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Dozens of black lances shot into the space vortex, and the sound of Ice Demon Prefecture Lord mournful scream was heard from the thick ice wall.

Immediately afterwards, the ice wall suddenly dissipated, and the abdomen of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord was wrapped by Netherworld Divine Fire, and spread to other parts as wild Inferno Blazing Praire.


Ice Demon Prefecture Lord turn pale with fright, the whole body was cold and shocked, and the flame in the abdomen was instantly shaken up by half, but there are still many Netherworld Divine Fires sticking to the body like tarsal maggots.

“Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, don’t struggle in vain, your Fate is doomed!” Monray faintly smiled, and black lance shot out at the same time.

“Puff puff puff ——”

At this time, the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord could not resist, black lance blasted on it, and then turned into a raging flame and burned frantically.


The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord instantly turned into a fire man. It frantically agitated within the body demonic energy and wanted to expel and shook the Netherworld Divine Fire, but… useless!

In just a few breaths, the increasingly fierce fire completely engulfed it.

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord sent out mournful scream, just like a ghost from Hell crying, and hearing all Demon have one’s hair stand on end, it was terrifying!

“Sir Prefecture Lord… lost?”

10000000 Ice Demon Prefecture Guard’s body trembled, and he couldn’t believe the scene before him.

They are invincible in their eyes, and the most powerful Sir Prefecture Lord of Ice Demon Prefecture… lost?

“It is unbelievable that the Sir Prefecture Lord was defeated by him!”

The Demon God and Great Demon God who were watching the battle also had complicated eyes, and their faces were incredible.

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord has sat firmly in the position of the Prefecture Lord for 410000 years. During this period, he encountered countless challenges and won many battles. However, today, he finally lost!

“The sky of Ice Demon Prefecture… has changed! From now on, the entire Ice Demon Prefecture will be his world!”


The screams of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord continue, the terrifying Netherworld Divine Fire continues to burn, and little by little burns its Demon Body to ashes. The pain is self-evident, even as the Ice of the Middle Level Great Demon God Demon Prefecture Lord is also unbearable!

“Monray, congratulations!”

Dodora smiled and said: “From now on, you will be the new Perfecture Lord of this Ice Demon Prefecture!”


Monray laughed and glanced at the surrounding Demon God, Great Demon God, and Ice Demon Prefecture Guard. Then, it was time to enjoy the fruits of victory.

“Rao … Rao Ming!”

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord finally couldn’t bear it, and hissed for mercy: “Let… let me go! I… I’m willing to minister… acknowledge allegiance!”

“acknowledge allegiance ?”

Monray shook his head: “It’s late!”


The hatred in the heart of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, it dignified Middle Level Great Demon God sincerely begged for forgiveness allegiance, Monray actually refused, it was bully intolerably!

“Don’t let me live, you can’t think about it, die with me, bastard!”

With a hysterical roar of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, the huge Demon Body suddenly inflated, like an inflated balloon!

“Not good! It wants Self-destruction!”

Seeing this, more than a dozen Great Demon Gods who watched the battle turned their heads and ran away!

The 10000000 Ice Demon Prefecture Guard and the onlookers Demon God were so scared that they turned their heads and fled away, only to hate that they had lost two legs.

However, they were slower after all. With a boom, the body of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord exploded, as if 1100000000 hydrogen bombs suddenly exploded.

“Booming -“

The void instantly shattered, exploding a huge black hole, and the black hole was expanding at a terrifying speed, quickly expanding to a radius of one million li.

The Ice Demon City below is unlucky!

The black hole swallowed buildings, swallowed Demon, swallowed streets, swallowed forests… swallowed everything that could be swallowed!

World in this brief moment The world in this brief moment has completely lost the sound, the color, the vitality, and the vitality. You can only see an expanding black hole filling the field of vision.

I don’t know how long it has been, the expanding black hole finally stopped. A few minutes later, the black hole completely disappeared and the sky was clear again.

However, when the surviving Great Demon God saw everything in front of him, they were all stunned.

