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Crazy earning 62 million Divine Crystal, not only made up for the 100010000 Divine Crystal spent on strengthening Netherworld Divine Fire, but also earned 520010000 Divine Crystal!

One word: so cool!

“There is also the Ice Demon Prefecture treasure house, which must be found! The life accumulation of a Middle Level Great Demon God, how rich should it be?”

Monray asked Dodora to continue searching, and he began to read the Divine Soul fragments of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord.

Not to mention that the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord knows the specific location of the treasure house, its memory alone is a rich treasure, and it must be a soul search.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

With continuous reading, the memory of Ice Demon Prefecture Lord flashed through his mind like a movie, and Monray quickly received it.

After more than an hour, the soul search finally ended, Monray couldn’t help but long spits out one mouthful of impure air, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Dodora, have you found it?”

Monray asked slightly jokingly.

“Find a fart, there is no clue!” Dodora complained unhappy.

“Hahaha, it’s normal if you don’t find it!”

Monray said with a laugh: “The treasure house of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord is not here at all!”

“not here?”

Dodora was stunned: “Where is that?”

“Ice Demon Prefecture Lord usually does not at all stay in the Prefecture Lord’s mansion, but lives secluded in Ice Demon Snow Mountain all the year round, training on the top of Extreme Cold Snow Mountain!”

Monray explained: “All its treasures, collections, and wealth are also stored in Ice Demon Snow Mountain!”

“Where is Ice Demon Snow Mountain?”

Dodora asked again.

“follow me!”

Monray smiled slightly and was about to leave with Dodora. However, at this moment, more than a dozen Great Demon Gods who had been watching the game suddenly gathered around.

Monray raised his brows. What are they trying to do? profiting from somebody’s misfortune?

It turns out that Monray thinks too much. After these Great Demon Gods fly over, they respectfully salute: “I have seen Sir Prefecture Lord!”

It turned out to be good!

Monray slightly nodded: “Don’t be polite!”

“Sir Prefecture Lord cultivation base profound, defeating Kado to become the new Prefecture Lord, is the blessing of the entire Ice Demon Prefecture, and also the blessing of waiting for me!”

A Great Demon God said respectfully: “Sir Prefecture Lord, if you have any instructions, please also ask for instructions. I will definitely striving to the utmost, after death!”

Other Great Demon Gods are also perverted and willing to become Monray’s pawns and serve Monray.

“very good!”

Monray is very satisfied with the attitude of these Great Demon Gods, said with a smile: “This Prefecture Lord is born to love money, especially for treasures such as Law Source Crystal and Divine Crystal! If you are free, you can Search for more of these treasures for this Prefecture Lord!”

All the Great Demon God heard the words, there was a sentence in my heart that MMP didn’t know if it should be said that it was inappropriate, we showed you good, just casually stated that’s all, not really to serve you!

Thank you, you actually ordered us to come. Are you ignorant of human relationships or do you really regard yourself as a Perfecture Lord?

Great Demon Gods are slanderous in their hearts. To be honest, the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord has never ordered them during his tenure. Good luck!

“By the way, one more thing, 3 days later, it coincides with the 25th birthday of this Prefecture Lord!”

Monray continued: “This birthday feast will bother you all. If you are not satisfied or the birthday gift does not suit the prefecture Lord’s wishes, this prefecture lord will go crazy!”

After that, Monray took Dodora and left, leaving only a group of bewildered Great Demon Gods.

3 days later, your 25th birthday?

25th birthday?

Go lie to you!

Why are you not hundreds thousand years old? My last name is yours!

“What is he trying to do?”

The face of a Great Demon God is ugly.

“Clearly want to search treasure!”

“Such a red fruit, this bastard is more greedy than Kado…”


“Ice Demon Snow Mountain is located in the west of Ice Demon Prefecture, with an altitude of 1286000 kilometers. It is covered with snow all the year round, which is very suitable for the survival of the Ice Demon family!”

“Ice Demon Prefecture Lord stays in Ice Demon Snow Mountain training all year round, there is the best place for it!”

The 2 people chatted all the way, and it took only half a day to arrive at Ice Demon Snow Mountain. The rolling white mountain range is like countless Frost Dragons crawling on the mountains and rivers, majestic and magnificent.

Among the countless Snow Mountain groups, an extremely majestic Snow Mountain stands in the white mountain range like a crane in a flock of chickens. It is extremely tall, much higher than the ordinary Snow Mountain.

This Snow Mountain is exactly Ice Demon Snow Mountain!

Ice Demon Snow Mountain has been obscured from the middle of the mountain by clouds and mist, like Immortal Realm, independent of the secular, sacred, high-level, and majestic.

The two people went through the clouds and went all the way up. It took half an hour and finally came to the top of Ice Demon Snow Mountain, where there was no cloud.

The sky is blue as a mirror, all around there is nothing. On the top of Snow Mountain stands a towering ice palace, which is the bedroom of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord.


Monray’s heart could not help speeding up a bit, reading the memory of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, he deeply knew how rich the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord was!

Ice Demon Prefecture is very big, very big, and its territory is as big as 10000 Firmament Continent.

Ice Demon Prefecture Lord sits firmly in the position of Ice Demon Prefecture Prefecture Lord for more than 410000 years and collects massive tributes every year!

It can be imagined how much wealth has it accumulated over the past 410000 years?

Monray already impatient wants to open the treasure trove of Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, feasting his eyes.


An angry roar sounded abruptly: “Who? Dare to break into the Ice Demon Temple!”

