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Three days passed in a flash.

All Demons above the Great Demon King in Ice Demon City are dispatched to the “New Perfecture Lord House” in the center of Ice Demon City to pay respects to the birthday banquet of the new Perfecture Lord!

The new Perfecture Lord speaks, they dare not come!

Besides, they also have their own selfishness. They have not seen the 10000000 Prefecture Guard annihilated. Does the new Perfecture Lord not even have a subordinate?

This is a great opportunity!

If you can win the favor of the new Perfecture Lord and get the respect of the new Perfecture Lord, you will make a lot of money!

Therefore, all Demons who are eligible to participate in the birthday banquet are all dressed up and brought a generous birthday gift, hoping to get what they want.

At this moment, the new Perfecture Lord Mansion.

The so-called new Prefecture Lord Mansion is the Ice Demon temple that Monray moved from the top of Ice Demon Snow Mountain. This temple completely built by Ice Element Demonic Crystal was placed in the center of the giant deep pit by Monray.

Towering and towering.

Solemn and solemn.

Monray sat upright on the divine throne, met with Demon who celebrated his birthday, and looked at their gifts, behaving very tacky.

However, no Demon dared to laugh at him, and even many Demon secretly cheered. Since the new Perfecture Lord likes property so much, it is easy to handle.

“Your birthday gift this Prefecture Lord is very satisfied!”

Monray then looked towards a Flame Demon God: “What is your name, would you like to be the Perfecture Guard?”

“The villain Dewater, I am willing to do the same thing for the Sir Prefecture Lord!” Flame Demon God putong knelt to the ground with a cry, and kowtowed in excitement.


Monray slightly nodded: “You can serve as the Prefecture Guard Captain, so let this Prefecture Lord seal you as the Great Captain of the Great Captain of the Prefecture Guard!”

“Thanks Sir Prefecture Lord, Sir Prefecture Lord, the villain must be loyal, striving to the utmost!”

Flame Demon God named Dewater was so excited that he squatted his head again and again, and the other Demon’s eyes were full of envy when looking at Dewater.

The new Prefecture Guard hasn’t taken shape yet, and they don’t know how to organize it, but from the perspective of the previous Prefecture Guard organization, Dewater can be described as ascending the heavens.

Prefecture Guard is divided into 10 brigade, each brigade is organized by 1000000, the Great Captain of brigade not only command 1000000 Prefecture Guard, but also under the command of Perfecture Lord.

In the entire Ice Demon City, apart from the Perfecture Lord, no one has a higher status than the 10 Great Captains. It can be described as under one person, above ten thousand people!


Monray waved Dewater to sit and wait, looking towards the next Demon.

“I wish Sir Prefecture Lord a holy life!”

The Demon bowed and then respectfully offered his birthday gift. Monray glanced at it and waved his hand impatiently: “Go on!”

“Yes Yes!”

This head of Demon trembling with fear retreated.


In this way, Monray took the trouble to check one by one.

Those who can meet the standard of the birthday gift are allowed to join the Perfecture Guard;

The birthday gift satisfies him and seals Small Captain, Middle Captain, and Great Captain!

Time passed by little by little, unconsciously, 3 days passed, and the Demon who came to celebrate the birthday, Monray was very patient.

There are many birthday gifts offered by Demons, but the accumulation of small amounts results in more. In just 3 days, Monray’s wealth has expanded to 9100000000 Divine Crystal!

“9100000000 Divine Crystal, enough for me to do a lot of things! For example, upgrading Divine Body to High God Late Stage! Another example, upgrading many Divine Ability!”

Monray cheered more than once: “tsk tsk, it feels so cool to lie down and collect money!”


Just as Monray elated was receiving the birthday gift, an indifferent shout, like thunder and explosion, suddenly sounded over Ice Demon City.

“Where is the Ice Demon Prefecture Prefecture Lord?”

“what sound?”

“Could someone challenge the Sir Prefecture Lord?”


As soon as this sound came out, all the evil Demonic Capital in Ice Demon City was alarmed. Each and everyone looked up at the sky, with a look of panic and worry on their faces.

In the first battle a few days ago, countless scenes of the tragic deaths of Demon, including 10000000 Prefecture Guard, were still vivid, and there were challenges. Who wouldn’t panic?

“I just became the Perfecture Lord for a few days, and someone came to find fault? Very good!”

Monray instantly disappeared on the divine throne. When he reappeared, he had come to the sky above Ice Demon City and saw the Demon looking for him.

“who are you?”

Monray looked at Demon in front of him, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he felt a very familiar aura from the person in front of him.

“and who are you?”

The visitor looked at Monray, frowned slightly, and his face showed dissatisfaction: “This King is looking for the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, not you!”

“Sorry, I am the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord!” Monray flicked his fingers and said indifferently.

“You are the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord? A joke!”

Here comes coldly snorted: “If this King remembers correctly, the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord seems to be Perfecture Lord Kado, is it the head Ice Demon Great Demon God?”

“That was the old calendar how many years ago!” Monray shook his head: “Kado was killed by me, and I became the new Perfecture Lord of Ice Demon Prefecture!”

“You killed Kado?”

The incoming person changed color slightly, and there was a touch of shock in the gaze looking towards Monray.

Nether Demon Kingdom 108 houses are the most powerful house in each house, Middle Level Great Demon God is the bottom line!