I saw in the center of boundless Ice Demon City, a huge deep crater with an area of ​​10,000,000 li appeared. The deep crater is like a meteorite impact crater. There is no life, no living thing, only charred soil and burnt glass rocks.

As for the 10000000 Ice Demon Prefecture Guard suspended in the sky, as well as many Demon Gods, and even countless Demons on the earth, they all disappeared!

“How… how could this be?”

A Great Demon God looked a little dull. The Ice Demon Prefecture Guard was dead, and the center of Ice Demon City became a deep pit. How many Demons died just now?

How many Demon died?

Monray didn’t know, he was very upset now, very upset, Ice Demon Prefecture Lord self-destructed, it was not that he killed himself, the money he got…no!

What kind of me grass is this?

“A Middle Level Great Demon God comparable to the High God Middle Stage, how much do I have to lose?”

Monray felt that his heart was bleeding, and he was a little worried. The explosion just enveloped the Prefecture Lord Mansion. Is the treasure house of the Prefecture Lord Mansion okay?

Monray looked at the huge pit with a diameter of 10000000 million kilometers, and couldn’t help sinking. The Prefecture Lord’s mansion was bombed out. The chance of surviving the treasure house…

“Dodora, why didn’t you stop it from Self-destruction just now?” Monray complained.

“Stop? Are you able to get on!”

Dodora said ill-humoredly: “Middle Level Great Demon God Self-destruction, who can stop? I don’t have the ability, it would be nice to be able to save my life!”

Monray twitched his lips and quickly walked towards the Teleportation in the center of the giant pit. There was nothing in the giant pit, not to mention the Perfect Lord Mansion. There was not even one ant.

The treasure house is probably bode ill rather than well…

“Dodora, quickly help find the treasure house of the Perfecture Lord’s Mansion!” Monray urged immediately.

He can only hope that the treasure house is located in another Semi-Plane instead of in the Perfecture Lord’s mansion, otherwise, it is really all in vain.


Dodora agreed, and then released divine sense to find it, Monray is also looking for it.


Not here!

Not over there!

Not in the east!

Not to the west!

“Hey? What is that?”

Suddenly, Dodora gave a faint sound, beckoned, and photographed a white crystal from the soil, which exudes a palpitating pressure.

“This aura…”

Dodora suddenly laughed: “Monray, I found Demonic Spark from Ice Demon Prefecture Lord!”

“Demonic Spark?”

Monray was shocked, and even caught the Demonic Spark to check it out. Sure enough, he sensed the Divine Soul aura of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord from it. Monray was overjoyed, and the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord was not dead!

“Although the destructive power of Self-destruction is huge, Demonic Spark is the condensate of magic power, Divine Soul, and Law. It is indestructible, and Self-destruction is indestructible!”

Dodora explained with a smile.

Monray was nodded again and again, then released the divine sense and penetrated into the Demonic Spark, and started to probe. The Demonic Spark is intact. The Divine Soul of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord must be fine, at most falling asleep.

Sure enough, with Monray’s investigation, the Divine Soul of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord gradually regained consciousness, and suddenly uttered a monstrous hatred and crazy roar: “bastard! You forced me to Self-destruction, destroy my Demon Body, even if I fall into Nine Hells, I will not let you go!”

“Hehe! Just be fine if you don’t die!”

Monray licked his lips, the strength of Divine Soul surged out, and began to rush the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord’s Divine Soul frantically to kill it completely.

For God Demon God, Divine Soul is the root. Divine Soul is immortal and cannot be regarded as death. Only the soul flew away and scattered is the real death!

Therefore, Monray has to kill Ice Demon Prefecture Lord again!


The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord roared in pain, but without the Demon Body, its Divine Soul was like water without roots, unable to withstand Monray’s attack, and gradually began to collapse.


“Ding! Kill 1 head of Ice Demon and get 62 million Divine Crystal!”

“Haha, you should be rewarded for your efforts, which is very comfortable!”

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