You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The Pope never dreamed that the Angel he sacrificed to summon was actually such a virtue. Before he fought much, he chose the acknowledge allegiance!

Is this really Angel from Upper Realm?

You have no backbone like this?

Your Excellency the Pope was mad, did not come up in a breath, and then hung up. It is considered the most bizarre pope of Radiant Church who has died in over 10000 years!

Also shocked were the 7 True Gods who escaped. Although they are far away, this distance is nothing to them!

Angel from Upper Realm surrendered!

And it’s the surrender before the battle!

“The dignified Six-Winged Force Angel is so spineless? It’s embarrassing!”

These 7 True Gods wanted to express their contempt in their hearts, but when they think of themselves, they can’t contempt them anymore!

Upper Realm Angel surrenders!

I run away!

50 steps laugh 100 steps, the same thing that’s all, what right do you have to despise others?

However, they are very fortunate!

Yes, thank you!

The 7 True Gods are fortunate that they fled at this moment, instead of smashing Monray like Saintess and the Pope, they ended up in this way!

“Radiant Church is over!”

“Radiant Continent has completely lost our place, what should we do?”


“Release Divine Soul Source!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo didn’t dare to neglect, he quickly handed over his Divine Soul Source, let Monray refining, and then took control of his life and death.

“Your name is Lorenzo?”

Monray indifferently asked.

“Yes, Lord, my name is Lorenzo Fillmore!” Six-Winged Angel replied respectfully.

“Are you Angels so spineless?” Monray raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Lord, this…”

Lorenzo’s old face flushed immediately, and zhi zhi wu wu didn’t know how to answer.

“Forget it, since you submit to me, then do things for me obediently and honestly. If you dare to have two hearts, you will die without a burial site!”

“Yes Yes!”

Monray was very satisfied with Lorenzo’s attitude, and turned to look towards the Radiant Saintess and Radiant Church that are shrouded in the Radiant Shield.

At this look, Radiant Saintess and the others turned pale with fright, each and everyone bowed their heads in horror, not daring to look at Monray.

In their eyes, Monray is more terrifying than Demon from Hell and more terrifying than Demon God!

“Why is this?”

Radiant Saintess was sad, she couldn’t think of it anyway. The 6-wing Sir Angel, who was still majestic at the moment, has already acknowledged allegiance!

This completely does not meet their expectations!

But what to do now?

What about Radiant Church?

Where to go?

“Do you come out by yourself, or let me find out?” Monray said indifferently.

no respond!

A group of high-level leaders were frightened, but no one responded. I don’t know if they were scared or pinned on Radiant Shield. In short, no one responded.

“I won’t die until the Yellow River!”

Monray shook his head slightly, pointed it into a sword, and made a volley!

“Stabbing -“

An Invisible Sword light cut out out of thin air, instantly cut on the Radiant Shield, only listening to whoosh sound, enough to withstand the Intermediate God’s several attacks, the Radiant Shield broke into two and a half without any warning, and then collapsed, disappear without a trace!

“Radiant Shield… just broke?”

Radiant Saintess suck in a breath of cold air. She knew that Monray was very strong, but she didn’t expect to be so tyrannical. It was too terrifying!

At this moment, she suddenly understood why Sir Angel chose the acknowledgement allegiance. In the face of such a tyrannical Monray, would he die if he did not acknowledge allegiance?

“Now, it’s your turn!”

Monray looked at the top Radiant Church: “What do you want? Do you want to live or die?”

“Putong ——”

Someone said nothing, and fell directly to the ground: “Lord…Lord, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance, and only ask Lord to give me a way to survive!”


Monray slightly nodded: “What about you?”

“Putong ——”

“Putong ——”

“Putong ——”

There is the first, there is the second…

In just a few seconds, all 108 Demi-Gods knelt down, and only one person was still standing on the spot, it was Radiant Saintess Altasia.

“They all acknowledge allegiance, why not acknowledge allegiance?” Monray looked towards Radiant Saintess.

“I am Radiant Church Saintess, you can kill me, but don’t want me to acknowledge allegiance to you. Even if I die, I will not abandon my faith!”

Radiant Saintess coldly said.

