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In a hidden kingdom far beyond Firmament Continent, Dragon God bowed to the ground respectfully.

And on the divine throne in front of him, a middle age person in a black robe sat cross-legged.

“The humble clansman who is free from the lower realms!”

The black robe middle age person sounds like a Hong Zhong, with endless majesty: “This King, let me ask you, is the information you submitted earlier is true?”

“Back to Lord, if the little god has a lie, I would like to fall into Nine Hells, forever unable to reincarnate!”

Dragon God 连忙发出毒誓:“那座giant tower 共分为100层,且能逆转时间,和传闻中的Tower of Time 一模一样!”


black robe middle age person slightly nodded: “If your information is true, this King can accept you as a disciple and give you 20 Material Planes as a reward!”

“Thanks Lord…no…Thanks Teacher! Thank you Teacher!” Dragon God to be wild with joy, knocked his head again and again!

“This is how the Void Great Teleportation Transmission Array was built!”

The black robe pointed to the middle-aged void, and a golden light shot into the center of the Dragon God’s eyebrows: “According to this method, the Void Great Teleportation Transmission Array will be built in the shortest time. Welcome this King!”

“Yes, Teacher!”

Dragon God should be again and again.


The black robe’s middle-aged silhouette dissipated in an instant, and Dragon God slowly stood up, looking at the divine throne that became empty again, and couldn’t help but laugh up to the sky.

“The humble lowly species, how do I see you die this time?”

Dragon God’s eyes were full of delight: “I can’t get Tower of Time, and you can’t even get it! I will see you die in front of me…”


Monray didn’t know what happened in the Dragon God kingdom. His mind at the moment was completely attracted by the Titan blood essence in front of him.

“A drop of blood essence exudes such a terrifying coercion, this is definitely the blood essence of Titan King, even… stronger!”

Monray muttered to himself.

What is Titan King?

Titan God Race is a powerful Divine Race that dominates the vast void. There are countless powerhouses in the clan, which can be divided into 3 levels: Earth Titan, Sky Titan, and Titan King!

Earth Titan, comparable to Lower God!

Sky Titan, comparable to Intermediate God!

Titan King, comparable to High God!

As for the Titan below the Lower God, even the Bloodline of the Titan God Race has not awakened, so naturally it cannot be considered a member of the Titan God Race.

Titan King’s blood essence is comparable to High God’s Titan blood essence.

High God seems to be one level behind Intermediate God, but the difference in strength between the two can be described as one in the sky and the other on the ground!

The blood essence of High God is extremely precious, but the blood essence of High God is definitely not so terrible.

Monray boldly guessed that this master of blood essence is definitely not an ordinary Titan King!

“It might even be the blood essence of Invincible Titan King!” Monray couldn’t help licking his lips.

Invincible Titan King, the invincible existence in Titan King, comparable to Great Perfection High God!

Titan God Race has 1000000 to 10000000 Titan Kings, but Invincible Titan Kings are definitely very few.

“I have the Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline, and the integration of this drop of Titan blood essence, the Divine Body will definitely improve a lot!” Thinking of this, Monray decisively issued the command: “system, integrate the Titan blood essence!”


The Titan blood essence spread immediately, turning into a thin blood curtain, covering Monray’s whole person, and then infiltrating Monray’s within the body.


The Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline of Monray within the body suddenly became frantically restless, each and everyone cell baring fangs and brandishing claws, rushing to swallow the Titan blood essence…

Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline was aroused, Monray incarnation Hundred Arms Giant, I saw blood vessels all over his body bursting with blue veins, as if earthworms were growing on the skin.

Monray can feel the continuous and pure energy pouring into the depths of the cells, strengthening every cell, strengthening the Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline!

each and everyone cells divide and proliferate quickly!

A trace of Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline grows fast!

At the same time, Monray’s Divine Body is expanding more and more like an inflated balloon, 500 zhang, one thousand zhang, 5 thousand zhang…

One ten thousand zhang, fifty thousand zhang, 100,000 zhang ……


An extremely violent and vast coercion spread from the palace where Monray was located, forming a super hurricane in the Imperial Palace…

The palace was destroyed, and Court Eunuch, the maid of the Imperial Palace, seemed to be floating in the wind, and was directly lifted off!

Even Chahman and the others who were carrying out government affairs were directly oppressed on the ground, looking at the giant in the center of the Imperial Palace with horror.

“Ok… terrible pressure!”

“Did the Master break through again?”

“Should…should be!”

“Heavens! Master is already Intermediate God, is he going to break through High God?”

Chahman and the others were all shocked.

Previously, Monray beheaded Dark Demonic Dragon, showing a terrifying power comparable to Intermediate God level, now…is it going to be a breakthrough again?

How fast is this increase?

200,000 feet, 300,000 feet, 400,000 feet…

When Monray’s body size reached 400,000 feet, the growth rate finally slowed down. At this time, he was like a giant that can support both heaven and earth, lying between the world, which shocked countless people.

How high is 400,000 feet?

一丈3 米,400,000 丈就是1.2 million meters ,equivalent to 1200公里!

How tall is Mount Everest?

8.8 km!

Monray’s feet are taller than Mount Everest!

You can imagine how tall Monray is now!

Therefore, Monray lay between the World, not only the people of Dragon God Empire saw it, but even the people of Titan Empire, Beast God Empire, and Elf Empire saw it.

“Great God Monray!”

“It’s the great Great God Monray!”

“Praise you, Great God Monray…”

People prayed and bowed to Monray one after another. They were extremely religious.

“The power of horror!”

Monray not at all noticed how much movement he caused, he felt the power of desire to flourish within the body, long exhales one mouthful of impure air.


The exhaled turbidity turned into a howling storm, which happened to hit a towering mountain peak, directly smashing the mountain lazily.

“Is this the power of the High God level?” Monray murmured, startled.

“No! Not enough! It’s almost time to fire!”

Dodora’s voice sounded: “I don’t know where you got the Titan blood essence, but after fusing the Titan blood essence, your body has only reached the Intermediate God Limit, and it’s still close to the High God Realm!”

“Not to High God Realm?”

Monray was slightly surprised: “But I feel that I am very strong now, and one punch is enough to crush the Dark Demonic Dragon and God of Magic Beasts!”

“If you said that you didn’t arrive, you didn’t arrive, dare you to question my judgment?”

Suddenly, Dodora appeared in front of Monray, her small wings agitated slightly.


A gust of wind swept in and rushed to Monray’s chest. In a moment, Monray only felt a terrifying force hit his chest. He couldn’t help but groaned, staggering back, and withdrawing more than a dozen steps before it stopped. Come down.

“Dodora, what are you doing?”

Monray was furious.

“I just used the power of the ordinary High God to blow you back. Do you understand the gap between you and the High God?”

Dodora indifferently said.

“I really didn’t step into High God Realm?”

Monray stunned, I am so strong!

“Nonsense! Titan King’s height usually starts at 500,000 zhang, you can see how tall you are? Almost! It’s almost time to fire, understand?”

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