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Radiant Temple, Radiant God is like in front of you.

“Teacher, let you down!”

Radiant Saintess lowered her head and looked ashamed. Behind her stood four Demi-Gods and three red-clothed Archbishops, all in embarrassment.

Pope Hayes looked at everyone and browsed slightly wrinkle: “Altasia, your True God Avatar was also killed by that Firmament Continent God?”

“Yes, Teacher!”

Altasia was ashamed, she was solemnly vowed when she played this time, but now, she was defeated and she was ashamed!

“Tell me about your battle!”

Pope Hayes slowly said.

“That’s it, Teacher!”

Radiant Saintess didn’t dare to conceal it, and told the battle without omission and in detail. It was not so much the battle, it was crushing and instant kill.

Monray from start to finish only made 3 moves:

The giant palm formed by Planar Power.

Lance formed by Netherworld Divine Fire.

Kill the Wind Blade of Saintess Knight Legion.

Is this a fight?

Obviously not!

After listening, Pope Hayes fell silent, and it took a long time to speak slowly:

“Didn’t expect that the weak Firmament Continent also gave birth to this kind of Monster. If I guess right, Firmament Continent must have changed dramatically!”

Radiant Saintess slowly nodded, Firmament Continent gave birth to Monray, how could it not change dramatically? Will he sit and watch Firmament Continent be occupied by the 4 True Gods?

Of course it is impossible!

“The descendant of the Netherworld Divine Phoenix at the Lower God level, the opponent’s strength exceeded our expectations. My Church is facing a huge crisis!”

Pope Hayes sighed: “Everyone, prepare for this crisis of extinction!”

“Yes, Teacher!”


“You brat really is a pervert!”

Old Dean’s face is complicated: “When I was with you back then, I was often shocked by you. I know your future is limitless!”

“But I didn’t expect that you will reach such an amazing realm in just 3 years! Lower God, it’s unimaginable!”

“Old Dean, don’t praise me, praise me again and you will float away!” Monray said with a laugh.

He was praised by others for being indifferent, but the praise of the old man made him very useful.

“I don’t know how you train!”

The old man shook his head: “By the way, how is Firmament Continent now?”

Hearing this, Monray’s smile gradually faded, and he sighed, “Old Dean, don’t be angry when I say it, or I won’t say it!”

The old man raised his brows: “Angry? Listening to you, I can probably imagine what you have done. There must be nothing good!”

“You guessed it almost!”

Monray did not hide: “I killed the Emperor Dragon God Empire, banned civil and military ministers, and slaughtered Dragon Island Demi-God, except for your younger sister of course!”

“As for Draconian Noble, dead dead, degraded and degraded, there are not many left. The huge Dragon God Empire has become my Monray Empire!”

Despite his expectations, the old man was still shocked and unable to add more, killing the emperor, punishing civil and military, slaying Demi-God, and degrading Noble!

A pile!

Piece by piece!

It’s simply shocking!

What he didn’t even dare to think about before, Monray actually did it, it’s incredible!

“Old Dean, are you angry?”

Monray looked at the old man.

“Angry? You think too much!”

The old man waved his hand: “I’m just shocked by this thing that’s all, and I don’t mean to be angry at all! If it’s me, I will do it too!”

The old man smiled and shook his head: “After all, for us, becoming a god is more important than everything. In order to become a god, what can’t be done? I will only do more ruthlessly than you!”

“Do you really think so?”


The old man glared at Monray: “Except for Dragon God Empire, what about the other 3 Great Empires? According to your temper, it is impossible to let go of 3 Great Empires, right?”

Monray slightly nodded: “I annexed 3 Great Empires and completely unified Firmament Continent!”

“Unified Firmament Continent? Amazing!”

The old man took a breath: “Such feats can only be accomplished by Elf Goddess, Titan Giant God, Beast God and Dragon God back then!”

“And you are the 5th person splitting heaven and earth apart!”

“Who would have thought that Little Brat back then can go to this step today?”

“But having said that, did you come to Radiant Continent this time to occupy Radiant Continent?”


Monray shook his head: “I came to Radiant Continent to find you. It’s not the occupation or not, a Radiant Continent, I’m not in my eyes yet!”

The old man said ill-humoredly: “Smelly brat, you are swollen, how much do you have a territory of faith, even Radiant Continent?”

“Let me tell you, Radiant Continent is much bigger than our Firmament Continent…”

Monray scratched his head and smiled honestly: “Not much, not much, if you don’t count Firmament Continent, it will only be 48 Plane’s faith territory!”

“There are only 48 Planes and you will swell into this… Wait! How much do you say?” The old man’s eyes widened, like a bull’s eye: “48 Planes?”

“Yes! A few days ago, a Demon God accidentally killed and occupied its Plane, no more, no less, just 48 Material Planes!”

Monray Hanhan said with a smile.

“fuck !!!”

The old man was shocked: “The 48 places of faith in Plane, are they real?”


Monray is heavily nodded.

“It is true!”

Old man suck in a breath of cold air: “Your brat life is also very good, I really want to choke you to death, and then take these 48 seats as my own!”

“Isn’t it just 48 planes, as for?”

Monray rolled his eyes: “Old Dean, if you want a realm of faith, I will give you a few!”

“Is this statement true?”

The old man shook his body and stared at Monray fiercely, fiercely said: “If you dare to lie to Laozi, watch Laozi not take your skin off!”


Monray was a little speechless: “It’s just a few Planes. Are you so excited? I’ll send you a few when I go back, but let me tell you first, those Planes are not available, so you have to manage it yourself!”

“No one? How could there be no one?”

The old man was slightly surprised.

Monray said the entire process of development again, and the old man waved his hand indifferently: “As long as there is a site, no one counts?”

“When I look back, I will bring a group of Human Race and Beastman to the past! With the fertility of Human Race and Beastman, within 100 years, they will be able to spread across the entire Plane!”

“Wow ka ka! How many Power of Faith do you have to produce from several Plane’s faith domains? Thinking about it, it makes people excited, I can’t stop!”


Monray didn’t want to pay attention to this crazy Little Old Man. He took out a few things: “Old Dean, these are 5 Lower Divine Sparks, you keep them first!”

“What did you say? Next…Lower Divine Spark? Or 5…5?”

The old man was stunned again, looking at the 5 Divine Sparks in Monray’s hand in disbelief!

Judging from aura, this is definitely Lower Divine Spark, but the old man still can’t believe it.

Lower Divine Spark!

5 exactly!


Is this really Lower Divine Spark?

Where does Monray come from so many Lower Divine Sparks?




But the old man did not hesitate…

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