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“Who is in summon me?”

A majestic voice sounded, and a dazzling golden beam of light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth descended from the Space Gate above the pope’s head.


A tyrannical aura radiated from the golden beam, like a surging golden wave, sweeping all directions!

“Putong ——”

“Putong ——”

The Radiant Knights on Radiant Holy Mountain were directly crushed on the ground, completely unable to lift their heads, and shiver coldly all over, they were extremely frightened!

Even the high-levels of Radiant Church, Demi-God, such as Radiant Saintess, who was shrouded in Radiant Shield, felt choking and heart palpitations.

“Ok… the terrifying aura absolutely surpasses the Lower God level!”

“As expected of Your Excellency the Pope, the Upper Realm Angel from summon is so powerful!”

The Demi-God executives of Radiant Church all looked excited, as if they had seen Monray being defeated or even killed.

As the audience boiled, the golden light gradually faded, revealing a majestic silhouette:

Wearing a golden halo on his head, holding a golden long spear, emitting a golden halo, bare feet, and 3 pairs of golden wings on his back!

“Six-Winged Angel!”

“It is a Six-Winged Angel comparable to Intermediate God!”

“We are saved! Radiant Church is saved! See you, we are saved!”

Everyone was in ecstasy, and Radiant Saintess was equally excited. As a member of the Church, how could she not know the level and strength of Angel?

Angel is divided into 3 and 9 levels!

Lower Angel, with 4 wings, is comparable to Lower God!

Intermediate Angel, with 6 wings, is comparable to Intermediate God!

High Angel, with 8 wings, is comparable to High God!

Each level is divided into 3 levels!

Among them, the 3 grades of Intermediate Angel are: Power Angel, Force Angel, Lord Angel, the first class is more powerful than the first class, and the first class is more powerful than the first class!

Sir Angel, who is coming this time, has 6 wings, which is a proper Intermediate God!

Intermediate God, how tyrannical?

“I just don’t know which level of Intermediate Angel this Sir Angel is? If it is Lord Angel, today’s battle will be won!”

Radiant Saintess’s eyes were sharp, and his eyes were full of expectation and hope, and full of hope.

“Who is in summon me?”

Six-Winged Angel looked down towards the scrawny Pope Hayes, his voice extremely majestic.

“Sir Angel, I summon you!”

Pope Hayes was dying, but his eyes were shining. He pointed to Monray and said excitedly:

“Sir Angel, I am the pope of the Radiant Church in this Plane. Our Plane gave birth to an evil Blasphemer!”

“He wants to destroy our Radiant Church, cut off the faith of the Lord, and hope that Sir Angel will drop the Divine Punishment, remove the heretic, and protect my Church!”

After talking about this remark tremblingly, Pope Hayes seemed to have exhausted all his strength, his head tilted and completely softened.

If it weren’t for his chest ups and downs, it really made people think he had burped.


Six-Winged Angel looked towards Monray, there was a sharp cold glow in the golden eyes:

“Any Blasphemer who dares to blaspheme my lord, damn it! I… Force Angel Lorenzo Fillmore, sentence you to death!”

The majestic voice is still reverberating in the void, and the long spear in Six-Winged Angel’s hand has reached the center of Monray’s eyebrows, speeding to the pinnacle.


Unfortunately, the long spear stabbed a group of illusory shadows, and Monray appeared strangely a few meters away, looking at Six-Winged Force Angel with interest.

He can feel that the Force Angel in front of him is not Divine Power projection, but the real body!

This is amazing!

“Dodora, doesn’t it mean that Void Gods can’t descend on the Low Level Plane? Why can this Six-Winged Angel descend on Firmament Continent?”

“There is no absolute truth, and there are loopholes in the World Rule!”

Dodora faintly explained: “Under normal circumstances, Void Gods really cannot descend on the Low Level Plane ruled by the gods, but the sacrificial secrets like Radiant Church can indeed create Space Gate for a short time, and summon Void Gods descend!”

“Of course, this kind of sacrifice belongs to a racial secret technique. Generally, God impossible knows that, looking at Void World, very few God knows about it!”

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray slightly nodded.

“Fast speed!”

One shot failed, Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo was slightly surprised: “You can actually escape my attack, it seems you are not an ordinary True God! But in front of me, any speed is futile!”

“Angel Domain!”


The golden ripples rippled and enveloped the space around Monray. The void was directly imprisonmented, and even Monray was imprisonment in place!

“To deal with a Low Level God like you, the Domain of God is enough!”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo stepped forward, with the tip of the gun touching Monray’s eyebrows:

“Blasphemer, at the moment you blasphemed the Lord, your Fate is doomed!”

“Get off Hell!”

The tip of the gun can be pierced into Monray’s eyebrows just by pushing forward, but Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo was surprised to find that his body was actually impossible to move, and the movements that he could make at random at this moment were actually heavier than 1000. Jun!

“what happened?”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo is unbelievable. He is an Intermediate God. It may not be a big deal in the whole Angel God Race, but when it comes to Low Level Plane, isn’t it invincible?

