You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The towering Radiant Holy Mountain is as holy as ever, exuding a gentle sacred light.

But today, Radiant Holy Mountain is like a big enemy, down to every Radiant Knight, up to Pope Hayes, all staring at the sky.

Everyone on Holy Mountain knows that today’s battle is related to the life and death of Radiant Church.

Win, continue to rule Radiant Continent!

Defeated, completely destroyed!

Everything depends on today.

“Angelic Battle Array, suppress!”

The awe-inspiring force smashed down, as if the waves swept across the mountains, the void was instantly imprisonment, and Monray was at the center of suppression!

“A good way to trap the enemy, most Lower Gods may be suppressed by you, but it’s a pity… it’s useless for me!”

Monray pointed it into a sword, and lightly swiped the imprisonment’s void. The Invisible Sword shot out of thin air, instantly slashing on the solidified void.

“Stabbing -“

The void was split into two and a half in an instant, and the repressive force inspired by the Angelic Battle Array also collapsed in this brief moment, and 2 True God complexion greatly changed.

Angelic Battle Array was defeated like this?

“In front of me, the Plane Lord, it is too naive to want to trap me!”

Monray flicks with the finger, an invisible lance condensed by Planar Power blasted out directly through the head of a True God.

“pu ——”

This True God as if was struck by lightning, his body instantly froze in place, a blood hole appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and the golden divine blood gurgled out.

“I… I just died like this?”

This True God has an unbelievable look. He is a Church ascetic. For 510000 years, he has been painstakingly lonely and trained. Finally, 28760 years ago, he entered the True God Realm and became one of the few True Gods in the Church who relied on his own breakthrough. !

But now, he is going to die, and years of hard cultivation are going to be turned into nothing. He can’t accept it, he is unwilling!

“Lord Conant!”

Everyone at Radiant Church couldn’t help but change their faces, each and everyone was shocked, incredible.

That’s Lord Conant, one of Church’s strongest ascetics, he just died like that?

“How could this be?”

“How could Lord Conant die?”

No one can accept this result.

“Teacher, this is the attack!”

Radiant Saintess has an ugly face: “Neither the body nor the Divine Power, nor the Divine Soul attack, but it goes straight to the level of True God, which is extremely weird!”

Pope Hayes is slightly nodded, and his brows are frowned into Sichuan. Monray’s strength is stronger than he expected. Today is tricky!

“Conant just died like this?”

The remaining 8 True Gods looked terrified, and the eyes looking towards Monray were full of horror and fear.

The Angelic Battle Array, arranged by the strength of their 9 people, can trap most of the Lower God!

What about Monray?

He defeated the Angelic Battle Array and killed Conant. What kind of strength was this?

“Peak Lower God!”

“He is definitely Peak Lower God!”

The 8 True Gods looked at each other, and the divine sense quickly exchanged: “Everyone, the other party is too strong, far beyond our expectations, what should we do?”

“The only way to defeat him is that, otherwise, it is not his opponent at all!”

“That trick? There is no other way!”

“Yeah, do I have to use that trick?”

“Unless we escape, we can only use that trick, otherwise we are not opponents at all!”


It has to be said that several of the True Gods did have the idea of ​​running away. They are True Gods. As long as they try to escape, they can definitely escape!

But the question is, they escaped, what about Church?

They were nurtured by Radiant Church since they were young. Church is their root. Even if they die, even if they are killed, they cannot abandon Church and run away!

“One died, there are 8 left!”

Monray looked at the remaining 8 True Gods: “Next, I will kill you all, level the Radiant Holy Mountain, and completely erase the Radiant Church!”

“are you ready?”

As soon as this statement came out, the eight True Gods trembled all over, and the hesitation and struggle flashed in their eyes. They didn’t want to use that trick until it was a last resort!


Monray locks onto a True God and slowly stretches out the index finger of his right hand: “It’s you!”

“Not good !”

This True God complexion greatly changed, he was instinctively about to dodge, but at this moment, he was horrified to find that his body was actually unable to move!

“Damn it! Move! Move on…”

This true Divine Heart screamed, and at this moment, a heart-piercing pain came from the center of his eyebrows, instantly sweeping his nerves and brain…

Then, his body was stiff, and he slammed into the ground straight, his eyes were round, and he looked dead!


Monray looked towards the remaining 7 True Gods, and looked towards them!

7 True Gods are scared to death!

Six of them were still struggling and hesitating, but one of the True Gods actually fled away without looking back. His speed was extremely fast, he was 6 li in a flash, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye…

The remaining 6 True Gods stared their eyes wide, staring blankly at the back of that True God. The waves in their hearts were rolling, and there was a saying that MMP didn’t know how to say it!


“This bastard!”


