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The headquarters of Radiant Church is located in Radiant Holy Mountain. The entire Holy Mountain is made of Light Element Elemental Crystal, exuding sacred light.

Holy, serene!

The Radiant Temple stands on the top of Holy Mountain.

At this moment, Radiant Temple.

Pope Hayes, wearing a crown and a papal robe, stood in front of the huge Radiant God God Statue, praying sincerely.

“Your Excellency the Pope!”

The four red-clothed Archbishops suddenly walked into the great hall, with extremely angry expressions on their faces.

The pope ignored the 4 people and continued to pray sincerely. When the 4 red-clothed Archbishop saw this, they did not dare to interrupt any more and waited silently.

After a while, the pope finished his prayers, and then slowly said: “Didn’t you go to Crocker Kingdom, are you back so soon?”

It turns out that these 4 red-clothed Archbishops were the 4 Archbishop Chikas who were just killed by Monray. Standing here is their Avatar.

“Your Excellency the Pope, a major event!”

Archbishop Chikas gnashing teeth, squashed his anger and said the matter exactly.

Finally he said: “That evil heretic not only humiliates the great Lord, but also despises our Radiant Church. It must be severely punished, Your Majesty!”

“Yes, Your Excellency the Pope, this heretic is sinful and unforgivable. He must be burned alive on a torture frame to alert the world!”

“There is also the bastard, Amos, who hides too deeply. He secretly opened up the kingdom of God and entered the True God Realm. His heart is shameful!”

The three red-clothed Archbishops also spoke up one after another. Their words were full of anger and hatred. The Demi-God Avatar was destroyed and painstakingly cultivated for many years vanished. They really hated Monray!

Pope Hayes listened quietly. After the four red-clothed Archbishops finished speaking, the pope slowly asked, “Do you know that youngster?”

“I don’t know! I have never seen it before!”

The four Chikas shook their heads: “All experts above the Continent Demi-God Level understand clearly in the mind, but this person is unheard-of and unprecedented!”

“If he didn’t know Amos, I even suspect that he came out of thin air!”

“Never seen it before, know Amos!”

Pope Hayes said leisurely: “If you guessed right, this expert that suddenly appeared should be the same as Amos, and it should also come from Firmament Continent!”

“Firmament Continent?”

The 4 red-clothed Archbishop were slightly taken aback.

“You don’t know, in our Material Plane, there are 3 Continents, our Radiant Continent, the Firmament Continent in the East, and the God and Demon Continent in the south-east direction!”

Pope Hayes whispered: “The three Continents are spread out in the endless deep sea in a horned manner, separated from each other by 3 million kilometers. There is little communication!”

Upon hearing this remark, the four red-clothed Archbishops were shocked and looked at the Pope in disbelief.

“This Plane actually has 3 Continents? Radiant God above, this is really amazing!”

“Firmament Continent, God and Demon Continent!”



“These are the top secrets of our Radiant Church. Only the popes and Holy Son Saintess of the past are qualified to know!” Pope Hayes said.

“Your Excellency the Pope, in this case, would you tell us that it is not appropriate?”

4 red-clothed Archbishop complexion slightly changed.

“No! No need to hide it!”

Pope Hayes flashes through a bright light in his eyes: “It is the duty and mission of our Radiant Church to let the light of the Lord shine on the entire Plane!”

“Now that we have unified the Radiant Continent, it is time to expand outward and let the other two Continents be bathed in the glory of my lord!”

“God pity the world!”

“My lord is merciful!”

“Your Majesty Sanming!”

The 4 red-clothed Archbishop eyes gleamed: “Your Majesty, tell us about these 2 Continents, know yourself and know your enemy, emerge victorious in every battle!”

Pope Hayes slightly nodded: “Firmament Continent is located in the east of our Radiant Continent, ruled by Dragon Race, Elf, Beastman and Titan!”

“These 4 tribes have each established a huge empire, and they believe in 4 True Gods: Dragon God, Elf Goddess, Beast God, Titan Giant God!”

“Among them, Dragon God, Beast God and Titan Giant God are Intermediate God, and Elf Goddess that Elf Race believes in is High God!”

Four red-clothed Archbishop complexion greatly changed, and they asked quickly: “Your Excellency the Pope, should all the four True Gods leave this Plane?”


Pope Hayes slightly nodded.

“Hu ~~ just leave!”

The red-clothed Archbishops are relaxed, and the pressure on them by the 4 True Gods is too great. If one of them does not leave, it will be a big deal!

“Firmament Continent is the weakest of the 3 Continents. It is not a big problem to conquer Firmament Continent. You can conquer it by sending an Angel team!”

Pope Hayes sighed: “The difficulty is God and Demon Continent in the south-east direction!”

“Your Excellency the Pope, does this God and Demon Continent also have an Intermediate God?” the four red-clothed Archbishops asked heart shivered with cold with a heavy face.

The strength of their Radiant Church is terrible, even ordinary True Gods can kill them.

The existence that makes Your Excellency the Pope feel tricky is the existence of Intermediate God and above!

“God and Demon Continent does have Intermediate God!”

