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The news that Dark Sky is about to open completely disrupted Monray’s plan. He originally planned to challenge the Perfecture Lord of the 108th House over and over again. Now it seems that this plan is obviously going to be stranded!

Boundless Plane, Monray must go.

“Dodora, I need to go back!” Monray thought for a moment.

“go back?”

Dodora raised an eyebrow.

“Every time Dark Sky is turned on and off, it takes at least 20 years. This is too long. I need to handle Firmament Continent properly to leave with peace of mind!” Monray explained.

“It’s really long!”

Dodora slightly nodded.

For Demon and Void Gods, 20 years are just a few seconds away, but for Monray, it can’t be longer. Monray is only in his 20s that’s all.

Subsequently, Monray released the Fallen Angel Avatar to let him continue to collect birthday gifts, while Monray took Dodora and left Ice Demon Prefecture.

One day later, two people returned to Radiant Continent. The old man was surprised. It took only 2 days to leave from Monray. Is Nether Continent done?

“I need to come back if something happens temporarily!”

Monray took out 2 Divine Sparks and more than a dozen Divine Soul Crystal Essences: “Old Dean, these are 2 High Divine Sparks and 16 Divine Soul Crystal Essences, take it!”


The old man trembled and screamed, “Go…High Divine Spark?”

“Well, High Divine Spark, they are a High Divine Spark that combines 3 types of Law and a High Divine Spark that combines 2 types of Law!”

Monray said with a smile: “I will leave them to you, you can decide if you want to integrate them!”

Earlier he gave the old man 5 Lower Divine Sparks. As long as they are all integrated, the old man will have 5 Divine Avatars, which will become Peak Intermediate God!

At this time, as long as the old man can fuse two kinds of Law, it can become High God, fuse three kinds, High God Middle Stage!

and so on!

In other words, even if it integrates with Divine Spark to become an Intermediate God, the old man still has a glimmer of hope to become a High God!

However, if the old man integrates High Divine Spark, he can ascending the heavens to become High God, but the road to training will be completely blocked!

Unless Monray can find a higher-level Overgod Spark to integrate with the old man, otherwise, he will not have any possibility of upgrading!

“And these!”

Monray took out a few High God Artifacts and a bunch of messy treasures: “You hold all of these, you can use them if you need them, I have too many!”

After speaking, he took Dodora and left, leaving only the old man on the spot.


Returning to Firmament Continent, Monray found Chahman and the others, and distributed Divine Spark, Divine Artifact, Divine Soul Crystal Essence, and miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous 8 treasures.

“Divine Spark needs to be integrated and immigrants must hurry up!” Monray exhorted: “I hope that when I come back, the immigration has begun to bear fruit!”

“Definitely worthy of Master’s trust!”

Chahman and the others bowed.


After that, Monray went to Magic Beast Village again.

In the past few years, under the accumulation of a large amount of resources, the villagers of Magic Beast Village have undergone a change in strength of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and even a lot of Sacred Territory has emerged, including Captain Hades, Uncle Leo, Jona, Joseph and Andrew. Number of people.

Old people like Hades still stayed in the village, while youngsters like Jona, Joseph, Andrew, etc. went to Continent to wander around.

Great changes have taken place in the village. The former simple and primitive thatched houses are gone, replaced by new and luxurious buildings.

Moreover, many new faces have appeared in the village, including women who have married into the village, and children who have been born in recent years…

In addition to familiar people, the village has undergone the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Monray feels a little strange, it is really not a human being!

Monray originally wanted to reminisce about the past with Hades and the others, but when he saw the current village, he didn’t have the thought of retelling the past. After throwing out a few Lower Divine Sparks, he prepared to leave quietly.

“Boss, is that you?”

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an excited voice appeared in Monray’s mind.


Monray astonished.

“Boss, it really is you!”

A flash of lightning pierced the sky, and there was already a Magic Beast in front of him. He was ten zhang tall, with wings on his back, but with a body as strong as a giant ape. It was Monray’s first magic pet: Titan Dragon Ape!

“Boss, you are back!” Teddy plunged into Monray’s arms, tears of excitement filled her eyes: “Teddy missed you, boss!”

“Don’t cry, you are now another Magic Beast of Demi-God Level. Why are you crying? Don’t be afraid of being laughed at by Magic Beasts in Magic Beast Forest!”

Monray laughed and teased.

“They dare!” Teddy hummed, “Who dares to laugh at me, and see if I don’t beat it to death!”

“Okay! I know you are great!”

Monray stroked Teddy’s head: “Didn’t you stay in the Imperial Palace before, why are you back to Magic Beast Forest again?”

“Boss, you are often away, Imperial Palace is very boring, I will leave!”

Teddy wrinkled her nose: “I’m Magic Beast, or Magic Beast Forest, I’m comfortable with it! Boss, don’t you know, I am now the Fourth King of Magic Beast Forest, amazing!”

“Fourth King?” Monray raised his eyebrows: “Why not the king?”

“I can’t beat three of them, and can only be the fourth child!” Teddy said with a helplessly face.

“Who are these three?”

Monray asked curiously.

“Skyblue Bullsnake, Titan Giant Ape and Golden Carp!”

Teddy said depressed: “They are the three kings of Magic Beast Forest. Ruler Magic Beast Forest was a long time ago, and they are all gods!”

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray nodded, divine sense could not help but spread, and soon spread to the center of Magic Beast Forest, and saw an endless lake.

