You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Three days passed in a flash.

This morning, Monray got up early, and then had a hearty breakfast with the old man, and then flew slowly towards Radiant Holy Mountain.

“Radiant Holy Mountain is located in the center of Continent. It is the headquarters of Radiant Church and the faith center of this Continent. Every year, countless believers go to Radiant Holy Mountain to worship…”

The old man hands behind ones back, while pointing at the country while spatial flight.

Although 5 Lower Divine Sparks have not been integrated yet, his Spirit is completely different from 3 days ago!

He is full of confidence in this trip to Radiant Church, cracking a joke, Monray has even lower Divine Spark out, how strong is he?

Trifling Radiant Church, why are you afraid of it?

Although the two people flew slowly, it still took less than half an hour to cross most of the Radiant Continent and came to the Radiant Holy Mountain.

The entire Radiant Holy Mountain is made of Light Element Elemental Crystal, exuding holy rays of light.

Radiant Temple stands on the top of Holy Mountain, under the shining sunlight, it looks like a heavenly palace.

In the past, the worship of saints kept coming and going, but today, the entire Radiant Holy Mountain is completely under martial law. There are no believers, only Knight!

Knight wearing a light armor guards the Radiant Holy Mountain with 3 steps and 5 guard, and keeps the water surrounding the Radiant Holy Mountain tight.

“Be ready!”

Monray and the old man hovered in the air, looking at Radiant Holy Mountain and exclaimed leisurely.

“I didn’t feel it when I was on the road, I’m a little nervous now!” The old man took a deep breath: “I hope everything goes well today, don’t setback!”

“Old Dean, don’t worry!”

Monray smiled and comforted, and then faced the towering Radiant Holy Mountain: “Firmament Continent Monray, visit Radiant Church Your Excellency the Pope!”

Monray’s voice is not loud, just like a normal chat, but after the voice spreads through the air, it is heaven falls and earth rends, like 10000 thunder and lightning roaring at the same time.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

All the Radiant Knights who were waiting, as if was struck by lightning, screamed painfully while holding their ears, spurting blood from their nostrils, bleeding from the corners of their mouth…

It was 7 orifices bleeding!

“Your Excellency comes from afar, excuse me for not going out to meet you, and Wang Haihan!”

A group of people walked out of the Radiant Temple, and the leader was Pope Hayes.

There are more than 8 Demi-Gods such as Radiant Saintess Altasia, 100 red-clothed Archbishop, Church referee, large group of ascetics, fanatics, etc.!

“108 Demi-God, 9 True God, and a Radiant Pope who can’t see the depth!”

Old Dean’s face was solemn: “The power of Church is really deep and unmeasurable. No wonder it can defeat Dark Church and unify Radiant Continent!”

“It’s really an exaggeration, but it’s much better than our Firmament Continent!” Monray also admired.

“Dear Your Excellency, I am the Pope of Radiant Church, and I welcome you on behalf of the entire Radiant Church and even Radiant Continent!”

Pope Hayes’ attitude is very respectful, as if he is not facing an enemy who has had a feast with Radiant Church, but a distinguished guest!

“Your Excellency the Pope, let me introduce you to the one next to me!”

Monray faintly smiled: “He is my Teacher. Of course, he is also the founding emperor of Crocker Kingdom and the dean of Crocker Academy!”

“so that’s how it is !”

The pope is slightly nodded.

“Unfortunately, I just came to Radiant Continent and I saw a scene that made me unhappy. The four red-clothed Archbishops from Radiant Church besieged my Old Dean and even occupied Crocker Academy and even Crocker Kingdom! “

Monray indifferently said: “Your Excellency the Pope, should you give me an explanation?”

“Dear Your Excellency!”

The Pope bowed slightly: “First of all, we didn’t know Dean Crocker was your Teacher, so we didn’t intend to offend him. We hope Your Excellency will atone for it!”

“Secondly, spreading the Lord’s faith and letting the Lord’s glory shine on the entire Continent is the duty and obligation of our Radiant Church. We just want the people of Crocker Kingdom to be bathed in the Lord’s glory as soon as possible, not at all offensive!”

“So, you Radiant Church don’t blame anyone who doesn’t know, and you act according to your duties, there is no mistake at all?” Monray asked with a dumb smile.

“Your Excellency, my Radiant Church has always spread the doctrine of our Lord to care for the world and guide others to be good. There may be flaws, but I have never made a big mistake!”

Pope Hayes slowly said, a look of compassion.


Old Dean couldn’t help being coldly snorted. Radiant Church looked bright and beautiful, but to be able to go to this day, it is not stepping on the top of the bones!

Caring for the world and guiding others to be good?

What a shit!

“Listening to Pope Your Excellency’s words, I think I really made a fuss!”

Monray indifferently said: “After all, even if Old Dean was killed by the four red-clothed Archbishops of your Radiant Church, that was his responsibility for blocking your Radiant Church mission, having only oneself to blame, right?”

Pope Hayes has a slight color change.

“I see, it turns out that your Radiant Church believes in this kind of truth!”

Monray flicked his fingers: “putting it that way, I also want to spread my faith in Radiant Continent. I don’t know what Your Excellency the Pope thinks?”

“Your Excellency ……”

“Your Excellency the Pope will definitely stop me, right? In that case, if I kill you, you won’t say anything!”

Monray smiled and asked, “After all, this is the truth your Radiant Church believes in!”

“Your Excellency ……”

“No more nonsense!”

Monray waved his hand: “Your Excellency the Pope, just use your methods, lest I didn’t give you a chance!”

“Your Excellency, do you really want to tear your face?”

Pope Hayes’ face sank. Radiant Church has been standing Radiant Continent for ten thousand years. What winds and waves have not been seen?

A Lower God-level Netherworld Divine Phoenix, Radiant Church is really not afraid!

“Tear your face? no no no! I just practice your truth that’s all!” Monray said.

“Since Your Excellency is aggressive, you don’t blame me, you are welcome!” Pope Hayes shouted in a low voice: “Arrange Angelic Battle Array!”

“Yes, Your Excellency the Pope!”

Tone barely fell, 9 True Gods suddenly soared into the sky, turned into 9 streams of light and appeared in Monray all around, instantly surrounding Monray.

Next moment !

A holy milky white radiance rises all over them, gathered above their heads, and then condenses into a sacred and majestic Angel illusory shadow.

With the continuous injection of Radiant God’s power, the Angel illusory shadow gradually solidified, and in the end, the Angel illusory shadow completely became an Angel entity!


The terrible coercion swept away and spread to all directions. This coercion has surpassed the True God level and reached the Lower God.

“Angelic Battle Array, suppress!”

The 9 True Gods roared together, Angel on the top of his head stretched out his hands, as if to stroke Monray’s head, and lightly pressed against Monray.


A huge force instantly pressed Monray, and even the void surrounding Monray was suppressed, emitting a creak creak light sound.

“Nice means, it’s a pity…”

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