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“Your Highness Saintess, do you want to laugh at me and then inherit my ant flower?”

Ant flower chant?

Altasia heard mysteriously, but from Monray’s tone, she knew that it was definitely not a good thing, and she was even laughing at her!

“Different Continent God, you are too arrogant!”

Altasia pretty face Hanshuang: “Obediently surrender immediately, follow me back to Holy Mountain to accept trial! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

“Your Highness Saintess, there have been many people who have said similar things to me, but their fate is not very good, I think… you are the same!”

As he said, Monray took a palm.

“Booming -“

It’s another giant palm.

“Persist in your own wrong doings!”

Altasia tenderly snorted, cut off the long sword in his hand, and split the giant palm in half with one sword.

“As expected of Your Highness Saintess!”

“Your Highness Saintess is mighty!”

“Your Highness Saintess, let this damn heretic know the fate of opposing our Radiant Church!”

“Demon, die…”

The people of Radiant Church cheering excitedly got up. In their opinion, Your Highness Saintess defeated Monray’s attack with a single sword, so it was naturally better!

However, Radiant Saintess doesn’t think so. The giant palm is neither a body attack nor a Divine Power attack, but the power goes straight to the True God level!

And it was Monray who did it casually!

This too terrifying!

In the eyes of Radiant Saintess, Monray is like a black hole. She can’t see through it at all. With this alone, she dare not look down on Monray.

“When did Firmament Continent have such an expert?” Radiant Saintess thoughts are revolving, guessing Monray’s identity, she knows Firmament Continent very well.

“Your Highness Saintess, your strength is not bad, as long as you can catch my next move, I can give you a way out!”

Monray said leisurely, and slowly stretched out his crystal-like jade palm, and the black flame of the palm condensed into a black lance.

“go with!”

Monray waved his big sleeve, and the black lance turned into a black lightning and shot towards Radiant Saintess.

“Black flame? This is Netherworld Divine Fire!”

Goddess of Light complexion greatly changed!

She couldn’t think of it anyway, Monray could actually release the Netherworld Divine Fire, which is the unique flame of Hell Divine Beast Netherworld Divine Phoenix!

Facing the Netherworld Divine Fire, Radiant Saintess didn’t dare to be careless, she even urged within the body Divine Power, injected it into the long sword in her hand, and cut it out of thin air.

“Holy Light Judgement!”

The dazzling sword energy forms a 40-meter-long sword glow, like a long rainbow across the sky, instantly cutting the void into a dark crack.

Very terrifying Holy Light Judgement! “

Seeing this sword, Archbishop Chikas and everyone in the Knight regiment screamed.

As members of the Church, they almost all use the Holy Light Judgement, but they definitely cannot exert such terrifying power like Your Highness Saintess!


The black lance and the golden sword glow collide together, as if two heavy hammers hit, bursting out dazzling sparks, an amazing scene happened:

The seemingly sharp golden sword glow burst into pieces, turning into countless golden lights and shooting towards all directions!

The members of the Saintess Knight Legion were immediately devastated. The golden glow of hiding the sky and covering the earth penetrated their heads, shot them through their chests, and pierced them into a sieve.

Even Chikas, the red-clothed Archbishop, was shot through the head by a burst of golden light, and became the biggest fish hit.

“How could this be?”

Archbishop Chikas has an unbelievable look. He is the red-clothed Archbishop of Radiant Church, second only to the Pope and Saintess, and one of the most lofty people in the entire Radiant Continent!

But now, he is dying, and the 2 Divine Avatars are all dead, and he is completely dead!

“Putong ——”

“Putong ——”

“Putong ——”

Archbishop Chikas moved towards the ground fell, and the unlucky ghosts of Saintess Knight Legion also smashed to the ground like dumplings!

Suddenly, the originally aggressive and powerful Radiant Church suffered heavy casualties, and more than 3% of the people became the fishes in the pond!

However, Radiant Saintess has no time to pay attention to these people, because the black lance is actually intact and continues to move towards her.

At this time, it was too late to dodge. In a crisis, Radiant Saintess quickly urged Divine Power and placed a Divine Power shield.

“xiu – ”

At the moment when the Divine Power shield was formed, black lance shot on the Divine Power shield, and only heard a crisp sound from ka-cha, the Divine Power shield was like a piece of paper, and a hole was shot by black lance!

“puchi -“

Immediately afterwards, black lance penetrated Radiant Saintess’s neck, then came out through his body, and continued to shoot forward under the influence of inertia.


Radiant Saintess’s face instantly changed pale, and the blood in his throat shot out like a fountain, and couldn’t stop it.

“You…you are not True God, you are next…Lower God…God!”

Radiant Saintess stared at Monray, slowly spit out these words, then his head collapsed, and his body fell straight back!

“Your Highness Saintess!!!”

The remaining members of the Knight regiment turned pale with fright, some of them pounced on Radiant Saintess, and the others pounced on Monray, their eyes red.

“Damn heretic, how dare you hurt Your Highness Saintess!”

“Any heretic that hurts Your Highness Saintess, damn it all!”


These Knight regiment members launched an offensive without saying anything!

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ ——”

Attack hiding the sky and covering the earth fall.


Monray slightly frowned, with a big wave of his hand, the densely packed golden Wind Blade blasted out, swept away towards Saintess Knight Legion.


Screams come and go!

When Wind Blade swept past, almost all of the Knights were killed, only a few lucky ones barely stood.

Although alive, these people were terrified and looked at Monray as if looking at an extremely cruel Grand Fiend.

“Devil! You are the devil!”

These Knights shouted in horror!

“Go back and tell your Your Excellency the Pope, give him 3 days to prepare, or recruit experts, or move rescue soldiers, it’s all with him!”

Monray waved his hand: “In 3 days, I will go to Radiant Holy Mountain in person, hope he will not let me down! Okay, you can get out!”

The remaining members of the Demi-God and Knight regiment had 10000 points of unwillingness and anger, but in the face of the incomparable Monray, they had no choice but to avoid the edge.


In less than ten seconds, all the people of Radiant Church escaped, and before leaving, they took away the bodies of Radiant Saintess and the dead Knights.

For a time, only Old Dean and Monray were left floating in the sky.

The old man’s eyes were complicated: “Radiant Saintess is Peak True God, you even kill Peak True God instant! Monray, how strong are you now?”

“Old Dean, Frankly, in our Plane, no one can beat me!”

Monray said with a laugh.

“So, you are Lower God?”

Old Dean asked incredulously.

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