On the bottom of the lake stood a ten thousand zhang long azure oxfly, and a crystal clear and near-transparent Golden Carp, exuding pure divine might, which turned out to be Lower God beasts!

In the forest not far from the lake, a ten thousand zhang high orangutan was sleeping on hu hu. The halazi flowed more than ten meters long and it became a waterfall fast!

Monray said with emotion: “Didn’t expect Magic Beast Forest to have such three kings in the center!”

“Boss, what are you muttering?”

Teddy asked suspiciously.

“It’s nothing?”

Monray laughed, took out a High Divine Spark and gave it to Teddy: “Teddy, if you blend these things, you can beat them!”

“this is……”


Leaving Magic Beast Village, Monray went to the underground world again, handed a high-level Soul Spark to the other magic pet…Little Gold, and then went to the new Dragon Island.

After several years, Giant Dragons have settled down on the new Dragon Island. They occupy volcanoes, lakes, deserts, forests… and become nests.

The new Dragon Island has completely become the home of Giant Dragons, can be seen everywhere the soaring Giant Dragon!

As a Dragon Sovereign, Fatty has been very moisturized over the years, ordering 10000 Giant Dragon, sitting on a Continent, life is not ordinary chic.

No, as soon as Monray arrived at the new Dragon Island, he found that a female dragon was rolling the sheets under her weight, and her hoarse cry spread far away.

“This 2 goods!”

Monray was speechless. He popped a High Divine Spark and left. He wanted to recount the old with the fatty, but now he obviously couldn’t.

After doing this, Monray completely lost his worries and came to Demon Canyon again.

“Old Dean, I am leaving, Firmament Continent Plane, please take care of it!”

“Go with peace of mind!”

The old man repeatedly nodded: “As long as I have a breath, no one can think about making trouble in Firmament Continent, I will take care of it!”


Monray slightly nodded, turned and left.

“Smelly brat, must come back!”

Old man shouted.

“rest assured!”

Monray waved his hand, jumped into Space Crack, and came to Nether Continent.

“Everything is done, you can go to Boundless Plane with peace of mind!” Monray looked into the distance: “Go to the capital of the Nether Demon Kingdom first, and round with other Perfecture Lords!”

After reading the memory of Perfecture Lord Kado, Monray naturally knew the way to Demonic Capital, but before leaving, Monray left the Abyssal Bone Dragon Avatar again.

There are Fallen Angel Avatar and Abyssal Bone Dragon Avatar oversee Ice Demon Prefecture, and it should be 10000 without losing.

Moreover, Nether Demon Kingdom has an order. When Dark Sky is opened, it is forbidden to challenge the Perfecture Lord. I think no one should take the opportunity to make trouble.

“Dodora, go!”

After everything was 10000, Monray and Dodora embarked on a journey to Demonic Capital together.

There is not much time until Dark Sky is turned on, Monray can’t be delayed on the road, otherwise he will search all the way.

Even so, Monray is not idle.

“I now own 9.4100000000 Divine Crystal!”

“A lot can be done!”

Monray scanned the attribute panel, looking for options to spend gold. He wanted to increase his strength as much as possible so that he could enter the Boundless Plane.

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <26%>, Fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline [Young], Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline [Young], Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline [Young], Ancient Life Tree Bloodline <23%> , Frozen God Race Bloodline [Infant], Death God Bloodline [Infant])

wealth points: 9.4100000000 Divine Crystal

constitution: Metal Source Divine Body (1%)

Mind: High God (Early Stage)

Divine Power: 200Divine Crystal

Innate Divine Ability: Teleportation, Dark Elementalization, Teleportation, Absolute Zero, Nirvana Rebirth, Lightning Elementalization, Nine Nether Mysterious Ice, Eye of the Death God

Other: some

“Bloodline forget it!”

“Currently, all Bloodlines cannot spend gold!”

“Next is Divine Body!”

“Metal Source Divine Body… To increase the fusion of Metal Source Divine Body by 1%, 10010000 Divine Crystal is required. If it is increased to 100%, 1100000000 Divine Crystal is required!”

“The question is, what is the use of increasing the fusion of Metal Source Divine Body to 100%?”

Monray was lost in thought.

1100000000 Divine Crystal is not a small number. If the fusion degree of Metal Source Divine Body is increased to 100%, it does not help much, you will lose!

Monray hesitated, and then asked: “system, how much Divine Crystal do I need to use [Super Strengthening] Strengthening Divine Body?”

“Ding! The current Divine Body of the host is comparable to the High God Middle Stage, and after strengthening it will be comparable to the High God Late Stage!” system coldly said: “Expected strengthening price: 9100000000 Divine Crystal!”

“9100000000 !!!”

Monray suck in a breath of cold air.

Intermediate God Limit →High God Early Stage, only 30010000 Divine Crystal!

High God Early Stage →High God Middle Stage, need 600010000 Divine Crystal!

High God Middle Stage →High God Late Stage, it needs 9100000000 Divine Crystal!

The price is simply…outrageous! ! !

“too expensive!”

Monray smiled bitterly, and finally chose to improve the fusion of Metal Source Divine Body.


Wealth shrank by 1100000000 instantly!

At the same time, a sharp and unmatched force instantly spread to Monray’s whole body, 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, and every corner of Monray’s body.


Monray was suddenly filled with surging golden light, and the whole person was like a peerless Divine Weapon, full of sharp, solemn killing aura.

This sudden change shocked Dodora. It looked towards Monray with a look of astonishment and lost its voice: “Gold…Metal Source Power!!!”

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