Pope Hayes slowly nodded: “God and Demon Continent is completely different from our Radiant Continent and Firmament Continent. It does not have Human, Dragon Race, Titan, etc., but is occupied by Magic Beast!”

“Magic Beast?”

The red-clothed Archbishops were slightly taken aback.

“Yes, Magic Beast! God and Demon Continent only has Magic Beast, and it is completely Magic Beast’s paradise!”

Pope Hayes sighed: “All Magic Beasts only believe in one True God: God of Magic Beasts, God of Magic Beasts is an Intermediate God, and stay in God and Demon Continent!”

“Your Excellency the Pope, it doesn’t make sense! Since this God of Magic Beasts has not left this Plane, it means that it has been a god for less than 10000 years!”

Archbishop Chikas wondered: “As everyone knows, after arriving at Demi-God Realm, the training speed is extremely slow, and True God is even more amazingly slow!”

“God of Magic Beasts that has been a god for less than 10000 years, how can it be an Intermediate God?”

“It’s reasonable! True God, who has been a god for less than 10000 years, is an Intermediate God. As long as it is not an Intermediate God, we are not afraid of it!”

“Once God of Magic Beasts is gone, God and Demon Continent is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?”

The three red-clothed Archbishops all spoke up, their expressions full of doubts.

“No! You are wrong!”

Pope Hayes shook his head slightly: “Although God of Magic Beasts has been a god for less than 10000 years, it is indeed a powerful Intermediate God! On the Material Plane, it is absolutely invincible!”

“What an Intermediate God!!!”

“How can this be?”

The four red-clothed Archbishops couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air and were completely shocked.

Looking at the vast void, Intermediate God is nothing, but in the Low Level Material Plane, Intermediate God is absolutely invincible!


Because in the Low Level Plane, High God cannot enter, Great Perfection cannot enter, and Overgod cannot enter either. Even if the Divine Power projection is lowered, the Demi-God Peak can only be used at best!

Demi-God Peak?

Intermediate God scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that can be blown in one breath!

“Your Excellency the Pope, is this true?”

Archbishop Chikas is incredible.

“of course it’s true!”

Pope Hayes slightly nodded: “God of Magic Beasts achieved Lower God 0/5000 years ago, 4300 years ago, and breakthrough Intermediate God 1200 years ago!”

“From Lower God to Intermediate God, it only took 3000 years. How did it do it?” The four red-clothed Archbishop were shocked.

3000 years?

Enough for what?

Just a nap!

God of Magic Beasts is great. In just 3000 years, Intermediate God has been achieved from Lower God. This kind of training speed makes everyone blushed with shame!

“If the other party really is an Intermediate God, then things will really be difficult!”

“Intermediate God, how can this be countered?”

“It is to gather all the power of our Radiant Church, we can’t compete with an Intermediate God! If the opponent comes over, how can we resist it?”

Pope Hayes explained: “Graveyard of Gods and Demons is in God and Demon Continent, and God of Magic Beasts training is amazingly fast. Most of you got something from Graveyard of Gods and Demons, such as Divine Spark!”

“Graveyard of Gods and Demons?”

The red-clothed Archbishop froze slightly: “Your Excellency the Pope, what is Graveyard of Gods and Demons?”

“Graveyard of Gods and Demons, is the resting place of the gods and demons. It is said that more than 310000 years ago, there was Meteorfall at God and Demon Continent. Shortly after Meteorfall, Void Gods and demons came!”

Pope Hayes faintly said: “After that, the battle of God and Demon broke out. The battle was very tragic. Countless God and Demon fell in that shocking battle!”

“After the war, the surviving God and Demon left God and Demon Continent, but the fallen God and Demon stayed forever in God and Demon Continent!”

“So, God and Demon Continent is also called Graveyard of Gods and Demons, meaning the place where God and Demon is buried!”

“Battle of God and Demon!”

“Falled God and Demon!”

“Graveyard of Gods and Demons!”

The 4 red-clothed Archbishop listened to their eyes brightly. The place where God and Demon was buried, maybe there are treasures everywhere? Divine Spark everywhere?

If they can pick up a Divine Spark, and then merge, they also have the hope of achieving True God!

“Our successive Holy Son Saintess of Radiant Church must go to God and Demon Continent to experience. Only those who successfully return alive are eligible to inherit the pope!” Pope Hayes said leisurely.

“So, Your Majesty, have you been to God and Demon Continent?” The red-clothed Archbishops looked at the Pope.

“Not bad!”

Pope Hayes slightly nodded: “I did go to God and Demon Continent when I was young, and have been at God and Demon Continent for more than 50 years!”

“Such a thing?”

The four red-clothed Archbishops were shocked. The training of Holy Son and Saintess has always been the biggest secret of Church, even if their status is second only to the pope’s red-clothed Archbishop.

They absolutely didn’t expect that Your Excellency the Pope actually stayed at God and Demon Continent for 30 years.

30 years!

Your Excellency the Pope Have you ever got Divine Spark?

“Your Excellency the Pope, Lady Saintess hasn’t been seen for a long time, is it possible that I went to God and Demon Continent?”

Archbishop Chikas cautiously asked.

“Yes! She did go to God and Demon Continent!” Pope Hayes did not deny.

“Teacher, I’m back!”

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

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