“Then go to hell!”

Monray pointed at random, a blood hole appeared in Radiant Saintess’s eyebrows, and his body fell straight to the ground, killing him on the spot.

This scene frightened 108 Demi-Gods, and they were immediately scared. If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, you might end up like Your Highness Saintess!

“You brat is too ruthless, such a beautiful person, you were killed like this?”

Old Dean can’t help ridiculing: “Why don’t you even have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex? Is it still not ridiculing? Shouldn’t it!”

“God is not open!”

Monray rolled the eyes: “Old Dean, these Demi-Gods from Radiant Church, and this Radiant Continent, all packaged for you!”


The old man’s eyes shone.


Monray nodded: “Things here are almost over, and I should leave, do you leave with me or stay here first?”

The old man suddenly fell into entanglement. After leaving Firmament Continent for more than 210000 years, he certainly wanted to go back and take a look, especially to see his younger sister!

The problem is that Radiant Church just collapsed, Radiant Continent fell into his hands, so many Demi-Gods need him to conquer, and Radiant Continent…

When it is time to show off, how can you leave? It’s really tangled!

Monray saw the old man’s entangled expression and knew what he was thinking, speechless saying: “Old Dean, your thinking is a bit rigid!”


Old man doubts.

“You can build a teleportation magic array on the 2 Continents. Isn’t it a momentary thing to come and go between the 2 Continents?” Monray reminded.

“Transmission Array? Aiya, why did I forget this?” The old man slapped his forehead with an annoyed look on his face: “By the way, you are the Plane Lord?”

“authentic !”

“That’s very good!”

The old man was very excited: “The task of building Transmission Array is left to you! You are the Plane Lord, shouldn’t this trouble you?”

If ordinary people dare to call themselves like this, Monray would have slapped him, but in the face of this old man, Monray is obedient.

Of course, the construction of the Transmission Array is really simple for him. It only took 5 minutes to connect two Continent Transmission Arrays. The old man was excited to try it back and forth, and it was really easy to use!

“This is done, Plane Lord is really strong!” The old man couldn’t help but exclaim again and again.

“That is!”

Monray is very proud!

At this time, Six-Winged Angel Lorenzo suddenly said: “Master, summon time is up, I am leaving, what is Lord’s order?”

“There is only one command: collect Divine Crystal, Law Source Crystal, Gold Coin, etc. as much as possible, and collect the more the better, understand?” Monray said.

“Don’t follow the name of the Master!”

Lorenzo respectfully takes orders.


Monray waved his hand.

“Lord take care!”

Lorenzo bowed slightly, then turned into a golden light and entered the Space Gate.

Monray closed his eyes, followed the Divine Soul Mark on Lorenzo’s body, and then felt a huge Plane!

Radiant God World!

Yes, it is Radiant God World!

Angel God Race, as a powerful Divine Race that is not inferior to Titan God Race, has footprints all over the world. Whether in Heaven, one of the two Supreme Planes, Ten Great God Worlds, or other Low Level Planes, all have Angel’s shadow.

And Lorenzo, Six-Winged Force Angel, is obviously Angel from Radiant God World!

“It’s time to leave, but before leaving…” Monray looked towards old man: “Old Dean, would you like to go to the treasure house of Radiant Church?”

“Visit the treasure house of Radiant Church?”

The old man’s eyes lit up, and then he shook his head: “Forget it! old fogey, I’m satisfied now, and don’t care much about those outside things!”

“You don’t regret it!”

Monray smiled and teased, then disappeared in place.

“Smelly brat, you have given me enough. If I am greedy for the treasure house of Radiant Church, I will be too greedy!”

The old man shook his head and looked towards the high-levels of Radiant Church: “Radiant Church has been destroyed. From today on, you are the high-levels of my Crocker Church, do you have any objections?”

“It’s all up to Lord!”

“very good!”

The old man is very satisfied with the attitude of these guys, this is 108 Demi-God, 108 Demi-God, what a terrifying force is this?

They will be the best weapon to rule Radiant Continent and spread the faith!


“The first order I give you is: Destroy all Radiant God’s God Statues in Radiant Continent and replace them with my Deity Crocker’s God Statue…”

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