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How close is High God Realm?

It doesn’t matter, I still have Super Strengthening, Monray has a relaxed expression, and immediately asked the system.

“Ding! The host constitution is infinitely close to High God, and it will reach High God Realm after Super Strengthening, using Super Strengthening Price: 30010000 Divine Crystal!” system coldly said.

“30010000 Divine Crystal?”

Monray was not calm at once: “Isn’t it said that my Divine Body is infinitely close to High God, why do I need so many Divine Crystals? Robbery!”

The system is silent and does not respond at all. If you love strengthening, you don’t fall down.

“Strengthening a fart, so many Divine Crystals are enough for Laozi Super Pick Up 310000 times. I don’t believe that you can’t get good things so many times!”

Monray started the second Super Pick Up.

“Ding! Please host the target Plane!”

Heaven has picked up 2 times in a row. Let’s change place, Monray muttered: “Forest God World!”


财富缩水100Divine Crystal 。

About ten seconds later, the cold voice of the system sounded again: “Ding! Successfully picked up, get an Immemorial Green Dragon egg!”

“Immemorial Green Dragon egg?”

Monray was stunned. After the Giant Dragon God Race became a god, it was the Ancient Dragon, the Ancient Dragon King comparable to the Lower God, and the Immemorial Dragon comparable to the Intermediate God!

The Immemorial Green Dragon is obviously comparable to Intermediate God’s Green Dragon, and its strength is quite terrifying!

But its eggs are not very helpful to the current Monray. Monray sent it to Tower of Time without thinking about it and let it hatch.

“System, continue!”

“Ding! Successfully picked up and got an inner piece of Nature Goddess, do you wear it?”

“I am wearing your uncle, your damn dog system, can you be more serious? Laozi’s Divine Crystal is not for you to splurge!”

Monray yelled!

“Ding! Successfully picked up, get a drop of Wood Bat blood essence, is it fused?”

“Wood Bat? Fuse a fart!”

Monray trembled and his face turned pale. Who didn’t know that this thing was a collection of viruses?

Still fusion?

Do you want to die?

“Ding! Pick up successfully and get a space ring!”

“Space ring?”

Monray’s eyes lit up and he even took out the space ring to check it out. It’s a pity that the Master of this ring is obviously not a local tyrant. It should be an ordinary God in Forest God World.

But no matter how ordinary God is, it is also the God of Forest God World. Is his wealth extraordinary?

A pair of Divine Crystals, a lot of Law Source Crystals, a few Lower God devices, a few Divine Sparks, and other miscellaneous things.

“Divine Crystal, close!”

“Law Source Crystal, close!”


Wealth increased by 210000 Divine Crystal!

Although not much, the few 100 Divine Crystals spent before are all earned back!


“System, continue!”

“Ding! Please host the target Plane!”

“Still Forest God World!”

“Ding! Successfully picked up, get 1 Divine Soul Crystal Essence, is it fused?”

“Divine Soul Crystal Essence? Yes, fusion!”

After integrating this Divine Soul Crystal Essence, Monray’s Divine Soul further strengthened, from the Intermediate God Early Stage to the Intermediate God Middle Stage!

“carry on!”

“Ding! Successfully picked up, get an adult Vigorous King Kong Divine Ape corpse!”

“Dodora, what kind of Divine Beast is Vigorous King Kong Divine Ape?”

“Vigorous King Kong Divine Ape? The Divine Beast is quite amazing, the adult King Kong Abyss can tear Intermediate God, which belongs to the Peak Intermediate God beast!”

“Peak Intermediate God beast?”

Monray was a little disappointed, but it was better than nothing. He decisively released the corpse of Vigorous King Kong Divine Ape and absorbed its life force.


A large amount of Life Essence poured into within the body, and the warm current filled the whole body, as if immersed in 70° hot spring water, it was very comfortable.

“Come on! Hope to break through High God Realm in one fell swoop!” Monray secretly encouraged.

The body of the Vigorous King Kong Divine Ape dwindled at a speed visible to naked eye, and Monray’s Divine Body also got a certain degree of strengthening.

But… after all, it failed to break through the barrier and reach the High God Realm. Monray was a little disappointed and had no choice but to continue picking up.

“Ding! Successfully picked up, get 1 Soul Ice Essence, is it fused?”

“Soul Ice Essence? Put it away first!”

“Ding! Successfully picked up and obtained 1 Law fragment. Will it be fused?”


“Ding! Successfully picked up, get 1 High Divine Spark, is it fused?”

“High Divine Spark? Gee, no fusion!”

“Ding! Successfully picked up, get a Nine Heavens God Tree cub!”

“Dodora, what Beast God is Nine Heavens God Tree?”

“Nine Heavens God Tree, a very rare thunderwood double attribute Divine Beast, is comparable to Demi-God at birth and High God as adult!”

“Good things, raise them first!”

“Ding! Successfully picked up, get 1 Wood Nether Ginseng Sovereign!”

“Wood Nether Ginseng Sovereign, a kind of divine medicine with amazing value, life and death, flesh and bones, even if High God is seriously injured, only a Wood Nether Ginseng Sovereign can recover completely!”

“Good stuff, put it away!”

“Ding! Pick up successfully…”

Next, Monray picked up more than 20 times in Forest God World. There were a lot of treasures, but after all, they failed to pick up the treasure that helped Monray break through High God.

No way, change the target Plane.

Monray locked Netherworld.

“Ding! Successfully picked up and obtained Fallen Angel Bloodline, is it fused?”

“No fusion!”

“Ding! Pick up successfully and get 1 Soul Race Soul Spark. Is it fused?”

“Soul Race? Soul Spark? What a thing?”

“Soul Race, one of the Netherworld High Level Hades, is born comparable to Demi-God, and the mature Soul Race is comparable to High God!”

Dodora introduced: “Soul Spark is the core of Soul Race, which is equivalent to Divine Spark of Void Gods and Demonic Spark of Demon. In fact, it is Divine Spark!”

“so that’s how it is !”

The coercion emitted by this Soul Spark is very terrifying, and the High Divine Spark just picked up, it should be a high-level Soul Spark!

The upper Soul Spark is certainly amazing in value. As long as it is integrated, it can become a High God, but Monray will not ruin its future.

“Ding! Pick up successfully and get 1 cub of Hell Cerberus!”

“Hell Cerberus… cub?”

Monray thoughts move, and a cute puppy appeared in front of him. It looked a bit like a Husky just full-term, a fat, cute, dead person.

It’s a pity that this product is shrouded in black red flames and exudes terrifying heat. If ordinary people dare to approach it, they will burn to ashes!

“Good dog!”

Monray fell in love with this Little Brat at a glance, and couldn’t help but reach out and touched Little Brat’s dog’s head. It was fluffy and felt good.

But the next second…


The puppy bit on Monray’s hand and moved towards Monray grinning, making an angry wu wu sound, obviously not wanting Monray to touch its dog’s head.

“It’s pretty strong!”

Monray hehe smiled, grabbed the puppy by the neck and lifted it up, “Isn’t it Hell Cerberus, why there is only one head?”

“Wang wang wang~ ~~~”

The puppy grinned and moved towards Monray with a bark. He didn’t explain to Monray at all, and Monray didn’t care. He turned his hand and took out a bone.


The puppy was immediately attracted, his small eyes fixed on the bones, and the dreadlocks. Is it different from the native dog raised in the former Aristocratic Family of Monray?

“It seems that no matter what kind of dog, they have a soft spot for bones. I have a way to deal with you!”

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