“He turned his back on his faith, abandoned Radiant Church, and escaped!”

“Shame! He is the shame of Church!”

Pope Hayes’s gloomy face can drip with water, and Jarpet keep on saying is willing to go through water and tread on fire for Church.

It turned out to be good. Faced with the crisis, he escaped so simply, losing Church’s face!

“There are still escapes?”

The old man also had a wrong look: “These sacred sticks of Radiant Church usually each and everyone are compassionate to others, and they are ready to dedicate themselves to the faith at any time. They didn’t expect it to run away. It was really shocking!”

Monray smiled and shook his head: “I only escaped one, it is already commendable! You must know that if you can train to the existence of True God Realm, who is not a person with firm perseverance, how can you truly believe in others?”

“That’s right!”

The old man agreed: “Whether Demi-God or True God, they are often selfish. In the face of life and death, everything can be abandoned!”

“There are 6 of you left!”

Monray looked towards 6 True Gods left.

Seeing Monray’s gaze, the six True Gods trembled and made an amazing scene:

Without looking back, they ran away and disappeared into the distant sky in the blink of an eye…

Monray: “…”

old man: “…”

Everyone at Radiant Church: “…”

“Old Dean, they all escaped!” Monray was amused: “We have missed it, and they are not so religious in Radiant God!”

“Yeah, it’s a mistake!”

The old man doesn’t know what to say: “People are really selfish. The stronger the God and the higher the status, the more selfish they are!”

“That’s the reason!”

Monray slightly nodded, looked towards Pope Hayes: “Your Excellency the Pope, the good talents cultivated by your Radiant Church are amazing!”

“Bastard! These 7 selfish bastards, they are all sinners! Sinners!”

Pope Hayes could no longer maintain his compassionate attitude, his face became distorted and his eyes were red.

“They betrayed their faith, betrayed the Lord, and betrayed the Church. They are more abominable and more damn than those evil heretic!”

“Teacher, what should I do now?”

Radiant Saintess is also pretty face Hanshuang, she didn’t expect that things would develop to this step!

2 True Gods died in battle, and the remaining 7 True Gods escaped without a fight and left them!

Their Radiant Church suddenly fell into an extremely embarrassing and dangerous situation!

“Only fight to the death!”

Pope Hayes slowly said: “Turn on Radiant Shield, Radiant Temple can’t be lost!”

“Observe, Teacher!”

Radiant Saintess slightly nodded and passed the order down.


For a while, a soft milk-white halo rose up around the Radiant Temple, and then quickly spread to form a ray of milky white shield, isolating the entire Radiant Temple from the outside world.

“Radiant Shield is a combination of the Power of Faith accumulated by my Radiant Temple over the years, and it is enough to withstand several attacks from Intermediate God!”

Looking at the spreading Radiant Shield, Pope Hayes relaxed: “With the Radiant Shield here, my Radiant Temple should be 10000 infallible! Next, I can rest assured of the battle!”

“Teacher, do you want to…”

Radiant Saintess’s body was shocked.

“Altasia, the faith of the Lord must not be profaned, and my Radiant Church must not be provoked. Keep these words firmly in mind, and you will become a qualified pope!”

Pope Hayes took a deep look at Altasia, took off the crown of the church with his hands and put it on Radiant Saintess’s head.

“Teacher, no! Don’t be like this!”

Radiant Saintess shook his head vigorously, his voice choked, tears in his eyes.

“Altasia, don’t be sad for me. It is my great honor to dedicate myself to the Lord!”

Pope Hayes smiled kindly: “even more how, your Teacher is not that easy to die!”

After speaking, Pope Hayes slowly rose into the air, without the shackles of the crown crown, his white hair fluttered in the wind, his snow-white robe was untainted by even a speck of dust, and there was anger brewing in his thin body, as if at any time A volcano that erupts.

“Your Excellency the Pope, you finally figured it out!”

Monray smiled at Radiant Pope: “You are brave, I admire you a little bit!”

“For the glory of the Lord, what is the fear of death?”

Pope Hayes’s voice became colder: “Your Excellency, retreat quickly, I can be as if nothing happened before, otherwise…”

“Your Excellency the Pope, you actually didn’t figure out one thing from start to finish!”

Monray flicked his fingers and shook his head and said, “This is my Plane. I don’t allow any other beliefs to exist, do you understand?”


Pope Hayes waved the Pope’s scepter, and the surging Divine Power poured into the scepter. The sound was like a muffled thunder rolling in the sky:

“God Said: Let there be light!”


The dazzling golden divine light dropping from the sky, wherever it goes, the void dissolves every inch and turns into pitch-black cracks. This terrifying divine light actually wipes out the space!


The divine light enveloped Monray in an instant!

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