Monray was stunned. Only then did he discover that there was a pair of wings tied to the door of the Ice Temple, which looked like a giant python made of ice. Its huge body was coiled together. The green snake eyes stared at Monray, and the eyes flashed faintly. Cold mang.

“Nine Nether Sky Devouring Python!”

Monray recognized the identity of this python at a glance. It was the Divine Beast, a guard house that the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord caught to guard the temple. It was comparable to the ordinary Great Demon God, and it was extremely powerful.

“Archibald!” Monray looked towards Nine Nether Sky Devouring Python and said: “The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord is dead, and now your new Master is standing in front of you!”

“What are you talking about? Master is dead?”

Nine Nether Sky Devouring Python shocked the python body, and the eyes of a pair of snake pupils were full of incredible colors:

“Damn! You lied! How could the Master die? Master is Lord of a Prefecture and Middle Level Great Demon God, who can kill it?”

“I killed!”

Monray indifferently said: “I killed the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, and Ice Demon Prefecture has become my bag, including the wealth of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord is also mine! For the sake of your caretaker Demon God Temple, I will give you a way to survive: submit to me!”

“Master is so powerful, how can he be killed? You dare to swindle me!”

Nine Nether Sky Devouring Python angry roar opened his mouth in the blood basin and bit towards Monray.

“act recklessly !”

Monray frowned, stretched out his hand a little, and a cold flash of light purple shot out from his fingers, instantly hitting Nine Nether Sky Devouring Python.

“Ka-cha 嚓——”

Nine Nether Sky Devouring Python started with a big mouth and was frozen all the way. After a while, its huge python body turned into a light purple ice lump.

“Nine Nether Mysterious Ice! This is Nine Nether Mysterious Ice!”

Dodora was a little surprised: “Fuck, how did you use Frozen God Race’s signature Divine Ability?”

“I accidentally awakened Frozen God Race Bloodline the other day!” Monray explained with a smile.


Dodora didn’t know what to say, and couldn’t help but sighed: “Now you, really have a lot of powerful Bloodline in one body!”

“Godeater Rat Bloodline, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline, Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline, Frozen God Race Bloodline, and Ancient Life Tree Bloodline!”

“Pervert! You are a pervert!”

“thank you!”

Monray haha ​​smiled and walked straight to the Ice Demon Temple, Dodora quickly followed.

Pushing away the Ice Temple, the inside is empty, but the Ice Element is so rich that it is almost as solid as the essence, very suitable for training.

In the center of the temple, there is a giant magic array. Monray knows that this magic array leads to Plane, the treasure house of the Lord of Ice Demon Prefecture.


Monray activates the magic array, and then instantly disappears in place with Dodora, and when they reappear, they come to another world!

At a glance, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, pure white snow and ice fields everywhere, but there is no wind, the entire world is quiet and terrible!

The entire Semi-Plane has only Law of Ice and Ice Element elements, which is an ice element Semi-Plane!

“Monray, where is the treasure of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord?” Dodora 4 looked around and asked curiously.

“Don’t be in the sky, close at hand!”

Monray waved his big hand, and the snow under his feet rose into the air, revealing not the bare ground, but densely packed boxes.

These boxes carved from solid ice sculpture are shining with cold glow. Through the almost transparent ice wall, you can see the five-color treasures and brilliant luster. The treasures of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord are packed in the box. In!


Dodora lowly cried, his little wings flashed suddenly, and he opened a refrigerator, and the pure Divine Soul fluctuations suddenly bloomed in the box, which was actually a box of Divine Soul Crystal Essence.

A box full of Divine Soul Crystal Essence!

Monray has also obtained Divine Soul Crystal Essence before, but they have been picked up one by one. When have you seen a box of Divine Soul Crystal Essence?

In an instant, Monray’s eyes straightened: “Ok… a lot of Divine Soul Crystal Essence!”

“Divine Soul Crystal Essence is an extremely scarce resource. Generally, High God doesn’t have much savings, so much is accumulated here!”

Dodora was a little shocked.

“Good stuff! Put it away quickly!”

Monray put away this box of Divine Soul Crystal Essence, then waved his sleeves, each and everyone refrigerator was opened, and the same treasure came into view.

“So many Law Source Crystal?”

“Close it! Put it away!”

“This is Divine Crystal!”

“Receipt and receive!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

Boxes of Law Source Crystal disappeared out of thin air!

Boxes of Divine Crystal disappeared out of thin air!

Monray’s wealth has begun a new round of rapid growth, and when it stops increasing, it has reached an astonishing 3100000000 976010000 Divine Crystal!

“Earned! Earn a lot today!”

Monray muttered excitedly, and the whole person was incoherent with excitement.

“Don’t giggle, look at this!”

Seeing Monray look like a nouveau riche, Dodora couldn’t help but shouted.


Monray flew over. This is a box of multi-colored crystals, exuding surging Law power. Needless to say, it must be Law fragments.

But this box of Law Shards and the Law Shards collected by Monray before…completely different!

“This is a fragment of Fusion Law!”

Dodora’s eyes burned: “Two colors represent the fragments of Fusion Law of Two Elements, 3 colors represent fragments of Fusion Law of Three Elements, and 4 colors represent four elements!”

“Of course, there are very few 4-color Law fragments, almost none!”

“Fusion Law Fragment!”

Monray’s eyes lit up.

He doesn’t pay attention to the fragments of Fusion Law of Two Elements. He doesn’t remember how many fragments of Fusion Law of Two Elements he has merged!

He values ​​three elements and four elements!

Especially four elements!

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