How can it be impossible to move?

“Divine Body can’t move anymore?”

Monray smiled at Six-Winged Angel.

“This is… Planar Power?”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo felt the power of Imprisonment, suddenly his face changed dramatically:

“You refining the Plane Core of this Plane and become the Plane Lord of this Plane?”

“you guessed right!”

Monray nodded with a smile: “Also, I want to add that I am Intermediate God, at the same level as you, so even if you don’t have Planar Power, your Domain of God can’t help me!”

With that said, Monray stepped forward, weird to Six-Winged Angel, and punched out.

“pu ——”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo as if was struck by lightning, sprayed a blood arrow, and the internal organs would be displaced.

“This power… It really is Intermediate God!”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo turn pale with fright, suddenly looked towards Pope Hayes, and his eyes were filled with anger and hatred:

“You damn idiot, are you blind? You let me come to the master Plane, do you want to kill me, you stupid thing!”

Lorenzo was furious. Monray is an Intermediate God and is already on par with him. He is also Plane Lord. Where is his opponent?

He is just a force comparable to ordinary Force Angel. Let him fight with an Intermediate God who is the Plane Lord. Is this trying to kill him?

The hateful thing is that the idiot, the Pope, didn’t even figure this out, so he let him come, which simply pushed him into the Fire Pit!

Although it was like a gossamer, Pope Hayes finally took a breath. He wanted to keep this breath until the end of the battle. He wanted to see Monray destroyed and their Radiant Church regained the continuation of the scene!

So, he is not dead, he is watching the battle between Monray and Six-Winged Angel!

Seeing Monray being imprisonment, he cheered in his heart. It is worthy of Six-Winged Angel. The strength is really strong, and the Domain of God suppressed Monray.

However, at this moment, being scolded by Sir Angel suddenly, the pope was a little confused: “Six-wing Sir Angel, I…what happened to me?”

“You damn idiot!”

Six-Winged Angel glared at the Pope: “Do you know that he has refined the Plane Core of this Plane and became the Plane Lord?”

“Plane Lord?”

Pope Hayes complexion big change, Radiant Church inheritance hundreds of thousands of years, he, as the Pope, would he not know what the Plane Lord is?

Plane Lord can mobilize the power of the entire Plane for his own use. It is extremely powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that in his own Plane, Plane Lord is absolutely invincible!

Monray, actually the Plane Lord?

“I don’t even know if the other party is the Plane Lord, just summon at will, stupid!”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo was almost mad at death, but no matter how much he scolded the Pope, he turned his head and looked at Monray:

“Your Excellency, how many offenses I have committed before is purely unknowing. I hope to forgive me, I will leave now!”

After speaking, he flew into the air and was about to return to Space Gate and leave Firmament Continent.


Monray spoke: “You come as you want, leave as you like, what do you think of this place?”

“How are you doing?”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo eyes shrank, staring at Monray coldly, his eyes flashing with anger.

“I heard that your Angels serve Radiant God. They are born servants and running dogs, and are very good at serving and serving?”

Monray flicked his fingers.

“Bold !!!!”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo complexion changed: “Your Excellency, do you know what you are talking about?”


Monray raised an eyebrow.

“You are blaspheming the great Radiant God!”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo shouted: “Plane Lord of a trifling Low Level Plane, dare to commit the crime, blaspheming Overgod, you are guilty!”


Monray shook his head and sneered: “It is guilty to provoke Radiant God. Then I have scolded Netherworld God, spit on Death God, and dreamed of life Goddess. Isn’t that sinful, should I choose up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades?”

“You damn Blasphemer!”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo trembled with anger: “You are sinful, sinful, sinful, sinful, crime deserving ten thousand deaths…”

“Have you finished?”

Monray waved his hand impatiently: “If you are finished, I will give you a chance to survive, hand over Divine Soul Source, submit to me!”

“Acknowledge allegiance? You want me to acknowledge allegiance?”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo was furious: “I am a member of Angel God Race, a servant of the great Radiant God, I am dead, I will fall forever, I will become my most hated Demon, and I will never acknowledge. allegiance to you!”

“No acknowledge allegiance? Then die!”

Monray is coldly snorted, and the Netherworld Divine Fire sprang up in his hand: “I will use Netherworld Divine Fire to burn your Divine Body and Divine Soul, and let you the soul flew away and scattered!”

Looking at the Netherworld Divine Fire in Monray’s hands, Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo has the desire to die.

Is it both Plane Lord, Intermediate God, or Netherworld Divine Phoenix, how could a Low Level Plane give birth to such a pervert?

“Sir Angel, you should get on the road, get on the road early, or report to Hell early!”

Monray arrived in front of Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo with a Teleportation, but he hadn’t launched an attack yet. Before that, the impassioned Sir Angel prostrated directly at his feet:

“Don’t…don’t burn me! I…I acknowledge allegiance!”

Monray: “…”

Old Dean: “…”

Radiant Saintess: “…”

Pope: Death!

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