sir Dean’s friend…”

Monray returned to Old Dean as if he had done an insignificant thing: “Old Dean, haven’t seen you in a few years, how are you?”

“Also… okay!”

Old Dean seems to have met Monray for the first time: “You have this level of strength without seeing you in 3 years. It seems that you have experienced a lot in the past 3 years!”


Monray said with a smile: “Old Dean, how did you come to this Continent, and what you experienced on this Continent, I really want to know!”

“It’s a long story!” Old Dean sighed: “Let’s go, go to my office!”

“it is good!”

Old Dean’s office is a small quaint attic with elegant surroundings, rockery waterfalls, small bridges and flowing water, and it is very comfortable to live in.

“Come and drink tea!”

Old Dean poured a cup of tea for each of the two, then leaned on the recliner, and then sighed, “Speaking of me, this Radiant Continent, it’s a long story!”

“Old Dean, speak slowly!”

Monray said with a smile, meeting Old Dean again, he was very happy in his heart, he wanted to know all the information about Old Dean.

“When I entered Demi-God Realm, like many Demi-Gods, I chose to split Divine Soul!”

“But I didn’t evenly divide, but 3 70%. Divine Soul is not evenly distributed. Therefore, one has Demi-God strength, and the other is Sacred Territory!”

Old Dean sighed: “As you know, Firmament Continent was divided up by the 4 True Gods, and Demi-God like us has no room to intervene!”

Monray nodded expressed his understanding. Before him, many Demi-Gods of Firmament Continent faced this embarrassing situation: no faith!

“So, my Sacred Territory Avatar stayed in Firmament Continent, and Demi-God Avatar chose to leave Continent and enter the endless deep sea journey!”

Old Dean said with a smile: “I hope to find a slightly decent island in the endless deep sea, and then spread the faith and collect Power of Faith!”

“and after?”

Monray asked again.

“The endless deep sea is huge, and there are indeed countless islands, but there are not many decent islands, and even some good islands are owned by them!”

Old Dean shook his head and said: “There is no way, I can only continue to travel, this tour is 0/5000 years, and finally came here in a daze!”

Speaking of this, Old Dean couldn’t help but bitterly laughed: “At first, I was very excited. I thought that the emperor would be worthy of his intentions. I want the time to work!”

“But the truth is not so at all!”

“The territory of this Continent is several times that of Firmament Continent, and regardless of population, powerhouse, and civilization level, it far exceeds our Firmament Continent!”

“These are still second, the key is that this Continent has an owner, and the Master has a strong background!”

Old Dean shook his head and sighed: “This Continent is ruled by two religious institutions called Radiant Church and Dark Church!”

“After learning about this, I am very disappointed! I came here for 1000 miles, but the result is such a result, I am not willing to!”

“But I’m tired, I don’t bother to continue running! So I live in seclusion here at Radiant Continent!”

“Then the Crocker Kingdom was created while Radiant Church destroyed the Dark Church!”

“Until a few years ago, Radiant Church completely wiped out Dark Church and unified the entire Continent before it released its hands against my Crocker Kingdom!”

Old Dean has some gnashing teeth: “Radiant Church is powerful, stronger than any empire and any race in Firmament Continent!”

“Besides they are backed by Angel God Race from Heaven. Who is their opponent in my Crocker Kingdom?”

“If it weren’t for you today, I would definitely die! So, I have to thank you!”

“Old Dean, it depends on what you say!”

Monray was a little speechless: “Who should we be so polite?”

“Hehe! I’m just being polite, are you serious? I won’t be polite with you!”

Old Dean laughed and stared at Monray suddenly: “How strong are your brat? Have you become a god? You should become a god?”

Monray shook his head, obediently and honestly replied: “No, I have not become a god!”

Is he a god?

This is really nothing!

Did not ignite the Divine Fire!

No Condensing Divine Spark!

Did not open up the kingdom of God!

Therefore, he really did not become a god!

He just has Divine Soul and body that’s all comparable to Intermediate God!

“Not a god?”

Old Dean was stunned: “You can instant kill the Chikas of Peak Demi-God, they are not yet gods? This is not justified!”

“Old Dean, can I lie to you?”

Monray helplessly said: “I did not become a god, but the body is a little stronger that’s all!”

“Really not a god?”

Old Dean frowned and stared at Monray.


Monray answered seriously.

“Freak! You are such a freak, you have not yet become a god and possess such strength!”

Old Dean frowned deeply: “However, if you haven’t become a god, then you are in trouble!”


Monray eyebrow raised.

“You killed 4 red-clothed Archbishops, with the style of Radiant Church seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, they will definitely not give up!”

“Next, we will wait to endure the revenge of Radiant Church like a storm!”

Monray faintly smiled: “Only Radiant Church, Old Dean don’t worry, if they dare to come, they can just destroy it!”

“Quit it?”

Old Dean said with a bitter smile: “You are the fearless. The power of Radiant Church is far beyond your imagination. It is not something we can contend with!”


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