For countless years, the Perfecture Lord of the 108 House has often encountered various challenges, but there are very few people who can really challenge success…

Monray actually succeeded and killed the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord. How strong is he?

Come look at Monray again, the attitude is much better, not to mention that the lord of every house has a lofty status, strength alone is enough to make it look up.

“Let’s talk about it, why are you looking for me? Do you want to challenge me?” Monray indifferently asked.

“Dear Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, I am the special envoy of Demon Country August Hymans Bartholomew Holmes Cyrillic Lawrence Bart Hollis!” The person introduced himself.



“You can call me Envoy Hollis!”

The visitor continued: “Dark Sky will be opened in the middle of next month. I hope that the Perfecture Lord will go to the Demonic Capital on time and have a round with you!”

“Dark Sky?”

Monray was taken aback for a moment, and information about Dark Sky quickly appeared in his mind. He couldn’t help but shake slightly, and then slightly nodded, saying: “I will go to Demonic Capital on time!”

“The news arrives, I will leave first!”

The visitor bowed slightly and left quickly.

“Monray, what is Dark Sky?”

Dodora slightly curiously asked.

Monray took a deep breath and slowly said, “Dodora, have you heard of Boundless Sovereign King?”

“Boundless Sovereign King?”

Dodora shook his body and whispered: “You mean the great being with the same name as Void World Four Rulers?”

“Yes! That’s him!”

Monray is slightly nodded. There are 4 Rulers in the vast universe. They are above all God, Demon, Overgod, and Demon Ancestor. They are the real God above Gods, the magic of the demon.

They are Supreme!

They Ruler around the world!

They are Ruler of Life, Skylord, Supreme Nether God and Death King!

It is no exaggeration to say that Four Rulers is definitely a great existence standing at the top of the pyramid, and also the four most powerful existences in the universe. Overgod is inferior to them!

Boundless Sovereign King can be as famous as Four Rulers, which shows the horror of Boundless Sovereign King, but sadly, Boundless Sovereign King has unexpectedly fallen.

As for how it fell, there are different opinions, but the Boundless Sovereign King did indeed fall.

“Suddenly mention Boundless Sovereign King for what? He has something to do with Dark Sky?” Dodora wondered.

“You should know that Four Rulers emerged from Supreme Heaven and Supreme Netherworld, but this Boundless Sovereign King was born in grassroots!” Monray said.

“This is true!”

Dodora nodded: “When the Boundless Sovereign King was in the world, all his deeds became legends, and he was relished by countless creatures. The rumored Boundless Sovereign King is indeed a grassroots born in the Low Level Plane!”

“According to the memory of Perfecture Lord Kado, the Boundless Sovereign King was also the Plane Lord of the Middle Level Plane before becoming Overgod and even Ruler!”

Monray explained: “The Middle Level Plane behind Dark Sky is the Plane he used to refining, and that Plane is also called Boundless Plane!”

Dodora was stunned.

“I can’t judge whether this news is true or not, but the memory of Perfecture Lord Kado is like this. Even many experts at Nether Continent believe that the Middle Level Plane behind Dark Sky is related to the Boundless Sovereign King!” Monray smiled bitterly.

“So, Dark Sky turned out to be a Space Crack?” Dodora asked with a frown.

“To be precise, it’s Space Gate!”

Monray was a little excited: “Dark Sky will be opened every 310000 years. At that time, all the experts of Nether Continent will gather in front of Dark Sky, and then compete to enter the spot, in order to enter the Boundless Plane!”


Dodora was stunned.

“Dark Sky only allows 36 people to pass through at a time. Once 36 people enter, it will be temporarily closed and no one is allowed to enter!”

Monray sighed: “30,000 years ago, Perfecture Lord Kado went to Dark Sky, but it was of average strength and did not qualify for Dark Sky!”

“Only 36 people are allowed to enter?” Dodora wondered: “How intense is the competition?”

“Yes! The competition is fierce!”

Monray nodded: “The entire Nether Continent has countless Demon Gods participating in the competition, just for these 36 places, you can imagine the fierce competition!”

“It’s really intense!”

Dodora slightly nodded: “Since it is so intense, then Boundless Plane must have an important treasure, otherwise it won’t attract so many Demon Gods!”

“Important treasure? Prefecture Lord Kado hasn’t seen it before, but I heard that someone has picked up Demon Ancestor bones and even Ancestral Demonic Artifact in Boundless Plane!” Monray said.

“Demon Ancestor skeleton? Ancestral Demonic Artifact?”

Dodora was shocked.

Demon Ancestor, equivalent to Overgod!

The skeleton of Demon Ancestor, isn’t it the skeleton of Overgod?

Ancestral Demonic Artifact, isn’t it equivalent to Overgod Artifact?

“If this is the case, Boundless Plane is definitely not simple!”

Dodora took a breath: “Apart from this, is there any other information about Boundless Plane?”

“Boundless Plane is very dangerous. It is said that in addition to Nether Continent, there are powerhouses from Hell, Abyss, Netherworld and other Plane!”

Monray said: “By then, countless powerhouses will gather in Boundless Plane, compete on the same stage, and seek treasure together, Boundless Plane will become extremely dangerous!”

“In addition, there are Boundless Plane native, they are the most terrifying and dangerous!”

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